About Me

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Keeping Things in Motion

I’m all about movement. 

Especially on my high-fitness days, but also during recovery periods. Movement is magic in my world. It’s what my mind, body and soul know. And it makes me happy. 

Thus, this week saw lots of motion as I babied a few “compromised” body parts. And I smiled through it all. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Runfessions, Anyone?

Well, here we are again.

Back at the 'Fessional, with plenty of runfessions to share. I'm not sure how it's already that time of the month again. Seems like I was just doing the runfession routine...like yesterday.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Making do…

We’ve all had those weeks…

The energy is not at full capacity. The schedule is a bit busier than usual. The body feels a bit off.  Ugh. 

What’s a good coping strategy? For me, I prefer to forge through the challenges, while keeping a mindful eye on all necessary TLC that needs attention. Also, a willingness to enforce some flexibility with the schedule never hurt no one. 

Such was my week…

Monday, July 15, 2024

Midnight Madness 5K - Digging Deep in the Heat

Is there anything greater than returning to a fun race, after a 1-year sabbatical of sorts? 

I think not (but I may be biased as a runner). 

Saturday evening had me toeing the start line of the Midnight Madness 5K (Ames, IA). I had been  registered for the 10K, but Momma N blessed us with extreme heat and humidity, so the 10K was cut in half and merged with the 5K. 

So yeah…

Saturday, July 13, 2024


"There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart."

Celia Thaxter knew what she was talking about. Yowza! The heat is on, and it’s most definitely on-point, but I'm grateful for whatever summer brings my way. 

After the previous week’s “cooler conditions” relapse, this week was all about sweat equity. Suffice it to say there was a lot of glistening & glowing going on and creative hot weather hair hacks happening on the daily. You do what you gotta do...

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Looking Ahead…

Things that make me go “Hmmmm…”

 I’m not quite sure how we got  here so quickly, but yikes! The second half of 2024 is underway.

Shall we disclose a few (or five?) goals on the agenda, as we make our way through these remaining months?

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Kinda Sorta Chillin’

Well, well, well. 

Just when it was really starting to feel like summer, Momma N flipped the switch. Holy yikes, she dumped some crazy cold conditions on us this week! 

Typically, moderate temps in the 70F range are quite comfortable. Immediately following the recent tropical conditions we'd recently had, these “moderate temps” felt a bit frigid. We also had cold (as opposed to balmy) wind and more rain than necessary. 

At least it wasn’t snowing, LOL, and the grass is a beautiful bright shade of green as a result…

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Shall We Chat?

It's really the simple things that bring the most joy, wouldn't you agree?

A monthly gathering of sorts. Among friends. Around a virtual table. Coffee mugs in hand. And lots of chatter to be had. 

I'm always up for getting together with my gal pals, virtual and otherwise. I also have a fondness for warm and cozy beverages, no matter how hot or cold the weather may be.

So, let's do this...