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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Another Week Closer to Summer

Another week done, another week closer to summer.

You read that correctly...I'm already looking forward to summer! Spring is all fine and dandy, but summer is where it's at for me. We did get a taste of spring-like temps this week and that just lit my summer fire.

Anyways, I had a great week of workouts and banked some substantial sweat equity. Here's what went down in my little corner of the universe...

I have been doing double workouts on Mondays, and this week was no exception.  My first workout included several sets of strength moves (arms), 60 total supermans, and my daily 2:30 plank.....all in my carpet slippers with some lovely bed head.
 I had an extended lunch hour, so I got in a couple miles in the sunshine (and may have added in some burpees as well. #nevermissaMonday done.

A rest/recovery day was on tap for Tuesday, but in keeping with the Supermans, Squats, and Twists Challenge, I did 60 squats over my lunch break.

Wednesday...what happens on Wednesdays? Early morning miles, via the #5at5 routine (five miles at 05:00). I met up with my friend, Barb, and our weekly early morning running ritual went well. The temps looked a bit chilly on the weather app, but actually felt a bit like spring.

My Thursday began with some time on the stairs. I am switching things up with my Fight for Air Climb training this year by adding in various HIIT components. 

This week's circuit involved:
*15 supermans
*10 flights of double steps
*10 burpees
*5 flights of single steps

---> four sets netted me 70 total supermans (I did an extra set of 10 for a "cool-down"), 40 burpees, and 60 total flights of stairs climbed. Whew. 

Although I'm designating Fridays as rest/recovery days, I did do a few squats (per the SST Challenge mentioned above). How do 70 squats sound as a "welcome to Friday" endeavor?

Long-run-Saturday had eight miles on the roster. I have been staying up far too late (courtesy of the Olympics), so my body was moving in slow-mo when the alarm went off. Once I got outside, and on the road, everything felt fine. I met Barb at our spot and we got our miles done without much effort (and that's just the way I love those long runs to play out).

I had every intention of doing my recovery run early Sunday morning, but when I took Max out for a short walk, I quickly decided to post-pone my run until after church. With the unusually warm afternoon temps on Saturday (which, ironically, followed the crazy heavy snow that had fallen just after I'd returned from my 8-miler), there was black ice everywhere. No bueno. The afternoon temps were forecasted to be in the low 50's, and those sounded much more desirable and safe.

Spoiler: #missionaccomplished The hubby even wanted to join me for my run (he's also doing the Leprechaun Chase 10K on March 10th...and has not done any running in several months). When we returned home after those two miles in the warmer temps, Max was ever so excited to see us. Does it get any better?
Image may contain: 2 people, outdoor

All in all, it was an interesting week (in terms of weather), but I'm happy with everything. I was able to do every run outside, and my total miles (Monday-Sunday) totaled out at 17. I can really feel a difference in my waist and hips from all of these extra challenge exercises (and probably from the continued burpees). Life is good!

In case you missed them, here's the other posts from last week:
Can you say SNOW???
2018 Red Flannel Run recap
Shall We Train?

In other news:
Last Wednesday was Valentine's Day? Did you celebrate?
From the hubby 
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post on Instagram? The temps were cold (and windy), so I pulled out a couple of my hand-knit favorites....A mini poncho and a berry-colored infinity scarf. The poncho is made with a wool-blend yarn, so it's especially cozy. The scarf has several strands of yarn woven into a large-stitch pattern...making it warm but not the least bit bulky. Every Friday, I feature an outfit and I'd LOVE for you to play along and share an outfit, too. Use the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and give me a tag (@runningonthefly). Even though we're all fitness-minded peeps, it's fun to see each other in street clothes, right?

Finally, as mentioned above, I'm doing the Supermans, Squats, and Twists Challenge (hosted by Rachel). Although the numbers look a little intense, the daily stuff literally takes minutes to do. Not a huge investment time-wise,but the rewards are feeling good! 

Last week's exercises:
Monday - 60 supermans
Tuesday - 60 squats
Wednesday - 60 Russian twists
Thursday - 70 supermans
Friday - 70 squats
Saturday - 70 Russian twists

 So, that's a wrap. The days are getting longer, the weather is progressively warming up, and we are getting that much closer to summer. Yes, life is, indeed, quite good!

Talk to me! Are you eager for warmer weather, too? Have you kick-started your training for any spring events? Have you been staying up later than usual to watch the Olympics?

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us! 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. The warmer weather this week definitely made me feel like spring is right around the corner! Usually here in Maryland we skip right from winter to summer, so we'll see what happens. Great job with your workouts this week!

    1. We had a taste of everything on Saturday...it was kind of spring-like for my run, then we had a heavy (but brief) snowfall in the late morning, then the temps climbed into the high 40's in the afternoon and it felt almost like summer. CRAZY.

  2. Oh I just love that your husband wants to run with you. No such luck over here! Loving the warmer temps over here too

    1. ha ha....well, the husband NEEDS to get his run on...he's gonna be sucking air on March 10th if he doesn't get a few more miles under his shoes LOL

  3. Your husband sounds a bit like my dad, he doesn't run for months and then decides to go out a run a few miles a few days before a race..haha. But at least your husband it starting earlier!

    Since I keep forgetting to participate in your #FridayFashionFlair, my goal is to post at least once a month. You'll have to remind me to post this Friday since it will be the last one in February!

    What are Supermans and Russian Twists?

    1. Supermans...you lay on your stomach and lift your arms and legs off of the floor for a few seconds (works your back and hamstrings). Russian twists...sit with feet slightly elevated off the floor and twist from side-to-side (I usually hold some kind of weight)...this works your core like nothing else!

  4. YES! Give me all the warm weather and sunshine!!!

    That stair workout sounds like it was pretty brutal. My kind of workout. :)

  5. Honestly, I'm not looking forward to warmer weather. At least, not until it's hot enough for water skiing and I'm on a running down season. It's been warm and muggy here all week. I just can't breathe in it. Great job this week in keeping up with the challenge and running outside. I'm not sure 70 squats would go in the "rest" category for me. LOL You are a beast! Thanks for linking.

    1. If we had the intense heat and humidity in Iowa as you get to enjoy, I'd probably be a little less enthusiastic for it as well. I'm kind of a strange breed, though, the heat/humidity doesn't annoy me as much as it does others ;-) #thankful

  6. I actually enjoy ALL the seasons and especially spring. I love the transition from winter, the blooming and blossoming of colors, the birds singing--just about everything!

    Have a great week and it is supposed to warm up!

    1. I enjoy all seasons for various reasons, as well, but summer is hands-down still my favorite

  7. Hahha YES I am looking forward to summer too! I did the FFAC one year in Milwaukee - it's a fun event!

    1. This will be my 6th Climb in Des Moines, and I did Chicago a few years ago ;-)

  8. I can't wait for spring! Spring and fall are my two favorite seasons. And I'm totally loving the Olympics. I haven't been able to stay up late because I get up so early for work but it's always on when we are home.

    1. The Olympics are totally messing with my sleep....and I'm usually a night owl to begin with

  9. I think we're all up too late watching the winter olympics - but doesn't it make you like winter more? I am NOT ready for summer yet. Luckily I'm pretty sure it will be a little while ....

    1. Well, I do like winter, I just do not love it...and by the end of February, I'm ready to move on to warmer things LOL The Olympics are fascinating to me because it showcases sports I'll never do

  10. Our felt so great today, I want spring to get here. I didn't even have to wear layers when I went to the grocery store this morning!

  11. I usually do double workouts on Mondays too. I have the day off tomorrow and I'm so excited to knock it all out at one time!

    1. ...and I was so tired when I got up this morning, my double-workout day will be a single-workout day now LOL

  12. I think it's awesome that you do two workouts a day on Mondays - I can barely get through one workout on a Monday lol

    1. Stay tuned, Kim...only one workout for me today. The Olympics are kicking my buttocks LOL

  13. It's feeling more and more like spring! I'm loving the growing daylight. I'm totally burning the midnight oil watching the Olympics.

  14. I love hearing that your runs with Barb fly by. That's what I always loved about running with my girl friends. It is getting warmer here...already back in shorts and tank tops on my runs.

    1. Our run on Saturday seemed especially easy...and the temps were moderately cold (?), but the air felt kind of balmy like it does in the spring.

  15. I am a summer baby too and we are getting ever so close. Despite the up and down temps your week pretty fun and diverse. Did he have to twist your arm too hard to get you to sign up? Haha Hoping you have another great week!

    1. I do love summer the best ;-) Living in Iowa, we get a taste of all four seasons, and I"m glad winter is on the way outta here LOL

  16. I tape the Olympics & watch them the next day. Even when I'm healthy, I simply can't stay up that late. Not happening.

    Summer isn't my jam, unless it's sunny, 80, and no humidity. Which doesn't usually happen. Even though summers here are soooooo much better than summers in TX, we do tend to be humid (just not TX-humid, aside from a few days here & there).

    However, with more birdsong going on and the longer days, I'm definitely feeling more happy. December & January just do me in. Every single year.

    1. Our December was manageable, but January was bitterly cold. February has been warmer, but definitely has had the most snow. IT's been all over the place LOL

  17. Love your post title. I hate winter.

    Love warmth and sunshine. Just makes me happy.

    I started great on that challenge but supermans just did me in!

    1. The supermans are getting more difficult for me...which makes no sense.

  18. Another great week of workouts for you! I’m ready for summer too even though we melt down here it’s so hot!

    1. I'm just ready for consistently warm weather....I'm totally alright with summer heat and humidity if it means no more snow or ice.

  19. Your posts really motivate me! Keep it up! I cannot wait for the weather to get nicer!!!

  20. Great week! We had snow this weekend but the forecast has temps in the 60s this week - I'm giddy!

  21. I had a chuckle with your title! I love winter but we haven't had a very good one here. I just wish it would either be winter or move on to spring and SUMMER!!! Great job with your challenge!

  22. Nope, nope, nope to summer! I do feel for you with the extreme winter you've had, but the idea of 110 degrees so soon makes me, well, hot!

  23. I've barely watched any of the Olympics! I just don't have time in the evenings for any TV really! Ugh!

    I am trying to catch up on the Supermans, Squats and Twists challenge. I need to be better about finding these challenges when they start and not halfway through the month. Whoops.

    We celebrated Valentine's Day a little late - midweek dates are harder with school and activities, so we didn't mind postponing.

  24. We have had such wild weather too! My Thursday run was warm, Saturday was cold and we ended up with snow, and now today we're supposed to get up to 70 degrees! You had an awesome week - I need to keep up with your stair climb workouts for some inspiration...my stair climb is a little over a month away!

  25. Your husband got you some absolutely beautiful flowers. Lilies are one of my favorite flowers.

    The weather here has also been quite the roller coaster. I'm currently looking out the window to a beautiful sunny 70 degree afternoon and I'm stuck inside. Ugh!

  26. You are always so inspiring on Instagram, love all the pictures!! Summer is right around the corner and I can't wait!!!
