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Thursday, July 13, 2017

Flashbacks and FOMO

Yikes!!! I'm in a current state of flashback-alitis and it's given me a serious dose of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). And it ain't pretty...

Has it ever happened to you? An event pops up on the calendar, and suddenly your mind is flooded with happy thoughts of the previous times you've "been there and done that" and then (BAM!) the FOMO overtakes you?  This particular weekend is going to have me reminiscing as my reality takes hold.

So, what's happening this weekend? And why all the FOMO?

Flashback/FOMO #1
It's the 2-year anniversary of becoming an ultra-marathoner. We all remember our first 5K, 10K, 10-miler, half marathon and marathon, right? Well, it was on July 18, 2015 that I claimed the status of ultra-marathoner. Myself and six other gal pals (Team #UBAGE...Ultra Bad Ass Girl's Extravaganza) embarked on this journey via the Christmas In July event (full recap HERE). We were registered for the 6-hour timed race, so our race began at midnight and ended at 6:00 a.m. the next morning. The course was an approximate 1-mile loop around a lake, and we had the goal of doing 32 total laps...getting us beyond the 50K mark.

Christmas in July 2015

Last year, several of us from Team #UBAGE returned, and this time we took on the challenge of running the 12-hour timed event (full recap HERE). Yes, you read that correctly...12 hours of continuous motion (this time, starting at 11:00 p.m and ending at 11:00 a.m.). Go big or go home, right? This was a challenge unlike anything I'd ever attempted before. I also had been dealing with some recent hamstring issues, so I was unsure if I'd be able to stay vertical for 12 continuous hours. We were blessed with near-perfect weather, though, and by taking walk breaks (every 5-6 miles), I did it! I finished with 38 total laps, for a total of 37+ miles. Totally an epic experience, and the post-race endorphins left me in a giddy state of bliss for several days following the finish line.

Christmas in July 2016

Flashback/FOMO #3
In 2014 (July 19-20), I ran the Chicago Rock'n'Roll 5K and Half Marathon Remix with Penny (full recap HERE). That's another event happening this weekend. I had been registered for the half marathon (happening on Sunday) but have to take a dreaded DNS (Did Not Start) due to my recent surgery. Ugh. Although the temps were hot and humid, this was a fine morning spent with a dear friend as we ran the streets of the Windy City and admired all the beautiful architecture.

Rock'n'Roll Chicago 2014
Flashback/FOMO #4
Not only am I missing out on the R'n'R half marathon this weekend, I am also missing out on what would have been a fun reunion with Wendy and Marcia. We met up in downtown Chicago, back in January, when the hubby and I were there for a 3-day-weekend excursion (more details HERE). The three of us ran 5ish miles along part of  the river and the lakefront, and had a blast chatting about running, blogging, racing, and our lives in general. We had grandiose plans to run the R'n'R together on Sunday, but I will not be joining them. There's always next year...
January 2017 with Wendy and Marcia
A repeated flashback I've been having lately is summer-running in general, and significant races from years past. I also had to miss a favorite race last weekend...the Grimes Farm Trail Run. I think I've run it the past four years and have medaled every time....but not this year. Womp womp.

Grimes Farm Trail Run 2017
Alas, I will not be overcome with gloom and doom (or much of it, anyway). I'm able to get around pretty good, and I plan to do some walking outside in the sunshine and make the best of my recovery. Also, our son turns the big 20 on Sunday! I did have a little bit of guilt in planning my Chicago get-away, so that guilt has been washed away since I'll be able to celebrate with him in person now. Glass half full, right?

with the son and youngest daughter (and Max and the turtle, Donatelo)
Do you ever have flashbacks to previous races (and have a taste of FOMO) if you're not able to run them? If so, do the flashbacks bring you happiness (for the memories made) or sad (for missing out on the action)?

 I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0


  1. This happens to me all the time. I haven't raced in over a year and I still think of all the races I am missing. TimeHop also likes to remind me of all the races I did, and how much faster I used to be...

    1. The reminiscing is kind of a bitter-sweet thing, isn't it?

  2. I have these all the time lately, and not just running related. I fear that I am turning into an old person...

    It won't be the same without you this weekend!

    1. You have no idea how much FOMO I'm engulfed with at the moment. Ugh. I had grandiose plans of stopping by CIJ and running a few laps with the gals as well as all the R'n'R festivities. Oh well....#nextyear

  3. I had no idea you ran the Christmas in July races. I've been tempted by them but for one reason or another I end up not running any of them.

    A few bloggers are running in Las Vegas in November and I will be missing out on the fun. Bummer.

    1. The CIJ races were awesome! I'm actually gonna be in Vegas in November...that's my beacon... ;-)

  4. Clearly you've had some great times in July! It was a long hot summer the year I broke my foot, but then it was a distant memory - I know it seems like it will take a while now, but the time will go by!

    1. I know the time will pass and I'll come out stronger for the experience...it just kinda sucks because summer is my favorite time to be outside.

  5. Oh yes happens to all of us! When I had my stress fracture a few years back, I volunteered to help out at races that my friends were doing. It is nice to see things from the other side sometimes

    1. I agree, volunteering is a great way to enjoy the race(s) without actually racing them.

  6. Having FOMO due to an injury is the worse!
    Even though I enjoy running, it's hard for me. If for some reason I can't make a race I really wanted to do, sometimes I just feel relieved..lol. I know that's a sad way to look at it...lol

    1. You know, that thought actually crossed my mind! Recovering from surgery certainly gives me a great excuse to not have to even think about PR's for awhile #glasshalffull ;-)

  7. FOMO usually makes me sad. It sucks to be injured, plain & simple, but I like how you've turned it upside down about being able to spend more time with the fam.

    1. These races all have happened on the weekend near our son's birthday...so it will be nice to actually be here with him this year ;-)

  8. I have a flashback every year when the Princess half marathon rolls around. It was my first half, and will always have a special place in my heart.

    1. Those first races are special! I remember so many vivid details from them ;-)

  9. You have had such wonderful achievements on your running career! Congratulations! I like remembering past runs, and with my schedule, I can't always participate again in a race I loved, but it's wonderful to have those memories.

    enjoy your rest! are you catching up on any other non running activities?

    1. Well, I'm doing a lot of leg lefts every day! I'm actually taking the time to read some new blogs...it's always fun "meeting" new people ;-)

  10. Congrats on your anniversary of becoming an ultra runner! There is a hometown 10K race in my neighborhood every year in October. I have done it every year up until the past 3 years due to having kids. This year I'm determined to get back into running shape and make it happen!

    1. Woot woot!!!! Kids do make a difference, don't they? (and they should). Good luck to you...a 10K certainly is a great goal and within reach ;-)

  11. I get flashbacks when I see the Hospital Hill Run ... it's fond memories of my 1st half marathon, I don't have FOMO over those hills :-)

    1. ha ha...those hills probably taught you that you were stronger than you'd imagined, though....am I right? My first half marathon was so epic, I'll never forget that feeling of accomplishment ;-)

  12. The two ultra were amazing, especially the second one. It's crazy to think I was able to stay awake all through the night and all of the next morning...and stay in motion!

  13. Flashbacks are fun but NO FOMO! While those races are amazing memories, if you were to run them right now it'd be a miserable experience. Now you have time to do other things! Missing out one one thing is just being able to do something else!

    1. HA ha...there's no way I could run any of them right now. I'm just missing all the feels of being there

  14. Happy birthday to your son!! And ditch the FOMO. You're gonna come back stronger and faster than ever. We both know it!

    1. Thanks, Coach R ;-) I'm just feeling a bit lost not doing my "usual" Chicago in July thing this year...I had plans to see a bunch of the gals at the CIJ race (and maybe run a few laps with them). And, Wendy and Marcia.....#sigh.....

  15. FOMO due to injury - yep I'm familiar with it and it's no fun! I have no doubt you'll be back before you know it. I admire your glass half full attitude :)

  16. Wow, those ultras, 12 a.m to 6 a.m and 11 p.m. to 11 a.m.? Hardcore but intriguing life experiences! I can imagine a little how you are feeling, having been off of my sport for half of last year and rehabbing my way back into things this year. Sounds like you are doing a lot to keep your strength up, I hope that's feeling good.

  17. Wow! Sometimes I will finish a race and think I'm one and done, but then it rolls around again and I think, 'OK, just once more'. What a fun post! Hope your recovery is going well.

  18. I had mega FOMO on Sunday with everyone running the race! But you and I have to take care of our bodies!

  19. Oooh, tell me more about this Grimes Farm run?? (I live right on the Grimes border - how could I have missed this?!)

    1. The Grimes Farm run is actually just south of Marshalltown, on the Grimes Farm Nature Center. It's a trail run through the woods...there's a 5K and a 5-mile, as well as a couple of children's events, I think.
