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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Focusing on Recovery


We all know that recovery is part of the program when it comes to fitness. Throw in a marathon,  which includes not just the race itself, but all the numerous weeks of training that got you to the start line (and across the finish line), and one's body needs some down time.

As much as I curse Momma N, her twisted exploits on weather actually worked in my favor this past week. It was very cold, very windy, very damp. There even was some white stuff on the ground. All of it kept me inside, which allowed me to focus on non/low impact cardio....inside. I'd say it was a success.

But, before we get to the nitty gritty details...Welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner). If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Here's what went down this week:

Monday - #nevermissaMonday
With the marathon 24 hours behind me, I arrived back in Iowa mid-afternoon. After several hours of sitting in an airport (and a few more on the actual flight home), my legs really needed some movement. Barb was eager for a meet-up, so I met her for a short and (somewhat) easy-paced 2-mile recovery run just as the sun was going down. Not everyone is a fan of a shakeout run the day following a big race, but my body definitely favors such a routine. It loosened up my legs and hips, and the fresh (though cold) air felt great. There was all kinds of stretching and foam-rolling that followed afterwards.
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Feeling good, feeling fine
Tuesday - #DOMS
And there they were! Who? The DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Thankfully, they're usually short-lived, but they're usually the result of a tough workout or (maybe) a marathon. I did 20 easy minutes on the elliptical to loosen up my legs and hips...nothing fast or hardcore, but a little bit of low-impact movement did my recovering body good. No issues walking or taking the stairs, so things weren't too bad.
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fasted cardio via the elliptical
Wednesday - #optinginside
Things were feeling better already by Wednesday...not a bad scenario for three days post-marathon. It was cold and icky outside, so 15 minutes inside (on the elliptical, again) was all I needed to wake up the body and mind for the day. More stretching and foam rolling also were on the agenda.

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more TLC of the body
Thursday - #Millytime
Who's that girl? On the treadmill??? Don't adjust your screen, it's me. I wanted some fasted cardio (via a power walk) and it was 22F (with a 17F feels-like) outside....so Milly coaxed me into walking a couple miles with her. Besides, my mani needed more dry time (glass half full), so this was a total win-win. Later, after work, I met up with Barb for five (1-mile) loops at the lake.
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opting inside...again
Friday - #RainRainGoAway
More damp and miserable weather outside, so there was more inside action for me. The great thing with fasted cardio workouts is you can do them almost anywhere, right? I'd rather be outside, but with one more big race happening the next day, I didn't want to risk getting sick. Another 15-minute elliptical workout and all was good.
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elliptical time...again
Saturday - #OneLastRacingHurrah
Yes, I did have one more race on my 2019 roster. This was my third time doing the Hillbilly Hike Half Marathon (I also ran it in 2014 and 2015). Last year, I did a half marathon the week following a full marathon, and it went well...so I tempted Fate and decided to do so again this year. After all, (1) I know my body, (2) I had taken things really easy following last weekend's MCM, and (3) I already was in decent endurance/distance shape. My first goal, for almost every race, is to run by feel...I try to monitor my pace at the mile marks, but I don't have the competitive drive to OCD on those stats. If I feel good, I go; if I feel fatigued, I ease up. My second goal is to enjoy the experience. I'm pretty grateful to have the ability to run long distances, so I try to make the best of whatever the race day brings me. 

How did that work for me? Quite well....I finished in 2:01:16, which was a course PR for me. The temps were cold (32F), and the trails were slick from all the frost...but we had non-stop sunshine and my body felt amazing. Stay tuned, there's a brief recap in the works...

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My last 2019 "big race" hurrah
Sunday - #recoveryrun
As per usual, I got out for a short, easy-paced recovery run. After Saturday's 13.1 miles on a slick frost-covered trail, my left Achilles and my hip flexors felt a little wonky, but things were feeling much better by Sunday morning. With the time change, I had daylight! I almost didn't know how to act. Temps were bordering on freezing again (insert eye roll), but I didn't feel cold. I think I've already acclimated to these winter feels-like conditions...but, rest-assured I'm in no hurry for Winter to take up residence.
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two recovery miles
So, all in all, I think I nailed the post-marathon recovery. I kept things on the down-low, only running twice prior to Saturday's half marathon (total running miles, including the race: 20 and change). I did some cardio, but kept it low impact with the elliptical (50 total minutes) and treadmill (two walking miles). There was daily stretching, yoga and foam rolling as well. My recovery will continue for the next week or so, and my off-season officially starts NOW. All is well. Onward!

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:
The Final Countdown
 Mission Accomplished: Marine Corps Marathon Race Recap
 Chatting over chai

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair! UGH...let me just tell you it's been cold in Iowa this week. There's been so much rain, wind and even some snow. I have been layered up to keep warm. Have you worn a flyaway wrap? I'm on the fence with how I feel about them. I think they're fun and fashionable, but tough to function in them. They might be a better option for a dinner out  as opposed to trying to have a productive day working in them. None the less, I love the versatility and warmth! As usual, you're invited to play along...post a pic of an outfit on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and give me a tag (@runningonthefly).

Did you dress up for Halloween? A bunch of us at work dressed as cowgals. I had a run happening after work, so the hat served me well disguising the hair (which I skipped washing in the morning).

Finally, on Saturday evening, we celebrated out youngest daughter's graduation. She earned her Associate of Arts (back in August) after one year of study at a community college. We postponed the celebration until this weekend, knowing her sister would be back in the area. Also, it was the graduate's birthday weekend...so there was all kinds of fun happening.
This may be our 2019 holiday greeting pic
Anyways, that's what all went down this past week! I'm ready for some rest and relaxation after finishing the racing season on a high note, as well as all the festivities this weekend and in recent weeks.

Tell me about YOUR week....crazy weather? Great workouts? Family time? Any races?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Awww, what a great family picture! :) And girl, you are a motivator. Running a half a week after your full? I'm so impressed! Weather wise it's getting pretty chilly here. I'll be rotating my summer clothes out for the tights and long sleeves today.

    1. Yes, this was my second time running a half the week following a full ;-) I knew I could do it because I've done it before, and knew to keep things VERY easy in the week between the races. I'm not a typical "racer" when it comes to races, so even though I can push my pace, I don't have the drive to go "all out."

  2. Well done on the half, great work! And SNOW? NO! I like a recovery run the day after a long run now, and after a marathon I will at least have a long walk, so I'm with you on that.

    1. I think it's important to keep the body in motion....at least I know that's what works for me.

  3. You had a great recovery week! Congrats on a great half!

    Congratulations to your daughter - I love that family picture :)

    1. Thank you, Michelle! It's been a busy week with the marathon, recovery, the half AND the daughter's party. WHEW! My off-season came at a perfect time ;-)

  4. A pretty good week! I can't believe you had snow and such cold weather. I also opted to hit the treadmill one day this week -- it was feels like 20s here and I couldn't bring myself up to getting outside.

    1. Yeah, I'm not ready for all this cold stuff. I know it's inevitable, but why must it happen so soon?

  5. Great job on the half! I've done marathons close together and had to pick up long runs again right after a race, so totally understand the half a week after :) Sounds like it was a success too!

    1. It's not an ideal scenario, but definitely doable if one takes things easy in between races. MY half last year (right after my full) went very well, too...which reinforced that I took the recovery seriously. I am glad to be done with all the racing for now, though. I'm so burned out on weather stalking LOL

  6. I guess I'm the party pooper here but I do recovery a lot differently than you do! Glad it all worked out and congrats on your half.

    1. Something I have learned is we all do recovery differently, and we have to do what works for us individually ;-)

  7. You had a very active recover week, but I expect nothing less from my #kimtwin, lol.
    Way to go on your half marathon yesterday!

    1. Thanks, #kimtwin ;-) I kept the running at the very minimum, and did a lot of stretching and rolling to keep things loosened up.

  8. Glad recovery is going well for you. Wow you are really closing in on that sub-2 half. That is a great pic of all of you. Congrats to your daughter!

    1. Thanks, Marcia! I've had a few sub-2's in the past, so I'm hopeful I can do it again, even if it's not a PR. None the less, I'm just grateful for the year I've had. Thanks for all your support and encouragement ;-)

  9. Lots of family time, just not the fun kind. Glad all your chicks are home!

    Laughing at your recovery week including 20 miles of running, which is more than I've done in I don’t know when! Not to mention it’s not like there isn’t more exercising going on.

    1. Well, those 20 miles do include 13.1 miles of the race LOL

  10. Wow another PR for you! Looks like some rest and recovery is due for sure. Congrats to your daughter too!

    1. I've had races the past four weeks (through my taper and also after last weekend's marathon), and I was careful to keep things low-key in between all of them during the each week. It was a fun challenge to see if I could swing it ;-) But, YES, I am ready for some down time!!

  11. First of all, you're a nut (in a good way) for feeling like running the day after your marathon. Those legs must have really been cooped up on the plane and needed to move! LOL

    I seems like just yesterday that I read last year's Hillbilly Half recap. Good for you for running it. I can't wait for your recap!

    Congrats and happy birthday to your youngest daughter and yay that your older daughter is moving back near home. I know that makes you happy!

    1. Oh, I'm sure a lot of people are thinking I'm a nut LOL I just know my body recovers best if I keep it moving...even if I'm moving slowly. Like you, I'm used to being active, so I recover best by doing what my body is accustomed to doing ;-)

  12. SOOOO much rain this week but then it brought really odd warmth for Thursday. It's been sunshiny all weekend and it's amazing. I think that trend needs to continue.

    Congrats on finishing the season strong!

    1. I'm so done with rain!!!! (not that I want snow, either)

  13. Congratulations on a great year of races!

  14. Glad you are feeling good! I still cant believe you ran a half the week after your full. Boo to the weather. Its too early to be stuck inside already!
    Congrats to your daughter!

    1. I'm thankful the recovery has gone so well. I wish that happened for every race ;-)

  15. That photo would be a great holiday card. Beautiful! Enjoy recovery mode. You earned it!

  16. You did awesome with recovery!!! Sounds like the whole MCM experience was perfect (except for the weather!).

    Congratulations to your daughter! What a beautiful family <3

    I love that Hillbilly Half bling. So cute!

    1. MCM was a blast, but the weather was a definite buzzkill. Great memories, though, and fun stories to tell ;-)

  17. You are a machine! I can't imagine even getting out of bed following a marathon!

    1. ha! This was my ninth marathon, so I think that's why the recovery wasn't too terrible LOL

  18. Congrats on your half marathon! That's an awesome finish time after running MCM!!! I

  19. a great recovery week Kim, even if Momma N wasn't really playing nice. Great job on your Half! I always found races super easy right after a marathon!

    1. Right? I can't say the race was "easy," but definitely easy in comparison to the 26.2 miles I'd just run a few days prior LOL

  20. oh wow!! I usually take at least a full week off from running after a marathon! But, a girl I coach did just like you, ran a full then ran a half marathon the following weekend. And she was 12 weeks preggo. lol You gals are machines!! I wish I had an elliptical in-home. We do have a gym membership but making the drive with little kiddos is a PAIN. #firstworldproblems lol

    1. I knew if I took it easy after the marathon, I'd probably be alright for the half...heck, it's half the distance ;-)

  21. Congrats on the course PR, wonder woman!
    Love your wrap in fashion Friday
