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Sunday, October 9, 2016

More Miles? Sure, why not!

...and another crazy mileage week is done. This week's mileage came in at 36 miles...What the What???

Seriously, I'm shaking my head at what's been happening in my running shoes recently. Don't get me wrong, I'm in NO way bragging. I realize these high mileage weeks are the norm for many people, even those who aren't necessarily training for marathons. I'm just not a high-mileage gal (but am kind of becoming one). Tacking on the 15 miles from last weekend, I'm already at 51 total miles for October....and it's only gonna get bigger (and better?) as I'm nearing the end of my training for my marathon. Did you just hear me gulp (loudly)? I have a few more weeks of long runs, and then I'll be tapering.....

Anyways, here's the down and dirty of what happened this week:

Monday, like all of my Mondays thus far in 2016, started with a #nevermissaMonday run. Prior to my 26.2 training, the majority of these Monday miles were the bare minimum, usually a single mile (sometimes, two). My official training for Route 66 began in mid-August...and the Monday runs changed to moderate-mileage runs. Currently, I'm knocking out 50-minute runs, at an easy pace (approximately five miles).
Another early morning #nevermissaMonday
The temps were forecasted to be nice, and upon waking to the 4:58 AM alarm, I elected to postpone Tuesday's run until after work. Since I have been doing so many of my runs in the wee (dark) hours, I thought it would be a welcome change to do a run in the daylight. Instead, I did some arm work in the morning.

suns out, guns out
 Tuesday's run turned out to be quite the adventure. The recap of that crazy idea is HERE, but let me summarize it to say that I drastically underestimated the distance, and overshot my desired speed. Whoops.

What was supposed to have been 6 miles morphed into 7.2 miles...and a major sweat fest
Wednesday, I not only was assigned an easy day of cross-training, I sort of needed some rest and recovery following my Tuesday excursion. Surprisingly, my body felt fine in the morning, but I still played it cool and kept things on the down-low. I did my planking, PT, and stretched like a good girl, and also did some cardio on the stairway (100 flights, up and down). And I slept like a baby that night.

Approximately 22 minutes of cardio on the stairway had me ready for bed...
Thursday was another day of early morning running. The temps were in the mid-60's and felt perfect! I was out the door before 5:30, successfully hit all of my splits, and was back to the house in less than an hour. Six miles done, and I felt great!

As mentioned last week, I'm starting a new thing and posting a #Fridayfashion post each week (on Instagram). Overnight, the late summer temps came to an abrupt halt, so I needed warmth!  Our high school's homecoming game was Friday night, so I chose to wear the school colors. Go Tigers!

I'm also a knitter geek...and love the warmth of this hand-made poncho 
And there was some more planking!

I challenge YOU to get down on the floor, assume the position, and plank!
Saturday. There were several things on tap for the day, starting with my long run. I had 16 miles to do, and Barb wanted to run those 16 miles as well. She drove to my house and we were on the road just after 5:30AM. The temps were chilly (hello...39-degrees #brrrr), the air was crisp, and the sky was dark.

That's right...full tights, fleece headbands, and gloves
Similar to the 14-miler I ran last weekend, I broke up this run as well. First, we ran a 5-mile route, stopped back at the house for a potty break and re-fueled. Next, we headed out on an (almost) 7-mile out-and-back trail....with a couple of big hills. Our thinking was that the hills wouldn't be as ominous in the dark, except by the time we got to the turn-around, we had daylight. And, we had a full-on sunrise in our faces for the jaunt back to my house. Seriously, how do you peeps who run without sunglasses do it? (#Ugh) We made it back to the house, took another quick potty break and re-fueled, and headed back out to finish the remaining 4.5 miles (with our sunglasses).   All went well, and our 16 miles were done!

That was just the start of my day. Our local Optimist Club hosts an annual Fly-In Breakfast at our small airport. My husband is one of the main organizers of the event, and it's always fun seeing the airplanes (and their pilots) who fly in as well as much of the community who come out and support the event. This was immediately after my 16-mile run.

Next, we jumped in the car, and headed to our son's swim meet at his college, a couple hours away. He is in his second year of school and this is his second year on the swim team (as a walk-on). He's a distance swimmer, and usually swims the 500, 1000, 1650 (one mile), and sometimes, the 200. At this meet, he swam the 1650...and then the 200, a mere 10 minutes later. Needless to say, he was dragging tail fin in the 200...but a strong performance, none the less.

No, the day did not end there. We drove back home, and arrived in time to get some pics of the youngest daughter and her gal pals before they headed out to partake in the Homecoming festivities. If you look closely, you can see the hat is part of my outfit (from the swim meet) and is hiding the (still) unwashed hair (I know...#eewwww).

So, after 1)-being up since 4:45AM, 2)-running 16 miles, 3)-sitting in a car for a 4-1/2 hour round trip, and 4)-hanging out pool side for a couple hours (in a steamy in-door facility)....my body and mind were a tiny bit exhausted. We got a pizza, watched some television with a friend, and I was down for the count by 9:00PM. Even though I had showered (quickly) after my long run, I didn't have time to wash my hair...and at that point in the evening I didn't care.

Sunday morning, I felt a bit stiff, but nothing major. I had slept with compression socks, so I think that helped relieve any potential DOMS. I ran an easy 1-mile shakeout run and felt great. I don't know what surprised me more...the easiness (and effortless speed) with which I ran that mile, or how quick my body seems to have already acclimated to the cooler temps (it was 41-degrees, and I was comfortable in shorts and a two light layers on top).

post-Sunday's shakeout run in the sun
That's my week....in other news:

I gave Max a bath earlier in the week, little did I know he'd wet the carpet an hour or so later.

Don't let the cute face fool you.....
The sedum plants in my yard are absolutely beautiful right now!

And, new shoes were welcomed into the family! I really didn't need a new pair, but I got a great deal on them (and free 2-day shipping).

Is it weird to welcome the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 16's with a kiss?
How was your week? Are the autumn temps getting cooler or do you still have a bit of summer lingering?  What's the longest you have gone without washing your hair?

As usual, I'm linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap. Do check out their blogs, and all the other awesome blogs on the link-up!


  1. Wow, what a busy weekend! The summer temps are still lingering here but we got much wind today due to the hurricane on the coast.

    Do you ever feel unsafe running so early in the morning? What kind of route do you take? Is it like a rail trail or just roads?

    1. I do not feel unsafe at all. I live in a smallish town (population around 10,000), and we have a college campus near my house that is very well-lit. I do most of my runs on city streets and don't venture too far from home unless I'm with another runner. I simply do a series of 2-mile loops that I vary the pattern...figure-8's, clockwise/counter-clockwise, etc.). The trail I mentioned is actually a bike trail that runs parallel to a highway (but is set off from the road by several feet).

  2. Don't let the cute face fool you...yep, that about sums it up for my bad girl, Cocoa. Of course it would help if the rest of my family would reinforce the discipline...

    I think your are going to do very well at your marathon! Nice week!

    1. thanks! This is definitely the most mileage I've ever done...but I'm feeling great (knock on wood).

  3. Wow, you had quite a week! I love your Friday outfit. I don't have the mojo to run long on weekdays at dark o'clock any more, so my mileage is quite low.

    1. These multiple early morning runs (at the distances I'm dong) are a new thing for me. I've done early runs in the summer (when there is more light), but they are usually only 3-4 miles. Things have been going well....it's weird to think these will be winding down this time next month!

  4. Wow. What a busy week. I wish I had the mojo to run long during the week or even get out of bed in the am.

    You are inspiring!

    1. I like getting up early and getting it done. I can do the runs after work if need be (or if the weather is iffy), but it's been working out well to do them early. I've been very lucky with the weather!

  5. This was the longest I've gone without washing my hair since I don't remember when....it was nasty! There were two runs (one of which was 16 miles!) and the stair workout...lots of sweat, grime, and dry shampoo got washed away this morning LOL (it's a blessing and a curse that I have so many different ways to fix it when I don't wash it)

  6. Dang girl, I'm exhausted just reading your post!! Impressive on all accounts! I don't think I could handle the temperature range where you live...it seems as if it went from hot to cold with no real "in between"! I know, spoken like a true southerner who thinks 50 degrees IS winter! :)

    1. HA! My week was crazy! We have pretty much every kind of weather in Iowa...except hurricanes.

  7. Congrats on a big week! It was new running shoe time for me as well. Exciting! I'm very happy autumnal temps have arrived. Makes those long runs so much more tolerable.

    1. You have a decent week as well...you're gonna whomp that marathon ;-)

  8. Wow, sounds like a great week ! Fall temps have made their way here too. LOVE it !
    I am a GTS gal too, but I had stocked up on the 15 and haven't gotten the 16s yet. I am jealous of the colors, love them. I am thinking I will now wait until the 17s... we will see !
    Have a great week.

    1. I like the 16's, but I think I liked the 15's a tiny bit more. The 15's were my first Brooks, and they were great (I had two pairs).

  9. Its so hard to pass up a good deal on a pair of running shoes! It is nice to have lots of shoes in the rotation though. Great week of running and getting in those miles. Your daughter looks so beautiful, just like her mama.

    1. I usually have several pairs of shoes to rotate through, so what's one more pair? ;-)

  10. Oh those busy days can take a lot out of you, especially when you include a double-digit run! Great job with your miles this past week. I ran 30 and it's so weird! LOL I think I need to start shopping for new shoes soon...don't know where to begin...

    1. That's why I got the double digit run done, nice & early! I knew I'd be exhausted beyond repair if I did the other stuff first ;-)

  11. I often go days without washing my hair which results in a frizzy mess. Dry shampoo doesn't seem to do anything.

    I've never thought of sleeping in compression socks! And 36? No. Just no.

    1. I sleep in my compression socks (or sleeves) after long runs or races...it helps with the recovery ;-)

  12. I'm heading into my highest mileage week this week. EEK! You had a crazy Saturday! Hope you're all recovered.

    1. yes, I'm all recovered and ready for another high-mileage week ;-)

  13. You did have a full day on Saturday!!! Talk about no rest and you still look amazing!
    Wow I like the color of those new Brooks shoes! I'm like you, pass up a great deal on shoes like this? No way!
    I'm not liking the late sunrise. Since we're camping I can sleep til I have to throw on clothes and run from my front door but once were home next week I'll have to get up in time to drive to go run and be back to get ready for work. I may think about swapping a run for an afternoon one, maybe. Thanks Kim for joining us.

    1. I'm still doing most of my runs in the early (dark) hours, but there have been a few times when it just made sense to switch the runs to the afternoon/evenings (and you know me...I like mixing things up once in awhile).

  14. I'm so impressed at your early morning runs!!! And you keep reminding me to do my planks which I'm failing at...gotta get back at this. New running shoes are the best!

    1. The early morning runs have worked out well (so far), and I have been very lucky with weather....I've been missing most of the rainy days ;-)

  15. I logged a higher mileage week for me too last week! I have a feeling I'm going to be seriously logging some higher mileage since Gasparilla challenge training is underway now. I'm in Florida so we haven't gotten too cool temps yet, but this morning it was 69! it felt great and a lot less humid than usual. I'm hoping this means the fall weather is on its way!

    1. Our fall weather has been sporadic....it plummets to the 40's/50's, then we'll have a day of sunshine in the 70's. I'm just hoping the weather continues to hold out for the rest of my training ;-)

  16. Planks! bah - i have to get my times back up to where they should be - I've been a wuss and haven't held them as long. Great job!

    1. thanks! I'm a big advocate for planking! Planks are great for total-body firming!

  17. I love a good running shoe deal. I did my planks this am before my run - sides w/dips and regular. You did 100 flights?! Impressive!

    1. yes...100 flights...up & down on the same stairway... #boring LOL

  18. I do wish I could add more miles into my running but I tend to get injured when I do. I am hoping to keep a good base for a while then add on later in the fall for spring races. Good for you though!

    1. I am really surprised how good I feel considering the mileage I've been cranking out the past several weeks. It must be all of that stretching, foam rolling, and PT (that I shuld have been doing anyways LOL)

  19. Your life seems jam packed! We're in full on autumn mode. Best running weather.

  20. You are on fire! Thank God for hats, hair washing is a luxury somedays we just don't have time for! I cannot believe your temps! This week our high is only in the 80's- better than the 90's! Have a great week!

    1. yes, I'm pretty thankful for hats LOL It's kind of Catch-22 knowing so many ways to "hide" the icky hair....

  21. WOW, you are amazing! It was in the 60's in the morning yesterday and I am loving it, unfortunately it prob wont stay that way, but I will take it while I can.

    1. our temps just jumped back up today...74-degrees this afternoon when I was out, trekking back and forth on 5-miles of hill repeats LOL

  22. You had an incredible week! And those innocent dog faces are the best...they're always up to something!

    1. no doubt...whenever he's really quiet and "innocent" looking, I usually know something has happened...somewhere LOL

  23. A very nice training week! You are rocking your higher mileage and I can't wait to see your hard work pay off at Route 66. Since I sweat profusely on my runs, and have super thick hair, I can't go one day without washing it. Sadly, it would sour. I have a special needs dog that loves to hike his leg. If he wasn't so darned cute... Thanks for linking, Kim!

    1. Oh, believe me, my hair was nasty when I finally washed it! It had been through that 16-miler, and a 6-miler two days prior....my scalp is pretty dry (thankfully!!!), so at least the oil is not a problem

  24. Sounds like a good training week. 38 degrees! Wow, it hardly ever gets that cold here, but we did finally get a bit of fall with lows in the high 50s/low 60s and very low humidity! I hope it sticks around (but it probably won't).

    1. yes, I'm in Iowa...so we have all kinds of irrational temps, seasonal or not. The 38 was a bit premature, but at least it was dry LOL

  25. Definitely not weird to welcome new shoes with a kiss.New shoes=happy! Love that you knit! Gorgeous handmade poncho!

    1. The new shoes made me happy! Knitting is something I learned as a kid, and have been doing it most of my life ;-)

  26. Brooks running shoes fit and are comfortable right out of the box.
