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Sunday, May 15, 2016

This past week? Victorious!

Finally, a week without any major stressors rattling my cage. I managed to (finally) kick the last of the coughing to the curb, which was no easy feat. My theme for this week? I'd call it ViCtOrIoUs!

What all went down? Here's the recap....

Monday started with iffy weather, which is not a big deal. Typically, I only have my #nevermissaMonday (self-inflicted) obligation on deck anyways. My standing goal is,at the minimum, one mile in my running shoes (preferably doing what the running shoes are intended for).

We've been down a car, since having the two college kiddos back home, so I decided to drop off my car at the husband's office (gold star for me!), and the plan was for Max and me to jog/run back home. Great idea on paper, huh! Only, as soon as we pulled into the parking lot of said office, it started to rain. Not a heavy rain, but just enough sprinkles to make that "just a mile" not ideal.  Max didn't mind the rain though, and he lead me back home with enthusiasm.

Tuesday, we had nice weather again. I worked most of the day, but wanted to get out for a few miles in the running shoes. I met up with my main running friend, Barb, and dragged the husband along with us. We have a half marathon happening on June 4th, and the husband needs to get a few more miles under his belt. All went well, he made it for about 4.5 miles, and Barb and I went a bit further and finished at 6.5 miles.

Wednesday, as was forecast, was yucky (again). Ever heard that saying about not being happy with the weather? Just wait around because it will change? Iowa probably was the state where that saying originated. So, yeah, I'm glad we'd made the executive decision to run on Tuesday. I stayed inside and did some core work and arm weights.

Thursday was a rather long, adventurous day...spent in the car. The daughter left for Europe, and my sister and I drove her to O'Hare (Chicago) for her 4:30PM flight. We left early (8:30AM), arrived at O'Hare around 1:00, dropped her off and spent a short while at one of the outlet malls and were back on the road by 3:30. We arrived back home just after 8:00PM, exhausted.   After spending the greater part of 12 hours in the passenger seat, I concluded it is more tiring being the passenger than it is driving . Ugh.

We (again) had cold and rainy weather in the forecast for Friday, so I quickly laced up and managed 2.5 tempo-ish miles before sunset. Somehow, that quick run gave my tired body a bit of energy and feel-good mojo. And the daughter texted us at 1:00AM (Friday) and said she had landed safely in Amsterdam.
Chasing daylight and I came out victorious!

Friday? Nothing to report...yucky weather, work, and a bit of cross-training. And more planking (at lunch,before the rain hit).

Chaturanga plank on the pavement

Saturday...guess what? Cold weather (temps in the upper 30's/low 40'),major wind, but plenty of sunshine. I had planned to do my long run on Sunday anyways, so this was all well and good. I went for a long walk with the sister, and did more planking.

Side planking in the (muddy) grass
Sunday arrived, and it was my first official long run in preparation for the upcoming Ultra in July. I have been doing long runs, but I consider those were more prep for the half marathon that happened two weeks ago. We had ideal weather (temps in the low 40's) and lots of glorious sunshine.

Barb drove over, and the husband and I headed out and we all got moving. Our plan? Barb and I were hoping to knock out 13-15 miles, and the husband was hoping to do 7-8 miles.  We left the house at 6:30, with my main goal to be done in time for church at 10:00. Mission accomplished.

A post-run pic....(no, we did not plan the matching colors)

Post-run plank....on the driveway...on one foot

Some thoughts on this long run: Although it felt victorious to complete this run (Barb and I managed 14.5 miles, the husband did about 8 miles), it did not necessarily come easy. I had a difficult time due to my energy level not being in top condition (possibly due to the recent bout of illness that has lasted close to two weeks).Also, this past week I have noticed some slight wonkiness on my right heel (which is exactly how the Plantar Fasciitis began almost a year ago in my left heel). Ironically, the heel doesn't really hurt when I'm running, but I can sometimes feel it when I'm walking, usually first thing in the morning. I'm being cautious......wearing my (ugly) PF compression sleeve, massaging it throughout the day, and not walking around barefoot. I'm not concerned with it (yet), and am optimistic it will not interfere with my training. (#fingerscrossed)

Look closely...do you see the PF sleeve peeking out from my shoe?

So, in other news:

There's been some additional planking going on, and a bit of a friendly challenge among Marcia (from  Marcia's Healthy Slice ), Wendy (from Taking the Long Way Home), and myself. We're having fun with it, and it's no secret planking is one of my favorite cross-training activities.

Max has been up to his usual craziness. He certainly keeps us smiling.
Mommy, someone messed up the slipcover....(#busted #guilty #notsoinnocent)
Even though Sunday kept me busy in the morning (first running, and then church), it also gave me some additional active recovery opportunities....getting our salsa garden in the ground. Gardening is not for sissies, people! There's lots of squats (#gardensquats) and crazy lunges that keep your body in motion.

So, that's the latest and greatest in my little corner of the world. Have you ever struggled through a long run as a result of recent illness? What's your weather been like? Do you wanna join the #plankaday challenge? Check us out on Instagram (KimWendyMarcia).

As usual, I'm linking up with the fab gals Holly from HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin  for the Weekly Wrap. Lots of great reading...head over and check out all the blogs!


  1. Sound alike you had a pretty good week despite the yucky weather and that foot wonkiness. Could it have been the car sitting ? I like seeing the planking challenge, keep it up !

    1. Hard to say what's up with the foot....not really a crisis yet, but I know where it can lead if I don't respect it now. The planking challenge has been fun!

  2. My runs often feel compromised after being sick. The cardiovascular system takes a hit I guess and we're reminded how hard running is. Max is such a cutie and yay for a European adventure for your daughter.

    1. It was definitely a cardio thing...all last week, I just felt so out of breath every time I ran. This weekend's long run felt better, but I could tell I wasn't quite back at 100%....can't help but wonder if my form was off due to my lower energy level...and that impacted the wonky foot?

  3. Gosh, Wednesday does sound like a LONG day! Did you find anything good at the outlets? I did a wee bit of gardening this weekend. I appreciate the results but the process does not bring me joy.

    1. I saw a lot of stuff at the outlets, but no bargains (really, the "outlet" is really a pretty clever marketing gimmick LOL). Gardening...I still half at least half of another garden (aka-jungle) that needs attention. I agree, I do not enjoy the process!

  4. Hold up...you were in the area and no quickie plank with me? Wouldn't that have been something! I get it tho, you wanted to get back. Maybe when you come to pick her up...let me know.

    1. Trust me, there were numerous runner babes I'd love to have seen (or planked with), but I knew my time was limited and it would have been a hassle to swing seeing anyone. We're coming back on Saturday, May 28...her flight gets in at 6:30PM (barring no flight issues)....(?) #fairwarning

  5. You guys are cracking me up with your planking. Seriously. And I would definitely call this victorious!

    1. The planking challenge kind of morphed into its own little thing all on its own. It's been fun ;-)

  6. Gardening is definitely hard work. I went strawberry picking last weekend. I picked one bucket and that felt like a whole lot of work! #strawberryfieldsquats :D

    1. Ha! Those #squats are no joke...especially about 12 hours later ;-)

  7. Glad you've recovered.

    I have been planking lately but right before my shower in the am - NO PICS!!

    Crazy weather - summer and the winter. Will it make up its mind.

    4 races in 2 weeks - I'm ready for a vacation.

    1. I do a 2:30 plank every morning while my chai is heating...and that is in my pj's with major bedhead (in other words, that is NOT an image to capture and share with the world).

  8. Great week despite the weather! We were stuck in a cold and rainy pattern for a while...no fun! Hope this week brings you lots of sunshine!!

    1. I think this week is supposed to be pretty sunny ;-) At least I know it will be without rain, hoping the temps are friendly.

  9. Wow, I hope your weather clears up soon but it is obvious you don't let that keep you down! Great week!

    1. I'm thankful for every day of sunshine, no matter how cold LOL Our weather has been so roller-coaster-like...constantly a guessing game as to what to wear for layers.

  10. Haha what a sweet dog, Max. Mine is not happy with walking/running in the rain!

    1. Typically, if there's rain, he won't leave the porch when we take him out...so I was really surprised how much he seemed to enjoy the rainy run last week.

  11. Great job with your workouts! You guys are so inspiring with the planks! I do them in my workout classes but it's gotta be fun to have some competition! We've had so much rain lately and we've finally been blessed with a few dry days in Philly, I just wish it would last!

    1. We've had quite a bit of rain, too...and fairly cold temps on those rainy days. I don't mind a few sprinkles when the temps are warm, but when it's in the 40's/low 50's it's painful!

  12. Glad the weather finally came around for your long run. Seems like you're being really smart and proactive about the PF, that's the worst injury!

    1. I've only had PF once, but it was kind of an off & on thing all summer last year. Fortunately, I was only side-lined for a few days when it first reared its ugly head, but I am doing all I can to avoid that happening this year.

  13. Now that I've had PF once, I know what to be prepared for...and how to (somewhat) prevent it. I was very lucky, my PF episode was pretty minimal compared to what I've seen others describe.

  14. You had an awesome week! I always feel a bit slow and sluggish after being sick. I've been in Los Angeles this past week, so I've been really enjoying the nice weather. My runs have been slower in the heat and humidity, but I'll take it after all the cold and rain I had back in NY!

    1. This illness has really been a game-changer (well, sort of). Even my 6-miler last night was still a bit of a struggle getting my breathing under control

  15. I love that you always have the best attitude about everything and you are always smiling. Have a great week girl!

  16. Sorry that your foot is still bugging you. PF is so awful :(

    I'm glad that you're feeling better. Being healthy makes all the difference in the world.

    Love those pics of Max. He's a cutie!

    1. My foot is doing alright....kind of glad I know what could happen if I don't take precautions right now.

  17. All this rain and cold May weather has really been a bummer for sure- I'm waiting for it to warm up around here so I can actually enjoy being outside again! Glad you're feeling better!!!

    1. May has really been strange with weather...we've had almost every "season" of weather just this past week (thankfully, no snow, though!)

  18. Sorry to hear that your still having foot pain. Even with all the continuing pain you still had a great work of workouts, especially with all of those planks that you did.

    1. The pain has been at the absolute minimum...but I know what it could lead to, so I'm being cautious...

  19. I definitely find that it takes a while to recover from sickness even when I'm feeling healthy, my body still isn't always keen on working hard.

    1. That's exactly what it's been like for me. Even my 6-miler last night was a bit of a challenge...my lungs just weren't "feeling it" LOL

  20. And now I am super motivated to go plank!! Seriously, great job on the planking!! You had such a great week of running and love your positive attitude even when the weather isn't pretty. Have a great rest of the week!!

    1. Yes! Drop and assume the position ;-) Planking is one of those "total body" benefits maneuvers

  21. I have been getting my plank on! You ladies are amazing! This is a tough challenge for me! I managed to get my long run in on Sunday and to church too- great when a plan comes together! Hope you are having a great week!

  22. Yes, I know those gardening squats so well! I spent all day Sunday doing that same favorite activity. LOL -- it is NOT for sissies! Oh, in the south we call it Yard Work (or at least my family did). Isn't that funny? I hope your foot calms down. Y'all have taken the planking challenge to a whole new level! Thanks for linking with us Kim.

    1. WE need more peeps planking with us! I've been dreading getting back in my garden, but it needs to be done this weekend. I have a small amazon jungle to slay....

  23. Looks like a great week despite the yucky weather. Sorry your PF is bugging you. I hope you recover quickly. Nice job on the plank challenge. I need to get back to doing a plank a day.

    1. The Pf hasn't been bad, but the heel is still a little wonky. Nothing critical or debilitating, but it certainly has my attention...

  24. You always have such an active week Kim! You don't ever seem to sit still for long! I have secretly been enjoying the planking posts between you and Wendy too! Keep it up! I tried a few of my own and OMG I think I'll stick to regular planking cause it was not pretty!

    1. Hey...planking is planking, regardless of position! Keep it up!!

  25. I'm glad the weather turned out nice for your long run on Sunday! A tough long run is good character building for that ultra :) I hope you don't have any PF creeping in, though!
