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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Let's Embrace the Possibilities

Well, 2016 has drawn to a close. And 2017 is here, in full force. Bring it, I'm ready!

Reflecting on 2016 forced me to reassess all that happened. There were so many wonderful moments, grandiose achievements, and numerous joyful miles trodden (many of which in the company of running friends).  There also was a (tiny) handful of disappointments, nothing worthy of intense therapy (physical or otherwise), but I let them take up too much real estate in my overall happiness of late. UGH. My bad. (a big thanks to all the peeps who didn't kick me to the curb in my state of whining).

Anyways, the final week of 2016, though tough in terms of self reflection, was also one of closure. I do not believe in dwelling on "the past," but I do think it's necessary to acknowledge disappointments so one can not only get that desired "closure," but (more importantly) also move on.

Hence, here's how last week lead me to the New Year....

On Monday, I ventured out on a brisk 4-mile adventure to the grocery store. Yes, I ran those 2-ish miles to the store, bought my chai K-cups, and ran back home. Multitasking at its best. I even wore my newly-created "topless beanie" just for kicks.

never miss a Monday
Tuesday was another brisk day, so I just ran a quick 1-miler for the Streak.

Is it any surprise that I love bright colors?
Wednesday, I did another 4-miler late in the afternoon....taking advantage of the few extended minutes of daylight. Yes! I can already tell the days are getting longer!

Yes to longer daylight!
Thursday, was my hair appointment day. I try to keep my hair somewhat "current and trendy." And, each time I get my hair done (usually every 8-9 weeks), I have my gal do a little something different with it (more layers, shorter bangs, graduated lengths, etc.). Somehow, though, over the course of several months, I notice my "style" slowly evolves back to a boring and lifeless coif. So, I made the command decision that it was time for a dramatic change....we lost nearly half of my length, added a lot more (shorter!) layers, and a definite updated look was the result. Whew!

out with the  old, in with the new
Later, I headed out for a quick run. And, this new 'do will take a little time to figure out the best way to make it functional for winter head gear. Ha! First World Probs.

I had Friday afternoon off, so a quick 2-miler streak run was on the agenda. (Still struggling with the hair situation for running LOL). #underwraps for the win.

I did not plan on the outfit matching the shoes...
But my #FridayFashion post (on Instagram) was pretty successful.

I LOVE my puffer vests and scarves
Saturday was another chilly day in Iowa. The hip/groin "issue" was feeling a little strange, so I only did a short mile. Crazy...running actually makes the achiness feel better (??).

hmmm...perhaps a better solution for the shorter hair?
And, Sunday! New Year's Day! It's been a tradition (for the past five years or so) that some of the locals (and myself) get together and do a New Years Day run.
One of my eBib creations from the archives
We have a lake that is the perfect setting for this endeavor. The trail around the lake is about a mile in distance, so everyone can run their own speed (and their own desired distance), and no one is ever alone. Most of us do 3-4 laps, and it all works out great for everyone. 

Even Max was able to join us
The Run Streak concluded (officially) on Sunday...but there will be an additional mile added tomorrow...for Never Miss a Monday. You probably already knew that, right? Overall, the Streak went well. The majority of my runs were 1-milers due to having just run the Route 66 Marathon, and my recovery was more important than crazy (unnecessary) miles, so I kept things at the minimum until the last two weeks or so of the Streak.

My total Streaking mileage came in at 61 miles, 33 of which were from the past two weeks. I am looking forward to getting back to my "regular" routine (which will include at  least three non-running days each week for January). I have nothing major on the calendar, so there's no need to up the mileage just yet...and my body will benefit from a some downtime from the running shoes.

Stay tuned....my 2017 Plan of Action will be unveiled later this week. If you missed it...my 2016 Year in Review post is HERE, and I disclosed a few Runfessions HERE.

How was your week? Did 2016 end on a good note? Are you eager for 2017 and all the opportunities that await?

As usual, I'm linking up with Holly and Tricia for their awesome Weekly Wrap! You owe yourself a favor by stopping by their blogs and also checking out all the linked blogs in the Wrap. 


  1. Your haircut is awesome! I love all of the different layers!!!


    1. Thanks!!! I believe in changing things up...somehow this new look took awhile for me to see the need for it LOL

  2. I do love your new do! I'm getting a trim in a couple of weeks and the girls at work (yes, they are in their 20s, so I call them girls) told me I need an update. Hmmm...

    1. ha ha ha....go for it! If you hate it, in a few months the hair will be grown back out anyways ;-)

  3. Hopefully, fewer miles will cure the hip problems completely. Great new haircut!

    1. The past several months were crazy for me...the marathon required a lot more mileage than I'm accustomed to doing (physically and mentally). I've never done such a major race that late in the season, so the necessary recovery came at an awkward time as well. I'm looking forward to a little more down time LOL

  4. 2016 ended on a good note. 10 days of stay-cation where I exercised almost every day, spent time with my kids, friends & family.... what better way to close out the year ?!

    1. Absolutely! Our son has been home for the past three weeks, so it was nice having most of the family here for the holidays.Family first!!!

  5. How fun you ended your streak on a high note! We have a lake very similar in town where I work that has a lower concrete loop that's just over a mile. When I ran in the afternoons it was the only place that had lights if it is dark. It's is also where I run all the trail miles I do.
    I love the new hairdo! I'm always jealous of new hairstyles, it's very hard to change my hair. Curls just tend to have a mind of their own, but I did straighten it recently for a different look that was fun.
    I too am thinking about what goals I'll go for in 2017 so I'm anxious to see what yours are. Cheers to a great 2017 and hopefully I will get to hug your neck this year!

    1. At least with your curls you have automatic volume ;-) I remember the pic of your hair when you straightened it...it looked great because it was so different. Kind of like me when I take the time to curl my hair...I love it, but the time investment is not worth it (at least on a daily basis LOL) Happy New Year, Tricia!!!

  6. Very cute hair cut. I admit I need an intervention. I've gotten used to my running pony tail and can't seem to let go. Like you, I had my share of disappointment this year (#thatfall) and I think it was OK for us to be a little sad/whiny. You know, we worked darned hard to run those marathons. But, I agree with you about moving forward. Your New Years traditional run sounds like a fabulous idea. Thanks for linking, Kim. Happy New Year!

    1. Well....I love my big messy bun because it adds a bit of "life" to my hair...but that's MIA for now. Oh Well. Yes, we are totally in sync with those disappointing moments from the recent marathons. And, YES, indeed, we worked too hard for things to spiral downward so quickly on race day. Alas, we still finished our races strong despite what we had to battle to get to those finish lines. ;-)

  7. I SO wanted to do a run to bring in the new year today but I couldn't fit it in between visiting with company and putting away holiday decorations.

    Good for you for not dwelling on the little things that didn't go well in 2016 and focusing more on the positive! Here's to a great 2017!

    1. The little disappointments were tough to swallow....and the only way to get closure (for me) was to dwell on them for awhile to figure out why they had such power over me. UGH. Glad I could learn something from them LOL

  8. Your new 'do is super cute! Hope you have the perfect solution for running soon. :-)

    I ended the #RWRunStreak with 61 miles, too. Twinsies! LOL.

    PS I love all your bright colors.

    1. Thanks!!!! Congrats on your Streak finish! Every year, the Streak gets easier. This was my fourth time doing the winter streak, and never had that "dreaded obligation" thing plaguing me in the final week or so. But it does feel good to have it done LOL

  9. I had a pretty good year - not a lot of PRS but healthy so that's the important part.

    I hope for more of the same for 2017. Come to NY. I'd like to meet you. And I love your hair!!!

    1. I'd LOVE to come to NY and meet you (and go for a run LOL). Someday ;-)

  10. Congrats on your streak! - I'll be streaking for the first time in January.

    Your new do looks great - I love the layers!

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Michelle ;-) The layers feel "foreign" when I'm washing it...and the messy-bun-on-top is MIA for awhile, but I'm happy I went with a new look. Change is good for the soul ;-)

  11. All in all you had a great year. I hope you can leave that hip/groin issue behind soon!

    1. I'm not worried about the hip/groin. I'm gonna give it a little more time, especially now that I'll have some non-running days in the mix, before I seek out any aggressive treatment.

  12. Your race around your lake sounds really lovely! Unfortunately there just isn't a whole lot of areas that are runnable this time of year around here. Unless you want to wear snow shoes . . . it's really kind of hard to even remember it's 2017 yet -- I don't think it's quite clicked.

    1. I'm really glad we have the lake. Funny.....I only discovered the lake (and it's trail) only a few years ago. It's about a 2-mile run from my driveway, so I sometimes run there (literally) and do a few loops, and then run back home.

  13. I agree about not dwelling on the past but try to learn something from my disappointments. Look forward to getting started on my 2017 goals as well. Happy new year!

    1. I'm glad I finally have some closure...not sure if I'll ever be 100% over that marathon, but I'm thankful for the experience. And, I'm eager to do another!

  14. Hooray for closure and new beginnings! A fresh start is always a good thing. Love your new do! The last time I had mine cut, my stylist was a little timid. I like to go big or go home. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Marcia! I'm eager for the new year and a new frame of mind regarding my running and (future) training. Happy 2017!

  15. I really love your haircut! And your tights are so colorful and fun!

  16. I love your hat! They seem to be very popular at the moment. I want to make one soon!
    I'm ready to say goodbye to 2016 and so happy it's 2017! Happy New Year!

    1. The hat was easy to make...I kind of winged it from pictures I'd seen. I have another one in the works ;-)

  17. Love the hair, so cute! Great job with the streak, I wonder if I had should have participated after all...I lost a bit of my mojo in December! Happy new year!

    1. The Streak certainly helps me keep my mojo...but I'm always glad when it's finished. Tomorrow will be my first non-running day since the day before Thanksgiving! I'm kind of excited ;-)

  18. Happy 2017! I am totally digging your colour coordinated outfits!

  19. I love the new hair cut and I'm pretty fond of your puffer vests and scarves as well! :)

    Happy New Year Kim!

    1. Thanks, Teresa ;-) The puffer vests and scarves are my "trademark" cold weather must-haves ;-)

  20. Happy New Year! Love the hair!

    Sorry you're still having trouble with the hip/groin. That stinks! I hope you start getting some relief soon.

    2016 ended well and I am excited for the year ahead!

    1. The hip/groin isn't that big of a deal. Honestly, I am not worried about it, especially since I"ll be having some regular no-running days this month ;-)

  21. I love your hair. I wish my color was as light as yours. Mine seems to always go brassy, when I go light.

    I am so sorry to hear about your hip/groin issue. I actually had the same issue this fall. Ugh its not easier getting older. I hope it gets better soon. Mine actually only took two to three weeks to get back to normal.

    1. It's more in the groin than in the hip...but everything is connected LOL It's feeling a bit better, I just have to honor my "off-season" and give it some TLC ;-)

  22. Your hair looks beautiful, and I love your fashion post too! Happy New Year!!

    1. Thanks!! I've had my hair like this before (well, a similar style), but it still is taking some time to get used to the short layers. It's a fun change ;-)

  23. Your hair looks great! A new do for a new year!

    1. Thanks! I need to change things up every now and then ;-)

  24. I love the new haircut! Very you I would say! and get job on that run streak! I am super impressed how you just get out there and get it done!

    1. Well, the run streak was a priority, so I just sucked it up and did it. Now, I'm doing a bit of an "off-season" for January...and the timing was erfect because the weather turned suddenly arctic-like this week.

  25. Love the new 'do... and that topless beanie :-)

    1. thanks! Not sure how the topless beanie is gonna work with the shorter hair, though LOL

  26. My legs are feeling good, it's just that lingering groin thing for me. I'm taking things easy for January, so I'll be ready for some serious action in February #lookout
