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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Spring Is In The Air (sort of)

Not everything is as it first appears....

Hence, Spring 2019.  We have the blossoms, the budding trees, and the flowering bulbs. The grass is a cosmic shade of green. The birds are happily chirping round-the clock. But the temps are hit and miss (mostly a miss) as of late.

At least it isn't snowing.

But first things first...

Welcome to the Weekly Run Down! I am so excited to host this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through Monday (noon). Please share your weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well.

Anyways, here's what went down this past week...

Never miss a Monday
Cold temps, achy muscles and a tired persona....all excellent factors in deciding to postpone the run until after work (I did do some elliptical time and upper-body strength work, though). As has been the case, repeatedly this spring, the weather shaped up quite nicely throughout the day, so my after-workday-run was a success. Three miles, on the outskirts of town, had me feeling great after a long day at the office.
Image may contain: one or more people, sky, shoes, outdoor and nature
on the lost highway....
Easy-Does-It Tuesday
Most Tuesdays are rest/recovery days. With the cold early morning temps, a power walk with Max was the perfect fasted cardio option.
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I may be biased, but isn't he the cutest?

#WhompWhomp Wednesday 
Cold temps again ((#eyeroll)), and with the rain in the forecast, I opted to pass on the #5at5. Except, Momma N pulled a fast one and withheld the rain (yeah, well-played). I hadn't gotten up early enough for a 5-miler, so I hopped on the elliptical for awhile and caught another episode of Cheers.
Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and indoor

I got out of work earlier than expected, so I geared up and headed out with grandiose hopes of a #5a5PM to tackle. Except my legs felt weird. Nothing hurt, but everything just felt off. The air was cold and damp. Even with music, I just didn't "feel" the run. I made it two miles and decided to white-flag it and turn around, eventually ending the run with four miles instead of five. If you saw my posts on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook, my glass-half-full mindset was able to find four good things about this run...(1) it wasn't raining, (2) it wasn't snowing, (3) the wind wasn't a big deal, and (4) I finished (albeit earlier than I'd hoped). You're welcome.
Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, outdoor and nature
headed home...
Thursday - A brand new day
The temps were still cold, but I got out for an early morning 2-mile walk before work. Although the previous day's run had been a bit of a buzzkill, I did not see it as a failure. It's pretty empowering to know I have survived every less-than-desirable run. Sometimes, things just feel off and it's not my day. It happens and I move on. We all need challenges that test our grit and stamina; the journey would be a pretty stagnant endeavor otherwise (just some #deepthoughts).
Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes, sky, tree and outdoor
I have survived every bad run....and YOU probably have, too
Friday Frustrations...
I took Max out for a 1.5-mile walk in the early morning, and got the spontaneous idea to pick up the random trash along our route. Ugh. The only bag I had with me was Max's poo bag, so I had to stash the stuff in my pockets. Had I picked up all the discarded cigarette butts, the pile would have been even more staggering. We can do better than this, Friends. Let's show our planet some respect. This did inspire me to consider taking a bag along with me more often (maybe once a week?) when I'm running or walking.
Image may contain: one or more people, shoes, outdoor and food
All kinds of yuck
Sunshiny Saturday
Still moderately cool (have I said that yet?) with temps in the upper 40's (but with the promise of rising to low/mid 60's), I met up with Barb for some sunshine-filled miles and oodles of girl talk. Oh, it had been soooo long since her and I had  run very far together. She's been rallying back from knee surgery, so she's kept her mileage very conservative. We'd done a #5at5 run recently, but Saturday's 8-miler was a big milestone.
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, shoes and outdoor
nothing better than a long run with a favorite companion
Sunday Fun Day
I was up and out the door fairly early, but I didn't completely outrun the rain. Oh well, rain happens, too. Just a short shakeout run, but I did take time to admire the blooming bulbs that are still lingering. Wouldn't you do the same?
Image may contain: one or more people, plant and outdoor
I love all the flowers!
So, my week was pretty low-key (as intended). Thankfully, the DOMS have packed up & vacated the premises and I'm feeling much better. The running mileage was conservative (17) but the walking was substantial (19). There also was an upper-body workout, two elliptical sessions (40 cumulative minutes) and daily yoga/stretching as well as the "daily drills" (see below). I have the Market-to-Market Relay this next weekend (76-mile team relay with co-workers), so I'm looking forward to that!

In case you missed out, here's what happened on the blog this week:
Destination: Downtime
SMILE because it happened
Chatting & Chai & a few Runfessions

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair on Instagram...did you see it? Your thoughts on the basic white button-down shirt...do you keep it conservative or do you ever try to funk-it-up? Unbutton that collar and the sleeves once in awhile, add a chunky necklace and just go with it. Don't be fooled by the sandals...it still was a chilly day, but I'm done with the dorky socks and shoes/boots of winter. Oh, and that necklace is actually a belt (that has never been worn as such LOL). As per usual, join the party...post a pic on Friday, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and tag me (@runningonthefly).

I'm doing pretty well with keeping things on the down-low. The DOMS were an extended annoyance this week. I'd had a tough (hilly) half marathon (April 20th) and a fierce 1-mile race a few days later...I think the DOMS from the 13.1 were still clear & present during the 1-mile race, and the intensity of that 1-miler exasperated their "livelihood." In addition to keeping the running mileage low, I also have been doing daily stretching and yoga. 

My Daily Drills include:
-10 push-ups
-10 burpees
-10 push-ups
-10 stair flights (double-stepped)
-10 push-ups
-2:30 minute side plank (on elbow, 1:15 each side)
-10 candlesticks
Image may contain: one or more people

Anyways, Life Is Good!

How was your week? Is your weather acting "season-like," or reverting to winter-like temps? Or, are you one of the lucky ones (in my opinion LOL) that is already enjoying summer? Ever had a less-than-desirable run/workout get you down, or were you able to move on? Have you ever picked up random trash while out walking or running?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. I love the look on Max's face in the first Tuesday picture, "Mom, really?!?!?" I said to Wendy once that we really need a "as told by dogs" edition of the linkup. Everyone has such cute critters.
    We haven't had the extremes you did, but it's just unsettled. I expect that more of the midwest (and Rochester where I went to school) than here.

    1. That's a great idea...a blog post from Max's perspective. Hmmm, I'll have to ask him about that.

  2. Great attitude as always and great outfits. I don't wear buttoned shirts as they don't work well with my bust! We have gone cold again after the lovely warm spell - such a shame! They kept giving out thunder but it never appeared.

    1. Thankfully, today turned out beautiful! By the time we headed to church, all the rain was done and the sun was shining ;-)

  3. We have basically had a never ending cold rain almost the entire week. OTOH, since I've been sick, I've almost been ok with it -- there's nothing worse than feeling like crap when the weather is glorious!

    I say it all the time: there are good runs & bad runs, and there isn't always a rhyme or reason for it. Nice job getting it done!

    1. Agreed...the bad runs (and workouts, in general) are gonna happen, usually for no apparent reason. They certainly make us appreciate all the good runs!

  4. Aw, Max is so cute! Glad you've managed to shake off the DOMS. Cool to be doing a relay with coworkers! Our weather is bouncing from early spring to mid summer. Today we've got some April showers.

    1. Thanks! We think Max is a miniature Prince Charming ;-)

  5. I can totally relate with you about the rain - I discussed that a bit in my WRD post this week as well. I would appreciate some sunshine any day now!

    I love seeing photos of Max - he's so cute!

    1. Thankfully, the rain in our area has been minimal. Knock wood....

  6. I see our week forecast has a few days with 70 in them. Win! Hopefully the rain will stay away. I've been struggling with some DOMS this week too! Very nice collection of running outfits this week for you. You have the best collection of capris!

    1. Hey, DOMS gals, unite!! We know they're well-earned ;-)

  7. We are on day 5,496 of rain and cold. I'm so over it. I think we broke the record for the most consecutive days of rain. I feel like everyone is in a horrible mood because of it. Sigh. It has to get better, right? That must have felt so good to run with your friend. It's the best to have girl talk and run.

    1. Oh gosh, the girl talk is awesome ;-) The eight miles went so fast, even with a potty break LOL

  8. Life is good for me too. Babysat the grandkids this weekend, so I didn't get in all the running I would have like to, but still had a great time. 5K yesterday was fun, but rainy. Love all the poses you strike for your pics this week,. :)

    1. I hope you're gonna do a recap on that 5K, it's always interesting how others strategize their races (especially ones of shorter distances that invoke faster pacing). I bet you had a grand time with the grandkids ;-)

  9. Even on your down weeks you are doing a ton more than lots of people (me included)! Our weather is still crazy here too, and in Indiana for my son's graduation yesterday it rained the entire time (outdoor ceremony) and is 70 and sunny today!

    1. I saw Deborah's pics (and she kept me abreast) of all the rain. UGH. Major buzzkill!!!

  10. Still better than snow and icy trails, right? 40's is pretty perfect for racing, but I definitely run warm. I think Houston was 35 at the start and I was still in shorts and a tank. But May is here and I have a feeling summer weather is on its way!

    Thanks for hosting the linkup!

    1. Oh yes, ANYTHING is better than snow and ice! I am ready for summer (but I'm one of the weirdos who embrace the heat) ;-)

  11. We are flooded here from all the rain we had all week but our weekend has been divine. If only it would last. We've got 5 straight days of more rain on tap this week. My training week was lowkey too. Although I did make it to the gym.

    1. Our rain this morning was very light and very short (it stopped shortly after I returned home), and we had clear skies and sun all day. It was an awesome weekend! I think we had a bit of rain in the forecast, though for the next few days....

  12. I know what you mean about the rain - almost ever single one of my long runs this season has been done in cool, rainy weather - the warmest was 50 and still rainy! I could use some sunny weather, especially so iI can get used to it before race day - I have a half marathon in two weeks.

    1. Cool rainy weather is not fun. I can tolerate a warm rain (like if it's 70F or warmer), but anything else is miserable.

  13. That is crazy how much trash you found out there! Nice to see you and Barb back at it together. Have a great week

    1. Thanks, Deborah! It was great going for a long with Barb...it had been so long since we'd done that!

  14. Sounds like your body was asking for a break from all the activity you've been doing! Glad you're feeling better after a little downtime.

    1. Yep, it was time for a break. The body spoke, and I listened ;-)

  15. So much rain here - I'm starting to forget what the sun looks like - but we keep looking for the positives, right?

    Oddly your Fashion Friday posts never seem to come up in my IG feed !?!? I like the flare your necklace added to the white blouse!

    And congrats to Barb on the 8 miles!

    1. Thanks, Michelle!! Thankfully, our rain has been pretty mild, though we have some in the forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday....

  16. Max is so sweet!

    We have had a yucky week with lots of rain (but also lightning), so that kind of stinks. I'm not big on going out in the rain at all, let alone for a run. I'm a sissy like that.

    Jealous of your bulb flowers. I love tulips to the moon and back but would have to travel to get to see them. Florida is beautiful in so many ways, but sometimes, it would be nice to get to see different landscapes.

    1. I love seeing all the tulips and daffodils...bummer they're not in bloom for very long ;-(

  17. Love your great necklace. I am a fan of big chunky jewelry. Great job with your workouts despite all of the nasty weather!

    1. The weather certainly has not been pretty most days...hoping after this week, we can get a little more sunshine and warmth!

  18. Well, we had a little bit of rain (read non-stop and often heavy) up in NY yesterday for our ride. We were soaked and cold, but had a lot of fun! Today it's gorgeous for our drive home. Isn't that often the case? ;-)

    Thanks for the linkup!

    1. Momma N has a warped sense of humor, and I don't appreciate it much LOL

  19. That's great that the DOMS is mostly gone and you feel better :) And that belt as necklace looks great! I would never have thought of trying that.

    1. The DOMS were a pain! I have never experience anything like that before, they lasted much longer than usual.

  20. funny that you mention the trash thing; last week on one of my lunch walks there was so much trash discarded along the side of the road and I thought to myself to bring a bag with me next time I take that route! unbelievable! what is wrong with people???

    your week was "conservative" and at the same time you got plenty of work in - another successful week. So Barb is already up to 8 miles again??

    as I'm typing this my hands are nearly freezing. The weather turned on us again and it's just cold in the house (and definitely outside) now. ugh. summer, please?

    1. Yes, the trash was disgusting! A lot of it was on the college campus, none the less...and our college has pretty liberal student body. I would have thought they'd be more environmentally conscious.

  21. I don't understand how some people can be so dirty and leave trash behind? I've seen my share of it on my runs. What grosses me out even more are the juice bottles filled with urine.

    1. I honestly do not get the trash thing, either. It's so disrespectful!

  22. We have a few rare days of sunshine, but rain and cold makes it feel like I'm living in Seattle again - and I moved to get away from the rain! Despite the rain, it looks like you had a good week of running!
