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Monday, August 27, 2018

August...Pass or Fail?

August 2018.....pass or fail?

It's hard to believe August is coming to a close and September is almost here. Ugh. Have I mentioned that I don't want my summer to end? Lots of fun and interesting fitness went down this month. I sweated more in August than I think I have all year, but it was all in good fun.

Anyways, here's how the month of August played out...

First and foremost, let's chat about running. It's no secret that running is my sport of choice, and lots of running took place in August. Currently, as this post goes live, I'm at 98 miles. I still have a #5at5 on tap for mid-week.  If my speedwork goes off as planned, that will add an extra 2-3 miles as well. In other words, the odds are ever in my favor for passing the century mark by month's end. Even though I don't thrive on reaching 100 miles each month (ha! totally NOT a priority for this gal), it is a nice achievement when it does happen. I have not passed the century mark for monthly miles since the spring of 2017, so it's been a while.
Rise, shine and running in the early hours
Oh, goodness, have I been walking! Currently, I'm at 82 miles of walking, and on target to walk another 10-15 before August comes to a close. What can I say? I love walking! It's a great cardio workout on my non-running days (and I also do it on my running days as well). It works a lot of extra muscles that running doesn't, so it's a win-win.
runners can walk, too
Holy cow, have I been getting into speedwork. It's been exciting to see negative splits on some of my hill repeats and intervals. There was one week, though, when I took a pass on speedwork because I was feeling a bit worn down. I was rewarded with an (almost) effortless 14-mile long run a couple days later. Coincidence? Probably not...listening to one's body usually will serve you well.
you  know you're getting fast when the image is blurred...right?
HIIT workouts:PASS
My newest obsession has been weekly HIIT workouts. I have always been pretty active on my non-running days, but this past winter, I started doing weekly HIIT work while training for the Fight For Air Climb. Obviously, those workouts all involved various stair climbing drills with some strength moves mixed in (as well as random burpees and push-ups). In recent months, though, I have upped the intensity and it's been a fun ride. All of my August HIIT workouts happened outside...so the sweat equity was compounded in the summer heat. My energy feels phenomenal, my "soft" waist is firmer, my legs are more toned and my weight is down a few pounds. HIIT workouts? They've been good to me.
Happy to be HIIT'ing on a regular basis
Sweat equity:(extra credit)
Let's just say the month of August has been a hot and humid one. Trust me, that is NOT a complaint...but I have been glistening and glowing (and, often times, dripping) all over the place as I've attempted to take a few selfies with sweaty fingers. First world probs, right?
All aglow by the dawn's early light
Full disclosure:FAILS
Now, in the interest of full disclosure, it hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns. If we were to talk about yoga and my consistency in practicing...FAIL. Adequate sleep...FAIL. Eating clean and green daily...FAIL. I'm not perfect nor do I pretend to be.
what you see is what you get
Anyways, I am quite content with how August played out for me. Probably the one and only regret is not finding a race to do this month. I know...first world probs (again). Monthly racing is not a necessary requirement, but the races are an effective gauge as to how all of my training is progressing.

How was your August? Any big goals met? Specific training for a fall race? Got a favorite fitness endeavor you did in August?

**I'm linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Marc and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner
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  1. Given how freaking hot its been, I have no guilt about not racing this month. Didn't I tell you speed work and added intensity will make you a different (faster) runner? It's so fun to watch you reap the benefits!

    1. Thanks, Marcia ;-) I have been embracing the heat...I'll really be curious what all of this heat-training will do to my fall running and racing....Stay tuned!

  2. Sounds like a great month! I'm impressed at your walking mileage in addition to those running miles. I've had a hard time getting yoga and clean eating in there too. It seems like there isn't enough time in the day to fit everything in!

    1. Clean eating is tough, at least for me, because I have a hard time doing all the "work" to make it happen. I realize, eventually, it's not work but routine...but I'm definitly not there yet LOL

  3. Looks like you did super awesome for August! I'm really terrible about getting adequate sleep and eating clean every day, but...everything in moderation! :o

    1. I agree...I'm not eating junk food on the daily, but I know there's a lot that could be cleaned up ;-)

  4. I certainly didn't eat clean and green this month. Vacation will do that to my diet, and I enjoyed every minute of it :)

  5. So glad to hear your running is going so well. As for the yoga...we can't do everything all the time. Give yourself a break!

    I am going to be doing a lot more walking and am trying to incorporate it into my fitness routine. I will probably be walking a big portion (maybe 100%) of the MCM in October, since I injured my hip at the marathon last weekend. I gotta be ready.

    1. oh, I need to check your blog...I missed the details of your injury and marathon. UGH! Sorry to hear that...hope things heal quickly for you ((hugs))

  6. Looks like you had a great month!! I’m looking forward to seeing the gains of running on so many hot and humid days!!

    1. Me,too!! This is the hardest I have trained in the summer heat ;-)

  7. I think you had a pretty great month of running and really were able to embrace the heat. I think you need to eat more of my salads :) lol

    1. ha ha!!! I totally embrace the heat ;-) And, I agree...a few of your salads would do me good....you just need to move to Iowa (you'd be closer to Indiana!)

  8. Congrats on a fantastic month! You passed with flying colors on those goals! You're making me want to do more walking...I've got some better insoles in my shoes now so I want to try to make more time to go for a stroll, maybe after work? Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Go for it, Janelle!!!! A lot of runners shun walking, and that's too bad. I try to get in an early morning walk (on the days I'm not running), I usually take the dog around the block a few times each day, and often do a 1-2 mile walk in the evenings as a way of winding down/decompressing.

  9. I looks like you're having a stellar month! I always fail on getting adequate sleep as well. :-(

  10. Well, I'll complain about the heat & humidity for you, k? We're sweltering in the 90s & the AC is still wonky -- I'm just thanking my lucky stars that it didn't really start to heat up until after my race.

    I'm glad that you had such a great summer. You deserved it! I need my sleep though. I can function when I'm sleep deprived, but it really wears me down. Like before we left, due to the AC & having trouble sleeping, I really wasn't feeling that great but thankfully felt fine once we hit the road.

    1. I admit I embrace the summer heat (even on humid days) more than most.....but I just dread those cold winter days. Granted, I still head outside on the cold (and snowy) days anyways, but I'd rather be warm & sweaty than cold & miserable LOL

  11. I, on the other hand, am so excited about September that I’m almost giddy! Not only will my hot weather soon be over but my business will pick up. Summer is dead time here in the desert.

    Looks like you had a very good month. I notice that our fails seem to be in the same area. Yoga and sleep are a challenge for me too.

    1. Yoga is especially tough for me to commit to...I don't know why because I always feel better after doing it.

  12. You had a great month of running. Congrats on getting in over 100 miles!

    1. Thanks!!! It's especially rewarding when those 100 miles don't hurt (much). ;-)

  13. Sounds like a pretty stellar month to me!

  14. That's still a really good month! It looks like you kicked butt and definitely got a bunch of good quality running and walking miles. Keep it up!

    1. Thanks! It feels good to have all of these miles done with no major injuries screaming for attention. Hoping that continues....

  15. Way to go on all of your passes! I need to get back to adding in speedwork each week, it's why my times are lagging.

  16. You've been on fire this month!! Wow! A 100 miles of running and then still all those miles of walking?! Not to mention your speed and HIIT workouts. Well done lady! What a GREAT month!

  17. Congrats on a great month! Your HIIT workouts are so inspiring! August started good for me, but hadn't ended great, I've got this dang cold hanging around for 2 weeks now, not great for marathon training, especially when heading into the peak weeks. I did join a gym though end of the month and have already gone, one opened up in my building where I work, I took that a sign. I had been thinking about joining one for cross training and especially strength training. I need it bad! They even have a HIIT class. :)
