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Monday, January 15, 2018

No gym? No Excuses!

Did you know a gym is not a requirement for a good workout?

Easy for me to say, right? After all, I am a runner, and 98.999% of my runs happen in a non-gym setting (and, most of those runs also happen outdoors, in all kinds of extreme temps and weather conditions).

Granted, I do have a treadmill, but it's no secret that I seldom use it. I don't have a gym membership, nor do I have a viable space in my house for a home gym. I do manage to work out almost every day, though, in some capacity.

I believe if I can find a way to make the workouts happen, anyone else can too.

Here are some of the things I do to stay active and keep my fitness in check, all with very minimal expense:

Invest in a few "small" pieces of exercise equipment. I currently have three sets of hand weights...2-pound, 8-pound, and 12-pound dumb bells. The 2-pounders are so light, they don't get much use (unless I'm doing slow-motion side arm raises, in which case I can easily hold both of the 2-pound weights in one hand at a time). I use the 8 and 12-pound weights almost exclusively, though, depending on the number of reps and what kind of lift(s). I also have a 15-pound kettle bell and a variety of resistance bands. I probably have less than $100 invested in these few items, but they have served me well.

Utilize your own body weight as resistance. Ummm, ever heard of push-ups? How about squats, or lunges? These all can be done with nothing other than YOU as your main resistance. Of course, you can increase the intensity by adding some extra weight...by way of hand weights or a kettle bell.
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Planking for the win! I do a lot of core work, by way of planking. I have no idea how long my daily planking streak has been going, but it's been several years (it started when I got the idea to do a forearm plank for the 2-1/2 minutes it took for my morning chai latte' to heat up...and it became a daily ritual). Planking can be done on your forearms, or with straight arms. You can be on your toes, on both feet or balanced on just one foot. You also can turn and do a sideways plank (with just one arm or hand on the floor). You can start with both hands (and feet) on the floor and alternate lifting opposite hands and feet. The possibilities are endless, and you'll be rewarded with a stronger core for your efforts.

Basic calisthenics can be done anywhere. Often when I travel, I just opt to do basic calisthenics in my hotel room. Not all hotels have workout rooms, after all, but that's no excuse to sit idle. Crunches, jumping jacks, walking lunges, wall sits, push-ups,,,,all can be done in a relatively small space.

How about taking the stairs? (Big surprise, right?) I not only do a lot of stair workouts in my house, but often times in hotels or other public buildings. Stair climbing very closely simulates hill running, but usually at a steeper incline. Not only will you get a great cardio workout from stair climbing, everything from the waist-down will get worked over as well.

Yoga...it does a body good. Unfortunately, I don't make yoga a priority and I really need to work on that. Yoga can be done in a relatively small space as well. A yoga mat is ideal (for padding and also for your feet to grip), but is not mandatory

And, last but certainly not least...good old-fashioned walking or running. You can walk or run almost anywhere as long as you have a good pair of shoes and an eye for safety.

Some other things to consider:
**Exercising at home does require a special kind of self discipline. Going to a gym usually requires a bit of an effort to get there, but that also aids in the commitment to getting the workouts done.
**Working out at a gym will give you a lot of options in regards to equipment, exercise classes, one-on-one instruction from fitness trainers, as well as a broader experience in terms of socializing with fellow like-minded people.
**Assembling your own home gym may take time and a substantial financial investment, but you will have access 24/7 without needing to worry about extra travel time.
**I have not even touched on the vast array of online workouts available today...many of which don't require excess equipment to utilize.
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Bottom line, I believe it all comes down to your passion to honor and take care of your body. Staying active and keeping fit can happen whenever you make the time, and it can happen without ever leaving your house.

So, talk to me! What do you prefer...going to a gym or working out at home? Ever worked with a trainer, or just done your own thing? What's your favorite at-home piece of fitness equipment?

**I'm linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner.

**I'm also linking up with Nicole and Annmarie for the Wild Wednesday Workout

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. I totally agree that you don't need a gym to get in a good workout! Ive built up my home gym over the years and Im so happy to not have to use a gym anymore.

    1. There are things I've wanted to add for awhile (like a Bosu!), but I'm getting by just fine with what I have...

  2. It's amazing how many great yoga videos are available on YouTube, altho it isn't a bad idea to take a studio class now and then to check in on your form and make sure you are doing the poses right! When I was injured and couldn't run, I was thrilled with all the cycling videos I got to watch while my bike was in the trainer.

    How often do you have to replace the carpet on your stairs? :p

    1. Ha ha...it's actually the carpet at the top of the stairs (along the landing by the railing) that needs replacing. Max thinks that's his personal doggy pad (if you know what I mean).

  3. Years ago I always worked out at home (in the days before Pinterest and blogs to tell you how!). I had free weights and a step and I always had a great workout. Now I work at a gym, so I do most of my non-running exercise there, though lately I've been enjoying the Gixo app.

    1. Gosh...I never thought of using a (single) step, believe it or not! I certainly have that as an option as well LOL

  4. I haven't belonged to a gym in over 10 years! I love working out at home, definitely no excuse!

    1. I love working out at home, too...the gym scene is just not my gig

  5. I belong to the gym but with the cold weather and my laziness, I just put in a video, or pick up the weights and bands and do it at home!

    1. The cold weather makes it tough to go out if you don't "need" to

  6. For years I did not belong to a gym and worked out in my basement. I built up a nice little home gym with a recumbent bike (great for cross training and when injured), treadmill (when the weather is beyond ridiculous), weights, Bosu ball, kettlebells, med balls, and resistance bands. Body weight workouts are still my fav because they can be done anywhere. Great tips!

    1. I agree..body weight workouts are no-brainer workouts ;-)

  7. Great post! I haven't been going to the gym as much lately because I hate being out in the cold to get there (the one closest to me is closed until winter semester officially starts back up for the students again), sooo I've been sticking to Gixo/home workouts for the time being! :]

    1. The home-based workouts work best for me as well, especially first thing in the morning

  8. Great post! I feel like I can commit more to the work out at the gym without the distractions I have at home but it's definitely great to have options that cna be done at home when I'm busy or traveling :)

    1. I had not thought about the distractions at home that you wouldn't have at the gym...good point!

  9. These are great tips for home or when traveling. Planking has been a great exercise for me. I also really like body weight exercises.

  10. This post is the best! I do my own thing, usually, but I've dabbled here and there with other workouts. :)

    1. I think almost every workout I do is a new creation...I'm always doing my own thing as well

  11. I absolutely agree with all of this! Home workouts may not be ideal but they are effective and can be just as great as workouts done in a gym setting. If it's important to you, you find a way. End of story.

    1. I agree...you got to commit to yourself to make any workout a success

  12. Great post! I've only had a home gym for a few months now, and I make do!

    1. It's quite amazing what you can do at home, no matter how big or small your space is

  13. You are a machine!! Way to kill it!

  14. I've been working out at home now for almost a year. You're totally right in that you can get a seriously good workout without going to the gym or having tons of equipment at home.

    1. Working our at home is a perfect fit for me, especially in the early hours when my driving ability (or alertness LOL) may be in question

  15. I prefer the gym, because it has more equipment options than I will ever have at home...but my favorite home workout equipment is resistance bands, which ironically is one thing my gym does not have.
