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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Running into the New Year

Hello 2019!

I can't believe I just typed that. Seriously, how is it possible we are already almost an entire week out of 2018? Alas, time marches on, and it's in our best interest to follow suit.

The first (almost) week of the new year went well. Momma N did her best to thwart my opt-outside Run Streak finale, but that's a given (she pulls this colder-than-frigid weather crap on me every year). I kept my runs outside, though, as well as most of my off-season endeavors this week.

Here's the low-down:

Never miss a Monday
I was up and out the door for a quick pre-dawn run. There were plummeting temps in the forecast, and the threat of precipitation headed our way. Rain, snow, and probable ice (due to the wavering temps) don't make for fun or safe running conditions later in the day. I'm glad I got it done early.
the final run of 2018
Happy New Year Tuesday!
I made this ebib pic several years ago, and I'm happy to honor it every year.
that's what (runner) friends are for
A group of us have gotten together on New Years Day for the past 5-6 years, no matter what kind of weather has been at play. We meet at a lake, and run the 1-mile trail around it. Usually, we do three loops. Momma N just won't cut us a break with the NYD weather! Although it was cold, it was 20-degrees warmer than last year (glass half full, right?). We may have even celebrated with mimosas.
The few, the proud, the (not so) frozen. Cheers to a New Year!
Enter Off-Season Wednesday
With New Years Day in the rear view mirror, so was my run streak. I got outside for a brisk power walk, with some burpees and plank jacks (still gotta get that fasted-cardio fix LOL), then we were on the road. Our son was scheduled for his tonsillectomy (three ER visits prior to Thanksgiving), so the hubby and I were his honorable escorts. All went well, and we were back home by mid-afternoon.
Pay no attention to the candy cane tights....they were within arms reach (and were quite warm)
Later, that evening, I climbed on the elliptical. I'm all about stepping outside of my comfort zone, but this device is really testing my "adventure-seeking" skills. It was gifted from the sister-in-law, and didn't come with an owner's manual, so I have no clue what I'm doing on it (yet). Admittedly, I feel a good cardio burn (and am usually a sweaty mess when finished), but I'm not convinced the "distance" or "calories burned" readouts are accurate (yet). It doesn't feel like a very challenging workout (yet). Stay tuned....
2.6 miles in 20 minutes? Hmmm....not sure I can even run that pace
Back to reality Thursday
Not one to give up easily, I got back on the elliptical early Thursday morning. Although it's not pictured, I had the same readout (2.6 miles in 20 minutes...but I "burned" three additional calories LOL). I also knocked out some burpees, plank jacks, push-ups and some extra planking before heading to work.
Fasted cardio, via the elliptical
Fasted-Cardio Friday
Not eager to get outside, I opted for the trusty stairway for some #fastedcardio cross-training.

How does this mini HIIT workout grab you:
(4 sets)
*15 arm reps (curls, row, hammers, etc.)
*10 stair flights (triple steps!)
*5 stair flights (double steps)

***The four sets took about 20 minutes, yielding me 60 total arm reps & 60 total flights
***I did this barefoot, for more range of motion for my ankles and feet. Also, this is meant to be done in (relatively) slow motion (especially for those triple steps)... the carpeted steps could be a face-plant waiting to happen if you go too fast.
***finishing with 20 burpees & 40 plank jacks & 10 slow-mo push-ups made me feel like a sweaty badazz

This workout was a lot more intense than anticipated #sweatequity
Another sunny Saturday
There seems to be a (sunshiny) pattern here for weekends. I met up with Barb, and we ran five miles in the awesomely bright Saturday sunshine. After not lacing up for the past three days (did you notice? #streakended #offseason), it felt great to get back outside in the Brooks Adrenalines. The thing is...remember that stair workout from Friday? Ummm, yeah. So did my glutes and my calves. Fortunately, the calves loosened up within the first mile, but upon returning home, everything hurt from the glutes-down. The last mile felt rather slow and robotic, and the burpees (afterwards) almost had me crying.
The sunshine makes everything better
Scaled-back Sunday
The hubby and I got out for a fast-paced power walk in the morning. I had hoped to do a short run (1-2 miles), but the stair workout DOMS were not having that happen. Oh well, it is my off-season, after all. I did more walking throughout the day and all the daily stuff (see January Goals below). There may be some "ellipticalling" later in the day or evening as well. All is good.
couple time
Over all, the first (almost) week of 2019 went well. Although the 41-day run streak felt easier than usual, I am glad to have it done. Every year, it feels less of an obligation and more of a daily routine...but it's an easy one to walk away from, quite literally. Total miles run this week came to a whopping nine (can you feel the sarcasm?)! One thing I have noticed, now that I don't have the daily running on the roster, is my enthusiasm for being outside, in less-than-desirable conditions, has waned. I'm still doing the fasted cardio every morning in some capacity, and I am still getting outside most days for walks, though. And I am running when the urge strikes...no goals in terms of weekly miles or runs for the time being. Did I mention it's my off-season?

In case you missed any of them, here's my posts from last week:

In other news:
My #FridayFashionFlair post got a lot of hits this week. Iowa has been blessed with some non-seasonal warmth in recent days, but it still is winter. Despite the winter season, I wear my favorite white skinny jeans year-round. I mean, why not? I paired them with a navy sweater and a wool plaid scarf, and threw in the cheetah print flats for fun. Navy and white is a classic color combo that never goes out of season, and navy is one of those rare colors that is flattering on most people. It's a great basic "dark" color, but is not as harsh as black. Your thoughts? You can find the Friday Fashion Flair posts on Instagram (@runningonthefly), and feel free to join us!

I am a huge advocate for monthly goals/challenges rather than year-long resolutions. For me, a monthly endeavor is much less overwhelming and I am more likely to commit to it since it's a short-term gig.  As you know, for January, I'm embracing all things off-season. Even though I am running less, I am not sitting idle. I am doing all of these exercise moves daily, just to have something low-key (but consistent) to keep me active. Don't worry, I'm still doing my daily planking and leg lifts and (at least) 20-minutes of fasted cardio, but I'm not highlighting them since they are already a routine thing.

And, lastly, the increased daylight has me so happy! Call me crazy, or maybe I'm just a daylight enthusiast, but I can already tell the days are getting longer. Anyone else?

So, there's a peek into my 2019 thus far. Although 2018 was very kind to me, I am eager to see what all 2019 has in store. 

How was your week? Did you celebrate the new year with a New Years Day run? Any new resolutions for 2019? Any January goals?

I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly WrapThis weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!

Are you following me on social media?
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  1. Great work! I did a New Year's Day parkrun and it was brilliant. Just siting down to blog about my week now - something for every day as I'm doing RED January!

    Oh and navy does not suit me! I'm the only one! Love your outfit, so well put together as always!

    1. Yay for New Year's Day running ;-) I'm glad I can start my new year in the running shoes ;-)

  2. You are definitely still working hard during your off season! I love that you do a run on New Years Day. I think this was my 3rd or 4th year doing a run on New Years Day and I love it. A great way to kick off the New Year!

    1. I agree...a NYD run is always a great way to start the year ;-)

  3. I always love our New year's day run as well! Fun tradition to do with friends. Your stair workouts always look killer

    1. Maybe I can give you a tutorial on stair workouts in April ;-)

  4. off-season still makes one Sweaty Betty! what a week! and DOMS after the stair workout? Yeah. I get that after 4 flights just going to my apartment! I love your Friday outfit but don't be dissing my fairly all black wardrobe ;) (have you seen my scarves.... lots of color! )

    For january I want to see a good streak of my daily habits that I want to make "normal" rather than something I have to track; that's pretty much it!

    1. I have ZERO doubt you have a great wardrobe! I know you like color and funky stuff ;-)

  5. I did notice that the daylight was sticking around longer on my way home from work Friday. The warm weather was sure a treat!

    1. Right? I'm a little bummed I didn't have the 50-degree temps in the early hours when I ran on Saturday, but was really happy to have them for my afternoon walk ;-) It felt like March and I am not complaining!

  6. I love your Friday fashion flair posts! I'm glad I no longer work in an office but man, do I miss dressing up! I spend most of my times in jeans and a shirt or hoodie or workout gear these days. I should probably try to make more of an effort but, if I'm not leaving the house unless I'm going to the gym, what's the point, right?

    I don't generally make resolutions but I do like to set goals. I've got some for this year but...had to hit the pause button this week so...I'll get to them later. LOL

    I should incorporate a stair workout into my life. And yeah, I always felt like the elliptical was a little easy. But, once you figure it out, I'm sure you can make it harder - intensity, incline, etc. Mine (years ago) had some programmed workouts that even included ellipticalling backwards!

    1. I'm hoping I can figure out the elliptical, I really think it will be a valuable addition to my cardio stuff. We all know I cannot hang with 'Milly for very long LOL

  7. I am amazed at how nice the weather has been here in Kansas thus far this winter! I am really, really loving it and the addition of more sunlight!

    1. Your weather is probably very comparable to Iowa. I like what we've had thus far...but I fear it won't last ;-( Wish we could just fast-forward to summer!

  8. Glad your son's tonsillectomy went well.

    Great way to celebrate the end of your streak.

    Elliptical calorie burn is always way off for me. I appreciate the cardio workout and the reprieve on my knees and don't worry too much about the burn specifics especially as machine and MfP aren't often in sync anyway. Can you find the manual on line?

    I always love a forecast of precipitation. Aka Momma N and the weather person having a fight. It's fairly common here and sometimes mom (20m northwest of me) will have way different precip/accumulation

    1. I am going to search for the manual online, just haven't had time to do so yet. I don't really care much about the calorie burn because I know I'm getting cardio from it, but I do want to figure out the settings on it.

  9. It's been such a mild winter across the country (though the melt/refreeze kept me on the treadmill for a lot of it). Hopefully it stays that way! I could do without the negative temps :)

    Great week for you, finding great workouts in the warmth of the indoors with a few adventures outside too :)

    1. The melt/freeze cycle is frustrating! I'm just glad that wasn't much of an issue (in my area) until this past week...after my run streak ended LOL

  10. I love your New Year run tradition with friends - such a fun way to start off a year!

    I'm glad to have my "streaking" behind me as well. I like the way you're keeping the fasted cardio going with some indoor stair work - I'm going to have to borrow this idea!

    1. I am seriously hooked on the fasted cardio. For me, it's kind of a no-brainer because I'm up early anyways. That stair work really bit my buttocks this time LOL

  11. You calves may have been burning but they sure do look good! #musclesforthewin :) What would we do if we didn't have the weather to talk about? I feel like it's the highlight of every weekly workout wrap that I put together! Lol!

    1. My calves were SOOO grumpy Friday night, and most of Saturday. I seldom ever have issues with my calves, so I'm sure it was from the barefoot stairway workout.

  12. I can tell we have more sunlight. It's amazing what 2 and 3 weeks after the solstice can do.

    1. I heard that we gain about a minute each day (?). If that's true, that would be 17 extra minutes by now ;-) Bring it!!

  13. Triple steps?? gulp. I have done a few step workouts lately but it was just single and double steps. You go girl!!

    1. Well, I have long legs, so the triple steps aren't too difficult, but I do have to do them slowly LOL

  14. I always love following your stair training. It's awesome to see how much you progress through the seasons and years.

    The navy and white combo is so fresh and clean!

    I haven't noticed longer days yet, although I would love some more sunshine. Can't wait to spring ahead, that's for sure.

    I have some big goals for the year. Of course, I'll change and adjust them as the weeks pass, if need be. But I feel like it's always good to have a starting point for a fresh year.

    1. The stair training is kind of my jam ;-) As I have said before, stairs are like hills on steroids, so all of that climbing is great for the lower body.

  15. I'm thrilled you noticed the growing daylight. That makes one of us. I've been completely absorbed in other issues. The sun makes all the difference.

    1. Well, I guess I'm always out and about when it's most noticeable ;-) I'm either coming home from work or outside in the morning with Max or walking/running. I love sunshine ;-)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Your off season sounds exhausting! LOL. I used an elliptical (at the Y) for several years before taking up running. I had a playlist and got to work -- it definitely left me a sweaty mess. I think it's great cross training cardio. I wouldn't worry about the mileage but rather concentrate on minutes spent at aerobic effort. Thanks for linking!

    1. My thoughts exactly. I do want to figure out the bells and whistles on the elliptical, but in all honesty, it's all about the cardio for me. I just find the "miles" comical ;-)

  18. I use the elliptical as a last resort when I am battling injury, and even then use it as a warm-up. My husband uses it at really high resistance to strengthen his legs for hill climbing on the bike.

    1. It's an interesting workout. I appreciate the cardio aspect, but the settings are hardly accurate. Oh well, it's a lot quieter than 'Milly, and the time goes a LOT faster.

  19. Happy New Year! I’m not an indoor cardio fan but when I must move inside I actually prefer the elliptical. I tend to do some kind of interval workout because it feels less boring and the time goes faster. Fortunately, moving indoors is a rare occurrence!

    1. I prefer to be outside, too, hands-down. I need to figure out how the intervals work on it...or I'm gonna be too bored to even give it a chance.

  20. Sounds like a great week, glad the tonsillectomy went well! I'm with you on the increased daylight, I know it's just a couple minutes but it feels like it makes a big difference :)

  21. Happy New Year!! Looks like you are off to a smashing start. The group run with mimosas to celebrate sounds like such fun!

  22. Well you are off to a great start to 2019. Not surprised.

    I ran a race on New Year's Day. We went out on NYE but did not stay out late.

    And yes, it is now light when I start running after work...at least for a little while

    So far we have had zero snow or ice...loving it!

    I am looking forward to my half marathons - I have 4 in 4 months for the first time ever.

    Toying with my first full - NYC but pretty scared about committing.

    1. I was wondering when you'd start talking about marathons ;-)

  23. THat ebib pic is exactly how I started my year - wouldn't have it any other way! I've noticed the increased daylight too!!!! I am so excited to know that we've turned the darkness corner.

    1. Honestly, once we pass the Solstice, I feel like a new person!

  24. I started the new year with a good strength training session. And my January goals is to make it through the challenge on my blog and then keep some of those habits :)

    1. A lot of my monthly challenges become "new" ongoing routines ;-)

  25. Great job on your streak! Did a bootcamp class on New Years Day with some fun running intervals! I'm totally with you on the daylight. I am so done with these short days and ready for longer days! Maybe not the three degree weather though lol.

    1. Ha!! This is Iowa, so it's a given it's gonna be chilly (if not outright buttocks-freezing frigid).

  26. Good work getting all of your workouts done!

  27. It definitely still doesn't feel like 2019 to me! I need to get back into doing fasted cardio again!!
