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Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 2018 - Pass or Fail?

February 2018. It has been an interesting month.

Following my annual "off-season" (better known as January), February is the month when I transition back to a more consistent training mode. I make more of an effort to lace up and get outside and start rebuilding my running base. Granted, after almost 13 years of running, scaling back my running for one month doesn't set me back very far, especially since I continue with my cross-training. But it does feel good (mentally as well as physically) to be prepping for upcoming races and events.

How did February shake out? Did it make the grade? Let's assess what all went down....

The Weather
In all fairness, I have to give February's weather a big, grandiose fail. February had lots of snow (and we didn't have hardly any snow in January). We've had erratic temps that were either near ZERO with wind chill or in the low 40's...hence a viscous cycle of falling snow-->melting snow-->freezing (melted) snow--> thawing ice--> repeated freezing, etc. It's all been so confusing as to what to wear, and frustrating with the ever-changing road conditions.
yes, leaving tracks...again
The Running
My running has been on-point. total miles (with a probable #5at5 still on tap for Wednesday morning) will put my February mileage at 62 (and bring my cumulative YTD mileage to 115 for 2018). Not bad. Being a runner who thrives on moderate (as opposed to high) mileage, I'm very happy with where things stand. Total passing grade on the running.
The running felt great!
I started filtering stair training back into my cross-training before Christmas, all in preparation for the Fight for Air Climb (happening in early April), and that continued in January. In February, though, I really amped up the stair workouts and incorporated some HIIT exercises into the mix. I did variances on single steps, double steps, and even some triple steps (I'm a tall gal with long legs, after all ). Some of the HIIT intervals have included burpees, push-ups, squats, and lunges. So, yeah, stair training gets a big passing grade.
taking "flight"
Superman, squats, twists challenge
This month I participated in a most unique challenge, and I was able to incorporate each daily "challenge" exercise into my regular routine(s). I can honestly say that I was able to do each challenge move on the assigned day (except for one day when I accidentally did the twists instead of the supermans), and never had problems or issues with the numbers (which increased every few days in rotation). Another passing grade!
supermans for the win
February goals
Each month I create a short list of monthly goals to keep me on track, not just with my running, but also for cross-training consistency. Often times, some of these monthly goals become routine exercises that stick with me long after the month ends. This month, I incorporated the supermans, squats, and Russian twists from the above-mentioned Challenge, into my weekly training/maintenance plan. Mapping each of these specific exercises out on specific days really helped in keeping me accountable and also gave me a great variety of fitness options each week. So, this gets a passing grade as well.
My February plan of action
With the exception of the weather (which, technically was out of my control), February went well. My sleep faltered a bit, but I blame the Olympics for that. Health-wise, I didn't even have so much as a runny nose. Even though it was a decent month, though, I'm ready to send it packing and welcome a fresh new (and, hopefully, much warmer) month to my household.

How was YOUR February? Any challenges with the weather? Did you stay healthy? Are you ready for March?

**I'm  linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.  We're playing Rate Your Month... Join the conversation!

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner.

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. It sounds like your February was like our January with the weather. This month was all over over the place with the temps but no real snow- just some ice a few days. You did great with getting in all your workouts and following through with your goals!

    1. I certainly would have preferred to be outside more, but I was able to suck it up and "get it done" inside. Onward!

  2. Yep, winter running is always a crapshoot. But you passed so, that's good! Spring is just around the corner.

  3. I'm so glad we haven't had an icy winter. It's normally like that here because we hover right at freezing, but this winter has been oddly warm and dry.

    Good job with the cross training and moderate mileage. At some point I may have to just let the 100 mile months go.

    1. We had not really had any ice until February....it stayed so cold all of January, there never was an opportunity for anything to melt (and refreeze). Ugh...I'm hoping the worst is behind us ;-)

  4. Sounds like February was a great month for you! Mine wasn't too bad. I didn't get sick so that was a win. I did a lot of crossing training as well, but still maintained my running so I was happy with that.

  5. I feel like we're over the hump weather-wise. I'm glad February is a short month!

  6. I am glad February is over. The weather has been a challenge.

    You have done great with all your strength training and stairs - me? Not so much...

    1. I'm glad I have my stair workouts to turn to when the cardio lags a bit due to the outside temps/conditions.

  7. I remember last February had some days I could run outside, and this one didn't have any. If the temps were nice, the wind was not. I know it's winter, but the mild start to winter made this month really difficult.

    1. Our February actually felt more like a January. Mind you, January was bitterly cold...but the precipitation was almost non-existent so I was still able to be outside without the fear of ice.

  8. Sounds like a pretty awesome month. The weather is out of our control; all we can do is accept it.

    You are the poster child for cross training!

    1. I agree...the weather is always out of our control. That's relieves some of the pressure to "fix it," but also increases the stress because I can't "fix it."

  9. Your February looks great! Winter running can be a challenge with weather - you did awesome!

  10. I'm so glad you were able to stay healthy this month! Fingers crossed for an easy March, too! :)

    Your stair workouts are intense. Total beast mode!

    February's weather has been interesting, to say the least. We had 70s the past few days and then, BAM! Cold and rainy and colder and I woke up to ice on my truck window. Luckily, I hadn't retired the scraper yet. I cannot wait for winter to officially be over.

    1. Our February is ending on a pretty warm note...it was in the mid-40's yesterday, is almost 60 today!

  11. Other than having the flu, my February was pretty good! Our weather in HK has been pretty predictable. Nothing like what people in the US have been dealing with. My hometown is dealing with flooding because of so much rain.

    1. Your Hong Kong winter sounds a lot more enticing than the crazy extremes we've had in Iowa LOL

  12. Great job this month! I started the Superman, squats, twists challenge but slacked off. Hopefully I can participate in the next one.

    1. The Supermans have actually been getting tougher for me as the Challenge has played out. I was able to finish those, and am thankful they're done LOL The squats and the twists were easy, though. Not sure what Rachel has in store for March...

  13. I did stay healthy in February...probably the 1st month since, hmm, June? that I haven't had a cold or fever for at least a couple days. But my husband came home with maybe-the-flu today, so I'm crossing all my fingers and toes...

    1. UGH...hope you're able to stay flu-free. There has been so much yucky stuff everywhere this winter.

  14. Like you, I am a moderate mileage person. I am ecstatic to hit 60 miles average per month. We had a crazy weather month as well. I actually would have loved at least one snow storm!

    1. I'm hoping we've seen the last of the snow, or at least the last of any accumulated snowfall. I have an occasional 100-mile month, but that's usually when I have marathon training happening. Thankfully, I have learned that my body actually doesn't need those "extra" miles to be race-day ready....and that's good because I always pay for it when I over-do it.

  15. Great job with February! I love your February plan of action, too! Hope the weather warms up for you soon.

  16. I probably should be a more moderate mileage person, and, well, depending on what you think of as high I guess I am. I'll have about 95 for the month after today's run.

    Your weather really has been crazy. I complain about my heat (which it is not, now), but I'd prefer 100 every day over 0!

    1. I seem to do best when my monthly mileage doesn't exceed 80ish miles. I'm lucky and thankful. For myself, I don't seem to benefit from those extra miles (unless I'm 26.2 training)....and they tend to lead me directly to injury.

  17. Woo hoo! Way to go girl! You did awesome in February!! Here's hoping March is even better for you!! I'm ready for a new month for sure with new goals to tackle myself!

    1. I'm eager for March as well...I have a couple of St. Patrick's-themed races on my roster ;-)

  18. Great job with all your running! I am so jealous - cannot WAIT to get back at it once I am given the go post-op!

    1. I know how it feels to be sidelined and watching "everyone else" do what you (temporarily) cannot. I hope your recovery is going well!

  19. I'm so glad you liked the challenge! I hope you join up for the next one. I completely failed at my own challenge. How's that for irony? But in my defense, there were two weeks of doing absolutely nothing due to illness.

    1. Well, I was able to do this last challenge because it was easy-peasy in comparison to all those burpees we did in January LOL...and the fact that I did not come down with the flu certainly helped. Onward!!

  20. It was bizarrely warm in the beginning of the month here and then very cold at the end of the month! And you'll probably laugh because that means it was 70s early in the month and low 50s (during the day!) at the end of the month.

  21. Sounds like a solid month to me! Hopefully winter is on its way out - bring on Spring!!

  22. The weather was all over the place here too! I'm always super impressed with how much you get done!!

  23. I'm so ready for March! We had a stretch of like 10 days of true winter weather and that was enough for me. I'm ready for spring and being outside consistently!

  24. The weather was both a challenge and an inspiration last month. It was very hard to find motivation to run on the super cold days, but those spring like days were a huge source of motivation. I couldn't get enough of the sunshine and 70 and 80 degree weather!

  25. I was healthy enough throughout Feb, but March hit with a not-so-nice cold. My head feels like it's about to explode. Thankfully, it's the weekend and hopefully it won't last long.

    Great jog in February. You killed it!

  26. You had a great month; you're always so consistent! Our February weather was deceptively warm and had folks forgetting that it's winter - and then we hit March and had one of the worst storms!
