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Sunday, March 13, 2016

Playing Catch-Up (still)

There's the saying, "I need a vacation to recover from my vacation." Well, I'm living proof (or at least this past week has felt like it).

Don't get me wrong, I had a great time while on vacay in beautiful, sunny Florida. But it's been a very long and busy week of playing catch-up.

For starters, we're going through a very busy time at work right now, which is a very good problem. But, I am working a lot more hours than I have since before having kids (I was a stay-at-home-mom until the last one was in 1st grade) and trying to balance all of my work-related duties with the household stuff has been a major challenge with a tricky learning curve. Oh, and there's these other little hobbies I have (running and blogging) that have not been getting the attention they deserve. And let's not forget the remaining daughter at home (and the dog, turtle and hamster) who need some care and attention as well. Yikes!  

I know, first world problems! I'm very lucky, indeed, to have a daughter still at home (as well as the two other kiddos in college), the husband, and a great job that offers me a lot of flexibility. I am also very fortunate to be able to take vacations in sunny places (where I can run on the beach).

Taking a vacation, though, kind of throws a wrench into my routine. It's great being away, but now I'm kinda paying for it (figuratively) with all the stuff that got put aside while I was gone. Most of my work-related stuff is caught up (which had me working 43 +/- hours last week), but my blogging is WAY, WAY behind. My apologies to all the great bloggers who published great reads in the past 10 days or so....I'll probably never get around to seeing/reading what I missed.

So, anyways, despite the limited free time this past week, I did manage a few quality sessions breaking a sweat.

Monday, in anticipation of a long day back in the office, I did my #nevermisaMonday run before heading to work. That turned out to be a great strategy, because I came home from work very exhausted and still had laundry and other household tasks that needed my attention.

Feeling crazy invigorated...and doing an eagle pose...
Tuesday, we had absolutely beautiful weather. Another long day at work, but I got home in time to meet a friend and run five fabulous miles and made it back before sunset.

Five, count 'em, five miles in the awesome weather
On Wednesday, I decided to take it to the stairs. After work, I headed downtown to the office building and ran 15 sets of the stairs (for a total of 75 flights). The stair training really gets my heart pumping! I have been doing weekly stair-training for four weeks now, and I can already tell a difference with my stamina and my legs are definitely feeling the extra work.

Totally in love with my stairs!
Thursday was another day with nice weather (it's almost like we brought a taste of Florida back with us). I had another full day at the office, but I hustled home and laced up the shoes. I did three quick miles and barely made it back just as the sun was setting. My last "chasing daylight" run for several months was fast and furious.

Excited for Daylight Saving's Time!
Friday had me working another full day, with a much-needed hair appointment squeezed into the mix. I've been wearing my hair long for quite awhile, and it was at the longest length it had ever been. Although I liked it long, and had a lot of fun wearing it different ways.....I was ready for a change. I lost several inches, and it has a new style with a bunch of layers. Change is good!

The new 'do
Saturday was the Leprechaun Chase 10K, a festive race that involves a fun competition between the Lads and Lasses (guys and gals). This was my third year running in it, and this year I persuaded the hubby to join me. The race recap is coming (stay tuned),but I'll summarize it by saying it was my strongest race in a very, very long time. I didn't get the PR that I was hoping for, but I proved to myself that I do have some grit and determination to draw on when the going gets tough.

Ready for the start line

Go green or go home!

As with the warmer weather and the impending spring...I was pleasantly surprised to see some signs of life coming back to my front yard.

Here come the daffodils!
How was your week? Any St.Paddy's races on your calendar? Do you ever struggle with the catch-up game after a vacay?

I'm linking up with my gals, Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin  for their Weekly Wrap. Do head over and checkout all the great bloggers to see what everyone's been up to.


  1. Love your race outfit! I always want a stay-cation after my vacation to get organized and relax!

    1. Thanks ;-) YES! I would LOVE a stay-cation right about now LOL

  2. Your outfit for the St. Paddy's day race is adorable, especially the visor. I too understand needing a vacation after coming home from a busy one and having the post trip things to deal with. Glad you had such a great race a looking forward to your recap.

    1. Thank you ;-) My headgear is actually a headband (from Claire's, I think) stretched over a visor #creativesolutions ;-)

  3. I always fall way behind when I go away and ya know what? It is what it is. Can't wait to hear more about that gritty race!

    1. yes, it is what it is. I need about 5-6 more hours in a day (and a couple extra days each week) to get everything done (and still sleep LOL).

  4. You are your hubby are too cute. I feel like I am constantly playing catch up! The struggle is real!

    1. IT's tough! Blogging is tough when there is not one spare minute ;-(

  5. I think we all know the vacation from the vacation syndrome! I usually am so busy before going away that my nervous energy meter is just through the roof.

    Blogging should be a pleasure, not a chore, so why not just jump back in where you left off?

    1. Thanks, Judy ;-) When I went to California over New Year's, I had to just let a bunch of blogging duties go....and that's what I'm doing now as well. I read some blogs while away, but it's difficult to comment, etc. on my phone, so I wasn't able to be as active as usual. #whaaa

  6. I know your hubby wore green for St Pats day but could he be a Packers fan? Hmmm...

    I hear ya on the vacation catch up. I go home tomorrow and I'm already dreading it. But my husband (who is at home) has been sure to keep me involved...sigh...

    1. It's a struggle! I try to go on vacay to actually be on vacay...and that means limited time on the phone, etc. Total Catch-22!

  7. Cuuuute hair!!! I like it!!

    The catch up after vacation is real!! I usually actually take the Monday after a vacation off just to get my plan for catch up in order.

    Cute race outfit!

    I have a race on Sat...not sure if I am going to dress in green yet.

    1. Ummm, you have a race on Saturday and don't know if you should dress in green? Say What???? You know what my advice is for you ;-) (#gogreenorgohome LOL)

  8. The post vacation struggle is horrific for me! I don't transition well to start with. As for blogs, I start out trying to catch up on ones I missed, but I usually give up because it's impossible. We don't have any St. Paddy day races around here. In fact, I've never participated in one! I love your new haircut! Very flattering. Mine has gotten too long, but short is hard work. Thanks for linking with us Kim.

    1. I'm constantly in some kind transition with my hair...growing out layers, adding bangs, growing out bangs, etc. It's kind of nice to have a "do-over" (bad pun intended) ;-)

  9. Glad you are back, I missed you ! I love going on vacation but coming back always means catching up. But it is so worth it !

    1. As I said above, it's a total Catch-22! It's great being away, but it's crazy returning to life and trying to get caught up on all things missed. #ugh

  10. Those stairs must be a wonderful workout. I can only imagine because I could never do that. My knees never really hurt when I run but when I even walk up steps sometimes it's like OUCH! 75 flights - awesome!

    1. I'm lucky to not have any knee problems (yet!), and I really like the challenge of fighting gravity ;-)

  11. I can so relate to the vacation hangover, piles upon piles of work and Mondays are normally busy for me on top of all the blog posts to read. Don't stress over it too much, life will go on! Thanks for linking up!

    1. I have let most of the "lost reading" go.... it's my loss, but I just don't have the time to read everything. And that's OK, I respect others for doing the same ;-)

  12. It is always a struggle, catch up is never ending, glad to see we all struggle together :)

    1. It's reality! As much as I'd love to blog all day long, that's just not a realistic ideology. Yes, it's great we can all struggle together ;-)

  13. Go for it! Stair training is fun, and it is fast and effective! I love early morning runs, though I have not done them (consistently) for several months. It's especially refreshing on a balmy summer morning to be up before the sunrise and knocking out the miles while the rest of the world is still sleeping.
