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Friday, August 17, 2018

It's The Humidity 

It's no deep, dark secret that I love summer.

The smell of fresh-cut grass. The beautiful flowers in bloom. The over-grown tomato plants in my raised garden. Summer running. The heat. But the humidity? Not so much.

Thankfully, the temps were not too steep this past week. The humidity, though, was crazy. I can take the heat of summer, and I can tolerate the humidity, but that doesn't mean I necessarily enjoy it.

Here's how the week played out:

After an especially challenging 12-miler on Saturday (that was meant to be a 14-miler), Sunday's recovery run felt good and Monday's 3-miler (with pick-ups) felt great. I headed out in the wee hours and got the miles done early in the moderate temps...but the humidity was already pretty thick and heavy. You can't really see it in the pic, but I was glistening and glowing all over the place (and dripping from every appendage).
messy hair, don't care
Typical Tuesday
I had every intention of getting out the door early (like, at 5:45 a.m.) to go for a long "fasted cardio" walk before getting ready for work. Only, having reset my alarm (after a late night at the Iowa State Fair), I inadvertently forgot to turn said alarm ON. No harm, no foul...Tuesdays are active rest/recovery days anyways, but my walk with Max was much shorter than I'd hoped.
A quick mile with Max
None the less, I still did a HIIT workout that evening. I opted for a stair workout I'd created earlier this summer:

Arms and Shoulders and Stairs, oh my!
15 biceps curls/hammer curls (on middle circuit)
15 push-ups
10 burpees
10 stair flights (inside the house)
15 triceps dips/extensions (on middle circuit)
15 push-ups
10 burpees
10 stair flights (inside)
15 shoulder presses/upright rows (on middle circuit)
15 push-ups
10 burpees
10 stair flights (inside)

Three sets of the circuit netted me 45 biceps reps, 45 triceps reps, 45 shoulder reps, 90 burpees, 90 stair flights and 135 push-ups....and tons of sweat equity. I did all of the moves outside, on my front porch/patio, except for the stairs (which I did inside my air-conditioned house). And I slept quite soundly that night.
yes, it was warm and the humidity was quite high (again)
Wednesday's weekly #5at5
Even though the temps were moderate, the 97% humidity was oh-so-heavy for our weekly 5:00 a.m. run. That said, I'd gladly do it all over again. The sky was also overcast, so Barb and I ran this in almost total darkness until the last mile or so.
By the light of my trusty Knuckle Lights
Thursday's dilemma
After all those stairs on Tuesday, my body just was not craving any extra speedwork come Thursday morning. After all, hills are like speedwork in disgiuse, and stairs are like hills on steroids...am I right? I had a long run on tap for Saturday, and I didn't think it wise to overdo it with my (recovering) hamstring/glutes. Instead, the hubby and I took Max with us for a 2-mile jaunt and I called that good.

Friday's (continued) taper
I have been treating my Fridays as rest/recovery days (usually from the previous Thursday's speedwork), but I also consider them like a mini taper in preparation for my long runs (which usually happen on Saturday). I got out for another early morning walk, and oh-my-gosh...it felt like I'd just trudged through a vat of pea soup (isn't that what especially humid air is often compared to?). Yuck.
yuck...more icky hair
Saturday's redemption run
With a busy day on tap (volunteering, mid-morning, for a local air show), my morning started with a 5:45 a.m. departure to meet up with Barb for our 14-mile adventure. Again, the temps weren't too bad, but the humidity was thick. Unlike last Saturday, though, all body parts felt like they were in working order this time. I had my hydration vest (with two 12-oz. water bottles) and kept sipping water at almost every mile mark. We ran a similar route as we'd done the previous weekend, but everything felt so much better this week. I'd had some oatmeal for breakfast, did some dynamic stretches, ate a Honey Stinger chew at miles 4 and 11 and took a SiS gel at mile 9. Although my body felt a little strained in the final miles, my energy was on-point. Also, these 14 miles were the farthest I have run since my surgery/recovery last year, so it was a PR for Voldy (my 6-inch scar)!
 My longest run with Voldy on my knee...14 miles for the win!
After returning home, I had to take Max out for a quick walk then do an even quicker shower and head to the local airport. The hubby had been there since around 4:00 a.m., setting up and working the fly-in breakfast, and I had a 4-hour shift at the information booth and helping park cars. I finished up just after 2:00, and promptly crashed on the couch (for a good hour) after getting back home.
two highlights of the day...the sky divers during the National Anthem, and watching the Chinook helicopter land
Simply Sunday
After a long (and warm & humid) Saturday, my mind and body were definitely needing a little extra slumber. I went back to sleep for an hour or so after my alarm went off, then laced up for a short recovery run before church. Seldom have I ever returned from a recovery run and not felt better for the effort. I never run far, nor do I run fast, but just getting the muscles a little bit of movement always feels good.
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, shoes, tree, hat, outdoor and nature
Ahhh, recovery runs! Why do they feel so good?
Despite the crazy humidity, all of my runs/workouts went off without any hitches this week. Yes, there was plenty of sweating going on, but that's all part of the equation (hello...it is summer after all). My running mileage tallied at 24, and all of my walking brought me 22 miles as well. I think the extra rest day (in lieu of the usual Thursday speedwork) was a key factor in my long run going so well. I may consider just doing bi-weekly speedwork, or simply skip it (or the weekly HIIT workout) on occasion if my body is craving a little extra R&R. I have another 6-7 weeks before I'll be tapering for my marathon, so I have a little time to modify my plan if need be. Stay tuned. 

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:
Five Fun Fall Races In Iowa

In other news:
Did you catch last week's #FridayFashionFlair?
Dang, it's been pretty warm and very humid. It never fails, though, the warmer it is outside, the colder it feels inside. I always have to have a cardi on standby or else I'm a shivering freak. What do you think? Would you go for a bright hot pink cardi for a "pop of color," or would you choose a black or white one to "go with" the black and white outfit? Anyways, you're always welcome to join the party on Fridays...post a pic (on Instagram), grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and give me a tag (@runningonthefly).
Go pink or go home
The great Iowa State Fair!
Monday night, the husband and I ventured to Des Moines (an hour away) for a date night. Every year, we try to get there for a concert. The weather is always warm. It's always humid. The crowds of people are crazy. But it's still a fun time.
Tenderloins, corndogs, funnel cakes...and a rock concert #datenight
What a #deal!
Are you a fan of compression? The jury is still out on if it helps with my actual performance while running, but I definitely know it's legit for recovery. Anyways, ProCompression had a grab bag sale last weekend on their compression sleeves, and I totally took advantage and totally scored. It's a bit of a gamble what you're gonna get with a grab sale (since you don't get to pick what goes in the "bag"), but check it out...I got royal blue, hot pink, and black. Total satisfaction, and the blue sleeves already have been initiated.
blue and pink and black, oh my!
So, that's a wrap. I'm happy with my mileage. The cross-training is keeping me fit. The achy-breaky hamstring did a complete 180 and feels brand new. What's not to love?

How was your week?  Hot and humid weather in your area? Ever hit up a state fair? Have you done any volunteer work lately? Are you training for any big fall races?

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap. This weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!

Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. I totally agree- the humidity is so rough! I think thats the worst part of summer running. Looks like you had a great week! Congrats on your longest run post-surgey.

    1. The humidity can be a total buzzkill, but it's also very much a summer reality in Iowa. Oh well.....it hasn't killed me yet ;-)

  2. I'm definitely suffering with the humidity. Your strength/stair workouts look so tough! I'm not sure I'm motivated enough to work that hard on my own anymore. :-O

    1. Well, I have the motivation to work on my own because I am just not a gym-goer LOL

  3. Glad your running is going so well for you. Dare I suggest that your hammie likes the humidity?

    1. Maybe the humidity is working well for me....I do seem to enjoy the heat more than most people LOL

  4. I really, really didn't want to mention the humidity this week but it was SO gross. And today was absolutely lovely. I think it was the first time I didn't sweat non stop all day. lol!

    1. Well, then that calls for a celebration ;-) The humidity has been crazy lately, even for Iowa.

  5. I'm right there with you in regards to the humidity. I am SO over it! We've had just weeks of high yucky humidity.

    You are amazing for doing your long run and the volunteering right after!

    1. The volunteer work actually seemed to help with my recovery, believe it or not. I was on my feet and didn't have time to "just sit." I felt completely recovered Sunday morning ;-)

  6. Congrats on that 14 miler! That has to be a huge confidence booster

    1. It was a great confidence booster...especially when I awoke Sunday and felt (almost) completely recovered ;-)

  7. I've heard that the Iowa State Fair is almost as big of a deal as the Minnesota State Fair! I grew up in Wisconsin, where the fair just wasn't a big deal, but then I moved to Minneapolis and started dating Dustin and found out what the fair is really all about :) I love it!

    1. The state fair scene is fun, but if I make it there once a year, I'm good. I know a lot of people who set up camp (literally) for the entire 10 days the fair is happening.

  8. Hooray for a happy hammy! Yeah I'm more than ready for this humidity to lift.

    1. It was such a relief for the hammie to feel better than it did a week ago. WHEW!

  9. Yup, pea soup is definitely the saying we use about humidity!

    You always accomplish so much in a week. What time do you have to go to work?

    1. My work day begins at 8:00, so I get up early (usually around 5-5:15) to get a jump start on the day. If I don't have a run on the agenda, I do some walking or another cardio workout of some sort. I also do some blogging/social media surfing while I'm "cooling off" before I get in the shower.

  10. As far as I'm concerned, it's the heat AND the humidity. Good job getting the runs in anyway! I haven't been to a state fair since I was in high school. I suspect the Montana state fair would be a bit of a let down compared to the Texas state fair!

    1. I don't know how the Iowa State Fair compares nationally to all the others (do all states have fairs?), but it's a pretty big deal for our state's economy.

  11. Pea soup is such a true description for the humidity! I’m going to have to start using that. Congrats on getting the long run done!

    1. Thankfully, the temps weren't too terrible for my long run, but the humidity was still present and in full force. #ugh

  12. Great work! I posted a sweaty photo this weekend, too (I took it to show my bestie that yes, I DO get hot running). Brilliant going in the humidity - I call it soupy, too (a pea-souper is a big fog here). I need to think about doing my new strength training exercises on my patio. If only no one could see me!

    1. Well, my front patio has a bit of a picket fence...so there is a bit of "shelter" LOL

  13. Obviously I love compression socks (I'm a PC ambassador). I agree the jury is out on their benefits for actual running, but they look so good!

    I am so over the humidity. Though, when I was in San Diego over the weekend it was very humid but so much cooler that I thought it was wonderful! All the locals were complaining and I was like, this is perfect!lol

    1. The "cooler" humidity is actually pretty cold...at least it feels that way to me ;-)

  14. The humidity was just awful this week. Thankfully it broke with our storms on sat.

    And yes, hills are speed work! I love compression socks, but hate them during summer (and really ought to have been wearing them a whole lot more than I have).

    A solid week as always, Kim!

    1. Thanks,Judy!! For some odd reason, the compression socks/sleeves seem to have a "cooling" effect on me....

  15. You had a great week! That arms, shoulders and stairs workout...I can't even imagine! I'm staying away from burpees but that other upper body work would really do me some good!

    The humidity has just been ridiculous...it seems like everyone is suffering through it! And happy PR for Voldy! :)

    1. Believe it or not, the stairs actually were a bit of a relief because they were inside the air conditioned house LOL

  16. The humidity has been crushing me, too. You're doing awesome, though! I need to try that arms, shoulders and stairs workout!

    1. It's always pretty humid in Iowa, but this summer (especially in recent weeks) it's been over the top miserable

  17. So glad to see you grabbed some Pros! I'm an ambassador...its the only sock I'll wear. I love them! Hope you do as well!

    Humidity is a total killer. I'm so ready for some fall temps right now. And by fall I mean anything thats below 80 degrees.

    1. I have several pairs of the PC sleeves, I definitely am a fan ;-)

  18. Still hot. Still humid. Still sweating every time I leave the house. I am looking forward to the cooler weather, if it ever gets here.

    Our poor pugs can barely make it outside in back to potty, let alone go for a walk. It's just not their time of year.

    I love compression, but I haven't needed it quite as much as I used to. I used to get miserable calf cramps on longer runs, but I must have gotten my nutrition worked out because I haven't had that issue in quite a while.

    1. I typically don't have issues with cramping unless it's real hot...and then I think it's more of a sodium/dehydration issue (which, I guess, goes back to nutrition). The compression definitely is great for recovery, though ;-)

  19. I'm all about compression to help with recovery. I always get stiff when I fly since I'm stressed out, and the compression socks helped my calves feel better once I got to Alaska. Then again after my 4 miles on deck.

    1. I'm a huge advocate for compression, especially for recovery ;-)

  20. Taking that day off from running must have been exactly what you needed!

    1. I agree....those 14 miles felt pretty nice with that extra day of rest in the mix

  21. Working the air show sounds like fun, although exhausting I'm sure. Congrats on the 14 mile post surgery run. I think you can officially call that whole experience "over and done". LOL. Wow - I can't believe your marathon is so close. If it's warm and humid at the race you'll definitely be prepared! Thanks for linking!

    1. I think the air show was a great aid in my recovery because I was on my feet and in constant movement for several hours after my long run...no time to sit idle LOL

  22. Depsite the humidity you made it work and I am always about a pop of color. Hope you have another great week!

  23. Wya to go on your longest run since surgery! You are crushing the workouts even with all of the humidity! It has even been quite humid here in NH this summer!

  24. It looks like you had a great week of workouts, and congrats on your longest run since your surgery last summer! Boom, take that, knee!

    The old Debbie would have gone with a black or white sweater to match, but the new Debbie is bolder and would go with a pop of color. I love how you've gone with such a bright pink. It's gorgeous!

  25. The humidity has been NO joke here, and also triple digits!
    I am a lover of summer, but I am ready for slightly cooler temps!
    That HIIT workout looks intense!
    Hope you have a cooler week!

  26. ha! stairs are like hills on steroids! NO JOKE! what a week you had! good you pulled back a bit after the HIIT workout so you didn't jeopardise the long run. Seems like it all worked out too with the 14 miles feeling much better 2nd time around! well done!

    I'm a fan of ProCompression!! I have about ... 20 pairs :D oops! of course last week I wanted to wear my yellow with pink stripes and I COULDN'T FIND THEM ANYWHERE. Even though I just organised everything. Still haven't found the darn things. Anyway, hope you like them! You got a sweet pack of three!

    the humidity is killing here now. we went from unusually hot and dry to storms to hot and humid. I'm so sweaty after a run it looks like I showered with my clothes on. Volunteering? No. Not really lately. Unless you count me volunteering at work to be the (new) Run Club coordinator (with a race on 9/9 and my stress level already going through the roof trying to do everything while on vacation???). State fair - oh my gosh it has been decades!! But yes I have been to the NM State Fair when I was young and of course always to the Otero County Fair right around the time school started up. My next race is in 5 weeks and a few days... i've got my trainer working hard for me as he keeps changing up how to attack the marathon on the day... stay tuned...

    hey I love that necklace you have on for friday fashion flair - I never wear jewellery, which is a shame because I do have some nice pieces. Goal for next year maybe? get out of jeans and tee shirts and dress up just a tiny bit?

  27. The humidity has been plain brutal lately. We had really bad thunderstorms here yesterday, which made the humidity inside of the the gym while I was running there just awful. I’m more than ready for the break in the humidity that’s supposed to be starting here tomorrow.

  28. I had a rough 14 (should have been 16) miler two weeks ago then a great redemption run last weekend. It's bizarre how that can work sometimes! It's finally cooling off here in PA so I think that helped. Sending you cooler tempatures!
