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Monday, November 26, 2018

Winter Running...are you Vested? 

Are YOU a vested runner?

Anyone who has ever seen a semblance of me in colder-than-summer weather has probably seen me in a puffer vest.

Hands-down, a cozy puffer vest is my first choice in winter running wardrobe must-haves.

Sure, I can dress them up with a funky scarf and they work for casual wear...

...but I especially LOVE to wear them with my running shoes.

They offer the warmth of a jacket without the "underarm" bulk of the sleeves. Also, they are a lot less expensive than a full jacket, so it's pretty affordable to add a few (in various colors) to your closet. Here's a tip: you can find them (usually) pretty frugally-priced at teeny bopper clothing stores (for example: Jean-Nicole, Aero, Vanity, etc.).

Puffer vests are also versatile. Not only can you vary the layering options (depending on the temps outside), but you can also play with numerous color combinations. In other words,you're not stuck wearing the same "winter running jacket" every time you head outside (did you notice I'm actually wearing the same lime green vest in three of the pics above?).

So, that's a very quick peek into my love of puffer vests. For me, they're not just an essential for winter running, but also for winter fashion. I live in Iowa, don't forget, and it gets mighty cold and windy here.

If you're interested in more winter running wardrobe ideas, check out these posts:

For the Cold Weather Runner  
Winter Running Must-Haves 
Winter Running Hacks for 2018.

Talk to me... Do you have a favorite winter running wardrobe essential? Any running gear that you sometimes wear for other activities? ...or would you rather stay inside when the temps get chilly?

**I'm linking up with Marcia and Patty and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run... Join the party!

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Rachel and Marc and Lora for the Running Coaches' Corner
Running Coaches Corner Logo
**And with Nicole and Annmarie for the Wild Wednesday Workout

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  1. I'm finding this so interesting, as I realise what a mild climate we have here in the UK. I wear a sleeveless puffa at home in the winter (I work from home) but I would get too warm in all but the very chilliest weather here (plus it's very damp here). I have two quite thick running jackets I wear when it's below freezing but it's very rare for it to go that low, about -10 is the maximum (minimum?) we can expect. I am doing thin short-sleeved wicking top under long fuzzy-inside top at the moment for most runs.

    1. I sometimes get warm, too, but the fact that my arms are "free" helps control that. I hate the underarm bulk of jackets...and, being I'm tall, I also have long arms LOL It's tough finding jackets that have long enough sleeves.

  2. I don't have any vests for running but they do seem like a good idea! And its a bonus that they can be worn when you're not running too.

  3. My body runs way too hot to ever consider a "puffy" anything for running. I have a couple of Nike vests designed for running that are great but I'm soaked with sweat if I try to run in puffer jackets/vests, even if it's zero out. Of course I love them for regular use.

    1. Fortunately, I'm not a "hot" runner (probably why I embrace the hot summer temps).

  4. I've run in fleece vests, but there's no way I could tolerate a "puffy" vest--like Marcia, I get way too hot for that. Even in the bitter cold, I'll usually just wear two layers or even my thermoball, but I get home and I am soaked!

    1. Well, not all of my puffy vests are as warm as they appear LOL I don't get as hot as most people, apparently.

  5. I will definitely run outside when it's chilly but it really depends on what's going on. Windy? Maybe, maybe not. Actively snowing? I know I could, but there are no sidewalks in my neighborhood. I have, occasionally.

    I'm not a vest girl (even thought I don't run hot), but my mom loves them!

    1. I wear my vests all the time, whether it's for a run or headed to work (in my cold office setting)

  6. I've never used a vest but it doesn't typically get that cold in Florida. I mean sometimes it does dip down to the 30s, but usually I just layer up and suffer through it. We got some cute Nike ones in at the store though so I may try to use those and see if they help!

    1. Well, as you know, I'm in Iowa and it's like the Alaskan tundra here for about six months...

  7. When I moved to Colorado, I quickly realized layers were key, and vests are awesome! I have a running vest for now, and I'm asking for a puffer vest for Christmas.

    1. My vests are well-utilized! I hate the underarm bulk of cold weather jackets.

  8. Hmm, I've been thinking of getting a vest. Sometimes it's too chilly for one layer, but not quite chilly enough for 2! I usually in that case will wind up wearing the 2, but then the crooks of my elbows get soaked in sweat.

    1. Exactly ;-) Vests are a great not too warm. but not too chilly option

  9. I've only ever had a black vest and I loved wearing it for running (because of the pockets)! Don't laugh but I recently bought a red vest from the Dress Barn...haha

    1. Ummm...did you see my red vest above? I got it on clearance from JCP a couple years ago and I wear it ALOT during the holidays ;-)

  10. I only own a single puffer vest - actually not all that puffy, since it's one of those made for running. It has to be pretty cold or windy before I layer up anything puffy though!

    1. Well, I call them puffer vests. but they aren't all as warm as they appear. But Ilike them for the colors and versatility ;-)

  11. I also love my running vests! I usually wear them from temps of 35-45. Any colder and I like a jacket. Only problem with vests is that you cannot take them off mid run and tie them around your waist

    1. ha! True, once they're on it's kind of a commitment until you're done ;-)

  12. I don't even own a puffer vest, though I do have a lighter weight vest that I like to wear for a little extra warmth. They are cute though!

    1. You probably don't have much need for a warm vest in California ;-) #jealous

  13. I have one light weight vest, and it's the best! It's amazing how much warmth it gives.

  14. You know I really haven't thought of using puffer vests for running. It's definitely stylish and if they can handle winters in Iowa, then it'll definitely work in Philly!

  15. every year I swear I'm going to get a vest and every year I don't.... sigh. so for me it's just lots of layers and I'm the buff queen! I have like 1000 buffs. OK. maybe not that many. But I have a lot. so layers, buffs, a hat, gloves and a windproof / rainproof jacket.

  16. I really need to get one for Winter running! I've had a couple days where it's too warm to wear my running jacket but then I'm still a bit chilly.

    1. It's that way for me, too....I feel hot in a full jacket, but a vest is just perfect ;-)

  17. I don't run in vests but I love wearing them to work and the rest of the time! I haven't found a running vest yet that didn't make me too hot when running.

    1. Well, I think I'm a cold runner LOL Sometimes, I do get sweaty underneath everything, but usually it's not too bad

  18. Love your style! Sadly, it doesn't get near cold enough here in the southern part of Louisiana to invest in these.

    1. Ha! You're probably in shorts/tanks year-round ;-) We don't have that problem in Iowa...LOL

  19. Here in SC it's the complete opposite: I need sleeves, haha! It doesn't often get very cold, so my torso gets really hot, but my appendages get cold. Arm sleeves are a lifesaver!

    1. I'm a huge fan of arm sleeves when the temps are a tiny bit chilly, but too warm for a long-sleeved top. I love the look of a tank with the sleeves ;-)

  20. I have a few vests at home but I don't run in them too often. For some reason I never think to run with then since I usually wear a long sleeve zip up or sweatshirt lol

    1. Even though I am more cold than warm (especially this time of year), I feel "stuffy" in a jacket. Besides, I hate that underarm bulk...so a vest and a fleece layer underneath (plus a base layer as well) is my usual go-to ;-)

  21. I have a vest but I never thought of using that one for running. Do you look for a specific kind or do you just buy one that's on sale?

    1. Honestly, all of my vests are "fashion" vests that I wear for running. And, yes, I probably have gotten all of them on sale ;-)

  22. I love your vests! I don't have any. Our weather is either stupid hot or stupid cold, and when it's stupid cold, I need a lot of layers on my arms and hands because of my Raynaud's. Adding a vest on top of all the sleeved things would be too much.

    On the plus side, I am getting the cutest puffer vest for a Christmas party costume I have to wear. So that will be adorable.

  23. I always love your stylish running outfits, especially the vests! I am totally "vested" too...I have 2 faves that I alternate between!

  24. I do love a nice vest. I have a new fleece one for every day wear that I am in love with. I also have some light weight ones for running. I love that they keep your core warm.
