About Me

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Can we talk?

It's that time once again.

Time for coffee (or your favorite beverage of choice), time for chatter, time for catching up with (virtual) friends. What would you share if we were meeting for coffee?

Here's some things I'd share with you...

First of all, let me just say that I have been exhausted recently. I think all of the adrenaline that carried me through those final weeks of April has (finally) been depleted. It got me through a week of prom work. It pushed me through a hilly half marathon (the morning after said prom, with 90 minutes of slumber to my name). It enabled me to run my fastest mile ever (two days later). And, it sustained me through several dance rehearsals and two recital performances.

And now? I got nothing. Almost everything hurts...my lower back and my hamstrings especially. Maybe it's an extended version of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) from the races, or maybe my body just needs some R&R. But my energy has been running on empty this week. Oh well....I will survive. First world probs, right? Onward!

Oh, can we chat about the weather? Spring was pretty short-lived, and it feels like summer is here. Trust me, that is NOT a complaint. I prefer a bit of a transition to warmer weather, but I am so glad to have consistent above-freezing temps that I feel like doing a major happy dance in my running shoes.
Back in a tank and shorts never felt so good!
Speaking of running shoes....I may have inadvertently come home with a new pair of running kicks. I took the daughter on her first-ever running shoe-fitting experience, and fell victim to the environment. What can I say? A runner always needs new shoes....I challenge any runner to deny that theory.
Brooks Adrenaline GTS 18's...come to Momma!
Have you thought of any goals for May? I have a team relay next weekend (May 12th), and Dam to Dam (20K) on June 2nd....and then I have nothing major on my roster until the Cannonball Marathon in October. I need to maintain my endurance, and there will certainly be some other races thrown in for fun and fitness (hello, R'n'R Chicago Remix!), but my body needs some daily maintenance for now.

When I was sidelined from running last summer, I did a lot of leg lifts, so I have been doing them again (50/each leg, 1-2 times each day). I'm doing daily ab/core work (planks, more planks, and twists, oh my!). My right piriformis has been a little edgy lately (it used to always be my left one that gave me trouble), so I'm adding daily clam shells to the mix as well to strengthen the glutes and work the hips a little.

And, finally, a few days ago, it was the 10-month "anniversary" of the unexpected surgery that turned my summer upside-down. I had so many wonderful friends, family, runner friends (virtual and close by) who gave me so much love, support, and encouragement. It really was hard to stay "down" in the midst of being side-lined from the sport I love. Honestly, I think I only cried a couple of times, more out of fear than out of frustration. It was not a fun experience, but it definitely was a journey that made me stronger, faster, and better. I do not take any run for granted now...even the bad ones in horrible weather when my body (and mind) want to give up or quit early. I know there are countless others, injured or sidelined, who would gladly trade places with me.
late July 2017...even with the PICC Line still intact and the 6-inch suture heavily bandaged, I was able to smile
So, that's a sneak peek into what's been happening as of late. Anything you'd like to share? Spring weather? New shoes? Monthly goals?

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. What would you share, if we were having coffee and chatting about life?

I'm also inking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 


  1. We also jumped right from winter to spring, but Im not complaining either! You had a very buys few weeks and Im sure your body is feeling it! I totally agree that a runner can always use a new pair of shoes:)

    1. Yes, hello to summer!!!!! Let's get this party started ;-)

  2. A day with new running shoes is always a good one! Enjoy the springy, bouncy, more energy feeling that comes with new shoes!

  3. Sounds like your body is asking for some much deserved rest!

    1. Yes, I think I finally need to wave that white flag...

  4. Sounds like you could use an RnR day, complete with a massage. You've been doing a lot these past few weeks!

    I love your new sneakers! Did I see that you will be doing RnR Chicago? Me too!!

  5. That lack of sleep and continued activity does have a way of catching up with you! Hope you get some rest this weekend and recharge for a busy month

    1. Just think, while you're busy swimming, biking, and running.....I won't be LOL ;-)

  6. I am loving this weather! It rained here last night but it was still in the 80's. I just sat on my covered porch in bliss! You are right to enjoy every run, even the bad ones. As long as my legs are moving without excruciating pain, it's a good run!

    1. Yes, indeed, every run is a good run (in some capacity)

  7. Yep, I'm wearing a sundress today because we have an "event" on our patio at work today and it's supposed to be 90! You deserve some down time after your crazy April. See you again tomorrow for coffee. ;-)

    1. I'll probably be in my "comfort clothes" for coffee LOL

  8. Well take some time to rest and relax! I was just telling my hubby that it feels like we get about 3 days of nice spring weather and then BOOM, it's 86 degrees! Come on, PA!

    1. It's been really warm (not too hot...yet) and humid this week. I'm not a fan of the humidity, but it certainly feels better than the sub-ZERO wind chill we had most of the winter.

  9. Well, we never had winter here, but we do seem to have gone directly to summer. Well be in triple digits for at least the next week (and possibly the next 5 months)!

  10. My goal for May is to survive the MAYhem. You've more than earned some much-needed rest!

    1. Ha! I'd forgotten about the MAYhem...I think I remember a blog post (or several?) in years past about such a topic

  11. You've definitely earned some rest! I can't believe it was already 10 months ago that you had surgery. You have bounced back so strong.

    1. I'm thankful my rally back went so smooth. I was very lucky!

  12. The weather was, once again, totally crazy this week. 3 seasons in the space of just a few days! I think it will calm down a bit next week.

    I was also super tired this week and took a couple of rest days. I just needed it. I think that changing weather had something to do with it. I hate when it happens like that and we don't get a chance to acclimate!

    1. I had not thought about the drastic change in weather, but I'm sure that's a factor.

  13. Take care of yourself so you don't get sick. It could also be the weather changes and stuff. I sometimes get really tired when we have fronts roll through.

    1. Even though I love the heat, the humidity can be draining. It's odd for it to be this warm this early...but winter never really wanted to end...that was odd, too.

  14. It sounds like you need some R&R! I hope you feel back to normal soon :)

    1. Thanks! I'm gonna take things easy for awhile and let my body regroup. I really have no big race(s) happening soon that require excessive mileage or crazy workouts

  15. I'm sure you'll feel rejuvenated after a little R and R. It's knocking on 90 here and I don't look forward to my last two long runs. But, It Is What It Is. I'm looking forward to a rest period after this marathon.

    1. I'm so excited to hear how your marathon goes (and a tad bit envious to not be joining you and Teresa).

  16. Yep! I try to avoid the running store until it's time to get new shoes, otherwise I get new shoes anyway even if my shoes have lots of miles left on them!

    1. Ha! Exactly! My current shoes have been with me since before Christmas, so they still have plenty of life in them. I know I will be needing another pair for long runs later this summer when my training ramps up for the marathon (in October), so why not just get those new shoes while I'm already there? ;-)

  17. Definitely get a break girl! You've been busy! Hope your monthly goals go well!

    1. Thanks! I don't think I've been running too much, and my mileage certainly has been moderate (and not excessive)...but my sleep has been even more jacked than usual and I've had ZERO downtime.

  18. Maybe take some time off. Your body probably really needs it.

    1. ...and I haven't even been doing an excessive number of burpees, either ....(???)

  19. That is a BUSY couple weeks you've had! Definitely sounds like time for a rest break.

    1. I'm a strong believer in listening to the body and not pushing it when things just don'e feel right. Besides, I have graduation stuff to work on this weekend...I"m kind of glad I don't have any long runs on the roster.

  20. I totally understand you on the exhaustion feelings! I have been coming home and crashing each day this week!
    I also feel like spring was short lived! Even here in Houston it was pretty chilly a lot longer than normal!
    I hope you can have a relaxing and restful weekend!

    1. All is well, the weekend was pretty restful ;-) Onward!

  21. It's amazing what you accomplished on so little sleep. No wonder you are exhausted now. Time for some rest & recovery!

    One of my goals for May is meditating and practicing yoga daily, even if it is just a few minutes of each.

    1. Good luck! I have a tough time clearing my head for meditating and/or yoga. Definitely something I need a lot of practice and discipline for ;-)

  22. Amazing to see how far you've come in 10 months! I'm not surprised your so tired - you've been non-stop lately. Have you registered for Chicago yet? I need to get on that!

    1. Yes, I'm all registered for Chicago (doing the Remix), but I have yet to secure my lodging....stay tuned ;-)

  23. You are doing pretty good on such little sleep! Rest and relax is surely in your future !

  24. Holy cow, you have been busy!! I don't even know how you managed to get up and run a half on so little sleep. That's crazy!

  25. Definitely take the time to treat yourself to some R&R! You deserve it after the past few weeks. May sounds like it will be busy for you! I love the summer, so I'm grateful for the warm sunshine. We had a few days of gloomy rain last week. I kept thinking how we can usually only handle 2-3 days of gloom here in Vegas and how dreadful it would be for me to live without so much sunshine.

  26. It sounds like you need to give your body some much deserved rest! Take care of yourself!

  27. Those are pretty color shoes! Nothing wrong with getting a pair for you.

    Get some rest and feel better. Our bodies are weird. I've been tired all week too and took two naps on Saturday and one yesterday. Caramba!

  28. Yay new shoes!!! Downtime is nice. I’m thinking about the Chicago too but I think it’s too much going on with me this summer with moving

  29. I definitely feel like winter just bypassed straight to summer too. It was 90 degrees here yesterday (what what?!). I'm glad it's finally not cold though!

    It's hard to say no to awesome running shoes! :P Best of luck to you on your upcoming races!
