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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Wrapping up another week....

Another crazy (but active) week is in the books. Plenty of miles, lots of planking, and quite a bit of sunshine had me feeling great, but also eager for some rest and recovery. Mission accomplished!

Monday began with a few easy miles with no time constraints (regarding getting to work because it was Labor Day). The temps were cool, but muggy. After spending two of the past three days in a rental truck, it felt great to be moving and shaking again!

Ugh! Am I slouching? I swear, my tummy really does not stick out like that in real life...
Tuesday was a rather early morning, with some hill repeats on the roster...before sunrise. I have a county road a couple of blocks from my house with the perfect hill for such a workout. The 30 minutes I was out there, I did manage to see 10 cars, but I had my Vizi Belt and Knuckle Lights to keep me visible as I ran back and forth (several times).

Hill repeats before the sunrise
Wednesday was pretty uneventful. Some cross-training (bike ride) and planking. Yadda yadda yadda.

Gotta love what the funky filters can do
I did give Max a bath...does that count for anything?

Fresh outta the tub...and after several minutes of speed racing through the house
Thursday, my body simply did not want to leave the bed. I knew it was going to be a light day at the office, so I'd probably have a long lunch hour or even the afternoon off. There is nothing wrong in post-poning the early morning run in exchange for some (much) needed Zzzz's. So, I did some planking...

...then did my run after I got home for lunch. The temps were in the 80's, but the air wasn't too humid and there was a gentle breeze. But, I was trying to run my first mile at a slow pace (to warm up), and that was a bit of a fail...I ran it a good 1:15 faster than recommended. Next, I had four miles at my foundation pace...and those went a bit fast, as well. (oops) It's not that I'm a fast runner who craves speed...but, rather, a gal with long legs who has difficulty going slower than what feels 'natural.' Even after 11+ years of running, I'm still very much a work-in-progress. And, I sweated off what felt like 100 fluid ounces of salt....I was a such a sweaty mess when I finished.

too bad the pic is not highlighting all the dampness on me (or my clothes)
Friday was another day of "easy-does-it" because of Saturday's half marathon. Again, there was some planking...

planking in pink
Saturday morning was my 6th appearance at the Park to Park Half Marathon in Waterloo, IA. This is one of my favorite events every year...and I just cannot stay away. This year, there a few more challenges thrown at me in getting to the finish line. You'll have to check back in a couple days...the full recap is in the works. Stay tuned...

My mantra? Every finish line is a victory
And, finally, Sunday. Even though, it was a day of recovery (following my 13.1 the day prior), it was also September 11th. This day is worthy of a tribute. I'm a runner, so I run. That's what I do. I did a quick 9:11 mile in silence and reflection.

no filter
**side note**For those of you who have been following the family story of our daughter's recent relocation to Pennsylvania....we have excellent news! Finally, at 2:00 on Friday, she was able to close on her house. She's officially a home-owner and is outta that damn hotel for good. Although it does make things seem "real" now, I couldn't be more proud of her for entering this phase of adulthood.

In other news:

The #GoAhead #MakeMyPlank challenge is going well! It's fun to see all the peeps planking with me through September. It's not too late to join the planking party...do your plank(s), hopefully daily, and tag myself (@runningonthefly) and use the hashtags #GoAhead #MakeMyPlank and I can add you to the roster.

join the #MakeMyPlank challenge!
Have you ever planked at a tailgate party? I can check that off my bucket list now
Last of all, I gave my poor toes some TLC. After the half marathon on Saturday (and 25 total weekly miles), they were looking pretty disgruntled.
Nothing like a little pedicure magic to make everyone all better (bonus points if your polish matches your yoga mat)
How was your week? Any early morning miles? Planking? Pedicures?

As usual, I'm linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap linkup. Do head over and checkout their blogs (and all the numerous others) to see what's been happening.


  1. I went for a pedicure on Thursday! I had a gift card burning a hole in my wallet. My toes are neon orange and match nothing but a running bra I have. That was an excellent way to remember 9/11! I didn't realize what the date was until I saw the flags at half mast on our way to the lake. Our youngest son was with us and we talked about that day at length. He was less than 2 at the time. I know you are proud of your daughter. That's quite the accomplishment at her age! Thanks for linking, Kim! Congrats on that half too!

    1. I did my own pedicure...but it felt good just to get it done. As you will read in my recap (hopefully Tuesday), I had a lot of water crossings (due to flooding) that could not be avoided...so after 13.1 miles (8 of which were run with wet socks and shoes),my toes were a mess. Desperate times....

  2. I have to say that I've never planked at a tailgate party! I'm definitely not the diehard planker you are. But I get them done, because, #makemyplank....

    PS I would consider that IMT Des Moines Half. Let's see how my 10 miler goes next Sunday... plus I'd need a place to stay...

    1. Well, I'll have to check my reservation log, but I bet we could squeeze you in! There is also a 5-mile race on that Saturday as well...and bonus bragging rights if you do them both ;-) Keep me posted!

  3. Every time I see your planking pics, I think that I should do one. So far, it's just thinking LOL.

    Congrats on a great week of running, racing & planking.

  4. I don't usually see you with your hair down-it's really pretty :)

    1. My hair spends more time up than down. Especially when it's so humid...my flat hair is even flatter, so it's much more stylish if I "do something" with it ;-)

  5. I always admire your dedication to planking! Congrats to your daughter! Friday must have been a good day for house closings because finally after almost 3 months our neighbors closed on their house as well. Anxious to see who the new neighbors will be..lol

    1. I'll be curious to hear how our daughter likes her neighbors. She's already changed out a shower head ;-)

  6. Oh shit. I mean shoot. Just realized I'd been tagging mine wrong. #plankmyday instead of #makemyplank. What are we gonna do with me?

    1. I actually like #plankmyday better...but it was already an existing hashtag...and I wanted something new (high-maintenance, I know). Go ahead and use both hashtags (I sometimes do!). Thanks for planking with me and the gals ;-)

  7. My toes aren't pedicure ready. Maybe after marathon training...

    1. I do a lot of my pedicures on my own for that very reason ;-)

  8. Sounds like you had a good week ! The days are getting shorter so it is darker in the morning but as I run in a city, at least we have street lights. I couldn't run in the pitch black, too scared !
    So happy to read the information about your daughter. Exciting !

    1. We have great street lights in town, especially on the college campus. Total darkness would be creepy!

  9. Congrats to your daughter! I've been using #allthehashtags for the #plankchallenge. Now I know the right ones to use. :-) Here's to another great week.

  10. I wish going fast ever felt natural for me. I definitely felt like I was dragging the entire week -- actually, I WAS dragging the entire week -- I just keep telling myself time on my feet and that this will pay off in the "long run".

    It's got to be difficult letting your daughter fly the coop so far away, but it sounds like you're both in a good place with it.

    1. mind you...I am not going fast. I just have a hard time making myself run "slower" LOL

  11. Glad to hear everything worked out with your daughter's closing! I really like your idea of running for 9:11 in honor of 9/11. It's hard to believe it was 15 years ago. Oh and I look forward to your race recap!

    1. A few years ago, I actually ran 9.11 miles...but not this year. If I hadn't had the 13.1 the day prior...maybe.... ;-)

  12. Replies
    1. I know, right? I love football, so it was the perfect little freebie ;-)

  13. Congratulations on another half...you're a running beast!! My body is ready to get back at some higher mileage...just have to get my mind into it now! Still planking ....AND squatting over here!!

    1. oops...my squats have been MIA...thanks for the reminder...

  14. I really do need a pedicure. �� I have long legs too, but lately seem to have no problem slogging along way below my natural pace. Though maybe that is my new natural pace! I look forward to reading about your race!

  15. You make me want to do better at planking! It's been far too long since I've gone for a proper pedicure, they are always so relaxing!

  16. Great week of running....congrats on your 13.1! That was a nice way to recognize 9/11. I need to do more planking, as easy as it is... I just can't remember to drop and do it :-)

    1. I do a "mandatory" 2:30 plank each morning (when my chai is heating)...then sometimes do more planking throughout the day

  17. Well congrats on your half marathon. I have been to Waterloo, IA. I actually graduated from University of Iowa a long time ago.

    1. I graduated from U of I "a long time ago" as well. Go Hawks!!

  18. I have been trying to fit in tow sets of two-minute planks for the whole month. Do you think it matters how long you hold them?

    1. I read recently that doing long planks is not as effective doing them often...it's better to do a variety of positions (for different lengths of time, depending on the difficulty). I think it's better to do shorter planks with near-perfect form than long planks incorrectly (my opinion). If you feel the burn, you're dong them correctly...so the length of time is not crucial (but obviously, the longer you can hold it, the better) ;-)

  19. ugh still haven't planked since I said I was going to start planking again! hahaha! maybe I'll start again tomorrow :D

    loving the funky filters on the photos!

    definitely could use a pedicure. my poor feet really must hate me.

    I still have NO idea what a tailgate party is. I honestly never was into football when I still lived in the States so I never experienced it. I think I will stick with soccer (which is football here) now that I "get" it a little bit!!

    I had a good week in general. I'll be glad when there is no more marathon training... but after Berlin I have Brooklyn and then Athens. So I guess I'll rest sometime in late November hahaha!!

    1. ha ha ...a tailgate party is basically a pre-game get-together, historically with food served on the "tailgate" of a truck (but now days, anything goes...picnic tables, folding lawn chairs, food/drinks in coolers, etc.)

  20. Huge congrats to your daughter. Home ownership is quite the honor. Here's to no more hotel living!

  21. congrats to your daughter- that is a huge step in the adult world! I am loving all the plank pics and fun that goes along with it- I am going to keep at it! I do love a good pedi- it can just turn your whole day around I say! Looking forward to your race recap!

    1. recap is hopefully happening on Wednesday..I was too busy at work today to get it finished by tomorrow

  22. Hmm, can't wait to read about Park to Park - I still need an Iowa half marathon. Great job on all of the planks. I won't be joining you LOL.

    1. There are several great Iowa halfs coming up.... Quad Cities Marathon (half) is Sept. 25 , and IMT Des Moines Marathon (half) is Oct. 16 ;-)

  23. Congratulations to your daughter! How exciting for her!

    You were rocking and rolling this week! Great job!

    We gave the pugs baths this weekend. They were well past due, and they were pretty annoyed about the whole thing. Max looks adorable.

    1. Thanks, I thought the week went well...until my (near) train wreck at my half marathon Saturday. UGH. #humbled #again......

  24. Super job on all your activity! You really did not slack up even knowing you had a half at the end of the week! I know you are very proud of your daughter too! That is awesome and sounds like she is well on her way to a successful adulthood.
    I have been doing more planks than my pictures tell. Sometimes they are just not picture worthy. Which reminds me I need to schedule myself a pedi! I skipped a pro doing them when I had to change colors and you can really tell! Have a great week Kim!

    1. Thanks, Girlfriend! Ha! Not all of my planks are picture worthy, either! Especially the early morning planks, right outta bed sans makeup (and bad hair) LOL

  25. what a great week! I can't wrap my head around you doing another 9 miles after your half - I'm usually sore lol... but you're MUCH more experienced. Respect!

    1. Ha! Thanks, but I actually ran a 9:11 mile (9 minutes, 11 seconds), not a full-blown nine miles. I wasn't sore, but my body definitely was tired.
