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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Can you say DOMS?

Yowza. Did my body take beating this week!

I know, I know. That which does not (actually) kill you will (actually) make you stronger. If that's indeed the case, I outta be sprouting some serious badass features soon.

Here's what went down...

Coming off of last weekend's relay, I was feeling pretty fatigue-laden on Sunday. Fortunately, by Monday, I was back in the running shoes and out the door for a #5at5 meetup with my friend, Barb. There wasn't any rain falling, but the air definitely was damp. We're talking tank tops and shorts AND a massive mess of sweat when I returned home. Another #nevermissaMonday successfully completed.

Another #5at5 and #nevermissaMonday done
Typically, I keep things on the down-low for Tuesday, unless a speed work session is on tap. I'm doing bi-weekly speed work in this training cycle, and this was an ON week. The weather was nice, but I just wasn't feeling a track workout...so I headed to the outdoor stairway instead. You know the phrase,"hills are speed work in disguise?" Well, I would proclaim that stair running is like hill work on steroids.

I decided to incorporate some strength work into the workout, making it a circuit cardio/speedwork/strength extravaganza. This outdoor stairway is different from a traditional indoor stairway in that it's longer (18 steps) and the steps are wider. Taking a single step is equivalent to doing a "double step" (distance-wise) on any other stairway. Even though the incline is not as steep, it requires a longer stride length and the overall distance is longer. Throw in the strength work, and it was pretty intense. I did everything in sets of 15 (the flights and the strength moves) and paused for a short water break after each circuit. I did a total of four circuits and was done in about 50 minutes. Also, this stairway is located on the edge of our college's campus...right alongside the golf course...so there may have been a few (or several) golfers watching. Oh well...

Can you see the golfers in the background?
Not a lot to report from Wednesday. Maybe an actual rest day...or some lunchtime planking...

Planking outside...it's what for lunch
Another #5at5 on Thursday...only this time the temps had plummeted slightly, the air was humid (again), and there was a pretty viscious wind out of the west that nearly had us at a standstill. This run felt like a first class ride on a trashy struggle bus. Although I had foam-rolled briefly and did a few dynamic warm-up stretches, my hamstrings were oh-so-angry for the entire journey. It had been awhile since I've had a tough run, so I guess it was due time. But, UGH.

attempting to stretch out the achy hammies
Then I had a light bulb moment. While driving to work, I kept going over in my head why my body was so sore. My training has been going well, and nothing has really been out of whack. Then, it hit me...it wasn't the running that was the culprit, but the stair workout! Duh! It was the DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)! I had run those stairs pretty hard, and I had run them a total of 60 times, none the less.
Face-palming at my DOMS revelation
Friday was a day full of rain, work, and house-cleaning. We hosted a small gathering of local friends and family to celebrate our son's recent graduation.

The forecast had shown (all week) that Saturday would be a rain-out. Barb and I had been stalking the weather (on several weather apps) to figure out when to get in our long run. We kind of made the decision to postpone the run until Sunday morning (though neither of us like Sunday morning long runs).  She texted me mid-morning and said her app showed a break in the rain around noon...should we attempt to head out then? Ugh. Decision time. Although I was dreading a Sunday morning (long) run, I had not mentally prepared (or fueled) for a Saturday long run...and I was hoping for 16-17 miles, which would be an approximate 3-hour commitment. Ugh, could we make this work...on short notice?

Well, we decided to "pull the trigger" (Barb's words), and we headed out around 12:15. The air was damp (from all the recent rain), the temps were cool (low 50's), and the wind was crazy (much stronger than the 15mph on the weather app). Did I already say, "ugh?" For the most part, my energy felt fine, but my mental mojo was MIA. The first 3-4 miles were into the wind, after that it got better (for awhile). We were able to keep our pace around 10-10:15 for the first 8-9 miles. We stopped back at my house to regroup and use the bathroom (and I foam-rolled for a minute), then we headed back out. My hips were aching like crazy, and I knew my gait/form was suffering as a result. Even after rolling (and some Icy Hot), the struggle was pretty rampant, especially in the final 3 miles. Barb was feeling pretty tired as well, so we called it good at 16 miles. I think the impromptu-ness of the whole shindig is what threw me off (and Barb, too), and the less-than-desirable weather certainly did not help. But, we got it done! Onward!
Runner Friends are the best! Those 16 miles would not have happened on my own.
After spending the rest of Saturday (as well as that evening and all through the night) feeling like a train wreck, I woke up Sunday to another day of cold weather. I think the temps were even colder, and the wind was stronger...but the rain was gone. I headed out and did a 1-mile recovery run and came home feeling like a new person. I've been doing short recovery runs the day following tough races/training runs for a long time. A lot of people think it's not worth their time to make all that effort for such a short run....but for me, it's 10-20 minutes of necessary recovery. Seldom do I ever regret doing those short runs because they help stretch out the aching muscles and work out any remaining kinks. And, a bonus to this recovery run? It confirmed that Barb and I did the smart thing by running the day prior because the weather would have been much colder (and windier) had we waited.

Look closely...I'm back in full tights and a puffer vest
In other news:

My #Fridayfashion post had me in a funky purple and brown maxi-length sun dress...but I had to add the denim jacket because it was so cold outside (temps in the low 60's and rain). Funny how a casual denim jacket actually "dresses up" an outfit, huh! Are you following me on Instagram (link HERE)? Post a #Fridayfashion pic and tag me! I'd love to see what you're wearing!

Yes, the planking continues! Even with my cranky hammies, I was able to "hold the position" for a 5-minute plank on Thursday. Care to give it a try? I challenge YOU to challenge yourself!

Yes, you can plank in street clothes...on your kitchen floor...

In case you missed them, here's last week's posts:

So, that's a wrap. It felt like I spent the greater part of the week fighting the DOMS, but all is well. A few aches and pains are a sign that the muscles aren't sitting idle, right? My mileage (Monday-Sunday) came in at 27 (plus probably a good mile in stair work). This next week will be a low-key one. After the past three weeks of races (and increasing distance for my long runs), it's time for a scaled-back recovery week.

How was your week? Ever been plagued by the DOMS without knowing (or forgetting) where they came from? Ever done an impromptu long run? 

 I'm linking up with Wendy (on behalf of Holly and Tricia) for the Weekly Wrap. Please join us! 

**I'm also linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run... Join the party!


  1. I'm not surprised that you were feeling fatigued after the relay -you did a lot!! Looks like you were able to get in some great workouts this week! Love that you are able to hold a plank that long - that's awesome. I definitely need to work on core!

    1. I've been doing the 5-minute planks on Tuesdays/Thursdays in May...amazing they have gotten easier much faster than I thought. Please note...the key word is "easier" LOL (they still are not easy)

  2. Sometime I have no idea why Im sore and have to think back on my workouts to figure out what was the cause. Nice job with the planking!

    1. The achy hammies really threw me for a loop....I've had hamstring pain before,but never that intense. And, the fact that I hadn't run since Monday really had me perplexed, until I remembered the intensse stair workout LOL #duh

  3. Although I conquered my runs, my feet are not happy with me at all! It's been a while since I've dealt with foot pain. I have new shoes so that's not the issue. I may have to ice them....

    1. I spent all of last night massaging my feet and shins, I was so tired and sore form that long run. Every time I rolled over in bed, my entire body ached...but once I got up and did my short run, all is MUCH better. Crazy how a short 1-miler can do that!

  4. your stair workouts would certainly make me sore! My workouts seemed so hard this week too I think it was the heat

    1. My stair workout was on the hottest day of the week LOL I kind of wish the hot temps would have stuck around.....

  5. I'm sorry I missed #fashionfriday this week again but I was having phone trouble. Congrats to your son.

  6. NO doubt, our crazy running friends keep us sane, right? ;-)

  7. I feel like I am reading the blog of a running rock-star- seriously! LOL! I actually love hills but didn't know they were like a speed workout- good to know! Good for you for keeping with your well rounded training and recovery- so important~

    1. Thanks!! Yes, the hills are a great crutch training device....most people dread them, but they do a body good ;-)

  8. I've been surprised by DOMS but never forgot what caused them ;) Your plank time is AMAZING!!

    1. These DOMS really blind-sided me. I typically don't notice any aches or pains from stair workouts...but it had been a while since I've done stairs, and I did these with vigor...so, there you go ;-)

  9. Being such a stair star, I'm surprised you of all people could be so sore from them! I think that plank takes the prize for most beautiful. Maybe it's just me but I don't wanna see any puffer vests at the end of May. Come on momma N!

    1. I know, right? I think it was because it had been awhile since I'd last done stairs, and I ran these pretty fast & hard. I'm just surprised I didn't feel the effects sooner...humbled again LOL

  10. I need to borrow some of your energy! I am resting today after a looooong day at my daughter's dance recital yesterday. I will teach class this afternoon. Every time Monday comes around I think about you and your #nevermissamonday mantra! Great job on all of your workouts and I bet you were sore from climbing those stairs! Congrats on your 16 mile long run too!!

    1. You bet I was sore from those stairs...but the soreness showed much later than I expected (and totally caught me by surprise)!

  11. Nice week! DOMS is the worst, I seem to suffer the most right now after long runs. Between my glutes and upper back from the car accident and sore legs I need to take recovery seriously.

    1. Recovery is not something to take lightly, you're smart for respecting it.

  12. Only had DOMS once and several days after a hilly half.

    Our weather is crazy. 95 one day and 55 the next.

  13. I always have DOMS after my arms days. And this damp weather here this week isn't helping with aches and pains, for sure. Love your outfit!!

    1. It'[s been very damp and humid here as well...that probably just made the DOMS even worse LOL

  14. Sorta sounds like a similar week -- minus the DOMS & stair climbing. Lately my runs have just felt like a struggle & slow. They're not really confidence building, but my body actually feels pretty good for the most part.

    I hate when I end up doing a run and haven't fueled properly for it!

    1. Yes, my carbo-loading was totally MIA for that 16-miler. I had some fuel with me as I ran, but didn't do any pre-race prep in the days prior (my bad)

  15. DOMS is always a fun surprise, right? Just kidding! Playing softball always gives me that DOMS that I forget about every time!

    Awesome job on all your workouts! Crazy how the weather keeps changing so suddenly from day to day! That 16 miler was totally badass!

    1. Ha! That 16-miler kicked my a$$ LOL The DOMS always take me by surprise because they always show up so much later than I expect

  16. What a great week. How do you count your stair repeats? Once up and walk down or run up and down as one repeat?

    I've started to prefer Saturday's for my long runs. I used to always do Sunday's but the I realised running on Saturday morning means you have the rest of the weekend free! It's great.

    1. When I do stairs, I usually run up and then walk back down. This time, since the incline wasn't too steep, I ran down. I count a rep as the complete "up AND down." In other words, 15 reps equals 15 times going UP. I agree with you on the Saturday vs. Sunday! Then if the weather is bad on Saturday, you at least have the option to postpone to Sunday. ;-)

  17. I've just recently had the DOMS surprise... I finally figured out my legs were sore from the burpees... go figure :-)

  18. Holy crap! that's some serious planking!

    1. yes, it gets real serious when I assume the position LOL

  19. That Saturday workout counts extra for pushing through all of that "suck." Gotta love the unpredictability of a Midwest spring!

    1. I like that theory! It felt like we ran a lot farther than a "mere" 16 when we finished.

  20. Sometimes I forget that I feel tired because I *AM* tired! We're so used to pushing through we forget those important signals. You look so put together in ALL your photos!

    1. ha! Thanks ;-) I felt like a major train wreck on Saturday when we finished our 16-miler LOL

  21. I think cold and humid can be worse than hot and humid sometimes.

    It was an ok week. We've got the full strength of summer back, so that makes it hard to give it my all. Plus, I'm trying to cut back a little bit to give way to cycling and swimming.

    1. I totally agree...cold and humid is way worse than hot and humid. No question.

  22. definitely not surprised at DOMS... you train pretty hard, lady.
    are you stretching and rolling every day??? maybe it would help? and don't forget to get a good deep tissue massage now and again! really helps with recovery!

    1. Yes, I stretch and foam roll consistently...I think the DOMS were from over-exerting myself on the stair workout (though it didn't feel hard at the time). It certainly took me by surprise!

  23. My rear end would be dragging after all that! I think I did 21 miles for the week and I did not feel bad about watching the Housewives on tv for several hours on Saturday afternoon! :-) Great work!

    1. Hey, there should be no guilt in watching tv after a crazy (hot) week with lots of mileage ;-) After all, it's your birthday month ;-)

  24. The fact that you and Barb ran a 16-miler on short notice is impressive! Good job!

    1. Those 16 miles were tough! It did reaffirm that I can do hard things...but UGH.

  25. A good stair workout is so sneaky! It doesn't seem like it will affect you, but it always brings the DOMS. Big time!

    1. I usually don't get the DOMS from stair workouts...but it had been awhile since I've done the stairs,LOL I guess my body needed a wake-up call!

  26. The DOMS have made their Marla few times with me. It can be so unexpected, so I try to take an epsom salt bath and tie ice packs to my shins

    1. I should have done the Epsom Salt bath...but I didn't. Thankfully, after a day, the DOMS were gone.

  27. Great job, Kim! Keep up the great work girl!
