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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Runfessing: Was It Fate?

Was it Fate?

I have been feeling rather introspective-like as of late, and quite grateful as a result. I can't help but wonder if Fate has been playing around in my world...and maybe (just maybe) helping to make some unfortunate things "right" for me.

I'm gonna runfess a few recent "A-ha" revelations I have experienced and you can tell me what you think. Ready?

First of all, I gotta runfess, that the Quad Cities Marathon certainly has been good to me. Remember, this was my first marathon (September 22, 2013), and it was an epic (near perfect) experience, complete with ideal weather conditions. What is crazy is that every year since has had miserably hot and humid race day temps. I passed on 2014 (because I was running the IMT Des Moines Marathon that year), but I heard the record-high temps had a lot of runners in distress. I returned in 2015 (on a marathon relay team) and also in 2016 (double duty... I ran the half marathon as well as the first leg on a marathon relay team). Both of those years had temps in the upper 80's and high humidity. This year was the 20th year celebration, and all runners received bonus swag (arm warmers and gloves...and I wasn't one of them), but the temps were (again) dangerously warm and humid. Is it possible Fate stepped in and blessed this great event with wonderful weather the one (and only) year that I was running the full marathon?
Pay no attention to the cheesy smile...I had just run my first marathon
Recently, many of us Dam runners were shocked and saddened to learn our beloved Dam to Dam would be ending after next year (June 2, 2018). This was like hearing the tragic news that a dear friend had passed away. Dam to Dam was my first-ever long distance event. It had been a 20K (since its inaugural race, 38 years ago), but in recent years it had changed to a half marathon distance. It was announced for this final Dam running, they are bringing back the 20K distance and proclaiming it  "Forever 39." Although I'm sad, I gotta runfess I'm glad it's going back to not only the original distance, but also the original route that made me love it so much. And registration opens on March 14th...which happens to be my birthday. Coincidence?
I have run this Dam race 10 consecutive years...
.Another favorite race is the Park to Park Half Marathon. I have run this race for the past six years, but due to my unfortunate summer surgery (and necessary recovery there after), I had to miss it this year. It is rumored that this race might be ending as well (the long-time race director  may be relocating), so I was really bummed to not be there for (potentially) the final hurrah. That said, they updated the event's logo this year (which I didn't particularly care for), and the medal was a bit lack-luster in comparison to the ones from previous years. I'll runfess that if there was a year to miss out on the action, this may have been it (though I did sincerely miss the excitement of running those 13.1 miles through George Wyth State Park).
Image may contain: 4 people, people standing and outdoor
My first Park to Park...September 2012
I need to mention that this summer was certainly not what I would have wished for. Summer is my favorite time of the year, especially for running. Those early pre-dawn miles that end with a beautiful sunrise are total perfection in my book. In August, it felt like our summer came to a crashing halt as the temps plummeted to the 50's (in the early morning hours) and stayed unseasonably cool for the greater part of the month. I gotta runfess that I was elated with the recent warm "summer-like" temps that returned two weeks ago....coincidentally right as my surgeon granted me the green light to return to running! I got to lace up and head out in a beloved tank top and shorts (on several occasions) and experience a brief taste of the summer that I had missed.  I don't know if that was Fate (or a empathetic Momma N) at work, but I don't think it was by accident.
September 16th...my first run after almost three months of recovery
And, last of all, there is the unfortunate timing of this emergency surgery and the impact it had on my day-to-day life. As much as I dreaded missing out on a lot of my usual summer activities (like running and racing), I must runfess the timing actually was pretty ideal. Yes, the winter months (when I'm not running as many races) would not have had as much FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) smacking me in the face. But, I also had bulky bandages on my knee and leg for several weeks (usually with an even bulkier compression sleeve over them)...those would have been a nuisance to squeeze inside my skinny jeans and leggings. Also, the bandages would have been less accessible for constant care and attention had I been in long pants instead of shorts and skirts. And remember Linus, the PICC line? He needed IV infusions three times every day for most of that first month after the surgery....could you imagine the hassle of long sleeves and bulky sweaters layered over him?
Compression....not necessarily a great "layering" alternative
So, what do you think? Even though I'm a glass-half-full kind of person, I do think Fate has intervened at key times in my life.  Have you ever thought about Fate working in your favor?

Since it's the last Friday of the month, I'm linking up with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions....do you have anything to runfess?

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. Please join us!!


  1. You have a great way of looking on the bright side! I do like that the Dam to Dam registration opens on your birthday - that is perfect timing!

    1. Dam to Dam is gonna be a bitter pill to swallow come June...but there is speculation someone else (or group/company) will take it over...#staytuned

  2. Hmmm deep thoughts here today! Crazy how some of those races in your area are ending. I suppose time and race directors march on. I'm glad you got to enjoy some summerlike temps before it all slips away.

    1. The Dam to Dam announcement was such an out-of-the-dark surprise....

  3. I do think that sometimes things all happen for a reason. We may not know why but it later seems to make sense.

    1. I have learned there are things that will happen that I have no power to change...but I have ALL the power to see the bright side (even if that bright side shines dimly...)

  4. Way to find the silver lining! I'm so bummed that Dam to Dam is ending and that there's no way I can make it this year. Why do all the cool things have to be happening that weekend.

    1. Stay tuned.....there's been speculation a "bigger" company may take it over (which means the registration will probably hike up & the event name will change), but I'm keeping my fingers crossed

  5. You are definitely a glass half full kind of person and I love that about you. Glad you got your little taste of summer for a few weeks. Your marathon photo is so great!

    1. Thanks ;-) I have learned that dwelling the the gloom and doom does no one any good

  6. I really like your introspective on this! I do believe in fate because the universe definitely sends us some weird signs sometimes, that's for sure!

  7. I'm not someone who believes in "fate" or everything happening for a reason... but I feel like we can find reasons and meanings in things to help our world make sense to us and of course, so that we are positive and happy!

    1. Exactly...there's always something good in every bad situation...and we have to (sometimes) search high and low for it

  8. I think everything happens for a reason...we just don't always know why. Odd that some of those races are ending. I would think if they were successful, new directors would be stepping up as the others move on. Maybe that is your new fate???

    1. Well, there is speculation that Dam to Dam may be picked up by another director/company...so that's something to keep my fingers crossed for.

  9. Wow, what a great way to look at the positive side of a crummy situation. Your positive attitude has been so inspirational. I hope that when/ever I have a major setback that I'm able to be as positive as you have been throughout this entire process.

    1. Thanks ;-) I figured that wallowing in a corner would not expedite my recovery (or frame of mind), so I tried to look on the bright side (most days LOL)

  10. Aw, I'm sorry to hear Dam to Dam is ending. I know that's one of your faves!

    Hey, did you see registration for Grandma's is opening soon...? #justsayin

  11. I runfess that I totally agree that yes, sometimes when fate steps in it's ultimately for our good; and that "early pre-dawn miles that end with a beautiful sunrise are total perfection in my book." Mine, too! :)

  12. Ya know what, i'm really glad that we had this heat wave so you could experience a bit of summer that you had missed!

    1. Oh, believe me, I have been ecstatic! The warm temps have felt SOOO good ;-)

  13. I am one of those people who tend to think that things do happen for a reason...

    1. I agree...not always for a good or favorable reason, but there are always lessons to be learned

  14. I do love how you look for the positive side of every situation! It's too bad the Dam to Dam is ending - glad you'll get one last run!

  15. I'm hoping another director will step in and take over....

  16. That's got to be hard to see some long-standing races close their doors (or finish lines). I have seen some of our races undergo sponsor/name changes, but I just can't imagine something like the Gate River Run (as an example) just not existing anymore. I hope your final Dam to Dam is epic!

    1. Oh, it will be epic! I'm hoping for another host to take it over...but it will be strange if they change the name/route...

  17. When you look at like that, it does sound like fate was on your side this summer! Sometimes we end up better off for those unanswered prayers, right? Happy to be following your running again!!

    1. Thanks, Amy! It's great to be on "this side" of recovery ;-)

  18. I just had a DNS during a HOT race and I don't believe it was fate more so unlucky timing.

  19. I do think sometimes things happen for a reason. I love your positive attitude!

  20. Your positivity never ceases to amaze me! I'm sorry to hear about Dam to Dam, but I'm glad you'll get to do the original route one last time!

  21. I think fate worked in my favor with the marathon I'm doing...at first I was sad to have to defer Chicago, but now my whole group of friends is going to Savannah with me and I even have a buddy for the full marathon! So now I'm super excited for that! Fate definitely knew what was best for me.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear that the Dam to Dam race is ending because I know how much you love that race. I do love their idea of calling it forever 39. ;-)
