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Thursday, March 31, 2022

A Time for Chai and Chatter

Have you heard? 

Winter staged an ugly (IMO) return this past week. And, it was a most unwelcome return, at that. 

Needless to say, the chai latte's have been on repeat in an effort to stay warm. You know, this would be a fabulous time to gather over said chai latte's (or the warmest beverage of your choosing) and chat about life, fitness and the latest happenings.

Are you game? Got your steaming mug in hand? Let's go...

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Spring Has (sort of) Sprung

As the saying goes, Spring has sprung.

In Iowa (and probably a lot of the Midwest), that just means the calendar shows we've moved beyond the Spring Equinox. The spring weather can be rather unpredictable and ever-changing. 

This week, for example, we had summer-like temps, spring-like rain, and winter-like snow. The one constant was the daily wind...and the wind was a doozy!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

How About a Few SpringFessions

Well, just like that, we're facing the first Spring 'Fessional Session of 2022.

Although the calendar shows Spring, this first official week of Spring has felt a bit more like late Fall. The sunshine has been hit or miss, and the temps have been a bit chilly. Of course, that annoying wind has been unrelenting...but all is well. The increased daylight neutralizes the weather whiplash. At least we're now on the bright side of the Equinox!

Anyways, shall we get to the 'fessing?

Monday, March 21, 2022

Week of Pi - 2022 Recap

Recently, I took on an annual endeavor-of-sorts, for the third time...the Week of Pi Challenge

This quirky challenge coincided with the quirky National Pi Day, March 14th. For those not in the loop, the number pi is a mathematical "constant," used in physics and various fields of math. In short, it is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter (you're welcome). Approximately equal to 3.14, it's only natural that March 14th would be the perfect "National Day" to pay honor to it.

March 14th is also my birthday, and I am (and have always been) a bit of a math geek. How's that for a perfect coincidence?

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Spring? Hey Ho, Let's Go!

Let's just say Momma N gave us a nice preview of what's to come this week, Spring-wise.

After a nasty week of winter-rebounding, this new week seemed to have turned the page. The final week of Winter treated us to spring-like temps with all kinds of sunshine. Of course, there was the requisite wind (frankly, I think it's here to stay)...and things did turn a bit chilly in the final days. 

But, alas, I do believe the frigid worst is behind us.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Shamrock Shuffle Race Recap

Sometimes, on race day, the stars, moons and planets (and any extra powers that be) will all align.

And, sometimes they don't.

The weather may be undesirable. The course may be unexpectedly tough. Your body may feel fatigued or your energy level is in the negative. Or, all of these factors could show up at the start line, give your mojo a run for its money, and wreak havoc on your race.  

Such was the case for me on my most recent race day. 

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Winter's Revenge

Talk about your weather whiplash!

After a week of spring weather previews, Momma N pulled out the rug and threw us -smack dab- back into Winter. This started with a heavy snowfall overnight Sunday, and continued with cold temps and a heavy dose of wind...almost on the daily. 

Cold and windy weather is not a surprise this time of year, but it's still a buzzkill when it happens. Thankfully, the bulk of Sunday's snow was gone by Monday afternoon. The cold temps, though, set up homestead for the better part of the week...

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Oh Dear Daylight, How I Love Thee

Daylight Savings Time arrives this weekend, and I have the welcome mat out in position.

Although the daylight has been on a spiked increase in recent weeks, the official start of DST puts us yet another step closer to warmer weather. Better yet, Spring officially starts a week later. 

I don't know about you, but I simply cannot wait!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

A Tease of SPRING

Supposedly, no one likes a tease...

But when it comes to Spring weather, I beg to differ. After all, we know the warmer weather is on the way. It may not get here as quickly as we'd prefer, but getting a little preview of it sure feels good!

Such was the case in Iowa this week. Cold mornings. Warm afternoons. Plenty of wind. Singing birds. Sunshine, lots of sunshine. Temps warm enough to melt away the bulk of the snow. It was all good.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

A Wee Little Coffee Chat

As luck would have it, the first weekend of the month is upon us (and so is a fun little Irish-themed holiday, in a couple of weeks).

We all know what that means, right? The Ultimate Coffee Date is on the roster for many of us...a chance to gather, virtually, over a warm beverage of choice, and have some chatter. We can talk running and fitness, or whatever we so choose.

What's there to chat about this month? 

I'm so glad you asked...