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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Hmmm...Shall We Runfess?

Shall we runfess? It is that (blogging) time of the month, after all.

There has been a lot of stuff on my mind recently. We all know it's not good to keep things all bottled up inside. Running (and all things related) is no exception. Shall we get started?

Let's start right off with the weather. Seriously. I am a glass-half-full kind of gal, and I try to keep my whining to the absolute minimum...but this thing called "winter" has run its course and it needs to end. I'm all about running outside year-round, and braving whatever Momma N throws at me...yadda yadda yadda. I will runfess, here and now, that I'm done with winter. Even 'Milly hasn't looked so terrible lately (though her and I did NOT get along in a congenial manner on Wednesday morning).

The Olympics are killing my sleep! I have always enjoyed watching the Olympics, but can honestly admit that I'm not as goo-goo-ga-ga over them as most people. Let me runfess that I have done almost a complete #180 following the opening ceremonies. I don't know if it's because I have a new appreciation for all things athletic (since my surgery scare last summer), or if I'm starry-eyed over what these athletes are capable of doing (and, don't they make it look easy?). My late nights have gotten even later, and my early mornings have been slow-moving.

I'm week (plus a couple days) into Lent, and I've been keeping good on my goals. I was not raised in a Catholic family, but I have had a lot of Catholic friends all of my life and have always been respectful of the Lenten season. Even though I don't do all things Catholic, I do pay honor to Lent and usually try to "give up something" for those 40 days. In recent years, though, I try to focus on "doing" something, on a daily basis, that will both challenge my discipline and also enrich my existence or make me stronger. So, my runfession is that I have made good (thus far), but have not told anyone about it....so here it is: I have been enriching my existence with daily Bible study and gaining strength by doing slow-motion push-ups. I know, it's nothing earth-shattering, but it does require commitment...and on those late Olympic-filled evenings, it's been tempting to forego them.

The burpees have not left the building. I cannot even believe I'm typing that because up until almost two months ago, I never would have thought it possible. Yes, I runfess that even though the Burpees & Planks & Push-ups Challenge ended on January 31, I have continued to do burpees twice a week (and I have lived to tell about it!). A side note....I have noticed that my waist feels tighter and my hips look narrower. I still don't have washboard abs, but I can tell they are firmer, too. I have not changed my diet or done anything different with ab work....except for the addition of burpees to my life. Coincidence?

And, lastly, some Instagram stuff has me a bit annoyed. Actually, it's more of a social media thing than Instagram-specific, but Instagram is where I see it most prominently. I gotta runfess, there are some tasteless people sharing very tasteless pics. Surely, you've seen them? The gals sharing provocative shots of themselves in their underwear, or the shirtless dudes primping in front of the mirror (usually with their tongues sticking out). I am not a prude, by any stretch, but what are these people thinking? And what kind of following are they hoping to generate? And why, oh why, do they think these specific pics are appropriate for sharing with the group pods...and then taking offense when not all of the members like or comment on them? Anyone???

Another side note...When I get new followers on Instagram, the first thing I do is check their page. If they have a fitness-themed name, I assume I will see fitness-themed pics. I also will read their profile info (if there is anything there). If all I see are tacky pics (like the ones mentioned above), I seldom will follow them back. Sorry, but even if they have credentials and certifications, I'm gonna judge their "coaching" ability based on what they're showing the world....and if they are showcasing gaudy pics, they have lost any credibility in my mind. (Please, allow me to now gingerly step down from my soap box).

Whew! Doesn't that feel good!

Talk to me....do you have anything to runfess? How's your weather been? Anything happening (or not happening) for Lent? Burpees....yay or no way?

I'm linking up with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions. 

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I feel the same way about instagram...there are alot of people who will follow me and then when I see their profile I don't follow back, and they end up unfollowing me (which is completely fine). This year I gave up Starbucks for Lent and whenever possible I trying to avoid buying coffee out because it really adds up and I was doing it way more often that I needed. Nice job keeping up with those burpees!

    1. I didn't mention this, but another Lent thing for me is to limit myself to only two chai's a day. I don't drink coffee, so the hot chai latte's are my one and only hot drink mix, and it's been so cold that I find myself over indulging. Funny thing, though, knowing I can only have two of them a day, I'm not craving them anymore. (???)

  2. I guess tasteless is in the eye of the beholder. The best thing about IG is that if you don't like what you see, you can unfollow.

    1. Well, I certainly take advantage of choosing who (and who not) to follow. I think people can (and should) post whatever they want, but it's ridiculous some of the pics they choose to share within a group.

  3. Good on you for sticking with those burpees! Yeah IG is a frustrating animal. Thanks for linking.

    1. Thanks for this awesome link-up! This is always so much fun to read all the "truths" being disclosed ;-)

  4. So I am not a fan of half naked or non G rated photos on IG. I unfollow people who do that so I don't see too much of it. I absolutely check a profile before I follow back. Good for you for setting and sticking to your Lent goals. BTW your arms are looking fab!

    1. The only time I see this stuff on Insta is when one of the members share a pic with a pod group....UGH. I don't follow anyone who has that stuff on their profile. Not my gig LOL

  5. The Olympics have been killing my sleep too! Sure, I know I can watch it at a normal time, but there's something about watching it live!

    I'm very similar to you when it comes to Instagram. I call those type of photos "thirst trap" photos and they are such a turn off!

    1. ha ha "thirst trap" LOL. I think they are attention-seeking losers #myhumbleopinion LOL

  6. There's a lot about IG I don't get. I'm with you on the fitness porn pics but I also feel uncomfortable liking pics of children when I don't know the parents ....

    1. I almost mentioned the "liking pics of strangers' kids" but decided to keep it mostly fitness-based for this post. But, I totally agree...why would you want a bunch of strangers liking pics of your little kids?

  7. hahaha, I'm so with you on winter needing to end! I've been over it since it started. ._. I'm with you not following back scantily clad IG users--they're also usually the ones with several thousand followers who are only following back a couple people.

  8. Burpees are definitely a great all body exercise but they're definitely not happening for me right now. I do plan on some much gentler body weight exercises today, however. I'm sure I've lost some muscle over the last couple of months. :(

    I always check people's profiles & posts. I have no interest in growing my following to just grow my following - I want to connect with people. Although seriously, it's hard to "connect" with even my small following.

    It seems everyone is complaining about winter. And how it needs to be over. I don't really get it -- I mean, of course I don't like winter, I've made that pretty clear, but it's only February, for crying out loud. Winter isn't done in RL or on the calendar (although we are going to -- hopefully -- get some more unseasonably warm weather next week. And by that, I mean we might actually reach 50 degrees. Maybe.

    1. I agree...I'm not that interested in having high numbers of followers unless they're actual people I'd WANT to follow me

  9. I always check someones page on instagram before following back! Especially because my 9 year old sister likes to take my phone and I don't want her seeing some of that stuff.
    Im so over winter as well. Bring me spring

  10. I'm with you about Instagram. I'm really tired of seeing people's butts. There, I said it. UGH.

    I need to bring burpees back into my life. Maybe I'll join you. Can I be on your burpee team? How many do you do?

    1. ha ha ha...I'm tired of seeing people's butts, too ;-) You're more than welcome to join my burpee team ;-) I did a ton of burpees last month for the challenge, now I do maybe 40-50, but only twice a week. I usually have to do them insets of 10-15.

  11. YES!!! I feel the same way about those instagram people. I check them all out now. And to be honest, I thought some of those accounts were fakes because how many times does one need to take bikini selfies in front of a mirror? (in my case zero times, but you get my drift). I can not believe Real people would take let alone share some of these provocative pics! Move over so I can join you on that soap box....haha

    1. Ok, I'll move and make room for you ;-) What I think is so crazy is how defensive these people get when someone calls them out on it (the pods I belong to are fitness-related, not porn LOL). Seriously, you can show off your muscles without baring all of that skin.

  12. I am so over winter but I refuse to let it interfere with my running. I just bundle up and go out there.

    I don't follow that many people on IG because I look at their profile and say to myself "Why???"

    Oh how I wish I could motivate myself to exercise. I tried the challenge but I didn't stick with it.

    1. I'm motivated to exercise (as well as running) because I'm prone to injury and I can see the benefits to have all-over strength (I trip and fall less frequently LOL).

  13. I keep my profile private in IG because of those kinds of accounts. They just want a big following, and their profile picture usually tells me what kind of account it is (T&A shown). I actually de-activated my Twitter account at the beginning of Lent, not for Lent, but I finally had enough of the political minefield.

    1. I only share my Insta pics on Twitter and pretty much avoid it otherwise. I am not into political stuff, so I just avoid it rather than letting all the crap (from both sides) offend me.

  14. I'm right there with you on the Instagram thing. I can't quite seem to understand what thought process goes on behind some of those posts....

    I need you to sprinkle that Burpee motivation over in my world! I could use those in my life STAT!

    1. ha ha...the burpee motivation was big time MIA until last month's challenge.

  15. I feel the same way about this weather - I'm just so over winter now! And, I'm so with you on the Instagram posts - sometimes you've got to wonder if these accounts are even real!

    And, look at you still doing burpees! WTG!

    1. February has been so cruel to us! We had a few nice spring-like days (which were very unseasonably warm)...but we've had snow, ice, snow, ice....and did I mention snow and ice?

  16. I don't follow many people on I/G and don't have many followers myself, never opting for one of those apps or services just to get followers. I like to keep it small and personal. And I will definitely unfollow someone in a heartbeat.

    1. I agree...I'd rather have fewer genuine followers than grandiose numbers of strangers.

  17. I do the same thing on Insta. If it looks like someone I would like to know in real life, I follow back. If not, naaaah I'm good.

    And NO COINCIDENCE with those burpees. You're welcome. <3 :)

    1. haha...Thank you, Rachel, for introducing me to your burpee Koolaid ;-)

  18. I feel bad for saying I'm over winter because we haven't really gotten much of "winter" here in Texas. I just wish the weather would make up its mind because my allergies are driving me crazy!

    Oh Instagram! I've left all my comment and like pods and I have unfollowed LOADS of people because I just can't. Their bio says one things and their pictures say another. If that makes me a prude, then so be it. :p

    1. Well, I'd be in heaven if my Iowa winter was a tad bit warmer...but I'd also probably miss all the snow (maybe). The Insta thing is so weird...I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees a problem with the gaudy some people choose to showcase.

  19. I'm totally with you on the IG thing (probably because we're in some of the same groups so I know exactly what you're talking about. Seriously, I really don't need to see people in their underwear, or pushing their cleavage toward me, or trying to look lascivious. (I can't believe I just spelled that right without help!). I only follow back people that seem to have similar interests (and usually most people who have over 10k followers but only about 100 that they're following because I know they're just immediately unfollow me. (Thanks for the opportunity to share my own rant! :-) )

    1. And I meant I DON'T usually follow people w/over 10k followers.

    2. The Insta pics (and the tasteless and clueless people posting them) are annoying. I guess they'll be paying the price someday when all that crap comes back to haunt them and their families.

  20. I think those IG posts are "fitness" for the people whose only valued metric of fitness is how ripped they look. Probably the same audience that thinks "I work out so I can look good naked" is a motivational quote...

    1. ha ha ha...so true! It would be different (not necessarily better, but at least have an ounce of credibility) if they'd describe their latest workout or give fitness tips...but it's mostly just smut pics with no substance (in my opinion)

  21. I'm so proud of you for still incorporating the burpees in your routine! I runfess that I have only done a handfull of them since the January challenge.

    No shame in getting cozy with 'milly ....those Winters you guys have to endure are simply brutal!!

    I agree 100% on the insta deal ..some folks are just not worth following!

    1. ummmm, Honey, getting "cozy" with Milly is a pretty huge overstatement LOL

  22. Way to go on continuing to do burpees! You said you do them twice a week. Same number or increase it each time.

    I am loving Instagram more than Facebook. But I know what you mean about the pictures. Don't get me started on the stories. Some people like to talk, talk, and talk, and tell everything to the world about each single thing they do each day. I do check them out (I runfess) but end up shaking my head and or rolling my eyes. Makes me feel better about what I post. :-)

  23. I'm with you on the inappropriate IG posts. I've also called people on the follow/unfollow nonsense. It's amazing how so many "fitness" professionals are posting such pics online.

  24. Girl I love that you are doing more Bible study for Lent! That as been one of my goals this year and I am a little behind, but still plugging away.
    I have to confess I have only watched 2 nights of the Olympics. I am more of a summer Olympics watcher, and everything is on DVR so I will watch when I can. Haha

    Yes to the IG confession! There are so many things that drive me batty. Those type of pics and people who don't properly give credit to some of the pics on their feed.

  25. I hear you on the IG! I do the same thing. I like to focus on doing something addtional for lent instead of giving up... just seems a more positive bent.
