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Sunday, February 17, 2019

A Winter Rebel...with a cause

Call me a rebel.

I have found that laughter is (almost always) the best medicine in curing an attitude problem, especially in terms of dealing with the weather. We can't change the weather, after all, but we can control how if affects us.

Recently, in light of my repeated treadmill runs (BTW, current count is at 11 in the past 30 days), I decided a small act of rebellion was in order. If I wasn't able to run outside (due to ice or extreme cold), I could at least snap a quick post-treadmill-run selfie outside. Not only were the numerous sweaty treadmill selfies getting rather b.o.r.i.n.g., but that small act of stepping outside was rather empowering.

Here's how the rebellious week played out...

The day started off innocently enough, with 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 flights of stairs...
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the elliptical pics are getting a little boring as well, so I'm resorting to filters to liven them up
..and got rather exciting after work. The snow had started to fall, rather quickly, so I fired up Milly (again). We did a progressive 5K run, but I added 400 meter surges at the end of each mile...you know, just to make it interesting.
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The morning was mediocre with 30 flights of stairs. I did these barefoot, while the nail polish on the toes dried. Actually, taking the stairs barefoot, but fairly slowly (so as not to slip, since I didn't have any traction), is a great workout for the calf muscles.
Image may contain: one or more people, shorts, closeup and indoor

That evening, I did a pretty intense upper-body strength circuit. There were numerous hammers, biceps, triceps and shoulders intermixed with push-ups and ab/core moves.
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Nothing grandiose other than an early morning 2-mile power walk and 20 flights of stairs to wake up the body. And another (filtered) treadmill selfie.
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more #funwithfilters
Sometimes the heart just ain't feeling the run (even on Valentine's Day). I was decked out in red, but was kind of dreading yet another 5-miler with Milly. The run never felt bad or painful, but my mind was MIA from the experience. I told myself (before I even laced up the red shoes) that I could stop at four miles....so I did. I probably could have soldiered on for another mile, but that one extra mile would not have made me a hero nor was it necessary. Had I done the extra mile, I fear I would have resented myself for pushing forward when I really didn't need to. I've done that before on the treadmill, so I know I have the mental strength to do so...I just didn't feel the need to do it that particular morning. Alas, the #5at5 morphed into a #4at5 instead, and I felt ZERO guilt in calling it good.Onward!
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four miles at 5:00 a.m. instead of the usual five...#noregrets
Would you believe it was another cold morning in Iowa? Twenty minutes of power walking with Milly and 25 flights of stairs. And another outdoor selfie. And that's all she wrote.
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another #winterrebel selfie
It was a cold morning, but a bright and sunny day. The Freeze Fest 5K (Marion, IA) was my first race of 2019, and I was excited to pin on a race bib! In fact, I was so excited that I didn't realize I'd forgotten both my Garmin AND IPod until we were 20 miles en route to said race. I have done other "naked" runs (without music), but never without any kind of a watch to gauge my time, pace or splits. It was too cold to fuss with my phone for music or timing. Spoiler alert, all went quite well! Ignorance, apparently, is bliss and I was able to bring home a 2nd place AG medal. I'll recap the race in a few days, so stay tuned.
the first piece of 2019 hardware was well-earned
...and, guess who got even more snow? Like, 8+ inches of the white stuff (as of 8:00 a.m.). We knew it was coming, so it was not a shocker, but still.  I wanted to do a few easy-paced recovery miles (and my manicure desperately needed attention), so I laced up, polished up and fired up Milly. Not a 5-miler, but a 5K, with another post-run outdoor selfie to commemorate the occasion. By the way, I was still in celebration mode of the Iowa Hawkeye's last-second victory over Rutgers (Saturday afternoon). Life is good.
Image may contain: 1 person, shorts, shoes and outdoor
So, the week did play out nicely. As mentioned last week, the lower-body strength workouts are coming via the daily stair-climbing this month (see below). My upper-body workout left me cringing every time I sneezed and/or laughed (DOMS of the abs). And the running? Fourteen miles, most of which was all done inside. Saturday's 5K race (with a 1-mile warm-up) left me feeling quite accomplished. I'm good with everything.

In case you missed them, here's my posts from last week:
Going with the (cold) Flow
Running...Be Still My H.E.A.R.T.

In other news:
My Friday Fashion Flair post (on Insta) was all about cold weather survival. I made this cropped wool-blend poncho several years ago, and it always feels so cozy. As much as I love my bright colors, I also love the perks of a neutral grey piece. Add a chunky and funky necklace and it's not so neutral anymore. As always, feel free to join me! Post a pic of a featured outfit, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and give me a tag (@runningonthefly). Don't be a stranger!

I referenced all the stair work I'm doing this month...and it's for a challenge at my place of work. Our goal is 562 flights of stairs to be climbed by March 2nd (the equivalent of the total number of floors in several combined buildings within our company's franchise region). As of this week, I have reached the goal, but am shooting (climbing?) for a grand total of 1,000 flights. Stay tuned.

And, finally, did you celebrate Valentine's Day? I made it a point to dress (somewhat) in red for my run (I'm kind of dork like that). I made this pic several years ago...and always dig it out from the archives for February 14th
No photo description available.

...and, I couldn't resist sharing this little gem that I saw on social media....can you relate?

How was your week? Crazy weather? Great workouts, or a few challenging ones? More snow?

 I'm linking up with Holly and Wendy and Amy (this week's guest host) for the Weekly WrapThis weekly check-in is such a great place to connect with fellow fitness-minded peeps. Please join us!

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. It was a nice surprise, especially after all the treadmill runs I've had to endure as of late...

  2. It is empowering to step outside even on the coldest days. Looking forward to hearing more about your race! Congrats again

    1. Yes, it is VERY empowering stepping outside! And kind of like a mini ice bath (minus the water LOL)

  3. I had both great AND challenging workouts and a couple of meh runs that, thankfully, were outside. Haven't seen a flake of snow since early December (is that when it was?) but I wouldn't mind a little. We've been on a temperature roller coaster over here - it was darn near 70 degrees on Wednesday and Thursday and then, Saturday night... BRRR. Of course, the cold brought the rain with it. Blech.

    Awesome job at your 5k!!!

    1. I forgot to mention it, but we had a brief warm-up on Thursday around noon...it was almost 40-degrees! But, by 2:30 it totally nose-dived to the low 20's...so, we had a short roller coaster ride as well. I really want my summer back LOL

  4. Sounds like somebody's treadmill runs are paying off if you're dragging home AG bling! Milly comes through in the clutch! Snowing here all day so far...

    1. As much as I don't want to admit it, I have to wonder if all of my "Milly time" played a factor in that LOL The thought certainly crossed my mind ;-)

  5. Well, yes, the race was challenging (warm & humid) while the acclimation runs were actually chilly & I wished i’d brought capris. I’m not complaining, it was nice to have a brief respite from winter.

    I could never do the outside selfies! Brrrrr! Cold & sweat just don’t mix for me.

    You get bonus points for all the Treadmill runs.

    1. Ironically, the outdoor selfies feel kind of refreshing, but I'm only outside for a couple minutes. UGH...I hope I get triple bonus points for all of my treadmill time LOL

  6. The title of your post made me laugh :) It seems like Iowa has just been getting slammed with snow and crappy weather but I love your positive attitude and how you've been dealing with it.

    Congrats on a great race this weekend and your AG award!

    1. Thanks, Kim ;-) Our winter was SO mild (though cold) until all you-know-what broke loose a month ago. It really is nice to have some snow to show for all the cold, but we really do not need any more. And, the ice can go as well!

  7. Wow, congrats on the AG award! That medal is cool too. My basement gym has such poor lighting, it's hard to take any kind of photo, especially a selfie, but it's even darker outside in the morning!

    1. Well, I have to use the porch lights for the outdoor selfies (in the early mornings)...but that's what I'd be doing if I ran outside LOL I'm just so done with all of these indoor workouts and runs....

  8. I'm actually jealous of your snow!! I don't mind winter cold, but it's so much better with a beautiful clean white coat of snow on the ground. Our snow melted and it's just cold now. :( Congrats on AG award!!

    1. I agree, it's nice to have snow if it's going to be so cold. I just wish it was a moderate amount so the ice would not be a factor (from the snow/melt cycles). I know...first world probs LOL

  9. I like that challenge of taking a photo outside after, at least you get some exhileration out there!

    1. The outside selfies do actually feel good (and triumphant!) after doing all that "indoor"sweating LOL

  10. Oddly enough I'm starting to understand why people enjoy spring and summer training and not winter training. Winter in Florida is so inconsistent that it has really been affecting my mind and feelings about running! One day its below 40 and the next its in the 70s. Plus its been dreary and grey a majority of the time. I'm ready for some better weather here too!

    1. There's a reason I've never done a spring marathon...I would be nutzo doing much of the training indoors

  11. We finally got some snow instead of ice and I enjoyed it! Even if my yaktraxs hurt my feet. We are suppose to get more tuesday. I have no clue how andrew's school still has snow days left since the ice had really had them out way more than usual. Stay warm up there!

    1. I don't have YakTraxs. I don't have non-stop snow-packed streets (or trails), so I'd be on pavement intermittently...I don't think that's what they were designed for LOL I think they would hurt my feet and ankles from the impact (?)

  12. Congrats again on your AG! I've gotten a kick out of your "rebel" pics on IG - good for you for not letting all the snow get you down!

    1. Ha ha ha, thanks, Michelle ;-) I gotta do something to stay in control, right? ;-)

  13. you had such a strong week and SMASHED your race! so happy for you, congrats on your AG award (and loot forward to the race recap)!

    i wore pink on Valentine's Day even though I don't really celebrate it - still good excuse to wear bright pink to work!

    we are chilly but spring-like here - ah what a difference it makes!

    1. And, we're forecast to get MORE snow Tuesday night...another 6-8 inches! UGHHHH! I really want my summer back ;-)

  14. We got a little more snow but nothing that stuck around too long, thank heaven! I don't know how you run in the snow in shorts and tanks! It's so cold haha.

    1. ha ha...I actually have been running, inside, on my treadmill, but stepping outside for the post-run pics. That's my coping skill for this crazy cold weather.

  15. When is spring coming??? Congrats on the AG win- clearly the treadmill running is still doing its job!

    1. I'm reluctant to admit it, but I think the treadmill may be a factor in this new-found speed LOL Most of my TM runs have 200m-400m surges each mile to make them go faster (so I can be done sooner). I just want my summer back, I need to get back outside ;-)

  16. Congrats on your AG 2nd place! Great work! It's refreshing to run "naked" now and then, isn't it? I usually do it accidentally too - because I've forgotten who knows what. It's always something! I love your rebellious streak taking pics outside. The 'mill and I have been spending a lot of time together lately, too! I did sneak out for another cold run this Saturday, but BRRR. My face hurt!

    1. The "naked" thing wasn't as bad as it could have been LOL I'm just glad it was just a 5K because I'm always paranoid about running to fast too soon and risking burn-out.

  17. Congratulations on an awesome AG win! I would have been so "off" if I didn't have some kind of timing, and I have no idea how it would have affected the end result!

    The snow is just too much! It's still so pretty from where I'm standing, but I can imagine you are OVER it at this point.

    Love that you get a different workout from doing the stairs barefoot. Just goes to show you that you can make it happen if you really want to.

    1. Yes, the snow is quite pretty...but I've seen enough of it in 2019 LOL

  18. I am cold looking at your photos, but love the never miss a Monday tank. THat valentine is too cute!
    Funny re: toes drying, I need a mani/pedi and want to run. Trying to time those two right now.

    1. The winter pedicures are tricky because I don't like NOT having socks on when I'm just hanging out.

  19. Wow, I cannot believe you run in the snow with no sleeves!! I live in california and I bundle up every time I leave the house! You're a braver soul than I, that's for sure!

    1. ha ha ha...actually I'm just taking my post-run selfies outside in the shorts/tanks. I have to be fully covered to handle running in the snow ;-)

  20. Our weather here has been "crazy" for us...but not crazy compared to most of you. It goes from like 75 degrees and sunny to 50 degrees and rainy every other day, which makes us wimpy South Carolina folk unsure of how to dress for the day, LOL

    1. Our cold weather has been extreme this winter, and we have not had hardly any days with a mini warm-up to give us a break. UGH. Hoping once March arrives, things will mellow out....
