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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Coffee & Convo

What say we grab a warm mug and chat for a bit. I'm game, are you?

How's your life, running and otherwise? Any races on the horizon? Any great ones in the rear window? Ready for the holidays? Or the impending cold weather?

What, oh what, could we chat about if we were having coffee? I could think of several things I'd share...

First of all, I made it through a full month of recovery (along with some rest) following MCM. For a gal who thrives on being active, especially in the "o'dark thirty hours" most mornings, that's a substantial accomplishment. I scaled back my running a lot. Even though I ran 3-4 days most of those weeks, I kept the miles low and the pace easy. How low were those miles?  We're talking 62 miles for November, that's how low. Looking back, that was the lowest monthly mileage I've had since February.
low mileage, TLC and dynamic warm-ups were key recovery tools
Secondly, I'd share a small piece of heartbreak. A beloved race, The Leprechaun Chase, will not be happening this next year in Iowa (Des Moines). The Omaha venue is still a go, where the Chase originated. Since I was an AG placer last year, I received a free registration to the 2020 event. The event organizers emailed me this week, offering me a registration for the Omaha venue on March 7th instead. Well, quite honestly, that's a no-brainer LOL. I love this event and have never ran or raced in Nebraska....so, glass half full, I'll be heading to Omaha in my best St. Patrick's attire.
Leprechaun Chase 2019
Another thing I'd share, if we were gathered for coffee, is my gratitude for the the massive turnout at our local Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. Our town is nothing grandiose (our population is around 10K, which is "big" for a small town, though small in comparison to a metropolitan setting). The temps were cold and the air was damp, and it was a bit windy. But we had our largest turnout yet, and collected approximately 352 pounds of food (and $171) for our local pantry. I'd like to do a real Trot someday, in a big city, but this little local thing has been my (and another running friend's) baby since its inception eight years ago...so I'm good staying local for now.
pic courtesy of Bill Ford
If we were having coffee, I'd have to admit that I'm still on a "music fast" for my running. My Shuffle died at mile two of MCM, and it has not come back to life. I ran a half marathon (a week post-MCM), and I never felt like I was missing anything for those 13.1 miles. All of my other runs, since then, have been sans music as well. Apparently I'm not as dependent on it as I'd thought. I'm taking my time researching another option, and have seen a few MP3's that I'm considering. I'm not interested in using my phone for music because it zaps the battery (especially in the cold). My sister gave me her Shuffle to borrow in the mean time, so I have that at my disposal...but have not "needed" it (yet). Stay tuned (see what I did there?)...
a pic of the Shuffle that is no longer....
Another tidbit I'd mention is my knee. Everyone knows what happened to my right knee a couple years ago. Well, there's a 6-inch scar alongside the knee cap, and a portion of the flesh surrounding it has no feeling on the surface, but has an uncomfortable "tingling" feeling if I put any kind of pressure on it. I can't bear weight on it (for kneeling) anymore...but recently I was able to (finally) do child's pose without wincing! It's been almost 2-1/2 years since that life-changing episode, and I'm constantly reminded of what I cannot do...but I no longer take for granted the things that I can.
Over coffee, I'd also tell you about my run streak. Currently, as this post goes live Thursday evening, I've made it through eight days of successful streaking, and have 21 miles under my 2019 streaking belt. I was even able to run a couple of those runs in shorts, due to the unseasonably warm weather this week. 
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor
This is my kind of December!
Finally, I'd have to #fashionfess that what you see is not always what you get. For my Wednesday morning run, I successfully nailed the layers with perfection. The temps were sub-freezing, with a tiny bit of wind. I opted for a flannel-lined base layer and a flannel-lined top layer. I even snuck in a pair of arm warmers between the layers. I never felt cold except for my face (but only briefly, when running against the headwind). The catch? The base layers had a bit of a pattern-clash going on...but no one was any the wiser (until now) and I was quite comfortable.
keeping it real

Anyways, those are just a few of the things I'd tell you about over coffee.

Your turn...What would you share? Would you be drinking coffee or something else?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
The Ultimate Coffee Date

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. Yay child's pose and I love your pattern clash. We apparently have running club colour themed arm warmers available now, which is pretty exciting!

    1. Child's pose has always been a favorite. Until recently, though, I couldn't bend my knee "deep" enough to avoid any pressure on the knee cap. WHEW!

  2. I can stream music on my runs but the combo of cold +air pods seems to be too much! If you’re interested in my old square iPod mini (?) let me know ....

    1. Thanks! I didn't realize the Shuffles were discontinued until about six months after the fact. This one had been acting up the past year or so; it's no surprise it eventually bit the dust (just wish it would have waited until after MCM).

  3. I've evolved over time to enjoy running without music. In the spring and fall when it was still a little dark I ran without music, when we were on vacation and I was running on the beach, and even during my last half I took some breaks from music and kind of liked it. Amen to never taking fitness for granted. Every step is a blessing. TGIF!

    1. The lack of music has really surprised me! I've done a few short races without it, and then RnR Chicago last year was my first 13.1 without my music, and it was no big deal. Even MCM in silence (so to speak) was fine and that also had almost 19 miles of rain LOL I figured if I could handle a marathon without music, in such dire conditions, I could handle anything :-)

  4. Wow! Way to run streak! Do you have a goal in mind? I am with you on the no music thing. I used to listen to music on my long runs to combat boredom, but I no longer do. My own interior monologue is interesting enough for me.

    I have never been to Nebraska. Your St. Patty's Day race sounds like a lot of fun.

    1. The Omaha venue is supposedly a much bigger deal than the Des Moines one was, so I'm looking forward to it. I'm really surprised, in a great way, how the lack of music is not a big deal. I no goals for my Streak other than to do every run OUTSIDE :-)

  5. I did not realize that your town was that big. Looks like a lot of potential running friends. I see an MRTT chapter in the making

    1. I have thought of trying to start a MRTT chapter, I just haven't taken the time to get the ball rolling. With my work schedule (and all the blogging LOL), my free time is pretty scarce.

  6. I think it's awesome that you started a Turkey Trot in your town 8 years ago and that it is thriving. Stick to it, it's worthwhile!
    Congrats on sticking to your streak!
    I have scarred knees as well, but nothing compared to yours. Great that you know can finally do a child's pose! Do you do yoga regularly?

    1. I do yoga, but saying I do it regularly is a stretch (ha! no pun intended). I really need to be more consistent with it.

  7. I stopped running with music a long time ago. Sometimes I think about it, but I just think it's a whole lot safer (even if you only put in one earbud). OTOH, I do love my soul strolls (with both earbuds in).

    Many years ago I sliced off the top of the knuckle of one of my thumbs at work. I should have gotten stitches, but I just slapped a bandaid on it (although it took a long time to stop the bleeding). Anyhoo, when I could finally take the bandaid off, I could barely move my thumb. I did eventually regain full use of it, but it was a bit scary for a while.

    1. Oh OUCH to the knuckle incident!!! That sounds so painful, and in a high-maintenance place! Was it your dominant hand?

  8. Yay for child's pose! It's amazing to think it's been 2 1/2 years - Wow!

    While I periodically run "naked" I really do enjoy my tunes. I also like to be able to catch a podcast every now and then.

    1. It has been a long time since I've been able to do child's pose, and it's one of my favorites. I'm glad I can finally bend my knee enough to allow no "pressure" on the knee cap. It's the little things, right?

  9. Darn! Sorry to hear about that race not coming back. It looked like such a fun and festive one too!

    1. I was SO BUMMED when I got the email from the race director....but I'm glad they gave me the option to do the other race, in Omaha. It will still be a fun event!

  10. Did your Shuffle die because of the rain at MCM? I've flooded out two Shuffles and long after I'd given up on them, they started working again. Try letting yours sit in dry rice. For a long time. I'm talking months! Haha!

    1. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the dear Shuffle died of old age. I've had it at least 10 years, and it's been acting weird off and on for awhile, so I knew it was only a matter of time before it legit bit the dust. I'm not gonna toss it just yet, though....maybe it will surprise me someday.

  11. I'm sorry to hear that the Leprechaun Chase won't be happening, but that's awesome that you'll be racing in a state you've never raced in before! I hope you have fun! That's awesome that so many people showed up for the Turkey Trot! :]

    1. I'm excited to head to Omaha and do the Chase there. I've been so humbled (and also proud) at our little Turkey Trot. It's rewarding to see the generosity of others!

  12. I bought a waterproof Shuffle a few years ago when I was doing all that pool running. It was a great find!

    1. I think my dear Shuffle simply died of old age (I'd had it for at least 12 years). It had been acting weird for the past couple years, but always rallied back. I'd thought of buying a replacement, but procrastinated before realizing they were no longer available. First world (runner) probs...

  13. I always love your running outfits! The pattern clash is fun :-) When it's cold out, I always go for function over fashion...haha!!!

  14. I was inspired to do the run streak from you mentioning it so thank you! At first I wasn't quite sure if I was going to do it everyday but taking my dog with me a few times during the week helped. Wow even with low mileage, you're still out there getting your miles in!

  15. I've learned to enjoy the small local races. There is just something special about them.
    I do not use my phone for music either. I thought I was one of the last runners who run with an ipod! Its glitches out a few times ( in the rain) but it has come back to life. I don't k ow what I'll do when it dies!

    I hope your knee is not going to cause you problems now. You've recovered so nicely from that. Thanks for linking up with us! -m

  16. That's crazy that your scar still bothers you after all this time. Recovery can be so unfair :(

    On the plus side - congratulations on the chance to go to Nebraska! How fun!

    I haven't run with music in forever. I don't even really think about it much anymore.

    Not too much going on over here. Just working on my own recovery path, which is incredibly neither fun nor exciting.
