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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

...But I don't have time to Streak....


Ever attempted it? (we're talking daily running, folks, not naked running).

As of Tuesday, I'm 13 days into the Runner's World Winter Streak. The Streak, which commenced on Thanksgiving and concludes on New Year's Day, goes for 39 days this year (or longer for those who don't wish to stop).This is my sixth time doing a streak (I've done the winter streak in 20152014, and 2013, a summer streak in June of 2014, and a spring streak in April 2013).

New Years Day 2015
I have said it many times, but it bears repeating....I am not an advocate for streaking. I strongly believe in rest days (or at the very least, non-running days). When I do the run streaks, I do not do crazy miles, day after day. Instead, I simply run an easy (slow-paced) mile on what would "usually" be my non-running days (if I weren't streaking).

Why do I streak when it is (essentially) the polar opposite of my belief system? Plain and simple, I do it because it gets me out of my comfort zone. As mentioned, I do the streaks with easy, low-maintenance runs. More often than not, the streaks happen during a time when I'm in between training cycles, and they give me just an itty bitty semblance of structure. And, most times, I am very happy when they end...but am also glad I endured and finished.

This was my victory leap upon finishing the Streak in 2014
So, how do I do it? A lot of people think they don't have time for daily running. Like anything else, I would argue that's if it's something you want bad enough, you will find time to do it.

It all comes down to organization.

For me, it's a matter of allotting an approximate 10-minute time slot into each day. If I were doing a "racing" mile, I could probably run a mile with an 8-ish minute pace (don't be too impressed, that's if I'm running only one mile...well, actually, I'd probably need a few good miles for a warm-up prior to that 8-minute mile). I can usually run a 9-minute mile with minimal effort, but for streaking, I try to stay around a 10-minute (or slower) pace...especially since I'm currently still in recovery from my marathon.

It's not difficult finding 10 minutes each day, but I have to capitalize on those 10 minutes when they present themselves (like if I'm blessed with an extended lunch break or waiting for dinner to finish baking in the oven). Some days, I simply suit up and lace up and head outside prior to my morning computer routine (before showering and heading to work). After spending the past three months training for the marathon, my body is accustomed to waking early anyways...why not start the day in my running shoes?

Since most days I'm only running one mile, I don't get too sweaty (remember, I'm running these 1-milers at an easy pace). There may be a couple days (or several) where I wear the same base layers....I just keep them draped over the tub in the bathroom for easy access. There's no extra time spent searching for favorite shirts/jackets/tights. How's that for a time-saver?

What happens on the days when the bed and covers feel ever-so-cozy? It's only 10 minutes, after all. Worst case scenario, I can run a couple laps around the block in my neighborhood before bed, but I prefer to get it done in day light if possible (the temps are warmer under sunlight, just saying).

after one of my lunch-hour runs
So, you find the time...but where to go? Most runners have GPS devices these days, so it's pretty easy to map out a 1-mile route. Also, a mile is (approximately) equivalent to 10 city blocks. How simple is that? Five blocks out and five blocks back. End of story.

Under the holiday lights
What about the days when the temps seem too chilly or windy? I mentioned running laps around my block....if you're constantly changing direction (running in "circles" will do that), you won't have a constant head wind to battle. Problem solved.

I should mention, I have a treadmill but I seldom use it. The past two winter streaks (and so far, every day for this current one), I've done all of my runs outside. Like I said, it's only 10 minutes (or so)... I can handle anything for 10 minutes. Need some more streaking tips? Here's a few previous Streaking  posts to check out HERE and HERE and HERE .

Have you ever streaked before? If so, what's the longest you've gone?

I'm linking up with Deb for the Wednesday Word...and today's word is Organization. I'm also linking up with Suzie and Rachel and Debbie and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner. There's a wealth of knowledge and information here...I invite you to check out all the hostesses and pay a visit to some of the linked blogs as well!



  1. I love the idea of a run streak. Unfortunatley my body doesn't respond well to running every day, so I'm not able to do a run streak. I try to do an "activitiy streak" where I do at least 30 minutes of activity every day :)

    1. Maintaining an activity streak is awesome! I don't do run streaks very often, and I have to do them with a cautious approach because my body also is prone to injury.

  2. I'm not a streaker. I have 2 long work days where it would be tough for me to squeeze in even a mile. I guess if I really wanted to do it, I could...

    1. As I've probably told you, I do the streaks to get out of my comfort zone...and they usually reinforce why I don't do them year-round. Some people can do the daily running forever and ever, but not me. I'm glad there's plenty of other "stuff" out there to keep us entertained ;-)

  3. I am not a running streaker but I do aim to move everyday especially during the holidays. I am all about getting out of your comfort zone every once in a while as well.

    1. I try to stay active everyday as well...especially this time of year when the temps are cold and the sweets are plentiful.

  4. I am not a runner or a streaker but think you are an amazing athlete!

  5. I've never done a running streak before and don't think I could pull it off. I did do a 30 day plank challenge last year and am doing a 24 day one this month.

  6. I'm not often one to streak either as resting is so important to keep your body strong and healthy. It can be tough to fit it in during the holiday crunch. But it is a nice goal though and getting moving always feels so good!

    1. There's no way I'd ever do a streak for longer than the "monthly" ones (well, I guess this is gonna be 39 total days). I agree, the body needs rest!

  7. Congrats on your running streak so far. I have never done one. I am not a fan of cold running, even if it is for only ten minutes. And I think if I am only doing it for that short of time, is it worth it? I guess that is just my mindset. But kudos for you! I do not think I would do well with a streak.

    1. Agreed...some days it does seem like I spend more time getting dressed for running than I actually do in motion LOL In a few days, I'm gonna start adding a few gradual miles on some of the runs. I have new shoes due to arrive tomorrow (?), so I'm holding out for them (and, as I mentioned, still taking things easy with my 26.2 recovery).

  8. I admire your running streaks esp after a marathon! My body does not respond well to running every day!

    1. you're not alone...most bodies need recovery days (including mine). I'm doing all of these streak runs easy...if I were trying to run all of them "fast" or for more than just one mile at a time, I'd be headed for another injury.

  9. I did the Runner's World streak a few years ago over (the one from thanksgiving to new years). I would find myself just hitting my home treadmill when I didn't have the time to go out and run. It's a pretty big ordeal for me to get outside and do more than a mile because I have to drive to a trail or park.

    1. Since this is not my first time streaking, I have numerous 1-mile routes to choose from (that I've run many times prior). I'm trying to stay on pretty level terrain (hills still annoy my healing "hip/groin" thing), so my efforts have been consistent but mild.

  10. I totally agree that streaking is good to get you out of your comfort zone and build a base. It's only 10 minutes a day, etc. Buuuuuuut, I've never streaked and have no plans to. I'm like you -- I'm a big believer in rest days! :)

    1. Absolutely, rest days are crucial...which is why I'm taking this streak very easy. I have no grandiose goals to meet, but I wanted to stay somewhat active as I honor this recovery time from my recent marathon.

  11. Well, for me, easy pace is 13 mm. So there's that. Then there's the warmup and cooldown, the foam rolling . . . nope, not a streaker. Never feel the need. Chasing my states keeps me always running (and I like my off season, which will be all too short this year!).

    1. I LOVE how you're chasing the states!!! I'm slowly trying to find more out-of-Iowa races...no preference on the distance, but do like if they at least come with a medal LOL

  12. In theory it should be easy to find the time. But when you leave for work before sunrise, and arrive home after sunset, and would spend more time driving to and from the gym than running just one mile on the treadmill there, it does become quite difficult and a matter of a safety issue. Just my two cents on the topic.

    1. I totally get that. I'm lucky in that I can just do the quick runs in my neighborhood regardless of time of day (or night). I realize (and respect) that not everyone has that kind of a setting.

  13. I was talking to one of my clients yesterday about finding the time to workout. For her, it is a bit of a production--45 minutes for a workout is bookended by 30 minutes on either side of getting there, stretching and warming up and then cooling out, showering, etc on the other side.
    There is always time for a workout if you just go around stinky :D
    I don't streak because it has never really appealed to me, honestly.

    1. ha ha ha...well, I wouldn't exactly call these quick 1-milers much of a quality workout. They are working perfect for me right now, though...just enough to keep my mind convinced I'm "running" without any excess wear and tear on my post-Route 66 recovering body.

  14. I think streaks are great for some people, and I do believe you can find the time if you want....personally I am not a streaker because I just get injuredntoo easy.

    1. Typically I'm not much a streaker either. It's just a short challenge thing to get me through the holidays (and this year, it's helping me feel somewhat active as I recover from the marathon).

  15. I've never done a running streak. I don't have issues with the time element -- I adore my predawn runs. My problem is I know I would always ALWAYS run more than 1 mile. (Right now I don't even like less than six.) So, FOR ME it would be recipe for disaster. But, I can see how if would be both fun and beneficial for others. I'll have to just watch and cheer from the sidelines!

    1. Thanks! I'll accept any cheers you care to send my way ;-) In years past, I would do my usual routine (run 3-4 times each week, going 3-5 miles each time) and do the 1-milers on the "rest" days. This year, I'm mostly doing 1-milers because of the marathon (and it's sort of driving me nutzo...but I know my body needs recovery time).

  16. I have wanted to do a run streak and challenge myself. 10 min a day is nothing!! I Can so do it. but just haven't haha. But now that I'm training for a half again I will need to get out there in the cold regardless and get the runs done.

    1. Go for it!! Like I said, it's only 10 minutes (or so) a day...and often times, it takes more than 10 minutes to just get all the clothing in place LOL I'm not doing it for any kind of fitness gain, but more for simple accountability and the discipline. And, only until New Years Day ;-)

  17. I've never done a running streak, but probably mostly because it wasn't a thing when I was younger. These days I listen to my body and only run three days a week. I used to run six days a week for years so I was almost streaking back then. ;-)

    Thank you for linking up! It's much appreciated even if I'm a week late in commenting! :-)

    1. Streaking is definitely NOT for everyone, myself included. That said, it's been a perfect "little" crutch to keep me accountable (without over-doing it) as I ride the marathon recovery
