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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Totally Acclimated 


What happens when the earlier-than-usual frigid winter-like temps arrive well ahead of schedule? If you're a runner, who despises indoor running, you head outside and face the weather, head-on. Eventually, your body (and mind?) will acclimate, right?

Although we have not had much for snow, we have had cold temps. I know, because I've been outside, every day, run-streaking in them since Thanksgiving.

It's no secret that I much prefer the heat of summer, but even I can adapt and tolerate the extreme cold. I live (and run) in Iowa, after all, and it's not exactly tropical here this time of year.  That said, the sub-freezing temps have been bearable. Dare I say, they were actually quite enjoyable this past week?

Here's what went down in my little corner of the universe...

Up and out the door for a quick mile through the hood before work. Even when the temps are low, if the wind is low (or a no-show), the crisp air is actually quite tranquil.
Happy Monday!
Later, after work, I took it to the 'mill for some power walking. This may have been my fastest 2-mile walk ever (even with the incline on 3). What can I say? My long legs give me a slight advantage. I'm not gonna call it a PR, though, because the 'mill did play a part in it happening.
A 'Milly PR?
'til Tuesday
With the forecast calling for sunshine and temps in the 40's, I opted to postpone my streak run for later. Instead, I took Max with me for some fasted cardio, via power walking (while the hubby did his early morning workout). Another "chill" morning.

How about a couple of miles for a lunchtime run? Don't mind if I do....wouldn't you do the same if you had the time and the perfect weather?
another runch for the win
Wonderful Wednesday
Another beautiful day, weather-wise, but also a crazy day at work was on tap. I got out for an early-morning power walk and did my daily plank (believe it or not, neither of those ever get old).
the planking streak continues...has it been 3 years?
Instead of squeezing in a short run over lunch, I decided to hold off and run under the holiday lights after work. Oh, gosh, that was a totally awesome idea! The mild temps (with no wind!), still air, quiet streets and bountiful lights all combined to make for a perfect way to end my busy day.
I wish the holiday lights were up year-round
Thrilling Thursday
Yes, you can rise and shine long before the sunrise. Another tranquil and easy-paced 3-miler around the Grinnell College campus, under the moon and holiday lights. Notice I'm only wearing a light fleece vest and not a puffer vest? What's happening to this heat-worshiping, in-love-with-summer runner???
I love my early morning runs!

Finally Friday
Just a short 1-mile streak run, in the early hours, then it was biceps & triceps & shoulders, oh my!
Isn't Max a cute photo bomber?

Super Busy Saturday
It had been f.o.r.e.v.e.r since Barb and I had run together. We met up around 7:00 and knocked out four quick miles, just as the sun was making an appearance. Then it was off to my extended family's Christmas gathering, something I look forward to every year.
look Mom, no gloves!
A not-so-simple Sunday
With an evening group run on the agenda, Sunday morning started with a 2-mile walk with the hubby and Max. There also was more holiday prep work (ie, the annual Christmas letter and cards).
oops...forgot the lipstick...
Later, a bunch of us met up at the nearby park for five miles under the holiday lights.
Image may contain: 8 people, people smiling, people standing, christmas tree, night, tree and outdoor

Over all, this was a fantastic week! The fasted cardio continues to be a big player each morning, and Friday morning's upper body session felt amazing. The run streak has gone much easier than I anticipated, probably because I have kept my mileage on the down-low. This week, my mileage is the highest it's been in a long time (17 miles total, including Sunday's evening run). So far, my run streak mileage is at 48...stay tuned...

And the weather....did you notice I'm not wearing much for layers? Most days, I have a flannel-lined base layer as well as a light layer over that (usually a 1/4 zip). The gloves have been optional on some days, as well as regular tights (instead of the usual fleece-lined thermal tights). Don't worry...this is an acclimation thing, not an "I'm-in-love-with-all-things-winter" thing. I am still missing my hot summer runs, but the cold has been bearable. That may very well change when the snow starts falling and ice becomes a constant. Stay tuned for that as well.

In case you missed out, there were two posts last week:
With the busyness of the season, I'm blogging less and focusing on the holiday stuff around me more. No apologies, no regrets.
Opting Outside
2018 Bling - Medals Earned Lessons Learned

In other news:
Did you catch my #FridayFashionFlair post on Instagram? How do you feel about all the red and green this time of year? I love the deep fire engine red paired with the traditional Kelly green. Then again, I love swapping in the bright lime green once in awhile. What do you think? Do you prefer the traditional colors or the contemporary ones? Show me what you're wearing...post a pic (on Friday), grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and drop me a tag (@runningonthefly).

Have you seen your Top Nine on Instagram? Yes, I gave in to the trend, and my Top Nine pics are pictured below. Although these weren't picked by me, they are pretty legit. It appears I have a thing for bright colors, hats/headbands and hardware. Whodda thunk?

Saturday was a full day of family fun. We got together with my extended family (on my mom's side), almost three hours away. Even though the Pennsylvania daughter couldn't join us, it still was a great day. I'm totally in love with my family (cue the happy tears).

Finally, it's been a crazy week of 2019 racing updates to my calendar! I added a new (to me) race for February (the FreezeFest 5K), in Marion, Iowa. I found out that I made it in for the Cherry Blossom 10-miler (via lottery), in Washington, DC for early April. And, I registered for the inaugural DAM to DSM 20K, in Des Moines. **Cha-Ching!**

So, there you go...another week in the rearview window. Not only is my run streak well-past the halfway point, we are approaching the winter solstice....which means the days will start to (slowly) get longer! Now, that's cause for celebration!

How was your week? Any training highlights? December weather---good or bad?  Any races making their way onto your 2019 calendar?

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly WrapThis weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!

Are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. Glad to hear you are acclimating to the cold. I don't find it difficult to adjust to cooler temperatures, but adjusting to warmer temps is tough for me. To each his own, I guess!

    1. I was really surprised how quickly my cold-weather acclimation took this year...it's still a guessing game for layers, though. It's a crap-shoot some days when the wind is crazy or the air is damp.

  2. Oooh! I love running in the evening and looking at the holiday lights. I forgot about that until you just reminded me. I'm gonna plan for one of those runs this week. Thanks!

    1. The holiday lights are fun sight to see, especially up close and personal in your running shoes ;-)

  3. Except for a few days it has not been too cold here. We have been dealing with ridiculous amounts of rain and flooding this weekend. So so excited about hosting you all for CB! Hope your family Christmas party was fun

  4. Congrats on getting into Cherry Blossom! Someday I'd love to do that one.

    Brrrr on those early morning runs. OTOH, I was thinking of an afternoon run sometime this week because I do love running around & seeing the lights . . . but then again there's the whole animal feeding train that goes on around then. And we get the cold, very little sun, and snow . . .

    1. The weather constantly keeps us guessing...even the "warmer" days feel cold if the air is damp

  5. I'm so happy that you made it into the Cherry Blossom 10 miler! I didn't out my name in the lottery because I am running the Hot Chocolate 15K in Philly the day before the race. This one is still on my bucket list though!

    The weather here has been kinda crazy, including a lot of rain, but that's better than a lot of snow, right?

    1. The Cherry Blossom has been on my bucket list for a long time...glad it's finally gonna happen!

  6. We had 8 degrees on Thursday morning. At first it was really cold but by the time I hit one mile I felt comfortable. There's no bad weather, just bad wardrobe choices. I'll be outside as much as I can!

    1. I agree...the wardrobe can make or break the experience, especially if the wind is a factor. I seldom ever use my treadmill for running, though I don't mind walking on it once in awhile.

  7. I like running in the cold for the badassery aspect, but acclimating is easier when the weather stays consistent - this week I've run in 20s and 50s!

    1. Our weather is seldom consistent. Even when the temps indicate it's warmer, there's usually damp air or wind to throw a wrench in the wardrobe plan.

  8. Congrats on cherry blossom! Love how you rock the colors in the Friday Fashion. So fun!
    Max is so cute.
    I was getting used to the cold, but then I noped down to Florida to recharge so we'll give that another go.

  9. Sounds like you have some fun races already lined up for next year!

    It's no secret that I prefer the cold ;) Even so, it always takes a couple weeks for my lungs to adjust to breathing sub-freezing air.

    1. Somehow, my lungs don't have any problems, but getting the right layers is always tricky.

  10. I did do a lunchtime run on Tuesday. When the weather is too good to pass up, I have to get outside :)

  11. I much prefer the heat. It's sad that it isn't even winter yet...not until the 21st!

    Great job keeping up your streak- very impressive!

  12. Yay for getting into Cherry Blossom! It's going to be so fun! As long as its close to freezing, I'm OK with a long-sleeve shirt and a vest, but something on my ears and hands is a must if its below 50.

    1. I usually need my ears covered, too...the hands are optional sometimes LOL

  13. Congrats on getting into Cherry Blossom! After checking out my husband's travel schedule I knew it wasn't going to work this year. Now we'll have to find another race for a meet up!

    I think you've done a great job adjusting to the cold weather - good job keeping that streak going!

    1. Definitely, we'll have to look for another race! Are you still doing MCM? I know you had deferred it, but will you do that as well as Chicago? If so, I'm hoping to be at MCM, if the lottery gods are as kind as they were for Cherry Blossom ;-)

  14. A great week and I'm in awe of your 3 years of planks!! I am going to try to do at least squats and sit ups every day next year.

    I've just booked the Liverpool Rock-n-Roll marathon for May and I have my ultra in July, that will likely be it for racing for me although I might go for the canal canter again as it was such fun this year.

    And great adjusting to the weather, well done. It's been quite windy here but fortunately we don't get extreme temperatures, and as I've now got both Yaktrax and nanospikes, we haven't had a flake of snow this year yet!

    1. I got in the habit of doing my daily 2:30 (forearm) plank while my chai is heating...it became a daily ritual.

  15. Pretty impressive acclimating to the cold :) I always hate it but eventually get used to it... it just takes a while. And congrats on the Cherry Blossom 10 miler!

    1. It's weird to be acclimated this early, but it got so cold so fast. All of the mild mid-30's feel balmy LOL

  16. YAY for a great week and enjoying the great outdoors in the cold temps. Congrats on keeping your streak alive! Thanks for linking.

  17. I like how you call 32 degrees mild temps. You really are acclimated! I guess compared to the 15 and 23 degrees I see on your pics. Brrrr.

    1. I know, it's weird for ME to think of those temps as mile, too. I just hope January and February are just as kind to us...

  18. Such a great week for you! I love that you are able to get out each day to keep yourself in tune with the temps. And I love all the lights you see on your runs! So fun!

  19. Yay for getting into the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler! I used to run it most years, but it's just gotten so big and crowded. I would have entered the lottery if I'd realized you were considering it, though.
