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Monday, December 16, 2019

Just Cool It...and don't skip the cool-down

What happens after the run?

There are many benefits to warming up before a run (or a race), but did you know a proper cool-down is also beneficial? Taking a few minutes to cool down not only benefits your body, but also your mind. It gives your heart rate a chance to return to normal as well as your breathing.

And let's not forget about the muscles that made the workout possible. A little stretching and TLC will enable them to relax and cool down as well.

That said, every body is different, and every runner has their own preferences. Time is also a crucial factor...for many of us, once the run is done, we usually have somewhere else we need to be.

Although I don't invest a great deal of time in the cool-down, I still try to do a few things following every run. Even a few minutes of simple stretching is better than nothing.

Here are a few of my tried & true cool-down  tactics:

If time allows, I take a short walk. Often times, this may just be walking the last 2-3 blocks back to my house after a run, or even just some pacing back and forth following a race. A lot of times, my dog, Max, will be waiting for me at home, so I'll take him around the block. That's a win-win, for both of us.
Image may contain: one or more people, dog and outdoor

For myself, nothing feels better than some inverted stretching. The forward fold is one of my all-time favorite yoga positions; the gentle pulling of the hamstrings, while bent over, feels so relaxing. I also vary my leg position while bending over.

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and outdoor 

Often times, I do a few of my warm-up drills, but in a more slow, controlled motion. Anything to keep the legs moving, if even for a short while, will help ease the muscles as your breathing and heart rate return to normal.

Depending on the length of the run, nothing beats the legs up the wall.  This feels especially euphoric after a long run, which (for me) is anything over 8-10 miles. The key is finding adequate wall space!

Now that my knee has almost completely healed, I'm embracing child's pose like nothing else. I think I can feel every muscle in my entire body stretch and release in this pose.

Finally, if time allows, a few minutes of twisting always feel great!

Anyways,that's a small preview of my cool-down routine. It's rare that I'll have time (or available space, if I'm at a race) to do all of them all of the time. All of them, though, are definitely worth the investment for a few minutes following some time in the running shoes.

How about you? Do you spend a few minutes cooling down after a run or a race? Got any favorite stretches or yoga poses?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

**I'm also linking this with Debbie and Marc  for the Running Coaches' Corner

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. I love that Max is waiting for you to come back home after your runs! :)

    1. He's my eager companion :-) And he's always ready for a walk!

  2. Many of those poses appear in my video, LOL! I think few people actually have space for legs up the wall -- which is why using a yoga block, as I do in the video, comes in really handy! At least I think I did it with a block . . . I know it's in one of the videos.

    All those moves look great, Kim! And yes, we all know we should, but we all skip it sometimes. Life happens!

    1. Yes, life happens! I have very limited wall space in my house, other than the hallways. Weird!

  3. Legs up the wall!I used to do that a lot when going to school, the endless sitting was so awful that I would stretch my legs up the wall when I got home.I haven't done it in ages, so I will try it out again.
    Oh, and yesterday I managed the 2m30sec plank for the first time!! Thanks for the encouragement, Kim!

  4. My favorite way to cool down is to take our dog for a walk. Believe me, when I get home from a run she is ready and waiting. And yes, a little foam rolling and stretching as well.

    1. I forgot to mention foam rolling, but it is kind of a given for most of us :-)

  5. Sometimes I'll do a session of Yoga with Adriene, otherwise, I don't do much of a cool down--or a warm up, for that matter.

  6. For a while last year I was into going to hot yoga on the same day as longer runs. A great way to warm up and stretch out. It forced me to take it seriously

    1. That would be a great routine. I've made a more concerted effort to warm-up and cool-down this year; I really think it's been a game changer for me.

  7. I am working hard on adding in the cool down portion of running. I am working through some back issues so no how key the post run/workout stretching can be!

    1. I don't spend a lot of time cooling down, at least not for all of the short runs...but I do try to do a few minutes of stretching regardless.

  8. Pigeon is my favorite - gets all those good spots and hurts so good. Child's pose is great as well.

    I do usually manage a short walk after a run, but I don't stretch too too much. Twists never end well for me after a run, either :/

  9. Legs up the wall is one of my favorite things! And twisting. So good!

  10. Good for Coach Max for helping you out with your cool down walk! ;-)

  11. I struggle to do my warm up/dynamic warm ups before my run and I don't have time for any type of cooldown. My coach told me to just wake up earlier to get it done. :-)
