About Me

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Runfessing my current reality

My current reality is one I've never experienced before.

I've been dealing with the (looming) change of seasons. The daylight is dwindling. My fitness has been evolving. Yadda yadda yadda.

So, there's plenty to runfess...

Monday, August 26, 2019

Running with your own Sherpa


Have you ever had the luxury of running with a sherpa?

A sherpa, in the most basic sense, is someone who is along for the ride (or run), with the sole purpose of supporting someone else. A lot of endurance athletes (for example: runners who do ultra races that encompass double-digit hours on their feet) have a support crew to assist them throughout their event.

In my case, I was the runner (embarking on a long run in a strange place) and my hubby was my sherpa (carrying some of my gear, keeping me company and acting as a tour guide), via his bike.

Sounds like a perfect scenario, doesn't it?

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Adaptability. Flexibility. Going with the Flow.

Adaptability. Flexibility. And going with the flow. That was the theme this week...

That's life, especially when you're a runner.

Weather was a factor. The muscles had their moments of crankiness. And there was a shift in routine, due to travel. Alas, everything worked out just fine.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Biking - Running's Perfect Partner

I certainly never could have seen this coming.

So many miles (many of which happened in the wee hours)! It got my heart pumping, I was blessed with some fasted cardio, and there was plenty of sweat equity earned along the way.

There were some flat routes, and there were many hills climbed as well. My endurance, as well as my grit, was tested on numerous occasions. And, each time I finished...feeling quite accomplished.

I'm talking about my new fitness fix - biking. And it has been a total game changer for me this summer.

Monday, August 19, 2019

8 Tips to Get You Race Day Ready

How well do you prepare for Race Day?

You've (hopefully) done all the necessary training. Preparing for the big race day, though, involves more than just logging miles in your running shoes. 

I've been running (and racing) for over 14 years. Needless to say, I have learned a lot through trial and error (emphasis on the errors).

A little planning ahead of time can ease the race day stress. It may not eliminate the start line nerves, but having a lot of the details ironed out before the big day will make getting there a little easier. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

This week's Fitness? All kinds of "F" bombs...

This week had so many "F-it!" moments...but all in a good way.

Perhaps I should elaborate, a bit? We're talking fitness, after all. Some of these moments were fun and freaky, some demanded unexpected flexibilty with my schedule, and there may have been a few (or several) filters used in the pics highlighting said moments.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Running - Doing it My Way

The comparison game is a bunch of crock.

I think we've all played it to some extent (at least I know I have). We've played this stupid game as women, as moms, as friends, as community volunteers, as wives, and as athletes. It does us no good. And, quite frankly, I'm done with it.

 Enter the genre of running and it can get especially tricky. It's really quite ridiculous, after all, to compare one's running abilities, objectives or standards to those of others. After all, we have different genetic makeup, varying degrees of "free" time (for training), and we all are driven by different stimuli.

I have long contemplated where I fit in within the sport of running, and I have tried to be a "real runner." It's only in recent years that I finally realized we all define "real runner" by our own individual goals and aspirations. And, finally, in recent years, I have achieved true contentment with MY running.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

There's the SUN, let's get it DONE

Oh, how I love the sunshine!  I certainly love being outside as much as possible. Thankfully, it was a week full of both.

Even though the sunrises are happening a bit later than I'd prefer (and the sunsets are happening earlier), I'm still enjoying the great outdoors. I  have been #optingoutside on a daily basis, which is perfection in my world. No regrets!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

4-Letter Words for Runners (that aren't so bad)

There are certain 4-letter words that many runners consider taboo.

Quite often, these words are usually spoken (in public, at least) with the utmost distaste. For a lot of  people, the best solution is to simply avoid them. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

...but what about that comfort zone?

Monday, August 5, 2019

Family Fitness in the running shoes

Got family? How about running shoes? Ever combine the two?

I don't have a lot of experiences running with my family, per se, but I do have some pretty great memories none the less. Even if they're not always by my side at the start line, they've been a significant part of my support system....and there have been a few races in the mix as well.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

By the Dawn’s Early Light

What can I say? I love the early mornings!

With an 8:00 a.m. start to my workday, it works out best to get my fitness fix(es) done bright and early. This past week was no exception to that routine. I was blessed with near-perfect weather (though a bit chilly on a couple mornings) and a bounty of beautiful sunrises.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Shall we chat? ...over chai?

Shall we chat? Over chai?

Well, if you're more of a coffee person, I'm totally good with that. Either way, what say we grab our mugs, find a table, and have some chatter.

What would you share if we were having coffee (or chai) together?