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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Shall We Chat?

Shall we chat?

You know, over coffee? Just you and me, sharing the latest? What you say?

Well, if we were to get together, here's some of the nitty gritty that I'd share:

First of all, my favorite event is happening on Saturday. This is the race, Dam to Dam, that I look forward to every year (and probably mention it too much). This year is very significant in that it's the last year of Dam to Dam as we know it. They are calling it "Forever 39" because it's the 39th year, but will also be the final year (not all is lost; a different marketing company is taking it over...but the name will change and so will the course, most likely). As excited as I am for this momentous day, the weather forecast is a definite buzz kill. Please, can you give Momma N a big kick in her booty (and also severe slap across her face)? Maybe we can knock some sense into her and and she'll show us Dam racers some kindness.
Isn't this ridiculous?

I have said this numerous times as well, but I am really looking forward to summer running! After spending the majority of last summer recovering from surgery (instead of running), my priorities have had a major gratitude shift. I have always preferred summer running over cold-weather running. After missing out last year, I will be grateful to be running this year... no matter how hot or humid.
The compression sleeve is gone and I'm free to run this summer!
I'd also tell you about my summer training plan of action....which will involve weekly speed work (well, for most weeks). While I have no grandiose hopes of becoming the next Olympic champion, I am hoping to see an improvement in my finish times. I'd like to get back to consistently running half marathons closer to the 2-hour mark (or under), and possibly get my 5K's under 25-minutes. We'll see. As someone who has seldom ever done any speed work, I may see a significant improvement or I may get really frustrated really fast. I have got nothing to lose, right?
How fast can I go?
Other than the speed work, June will be pretty low-key. My marathon training won't officially begin until late July, but I will be trying to maintain a good 10ish-mile base until then. My town hosts a series of events, the Grinnell Games,  in mid-June, and there's a half marathon and a 5K to choose from. I have always done the 13.1, but this year I am considering the 5K for something different. I'll also be at the RnR Chicago in July, as well as a couple of other July races I had to DNS (Did Not Start) last year. Stay tuned.
Some of the event shirts from previous years of Grinnell Games
And, finally, I came up with some new goals for June. Don't worry, the daily planks and leg lifts (and occasional burpees) will still be happening; I just didn't feel the need to highlight them. I do plan to do daily wall sits (maybe for 1-minute?), daily yoga in the early hours (or just before bed), continue with the daily cardio (usually early in the morning as well), and gratitude journaling before bedtime. All the fitness-related stuff is a given, but why the journaling? Even though I'm a glass-half-full gal, there are times when I do need a gentle reminder to focus more on the good and let the bad filter out of my thoughts. Jotting down a few gratitude highlights every night may be the perfect way to end each day....stay tuned. for that as well.
Daily goals
So, that's what I'd share if we had a chance to chat.

What would you share? Summer events on your calendar? Any specific goals for June? Ever tried gratitude journaling?

Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date. What would you share, if we were having coffee and chatting about life?

I'm also inking this with Meranda and Lacey and Rachel for the Friday Five 2.0. 


  1. I think the new race director should have kept the Dam to Dam name, if that was possible. It's so iconic. Hope the storms hold off for you!

    1. We just found out this week the new name is DAM to DSM, which I kind of like. I was at a crossroads with the name change, though...it would be weird having the same name if the race was changing (rumor is the registration will be much higher because it's a for-profit group taking the reins).

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks...hoping the weather turns a little more favorable...

  3. Oh, man, I home the storms hold off. We had some wicked ones here last night and are supposed to get more tomorrow night. Maybe they are heading from your direction?

    1. We've had almost no rain in recent weeks. We had a little Tuesday overnight/early morning, but that's it.

  4. I've never actually tried to do actual speedwork following a plan. I am sure it would help me but I cannot really imagine myself doing it in the heat of summer. We have had a lot of thunder storms already hope they hold off for your race.

    1. Most of my speed work will be in the early hours, so the heat of the day shouldn't be too unbearable. And, I'm certainly not gonna torture myself if it gets too warm or I:"m feeling too tired. My "speed" is not that important to me LOL

  5. Oh no :( So sorry that the weather is not looking that great for the race. Hopefully Mother N will change her mind and get rid of the anticipated rain.

    Also loving your goals for June!

    1. Thanks, Kim! I'm hoping Momma N shows us some sympathy...

  6. I'm with ya. I will take summer running over winter any day. I like the hear and humidity so much more than cold and wind.

    1. I can tolerate the cold, but I definitely do not like it. Give me warm temps adn sunshine and I'm a happy gal ;-)

  7. I haven't done speed work in a long time, good luck with that. Besides work I don't have much planed for the summer. Looking forward to the weather though! I hate cold running so.....summer is the best

  8. Here's hoping the weather for your race is better than it looks like.

    Speedwork does pay off -- but not necessarily in one training cycle. Like anything, it needs to be done somewhat consistently (of course, you don't need to do speed work year round) to pay off. I did it for years before I really say any improvement!

    I do a gratitude list every night. And a to-do list. I really do think both help me to sleep better!

    1. That's my goal with the gratitude thing...clearing my mind, and then having it to refer back to when I need a reminder

  9. Oof, I hope you can get better weather on race day. I haven't done speedwork in a long time. I keep upping my speed and cadence, but there hasn't been any official speedwork.

  10. Have fun at your race this weekend! We tried writing down one thing we were thankful for every week and putting it in a jar. But after about a month and a half we forgot to continue!

    1. I'm hoping after doing this gratitude thing for a month, it will become a habit that sticks ;-) #fingerscrossed

  11. Sounds like a great month planned! Hopefully the weather holds out for you for your Dam to Dam race!

  12. Take comfort in the fact the weather people don't always (ok--hardly ever) get it right. LOL. Have fun despite the forecast!

    1. Ha ha ha ha...thanks, Holly! I DO take great comfort in that LOL

  13. Sounds like some exciting goals coming up! Thanks for sharing love

  14. Sounds like you have your work cut out for you this summer! Hope you have a great time at your race!

    1. I'll enjoy the race regardless...just hoping the weather stays as dry as possible

  15. I like your June goals - especially the gratitude journaling.

    I hope Mother N is kind to you tomorrow! Have fun!!

    1. Momma N was a bit wicked at the start, but then she mellowed out for us ;-)

  16. Wall sits are hard. I'm impressed you're doing them for 1 minute!

    I hope you have good weather for race day!!!!!!

    1. Ha! The weather was a little of everything (except snow, thank goodness)...hurricane-like wind/rain, cloudy/cool, then sunny and hot at the finish line.

  17. When you called the Dam to Dam "Forever 39" I thought you were going to say because it was 39 degrees that year! After reading your blog I know how unpredictable Iowa Weather can be..lol! -M

  18. These are some pretty good plans you have there. I hope the weather will be ok for your Dam to Dam race and that you'll have fun. Journaling is a great idea. I might throw that in my June planner too.

    1. I used to do a lot of journaling, but (unfortunately) I have really gotten away from it since beginning to blog. MY blog has kind of morphed into a bit of an online journal of sorts.

  19. I hope the weather turned around for the final Dam to Dam. It's always sad when a beloved race ends. It's nice that someone else picked it up, but I think you are right that it will change markedly since they are a for profit company.

    I've periodically done gratitude journaling and found it really helpful. In fact, I should take your post as a nudge and start it up again.

    1. I'm looking forward to the journaling...hoping I can stay committed to it!

  20. I am sorry to see Dam to Dam go (as it is known)! It was one of my bucket list races. I hope the weather turned around! I am working on my summer events calendar. I don't have it completely figured out but I am getting there.

    1. It is REALLY sad to see D2D come to an end! I know the "new" one will be similar, but it also will not be the same old 39-year old race we all love ;-(

  21. Sounds like some great goals for June. I have tried gratitude journaling but then it slowly fades away as I forget and move on to something else. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. I'm really hoping I can keep myself disciplined enough to do the journaling. I plan to at least start out by listing three things each evening (bullet-style), which won't require a lot of excess writing

  22. I have tried gratitude journaling but it didn't week out. Not that I have nothing to be grateful for, I think it was just the format. I was using a book that had set questions rather than reflecting on my day. I think I need just blank pages. What do you use?

    1. I'm using a blank journal....which keeps it really simple (I hope!). I'm gonna start out with three "bullet" entries each day....

  23. Awesome goals for this month, girl!! I LOVE that you included some fitness oriented ones as well as more personal ones like the gratitude journal!

  24. Summer seems like the perfect time to focus on speed work. I'm sure you'll make some real gains!

    The gratitude journal is a great idea! In my Passion Planner there's a space where you can write good things that happened each week. It's definitely one of my favorite things to reflect on!

    I hope you had a great final Dam to Dam...I saw a couple of pics but can't wait for the recap!

  25. Good luck with the speed work over the coming weeks. With me starting marathon training tomorrow, speed work is far from the front of my mind right now, but maybe when it starts to cool off in the fall and I've hit my peak mileage I'll focus on incorporating it on a regular basis again.

  26. Hope the Dam to Dam went well! I think your plan for speed work sounds great- I am still nursing this ankle thing, but the speed work is definitely missing for me as I try to just keep the distance run consistent.

  27. I definitely believe speed work improves times ...however, every time I try it, I end up injured. Alas ...I'm just destined to be a slow runner. But a grateful one. :) Sounds like you've got some fun races lined up! Which marathon are you doing?
