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Sunday, April 30, 2017

The NonStop Running Continues

Another week down, and another week closer to marathon #7.

My reality (again) this week was the amount of "stuff" happening in the month of April. Truthfully, it's that way every year, but I feel like I'm still searching for that perfect level of organization to cruise through the process instead of always playing "catch-up." And a little more sleep would be nice...if there was time for it (LOL).

Here's what went down this past week:

Monday. I'm a creature of habit (hence the #nevermissaMonday thing that I've been doing since January 2016), but I'm also open to shaking things up once in awhile. My running friend, Barb, wasn't available for our usual #5at5 routine, so I rose and shone (so to speak) and ran those five miles by myself. I have done a lot of 5-milers on my own, but it's been awhile since I've gotten up at 4:30 a.m. to do so. The run went well, and was a good means of reinforcing that I can do tough things all on my own.

Tuesday. Typically Tuesdays and Wednesdays are "recovery/rest" days for me. I may do some strength-training, or minimal cardio, but running is usually off-limits. That said, I've recently started adding speed work into my 26.2 training plan, but I'm doing it bi-weekly...and this week was an "on" week. I had planned to do it Wednesday (which sounds crazy given the Wednesday I had on tap...more on that later), and there was rain in the forecast (as well as cold temps)...so I opted to do the speed work on Tuesday instead. I also had a dance recital rehearsal to get to (oh, did I mention our daughter's recital was happening this week, and there were additional rehearsals most of the evenings?).

I headed to the golf course (right by my house). There's a good hill that is a popular sledding hot spot in the winter. The hill is not long, but pretty steep. I have used it for hill sprints many times in the past, and thought it would be a good quick workout. I did a 1/2 mile warm-up run, and had a plan of doing 1-mile of hill sprints and then run the remaining 1/2 mile back home for a cool-down. According to my Garmin, it took 21 sets to reach that 1-mile mark. And the bonus? I made it back home (and to the dance rehearsal) before the rain hit. Boom!

Wednesday. As mentioned, this was another week of busy-ness. Wednesday evening was the full dress rehearsal for the daughter's dance recital. Granted, that does not mean much to the general population unless you are a dance mom. Even though I am no longer needed back stage, it's always a treat to be there to see the entire show with all the costumes, makeup, music and lighting (trust me on this, it's pretty nice!). This year, however, our son was getting inducted into the Honor Society at his college...at the exact same time, but 2-hours down the road.

Although it was tough missing my first dress rehearsal since we've had a dancer (our oldest started dance when she was a toddler...in 1997!), this was a special evening for our son. The husband and I road-tripped and got to see the president of Iowa Central present the honorary cord/tassels to our son. He graduates next weekend....which means another crazy weekend is in store for us...

Thursday. As usual, I met up with Barb, and we knocked out our #5at5, and boy was it a cold one! I had to dig out my full tights and a fleece jacket. Lucky for us, though, because as the day worn on, the temps continued to fall and the wind increased. And, more rain!

Friday. A day of rest (in terms of running), but there was the usual daily stuff...planks, push-ups, abs, etc. The highlight of Friday was the opening performance of the dance recital. Again, I respect that dance recitals mean little-to-nothing to a lot of people, but recitals are a big deal to all the dancers (and their families). It's quite amazing watching all the performers as they grow up through the years...seeing how they evolve from awkward little girls, terrified by the bright lights and the big stage to becoming confidant young women, not afraid to smile as they embrace the art of dance.

Saturday. Momma N had been having attitude this week, but she gave us a tiny bit of mercy for our half marathon. You know the drill...weather stalking for several days, checking multiple weather apps, hoping one of them will show a better forecast (or is that just me?). The predicted rain held off until after the finish line, but we did have plenty of wind (especially in the final 3-4 miles). The Drake Road Races Half Marathon was my first 13.1 since last October, as well as my longest run in this training cycle. Overall, the race went well, but it was a constant battle of running vs. racing. Stay tuned, the recap is coming!

Sunday. I think (finally!) all the late nights and constant motion (running and otherwise) have taken a toll. How do I know? I turned off my alarm (at 5:30) and the next thing I know, it's almost 7:00. I seldom ever fall back asleep (and never for that long LOL).

The weather outside was frightful...temps in the low 40's, windy and raining (again). I always do a short recovery run following a tough run or race, but I was less than excited about heading outside. I decided to fire up 'Milly and spend a little time with her.  The DOMS seemed to be making an appearance, so there will be lots of foam rolling in the next few days...and possibly an Epsom salt soak (though I am NOT a bath tub dweller, just saying).

So, that's the short version of my week. My mileage (Monday-Sunday) came in at 26, which put me just over the century mark for April (103). As I have said many times, I am NOT high mileage runner. Any time my monthly miles approach the 100-mile mark, I tend to start having over-training issues. So far, so good with this training cycle...we'll see what May brings as my mileage peaks in the next four weeks.

In other news:

The Fight for Air Climb pics were released this week! I was pleasantly surprised to spot a good one of me...typically event pics have me with one or both eyes closed, my mouth wide open, or my legs bent at an awkward angle. This pic was legit!

My #fridayfashion post reflected the unseasonable weather on Friday. Look closely...I'm wearing a cami AND a poncho! I'd love to see what you're wearing on Fridays! Follow me on Instagram or Pinterest, and tag me!

It had been a couple months since my last hair appointment, so I was due for an update. Doesn't it feel great to get the hair touched up and let someone else do the shampooing and blow drying?

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:

Tell me about YOUR week! Has Momma N been blessing you or cursing you with weather? Do you ever find yourself in the midst of several weeks of nonstop activity? What's the longest you have caught yourself snoozing after the alarm has gone off?

As usual, I'm linking up with Holly and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap


  1. I just get exhausted reading your posts! I don't know how you get it all in. I'm starting to feel a little more energetic, so hopefully I'll have even a portion of that energy you display!

    1. I have one more crazy week/weekend coming up, then I can coast a bit LOL April is this way every year...prom/dance/graduations (for the next couple years,anyways).

  2. Holy busy week batman!! But you never miss a workout! Great job! Spring can come back Ny day now!

    1. Spring certainly back-tracked this week! After Monday, it's supposed to return...(#fingerscrossed)

  3. I cant believe how cold its been for you this week! Over here we were complaining about the heat and humidity yesterday. Great job getting in all your workouts. I love a fresh haircut!

    1. This past week has been cold and damp...hoping for spring to return PRONTO!

  4. Momma N slapped us with the swampiest weather to date. I need gills now. Great (and oh so busy) week for you! Congrats to your son! And, I know you must be proud of your lovely daughter as well. I haven't been to a dance recital since I was in them as a clunky kid. But, with a girl finally in the family...I may be there again. Thanks for linking, Kim!

    1. It's hard to believe we've been doing the recitals for 20 years! It's all gonna end next year ;-( I will be the favorite grandma someday, though, because I have hundreds of glittery costumes for dress-up LOL

  5. You are always SO busy - I have no clue how you fit everything in! I also can't believe the crazy weather you've had this week. Mother Nature is so all over the place, it's nuts!

    1. It sounds like a lot of people had crazy weather this week! UGH. I'm ready to skip spring and just land in summer ;-)

  6. You are a trooper to do the 5 at 5 miles on your own. That would be an excuse for me to skip it and get extra zzzz's! Congrats to your son! Glad you got to see your daughter dance too!
    Now that Friday is a new month i'm going to try to join you with a #FashionFriday! I'm gonna try to do it all summer too! Remind me!

    1. Yay!!! I'm excited to have you post your #FashionFriday outfit!!!

  7. Oh, that is a GREAT picture of you climbing! And I love the pic of your daughter - I bet the recital was fun to watch even if all the extra rehearsals were a pain to coordinate.

    So you do your hill repeats on grass?

    1. Yes, the hill repeats are on grass....surprisingly, it's not slippery. I think it's steep enough I wouldn't notice it going up...coming back down, though is a little tricky

  8. You sure did pack a ton of stuff into last week! I am super impressed that you did your 5 am run alone.Congrats on your son's graduation. It's crazy how fast they grow huh?!

    1. This is just a 2-year college, and he's transferring on to U of Iowa in the fall...but still, yes, the time goes too fast!!

  9. Momma N cursed my race, but it wasn't terrible, although it did make for a lot mud.

    21 repeats? Wow.

    I love dance -- in all forms!

    1. I never did dance as a kid (but certainly could have benefited from it cuz I'm so uncoordinated and klutzy).Or maybe, I would have been the girl in the back row because of my ungraceful tendencies (?). None the less, I love watching dance ;-)

  10. I feel you on the weather. It's all over the place to say the least. Kudos to you for getting all the workouts in despite everything else going on. I love that you're a dance mom!

    1. I'm kind of a non-traditional dance mom, though. I do NOT yell and scream my daughter's name from the audience like a lot of the moms do LOL

  11. I've topped out at 92 miles in February this year. That's the highest I've ever been, but I have a feeling marathon training will get me pretty close! I wish we had chilly weather still- summer is in full effect here in Florida and it's hot and humid all. the. time.

    1. I think our spring has officially returned...Stay tuned...

  12. Wowza you always have so much going on! Congrats to your son and your daughter! That's a great pic of you on the stair climb :)

  13. I think you are brave to run that early by yourself. I don't think I could do it. Totally impressed by your 21 sets on the hill. I never do hill repeats, do you walk back down or run? Lastly, kudos to all the running around you did for your kiddos this week. I actually miss those days! haha

    1. When I run by myself (at those early hours) I take a well-lit path around our college...lamp posts every 20-feet

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. What an action packed week! Balancing family, life and running. LOVE it!

  16. I was literally just about to write what Shathiso put! She beat me to the punch. GREAT week, and full of everything that matters in life :D

    1. Balance is key....that's why I can't be an all-out daily running maniac (too many other things that take precedence)

  17. Wow! You have an amazing talent... juggling! Cannot imagine having all those events on my calendar. Good for you!

  18. Oh my, you had a busy week! Those crazy times are so stressful, but somehow we manage to come out the other side in one piece! At least that's what I'm telling myself since tomorrow morning will be one of those days!

    Congrats to your son and daughter on both of their accomplishments!

    1. Thank you! My Aprils are always a bit on the crazy side...

  19. So many congrats to both your daughter and your son! What a week for your family. <3 I'm planning on starting my daughter in dance this summer. Though I started when I was three and then quit when I was in 7th grade... hopefully she will like it more than I did. ;)

    1. I wish I would have had dance when I was a kid...we lived in an itty bitty little town, and I don't think it was available

  20. Busy week! I get the dance recital thing. I was in musical theatre and all that jazz. It's a big deal and it's crazy busy. Congrats on getting through it! And congrats on your half marathon.

    1. I love the dance recital stuff, even though it gets a bit crazy in the final week

  21. What a busy week! And you managed some great workouts! Congrats to your son!

    1. I have one more crazy weekend on tap, then I can coast a bit...

  22. OMG Kim I need a nap after reading about your week!!

    congrats to your son AND your daughter with their achievements!!!

    your hair looks great by the way!!

    the weather here is typical psychotic Dutch weather. Cold. Warm. Rain. Sunshine. Grey. Wind. Warm. Cold. Dry. Wet. and... repeat!!

  23. Having danced all throughout my childhood, I completely understand the importance of dance recitals and the milestones that they represent. Its always such a fun way to culminate the dance year and see what everybody has accomplished.

  24. You are on seriously busy lady! I think your body was telling you that you needed some more rest! We are moving from Sprummer to Summer pretty quickly here! Love all the pics! Have a great week and take a nap! LOL!

  25. I'm worn out just reading this post :-) Amazing the swings you had in the weather department.
