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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Five ways to honor Memorial Day in your running shoes

All gave some; some gave all.

Memorial Day is all about honoring our fallen heroes. Most little towns, big cities, and mid-size communities have some kind of tribute to memorialize those who served in the armed forces (but are no longer with us). There are graveside ceremonies, town hall concerts, and parades.

In addition, there are those of us who are runners...and we have our own options for commemorating the day. After all, isn't that what we do best?

Care to hear a few options for Memorial Day running?

Often times, there are local races with a patriotic theme during this holiday weekend. It isn't difficult to find such a race nearby; there may actually be several to choose from in your vicinity. Many of these races will support area service groups or local efforts to memorialize those who have served our country.

If you're not able to find a nearby race, there are numerous virtual races to consider. Some are free, and are simply done just in the spirit of Memorial Day, while others may have an actual registration fee (that will get you a commemorative shirt or medal). Usually, a percentage of the profits go towards a related worthwhile cause. The advantage of a virtual race is you can do it at your convenience.

Another option is to organize an area group run. For the past several years, a small group of us have met on Memorial Day morning, and run a few miles around a lake that sits next to our town's cemetery. We keep it on the down-low, and are respectful of the setting, but it is quite tranquil seeing all the American flags along the path through the grounds.

There are also national charities that honor fallen service members and their families. One such organization is wear blue: run to remember. Often times, you will see a blue mile at a race, which will have pictures of military men and women who died in the line of duty...these are affiliated with the wear blue:run to remember organization. You can run in your local area, but "pledge" your miles in honor of a specific person if you wish.

Finally, if you are a spiritual person, you can run in silence. Leave the music at home, and maybe ((gasp)) the Garmin as well, and simply say a few prayers for those who are no longer with us while you log a few miles.

These are just a few suggestions for those who may be interested in paying tribute on Memorial Day.

Myself, I'm hoping to gather (with friends) at the lake and run a few miles in and around our town's cemetery. The weather is looking a bit iffy (rain! again!), but I plan to get out for a few miles even if I run them solo.

Do you have any plans for Memorial Day? Have you ever participated in a race over Memorial Day weekend? Ever done a tribute run, on your own or with a small group?

I'm linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. We are planning a group bike ride for memorial day. My Pappy got a bike!!! It is a three wheeler...lol This is great because now he can ride with the family!

    1. How fun!! I might attempt a short ride, if the weather cooperates.

  2. I love your suggestions for Memorial Day running. I will have to look for a race in my area.

    1. WE don't have any races in my area, so it's always up to myself (and the locals) to do our own thing. It's a great day to run in tribute of others.

  3. Great suggestions, Kim. We are planning to take our grandsons to a local Memorial Day Parade over the weekend, then run an event with our running club called Not-Montour 4 on Monday. It's a 4-hour timed run, followed by a picnic and lots of fun.

    1. A 4-hour timed event sounds like something I'd be all about doing!! Enjoy the weekend with the grandsons ;-)

  4. These are all great suggestions, Kim! I always run without music (for quite a few years), and there are definitely some (not all) runs when I pray -- at the very least, I always offer up a prayer of gratitude for the ability to run.

    Most likely we will go to my parents. My Dad is a WWII vet, so there ya go.

  5. I have run Vermont Half several times this weekend. Last year a friend organized a run around the war monuments. That was fun. I will most likely run and go boating if it is warm,

  6. I absolutely love these ideas! I'm sure there is a local run I can join on Monday. It's definitely a good way to remember those who gave their life in service!

    1. I think it's important to remember and honor those who sacrificed for our freedom. Of course, my hubby is a retired Air Force guy (32 years), so I'm a bit biased ;-)

  7. I'm going to be running a few races this weekend! I love the idea to run in silence. Wait for the blue mile at MCM... <3

  8. I have to work this morning, so I won't get to partake in the local Memorial Day race. However, before work, I'm heading over to CrossFit to do Murph, the annual Memorial Day workout which honors a Navy Seal who died to save his comrades.

    1. The Murph is tough (not that I've ever mastered all the pull-ups), but such an honorable tribute!
