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Thursday, May 24, 2018

MAYDAY! Runfessing the latest


Ever heard that term? It's often used as a distress signal by a ship lost at sea.

I'm not really in distress, nor am I on a ship, but May has been a crazy month and I have felt a bit lost at times. Maybe the craziness is what caused the month to fly by at record speed. None the less, there have been some things happening that have left me in a state of wonder, confusion, and exhaustion. Fun times, right?

Anyways, here's a few things that I have been pondering...

As much as I am eager for summer, I gotta runfess I'm bummed the spring blooms aren't sticking around. For example, our magnolia tree. After repeated attempts (from Momma N) to freeze off every one of its buds, we were rewarded with a record number of blossoms this year! Unfortunately, since they bloomed so late, and the temps got so warm so quickly, the entire tree was only in bloom for less than a full week. Buzz kill.
The blossoms fell off almost as quickly as they bloomed
As I have said (pretty much in every recent blog post), April and May have been crazy busy for me. We made it through prom (and all the decorations), dance recital came and went (for both the daughter and myself) with no broken legs, lost costumes, or stage fright (no calls from dance scouts, either). Now I'm in the throes of graduation preparation, which will culminate this weekend. Our open house is Saturday afternoon, Honors Night is that evening, and the commencement is on Sunday. Whew! Yes, it's been nonstop busy-ness, but I'll runfess it hasn't been all that bad because it's kept me distracted from what's really happening...our youngest is graduating. Bittersweet.
Leading the way at one of the walk-throughs, where the graduating seniors visit the elementary and middle schools and  high-5 all the younger students.
Once we get through graduation, Dam to Dam is happening next weekend (June 2nd). Remember that race? It's my favorite event every year (this is my 11th consecutive year running the Dam race, after all). But, it's ending after this year (it will be taken over by a different marketing team, but the route will most likely change and so will the name). I have to runfess I'm at a total crossroads with what's gonna happen come race day. The graduating daughter is also running it this year. My dilemma is whether she will want me to run it with her (for support and encouragement), or I'll be left to savor the route one last time on my own (and possibly attempt a PR). Either way, it's gonna be an emotional day. Ugh!
After one of my training runs, in a previous year's D2D shirt
I don't know if it's an aging thing (though I shudder to even think it), or if my scale is whacked. All of my clothes fit like usual (some are even fitting a bit loose), but my weight has crept up about five pounds in the past year. Yes, I know muscle is more dense than fat. It's how we feel that really counts. And if all the clothing fits, then all is well. Yadda Yadda Yadda. But, let me runfess that even though that number on the scale means nothing, it still haunts me. The frustration!
Is that extra "weight" residing in my leg muscles?
Finally, did you know I have another marathon on my calendar? I'm running the Cannonball Marathon (Greensboro, NC) in October. I'm also running the Chicago RnR (July 21-22). Basically, once July hits, there will be double digit runs every weekend since the Cannonball is exactly 12 weeks after the RnR.  I gotta runfess ... although I'm excited for another 26.2 training cycle, I'm equally excited I still have several weeks to play around, so to speak ,before the real training begins. Play time!
ready to rock my summer
There, that's the latest. I've said what's been on my mind. All better. Now I can get back to my grad party prepping. Don't be jealous.

Do you have anything to runfess? How has your May been? What would you share? 

I'm linking up with Marcia for the ever awesome monthly Runfessions. Please join us!

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 


  1. The past few months have been so busy! I am hopeful that June will be a little calmer. How exciting that you will be training for another marathon! I hope you enjoy the next month or so of running for fun before training starts.

    1. I'm looking forward to a low-key June. I love running, but I definitely love it even more when I don't "have" to do it LOL

  2. It's not easy when your youngest flues the coop, I'm sure. A,though actually my parents were half pushing me out the day (and now are super clingy). You definitely had a whirlwind of a month! Good luck next weekend & I hope whatever you daughter decides you have a great race.

    So far, knock on wood, I've maintained my weight through menopause. It does get harder, for sure. If the clothes fit you're good!

    Enjoy your long weekend!

    1. I really have not had time sit down and reflect on our future empty nest...UGH! I don't think I"m old enough for that to be happening LOL

  3. Oh wow enjoy this bittersweet long weekend! I've got T minus 364 days left til the teenager graduates on May 24 next year. The clock is ticking and I well know how fast this final year will go. I'm already wigging out a bit. Dam to Dam sounds Bittersweet as well. Seems like lots of races are changing management or being cancelled lately. Must be a tough business. I'd say go for the PR but I think it you may have record heat this weekend.

    1. Ha! You've got it down to the number of days LOL It's gonna be weird adjusstsing to an empty house...

  4. Wow, it has been a bunch of very busy weeks for you! But luckily you were busy with a ton of very fun things :)

    I'm so excited for RnR Chicago in July!

  5. May has been insane for me too! My baby is graduating as well. Tons of events and it's all happy but still I am kind of sad. We have a lot to chat about when we meet this summer!

  6. I thinks May was a bit crazy for everyone, thats all I am reading about, me included. I to hate how quickly my magnolia blooms fall. They are so pretty for that 2 week time. LOL

    1. Our magnolia tree was so pretty! Every spring, a bunch of the buds get frozen off (Iowa weather!), but this year almost the entire tree was in bloom...for like, four days.

  7. Geez! I feel like everyone is running Chicago RnR! Now I want to go!!!

    Maybe next year, since your Dam to Dam won't be the same, you can visit us in California and run Rock 'n' Roll San Diego!!!

  8. Congrats to your daughter! I know graduation season is sooooo busy for families with graduates!

    I don't weigh myself. As long as my clothes fit, I am fine. I had an eating disorder and though I am in recovery, the number on the scale is a HUGE trigger for me, so I just choose not to look at it. It's sad that a number on the scale can ruin my day. I wish I was past that. But I may never be.

    1. The number on the scale is really deceiving. I know I look fine (and feel great), but that number does taunt me none the less.

  9. I think the whole spring has been so busy, and stressful. I'm really hoping June won't be too bad, and I am taking 4 days off too. It wasn't planned, but it'll be good to step away from work.

  10. You have definitely been super busy! Congratulations to your graduating daughter, I know it has to be a bittersweet time for you!

    Your upcoming races look so exciting! I so wanted to do Chicago but I didn't get selected with Bibrave to run it. Enjoy the "light days" of running while you can, lol!

    1. Thanks, Janelle! I plan to enjoy my "light days" as much as possible!

  11. Oh man, graduation time! Sending you all the good vibes because I can't even imagine what that must feel like. It's a busy time for you, that's for sure!

    Double digits are fun but I reach a point where I kind of get sick of them. Have fun and enjoy it all!

    1. I agree, the double digits get tedious after awhile, but I will have a few scale-back weekend runs filtered in there as well.

  12. I can't believe May is over. This month totally flew by. This is the first year we do not have anyone in my family graduating college or high school...fun times!

  13. I don't even own a scale, so there's that. I know the numbers would mess with my head so I just don't even do that to myself.

    Enjoy graduation weekend!

    1. I don't weight myself daily...but I am always curious what the numbers will tell me LOL

  14. Good luck with all the final graduation prep and events. I can only imagine how bittersweet it is to watch your "baby" graduating! Amazing how fast the time goes by, right?! Hope you can step back and enjoy it all!

    1. I will try to enjoy it as much as I can...it's surreal!

  15. I can't believe you have graduation events on Memorial Day weekend! Everybody around here would be at the beach or the lake. Ours was this past Tuesday, and honors ceremony was a few weeks ago! How exciting you'll start marathon training soon. I didn't know you had chosen a southern location for your race! Cool. I mean Warm. Ha Ha.

    1. Ha ha...I hope it won't be too warm in October (but I don't mind the heat). I"m looking forward to venturing to NC!

  16. After a few busy months here, I'm ready for some easy weeks. No training, no races and hopefully just back to enjoying running again!

    1. That's what I'm hoping for June to be...just an "enjoy the run" sort of month. Yes...we'll see LOL

  17. It's great that you get to run with your daughter. I'm hoping that my son will be into running. I'm signing him up for a 1 km race in June (he's 4) and I'm hoping he'll say he loves it!

    1. This is the daughter's first race...ever. She has been so busy with dance recital, tennis (until she was injured), and all the graduation stuff that her training has not been consistent. I'm hoping her endurance will carry her.

  18. My youngest is graduating next month and I haven't even begun to prepare. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.
    That darn scale. It would bug me too even though it shouldn't. ;-)

    1. The scale is evil LOL I'm glad all my clothes fit (which is the true barometer), but that number still is annoying.

  19. Enjoy all the graduation festivities! It is a bittersweet time, but soak it all up. I'm sure you'll enjoy the last Dam to Dam no matter how it turns out!

    1. I'm looking forward to D2D, regardless what happens on race day...once I get through this weekend LOL

  20. I hear you on the scale creeping up. Although mine is thankfully creeping back down. My clothes were getting tight for a while, too. Whomp whomp. At least it's moving in the right direction!

    I can't imagine how you must be feeling with your daughter's graduation. Mine is graduating from preschool next week and it makes me a little sad.

    1. With each kid, the time at the high school has gone quicker. It's crazy...it seems like it was just a week ago we were taking those first-day-of-school pics.

  21. Well, I'd like to say the weight gain I've experienced is due to a scale malfunction but I'm absolutely sure that's not the case! Enjoy your last Dam to Dam. I say go for the PR!

  22. Hopefully I'll see you in July for RnR Chicago! I am not running it but love being a spectator.

    Bummer about the race! But I think you should go for that PR.

  23. Sorry about your race ending, it sounds so fun!! I'm guessing your weight could be muscle mass, you do a lot of running!! Congratulations on your baby graduating!!
