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Sunday, January 8, 2017

I named her 'Milly

The first week of 2017 was, in a nut shell, frickin' frigid in Iowa.

Ironically, we didn't have much in the way of snow, but we did have single-digit temps everyday with sub-ZERO "feels like" conditions (factoring in the ever-present wind).  So, yeah. In keeping with my January goals, I did all of my #30minutesofdailycardio inside.

Any guesses what that entailed? If you guessed time on the 'mill, you're correct. We've had our treadmill for many years, like since 2001 (?). She's almost like family (and I use that term of endearment quite loosely).....but she's never had a name, so I named her 'Milly.

Let's just say 'Milly and I have been spending a lot of time together recently.For example:

On Monday, not only did I introduce her to #nevermissaMonday, but she also did my 30 minutes of cardio (power walking) with me. I did my 1-mile run and then off the watch the University of Iowa Hawkeyes (it seemed like a good idea at the time).

On Tuesday, we did more power walking together, although I wasn't good company (I was deep in concentration, reading a book).

Wednesday, we did more power walking...again, I did the book thing, and later, listened to my music for the cool-down.

Thursday, I set her incline on 2, and powered through three (progressive) miles of running.

On Friday, we spent some time together in the afternoon, but I wasn't very good company (again, that darn book suckled me in and I was oblivious to my surroundings for 30+ minutes).

Saturday, my achy-breaky back was not being very user-friendly. We had a busy day on tap, and I only had 20 minutes of available time before we loaded the car and road-tripped three hours down the road to our son's swim meet. I had hoped to rise and shine early, but I dozed back to sleep. I also was hoping to get in a 3-4 mile run, but I opted to postpone the run until we returned home.

Our son is a sophomore at Iowa Central Community College, and this is his second year on the men's swim team. He plans on transferring to a 4-year college in the fall, so this is his last year of swimming. It's gonna be strange to see this come to an end... but he'll need more time for his studies, nor does he want the commitment of a sport at a division-1 school (and there's a very high probablity he wouldn't qualify for a spot on the team anyways).

We didn't get back home until almost 9:00PM, and I debated about just blowing off the run that I had postponed 12 hours prior....but, (spoiler alert!), I changed clothes and got it done. Well, I only did two miles (instead of the 3-4 miles I'd planned to do), but I was content. After all, it's my off-season. By the way, I have a new favorite hashtag: #itsmyoffseason (and I've used it profusely this past week)

Sunday arrived. The temps were STILL sub-freezing (and I had a difficult time pulling the blankets back and getting out of bed). I waited until after lunch to lace up the shoes, and decided to take it outside. I was in desperate need of fresh air! But, UGH! I think some of those nasty weather conditions that caused some distress in the south were blowing my way (that SE wind was wicked!). My 3-mile route started with an east-bound jaunt, then turned for another half mile (going due south)....and it was all I could do to stay vertical and keep my buff in position over my nose and mouth. Finally, the final mile or so (going west, and then north for a short ways) brought me some relief.

So, my first week of 2017 kept me active every day, but only running four days (M,Th, Sat and Sun)....and that was perfectly fine with me. It's my off-season, after all (Have I already said that?).

In other news...

I'm having fun with my yarn....I knocked out another "topless beanie" this week, and have another in the works.

And, the new 'do? I'm loving it! I kind of miss having the messy bun option (for last-minute styling situations), but with this new style, I haven't really needed an emergency go-to solution. All is well.

And, let's not forget the #Fridayfashion post. Are you following me in Instagram (@runningonthefly)? Come along, join the party! Post your Friday outfit and tag me! I LOVE to see what everyone is wearing!

So, that's a wrap! In case you missed some of my posts from last week, they're here: 2017: Focusing on FUN and Let's Talk about my Off-Season.

And these are my daily goals for January:

As always, I'm linking up with the amazing Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia at MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap. This "little" get-together is such a fun way to stay in touch with everyone! Head over, check out the hostesses' blogs, and read some (or several) of the linked blogs as well.


  1. Treadmills are great for when you don't have a lot of time and want to squeeze in a run! What book are you reading?

    1. I'm reading a book a friend wrote...called "Worry Knot." ;-)

  2. Aww, I love the name. I've been thinking about getting a treadmill, but still on the fence if I'd actually use it.

    1. I don't use the 'mill very often, this past week was a huge exception to the norm for me. I'd much rather be outside, even in the cold, snow and wind. ;-)

  3. My treadmill is old and it doesn't have a name! I'm afraid to change anything for fear it will die on me!

    1. Well, there's not much fondness between myself and this piece. I just thought it fitting to give "it" a name instead of always calling it "the 'mill." We'll see if our relationship improves....don't hold your breath

  4. Don't have a treadmill so I run outdoors. Hoping for a dry winter.

    Today it was 15 degrees and I survived another run.

    YOu deserve an off-season.

    1. I'm glad to have an off-season! And I have ZERO guilt in basking in it ;-)

  5. Dang. I promise I would never get on the treadmill at 9 pm after such a long day - that's dedication! I haven't been on my treadmill in a while, but have done my time on hotel gym treadmills. I guess I'm two-timing my own Milly. :-o

    1. ha ha ha....I have never used any "other" treadmills...I simply do not enjoy them enough to even seek one out when on a trip. I'll either run outside (depending on the area) or just do other stuff instead (planking, squats, push-ups, calisthenics, etc.)

  6. I am missing my treadmill since we have moved since it's been raining here a lot. Love that you named yours Milly!

    1. Well....it's kind of pathetic we've had "her" that long and just now gave her a name. No love lost.... ;-)

  7. Great job for keeping up the movement... I may need to institute a challenge of my own like that! (Maybe I'll do 30 min walking any day that is not a run day). And congrats on your son's swim meet -- I used to swim competitively too, although only in high school!

    1. I usually try to get in at least 20 minutes of cardio daily (in some capacity), since I'm running less this month (#itsmyoffseason), I thought I'd UP the cardio a bit ;-)

  8. Look at you treadmill runner! I avoid mine whenever possible-I forgot about using it for a power walk. Good idea! Have a great week

    1. Ha! Oh no no no...I'm not a treadmill runner...I'm more of an occasional treadmill participant....LOL

  9. Way to keep up with your goals :) We had the same weather in northern Virginia-super cold but no snow, which was actually a good thing since I don't own a treadmill!

    1. I seldom ever use my treadmill this frequently...like NEVER. I think I used it (maybe) 5 times throughout the entire winter season. The weather has been just too extreme this month....

  10. I've been running on my treadmill too. Not so much that I've named it yet, but this is shaping up to be a cold winter so there's still time... ;)

    1. Well, this is the most I have ever used it in an entire month (and we're barely a week into January). Desperate times = Desperate measures

  11. I've been taking advantage of the treadmill too! In Winter, it just seems so much easier. It's definitely better when you have an engrossing book to keep you company :)

    1. The book certainly has helped the time go quickly...but I think that's what messed with my back because I can't swing my arms as freely when I'm holding the book (my diagnosis)

    2. Oh, I can see that being a problem. I've had luck reading ebooks on a tablet so that I can just prop it on the treadmill ledge and just swipe to change pages. Plus, I can increase the font size so it makes it easier to read :)

  12. Because of ice and wind chills in the single digits yesterday, I had no choice but to also run my 10k on the treadmill. It wasn't terrible, but I'm definitely looking forward to nicer weather later this week so that I can resume running outside.

    1. My "distance" PR (I use that term loosely because I really didn't go anywhere LOL) is 5 miles. I don't know if I could go any further.....

  13. When I first got my treadmill I would call it THE BEAST! I feel like it needs a better name. Love your new hashtag :)

    1. Oh, I have called mine "the beast" also (many times) along with a few other explicatives.

  14. Milly...I love it! I've been thinking more and more that we may eventually need to invest in a treadmill for days like this. This cold weather is NO joke! Great job knocking it all out!

    I so wish I could knit or crochet...it looks like such a fun, relaxing activity and you end up with cute stuff in the process!

    1. 'Milly just seemed like a perfect name...kind of an "old hag" sort of label .....

  15. Sounds like you and 'Milly have the makings of a lasting relationship. :-) I need a 'Milly at my house so bad. Enjoy your off season!

    1. Well, there is no love lost between 'Milly and myself. In fact, I seldom ever give her this kind of attention. If you look closely on my pics, there's a LOT of dust all over her LOL

  16. I am enjoying my #itsmyoffseason very much ;-)

  17. You and Millie have really been tight this past week! It's weekend like this past one that I wish I had one but then again I remember we only have these every blue moon here. So yea it would only end up being a place to hang clothes on just like our weight set the hubs just had to have.... :)

    1. I have hung out with 'Milly more in January 2017 than I did all of 2016. That is not an exaggeration!

  18. You and Milly had me laughing! I love how your treadmill became a part of your family:) Congrats on getting your running done in freezing temperatures. Drastic weather conditions like this really tests your love and commitment for running.
    I haven't been knitting since my second son was born, because I never have enough time, but I really miss it. It's almost like meditating in a way...

    1. Well, in all truth, the treadmill has been "living" in our house for almost 16 years, I guess it was time we acknowledged her as a family "member." ;-)

  19. I would love to have a milly of my own! I actually don't mind the treadmill as I can watch shows on it ;)

    1. Ugh. I tolerate the 'mill (at best),but I certainly don't enjoy it. With my long stride, I can't just watch a show, etc. because I really have to pay attention to not stub my toes (and then face-plant). Not fun....

  20. I LOVE that you named your treadmill! I need to name mine because I spend a lot of time on it in the winter too!! I actually don't know what I would do without it, as I live in Maine and sometimes it is just not safe to run outside due to ice.

    1. This is the most time I have ever spent on it...EVER. I'm actually doing more walking than running on it,maybe that's why I can (somewhat) tolerate it...for now...

  21. Great goals! Great determination! Great beanie! I wish I could find something like that - I never know what to do with my ponytail/messy bun.

    I really admire that you have been able to get in all your runs despite the weather. I don't think I could handle all those miles on the treadmill, cute name or not.

    Your hair is awesome. I am so glad you're loving it so much.

    1. Thanks ;-) I'm dong more walking than anything on the 'mill right now. It's my off-season, don't forget LOL I'm usually outside, no matter what, but this past week it was just too extreme to be outside (even for me).

  22. As usual, you always inspire! Love your hair, your Friday outfit, your stick-to-itiveness, and calling your treadmill Milly! I should name mine...it's older and somehow it's still limping along but at least it's going. Kind of like me :D

    1. Ha ha! Well,'Milly is kind of an old hag LOL There is quite a bit of "tension" between us...still LOL

  23. My mill is about 20 years old, but sadly I can't seem to stomach more than a couple miles on it. LOL!! Great job lady!

    1. Well....I think I've lasted 5 miles (twice?), and it was NOT a great experience. Usually 3 (maybe, 4) is my max....it's too robotic for me, and my body does not like it. UGH. I'm grateful for the great outdoors ;-)

  24. I seriously think it's the cutest thing ever that you named her 'Milly! Love it!

    1. Well....I gotta keep my sense of humor when the 'mill is involved....

  25. I am so not a fan of the treadmill, but you seem to working well with yours!

    1. Ha! I"m NOT a fan of the 'mill either.....I'm just trying to make amends....

  26. Love your new do! Very cute! I am spending a ton of time on the treadmilll too. NH is in a deep freeze and the road conditions around here currently suck for running.

  27. I'm finally catching up on missed posts! I think Milly is the perfect name. I'd probably through Ol' in front of that too. LOL. I think I'm going to cut several inches off my hair. It needs a refresh. Yours looks adorable. I seriously love your topless beanie creation. Can I pay you to knit me one? Thanks for linking, Kim!

    1. Ha ha! I sometimes refer to her as Dear OLD 'Milly (Ol' seems too endearing...)
