About Me

Monday, September 28, 2020

Running Mistakes...Anyone?

Running mistakes? 

Yes, I've made a few (actually several, but who's counting?).

The thing with mistakes, running or otherwise, is they are part of the process. If we did everything perfect all the time, I question just how much we'd actually learn.

Care to hear a few of mine?

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Rewinding back to Summer

I'm all about Summer.

The temps. The sunshine. The warm breeze(s). The proverbial "glistening and glowing" following an outdoor workout. It's all good, and thankfully, there was plenty of it this past week. 

Even though we are now on the dark side of the Autumnal Equinox, and the daylight is decreasing on the daily, this past week gave me a brief rewind back to Summer. You can bet I was outside, enjoying every last minute of it.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

stress fracture 'fessions


Please forgive me, dear runners. It's been 42 days since my last run..

I wish I could have been running this past month, and I wish I was #runfessing about it now. But I am gonna break stride (see what I did there?) and share some #StressFractureFessions this go-round. After all, this stress fracture has been my reality since August 19th, when it was first diagnosed.

Anyways, shall we begin?

Monday, September 21, 2020

All Fueled Up with SiS

Disclaimer: I received a supply of Science In Sport gels to review as part of being a Bibrave Pro. Learn more about becoming a Bibrave Pro (ambassador), and check out Bibrave.com to review, find, and write race reviews.

Ever find a product that felt like a perfect fit, right from the start?

As a runner, I had my go-to brand of gels that I used for fuel. I used them for many training runs and races, for many years, with never any glitches. I don't know if their formula(s) changed, or if my body chemistry (for lack of a better metaphor) was altered...but in recent years, those gels were no longer compatible with me or my fitness needs.

It felt like starting over when I began my quest for a new fuel. You know the drill...trial and error with various other forms of fuel (different gels, chews, powders), some with water (and some without), before running (or during a run). Yadda Yadda Yadda.

I had tried the SiS gels a couple years ago, and was really excited to try some new varieties. Let me sum this up in four words...These Gels Are Great!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Riding Through the Last of Summer

Yikes. Where, oh where, did my summer go? 

Oh, yeah...I've spent the last five weeks sans running, power-walking or stair-climbing. The daylight has dramatically diminished. And, the temps are flirting with a fall-like crispness. That's not all bad, but ugh. It's definitely not summer anymore. 

This past week brought back some much-missed sunshine, and the rain stayed away. I was able to #optoutside on a daily basis, so I really cannot complain.

Monday, September 14, 2020


Confession...I never had much of a need for speed.

Although I've been a runner for the past 15 years, speedwork only made an appearance in recent years. In all honesty, it still isn't much of a priority.

Although it is exciting to set new PR's, I have never based my love of running on how fast I could go. Frankly, I'm kind of a klutzy and awkward athlete. Running fast does not come easy for me, nor do I look especially graceful or svelte in attempting to do so.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

"Raining" It In

Things turned rather cold and damp this week.

We're talking rain, wind, and unseasonably cold temps, almost on a daily basis. Long sleeves, leggings/tights, and gloves were pretty much standard on the bike rides this week. There were a few days where even a headband (over my ears) was necessary. 

It's technically still summer for another week, but Momma N certainly got this week's weather wrong.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Not My Usual DAM to DSM

For everything there is a season...

...and for every challenging circumstance, there is a solution.

As a runner, there are few things more frustrating than an injury. Often times, we can feel the injury gently knocking on the door, other times it comes crashing through the doorway.

The same goes for race cancellations. We've all had a few (or several) of those to face this year. 

And then there's MY reality....

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Sidelined? So What!


Sidelined doesn't have to mean sedentary.

Thank goodness for small miracles, because sitting still is not my gig.

As this goes to press, I'm entering Week 3 of Stress Fracture Recovery. Woot! Yay for me, this is my first-ever fracture of any kind...and it hasn't been too painful or frustrating. Yet.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

My current coffee "situation"

My current coffee "situation" is not like anything I could have imagined a few weeks ago.

Things aren't fabulous, but they're manageable. Fortunately, I'm not prisoner to a pity party, nor am I dwelling on the things I'm (temporarily) not able to do. Again, it's that "big picture" perspective. Knowing that I have 100% control of my attitude is pretty empowering.

That said, there are a few things I'd like discuss over coffee. Care to join me?