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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Got goals? Run happy!

Goals for 2016....how am I doing thus far?

1- Stay injury free
So far, so good. Of course, there's occasional stiffness (like at 5:31AM when I'm rolling out of bed and trying to not trip over the dog), but the "typical" achy hamstrings have been behaving. The piriformis? Still there, but also much more manageable.

Ahhhh, breathe in, breathe out....and don't be afraid to take a day of recovery
I seriously believe it was that off-season that did it for me. As much as I wanted to maintain the weekly long runs each weekend, my gut was telling me otherwise. And, this time I finally listened and obeyed. I have been slowly adding a mile each week to my "long" weekend runs, and that's been a smooth transition as well.  I was even able to run my longest run of 2016 recently without much fueling, so that says something.

2-Don't succumb to the temptation to do every available race
This is an ongoing battle (much like a chemical addiction), and I have to really use restraint in hitting "submit registration." Some people like to have one big goal race to focus on. I like having big goal races, too, but I don't have a competitive nature. Sure, I like to better my finish times, but I just don't have the drive to train without distractions.

Currently, I have some half marathons coming up, and I have an Ultra in mid-July. A 12-hour Ultra, none the less. Am I gonna train to maintain a 9-minute pace for 12 continuous hours? Hardly. Instead, I'm going to train to stay in (somewhat) constant motion for 12 hours, even if that means a snail's pace of intermittent walking breaks. And, I plan to utilize these half marathons as training runs. I'd like to (possibly) attempt to PR (in some of them), but it won't be an all-out-knock-15-minutes-off-my best-finish-time attempt. I have nothing to gain by trying to outrun each of my races.

3-Be more consistent with my cross training
Eh, I'm probably at a B- (if I was to objectively grade myself). Granted, I do various forms of cross-training each week, but I should be doing longer sessions. For example,instead of 15 quick minutes of arm weights before bed, a 30-minute session would give me better results. I should dust off the kettle bell and play with it once a week (or bi-weekly). My abs have gotten more firm, but there still is no evidence of a six-pack. Really, I am alright with the absence of six-pack, but a little more definition would be preferred.
Stair-running is still my preferred cross-training routine
4-Stretching/ warming up/yoga for flexibility
Still a work-in-progress. I'm dong much better with dynamic warm-ups prior to running, and I'm stretching some of the time after each run....but I definitely need to do even more. And yoga? As much as I enjoy the benefits of it, I have slacked off recently and not made the time to do it as much as I should.
Yoga is crucial for balance, in fitness and life in general
5-resist the urge to be envious of others
This is in reference to speed (it would be nice to be just a tad bit faster), location (I would love to be in a more urban setting, with an endless selection of fascinating architecture, local races, and numerous trails at my disposal), and destination races (ahh, a generous budget to finance everything...but for now, family comes first, and our three kids' college educations take precedence). Envy is a double-edged sword, isn't it? It's easy to admire what others have and work to also acquire it.....but in dong so, we often overlook what is right in front of us.

6-Never miss a Monday
So far, so good on this as well. Definitely an A+ for this goal. The majority of my Monday runs are recovery runs, and are simply an easy mile in my running shoes. Occasionally, I'll test the waters and go a little further. Personally, I enjoy having a scheduled run with no agenda in mind...no desired pace to hit (or maintain), and no do-or-die distance.

So, did you set any goals for 2016? Have you stuck with them, or stayed on track? It's not too late!

I'm linking up Marcia from Marcia's Health Slice , Erika from MCM Mama Runs , and Patty from My No-Guilt Life for Tuesdays on the Run. As you may have guessed, this week's theme is Goals. Head over and see what everyone else is chatting about!


  1. I have no restraint on hitting that "register" button.

    I am enjoying running more because I am no time goals.

    I need to workout more - do yoga etc but I nave make the time.

    Keep up what you're doing!!

    1. The "restraint" is tough! I also enjoy running more when I'm not worried about time or pace.

  2. Staying injury free and cross training is what i'm working on as well. I guess the two go hand in hand.
    I like how you put all your race bibs on that ring. Clever idea!

    1. I keep saying I'm gonna frame that race bib ring (all fanned out)...but I like looking through all the bibs now and then because I always write the dates (if it's not already printed) and my finish times.

  3. I'm so with you on resisting the temptation to sign up for every race. One year I had like 17 races in one summer and was just so exhausted by the end that I actually withdrew from my A race which was the last one I had planned. I've been trying to pull back and more methodically plan my race schedule with those I really want to do.

    1. Well, in defense of all my races...I do NOT "race" most of them. I run them with a decent pace, but I don't have that competitive drive to "race" each time I pin on a bib. Ha! I don't have the speed, either ;-)

  4. I'm still on target with my goals--after Big Sur, I'm hoping to do a few halfs. I'm going to take it easy on my feet. Becky and I are working on some other goals, which I'll post about soon!

    1. May I interest you in the Des Moines Marathon (the half)? October 16th? They're also offering a 5-miler on the 15th ;-)

    2. Maybe...let's see how the foot holds up over the summer!

  5. Great job on your goals! You had some really good ones to work with. Staying injury-free is always a goal of mine, and I think the cross training helps, especially doing yoga. Not being envious of others is a big one. I'm working on being happy with where I am and not comparing myself to others.

  6. You're doing great! It's hard to get all the ancillary things done that enhance running, especially when life gets in the way. I am guilty as charged on that front as well. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Your link-up is fun! Your dry sense of humor totally cracks me up ;-)

  7. I think you are doing a great job on your goals ! I am so impressed that someone could even think about running and ultra. Wow.

    I am thinking about adding a "never miss a Monday" goal (you inspired me!).... but trying to take things easy at the moment. 6 months of following a training plan drained my mental energy.

    1. Never miss a Monday....Do IT!! Like I said, the majority of my "Mondays" are 1-milers...less than 10 minutes out of my day ;-)

  8. Run straight for 12 hours? WOW!!Good progress on your goals!

    I am right there with you, I can't resist pressing the "Register" buttons... thank god that my bank account reminds me that I can't run all the races.

    1. Well....I probably will not be running the entire 12 hours LOL Trust me, there will be (several) potty stops and lots of walking, especially in the final hours.

  9. Last year I ran a ton of races but this year, I've been so busy I haven't hit that "submit" button quite so often, which has been nice and low stress. Good luck with the 12 hour run!

    1. It is less stressful to scale back on the racing, but then I always feel like I'm missing out on something. It's a change in perspective!

  10. I'm in an urban setting. Last night my as-seen-on-my-run included liquor stores, graffiti, homeless people acting oddly and litter... :) Trade ya!

    1. Ha Ha! Ignorance is bliss ;-) My town is kind of a "big" small town in Iowa, we have a college so that certainly ups the culture, but I think I have run on every street (more than once). It is an interesting challenge, though, to map out new routes...I'm also venturing outside the city limits and doing a little bit of "country roads" running periodically. Not much graffiti on barns and farm houses LOL
