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Thursday, April 30, 2020


Shall we do our monthly gathering over coffee?

Only, we have to do it virtually (you know, #covid19 and all).

Not a problem, we can pretend we're all huddled around a table. If nothing else, this current stay-at-home routine has taught us to use our imaginations.

Besides, it's fun to embrace all things virtual right now. I've been running, racing, walking, and  ZOOM'ing with lots of people, all by means of virtual connections. A #CovidCoffeeTalk will be just as fun.

So, let's get started...

If we were having a #CovidCoffeeTalk, I'd have to bring up the weather, and whine about how it's left me #windblown. Honestly, this has been the windiest Spring I can remember. As most know, I've been doing 5K time trials on Mondays (for the past five weeks). My objective was to hopefully run these slightly faster each week...only, the wind has also been blowing stronger every week. At least this week's wind didn't feel as bad because the temps were so warm (like 77F warm, I kid you not). I love the heat, more than most runners, but even I like a bit of an acclimation period. That said, I'll gladly fight a warm breeze as opposed to a freezing cold one.

If we were having a #CovidCoffeeTalk, I'd tell you about my #JumpinAndPumpin workout. In an effort to spice things up a bit with my HIIT workouts, I've been doing some jump roping. This week, I took an intense arm and shoulder workout (courtesy of Deborah) and mixed in some jump-roping intervals (as well as some stairs). It wasn't until I'd finished that I realized I'd misread the time allotments for the arms/shoulders...and had been doing them for 60 seconds (instead of 30). Yeah, that was a big DUH moment. Let's just say my arms and shoulders were throbbing for several hours afterwards.

If we were having a #CovidCoffeeTalk, I'd share my return to the #RunnersWalkToo routine. With the recent warmer weather, I've been going for early-morning walks (on my non-running mornings). Oh wow, have I missed those walks! The fresh air, the birds singing, the sunrise and an invigorating cardio-burn...what's not to love?

If we were having a #CovidCoffeeTalk, I'd tell you about my #aMAYzingChallenge for the new month. I think I do a decent job of staying active, and I try to do a variety of workouts that enhance all muscle groups. I'm not sure how (or when?) it happened, but I have slacked off on my abs and core work in recent months. During Lent, I committed to doing daily ab/core exercises every evening before bed, and that made me realize how much I had been slacking. Personally, I think daily focused ab/core work is overkill (since I'm already planking daily), but a couple times a week is a good compromise. Also, the push-ups have been amiss lately, so there's going to be some of those happening on the daily as well (a minimum of 10, but I will vary the numbers and the positions). The daily walk is kind of a no-brainer, but I'm hoping to do at least one mile of outside walking everyday.

Finally, if we were having a #CovidCoffeeTalk, I'd share my #FirstWorldProbs with you in regards to my scary hair. My last hair appointment was the end of January, and I was scheduled for Thursday, March 26th for my routine cut/highlight. Well, it was Monday, March 23rd, when our governor shut down all the non-essential places of business...and my hair salon was one of them. Yes, I missed it by THREE days! So now, I'm five weeks past my regular appointment. I have some grey, but (fortunately) not much...so my outgrowth looks especially dark and foreboding. Honestly, I can live with the dark outgrowth for now...my colorist does a great a job of blending the light with the dark. But my bangs! I'm trying to grow them out a bit longer, so the rest of my hair needs some layers to blend with them...but I for sure ain't gonna attempt that on my own. So, I wait....

Anyways, those are a few things I'd share with you. Over all, things really aren't too bad in my little corner of the universe. All of my family is staying safe. The hubby and I are still able to get to our jobs (same for our three kids). I'm able to get my runs done without issue (other than the wind), and I haven't had any injuries plaguing me for quite some time. For the most part, life is good, and I'm more than grateful.

How about you? Anything you'd bring to the (virtual) table if we were having a #CovidCoffeeTalk? Are you staying active, inspired and motivated? How's your weather? More importantly, how's your hair?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.
The Ultimate Coffee Date

I'm also linking this with Meranda and Lacey for the Friday with Fairytales and Fitness link-up. 


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  1. Glad things are OK with you. I managed to decide with my hairdresser last appointment that we were going to grow my hair a bit longer, so it's actually fine now, it's just growing downwards. Before when it was shorter I'd have had the very short bit at the back growing and hanging down below the main bob. Totally accidental but I'm glad of it. I missed my 1,000 miles a year target for March and feeling like I don't want to run any more at the moment. I'm trying to just do what I feel like and be kind to myself as I'm pretty exhausted and don't want to knock my immune system. Anyway, keep well and keep active, you're doing brilliantly!

    1. My hair has gotten long, too, in comparison to the "shorter" style I was rocking until the salon closed their doors. I don't realize how long it is until I see a picture of myself (somehow it looks longer in pics than in the mirror).

  2. Our hairdressers opened up this week, fortunately, but I still haven't been! The last haircut I had was last March - yep, over a year ago. I really should go this month.
    Well done on all the jumping and pumping workouts! I also misread a workout this week... I wanted to turn around after 10.5km for my 21k run. I ran for 11.5k instead until I realized I gone too far. So I ended up with a 23k run instead.

    1. I think our hair salons are closed until May 15 (or maybe it's June?). I'm just having faith my gal will get me in ASAP because I was one of the first ones that got cancelled LOL

  3. Glad to read that life is good, Kim. You are a glass-half-full kind of person, so I am not surprised that you would write that! :) Your challenge for May sounds...aMayzing! I need to do more arm and core work. You have inspired me.

    When I retired, I decided to let my hair go back to its natural color. I have some gray but it's mostly dark. Now, I am glad I did. My hair appointment for a cut was scheduled for yesterday, but our salons are still closed too. Your hair looks good but I can understand wanting to get in to see your hairdresser. Maybe soon!

    1. Thanks, Laurie ;-) Honestly, things could be so much worse... why not focus on the blessings of that half-dull glass, right? We've been gradually adding some low-lights to my hair, to bring out a bit more of its natural "darkness," so this extended period of outgrowth isn't as painful as it could be. Again, glass half full ;-)

  4. LOL about the bangs. I am glad I didn't have any right now -- I go back & forth about bangs! Mine get downright weird really quickly because they curl in odd ways & I've never really mastered straightening them.

    Plenty of wind here, too. Cold rain too. Although we've had a nice day this week, and the weekend looks to be nice.

    You definitely do a GREAT job of being active! We walk the dogs pretty much every day. Luckily there's usually a break in the rain, so we haven't had miss a day yet.

    1. I go back and forth with my bangs all the time. I am constantly changing my hair (because I refuse to get stagnant with the same style for decades, like my mom LOL). I grow out my bangs, they start to annoy me, so I cut them, and then I get bored with them...so the cycle begins all over again LOL

  5. I think we're all in the same boat with hair right now! I have an appointment scheduled for next Thursday but since we are still shut down, I'm pretty sure that won't be happening.

    1. I'm just thankful I have a lot of options for how I style my hair (different parts, barrettes, clips, etc.). The color would annoy me a lot more if I had to wear it the same way all the time.

  6. At least my last hair appt was March 17. But still. Ugly roots. Good thing I work at home.

    I am staying active. Even more active than before.

    But I miss races. No mojo to run fast on my own.

    1. It can be a challenge to run fast on your own...I've noticed that Monday after Monday...

  7. For sure runners walk! Since shelter in place started we've been on a strict routine of taking the dog for 2 walks a day instead of 1, and apart from it being good for the dog, it's so good for us. I also added a "task list" of body weight exercises to do during the day: pushups/crunches/squats on M/W/F and planks on T/H.

    1. Our dog gets walked regularly, too, but is definitely getting more "street time" with the hubby home more (he's usually gone a couple nights/week). I have to keep my list on specific days, too, or else I forget from day-to-day what I did the day prior LOL

  8. Yeah my hair is a mess. My last cut was late November I think so I was overdue before the shutdown. Oops. Our lakefront is taking a real beating from all the wind.

    1. What is with all the wind this year? Has sit been windier than usual there, too?

  9. My hair is just a nightmare right now ugh it's like 5 colors and my nails are all broken. They will grow back though! We have had so much rain lately which made this week challenging! Your May goals look good! Thanks for joining for coffee.

    1. Rain is such a buzzkill! It's really tough to get outside when the heavens are downpouring.

  10. I am completely uncoordinated with a jump rope so those workouts end up being so frustrating. I cautiously gave my bangs a tiny trim last weekend just to get them out of my eyes, after realizing now was the time to do it so any damage I did can grow out before we open. ;-)

    1. I have cut my bangs many times (with pinking shears), but I'm trying to hold off for now. I have a vision of what I want my hair to be, and I need "longer" bangs for that...and I need some layers (which only my stylist can do). I know...picky picky...

  11. I added in jump rope to a few workouts in April and I really liked it! I want to find new ways to incorporate it into workouts this month too. Like you said, we really have to mix things up as to not get bored!

    1. I was really surprised how much I like the jump roping, too! It's a great HIIT move!

  12. I'm lucky in that my last hair appointment was at the beginning of March. Also, my hair is (mostly) all one length so a ponytail is my normal go-to these days. I can get by without a cut for a while. What I really need is some more salon shampoo and conditioner! Anyone know if Ulta is considered "essential?" LOL I think your hair actually looks pretty decent in that photo. I kinda like the dark and moody look. haha <3

    I would love to fit in a walk on my own but I'm pretty sure the dogs, especially Rigby, would revolt.

    I'm definitely staying active. Signing up for an ultra kinda forces me to. HA! Actually, I'm relishing the training. It gives me something to look forward to.

    1. My hair style is constantly evolving. I have bangs, grow them out, have layers, go to one-length...mix, rinse & repeat. I guess it keeps me young ;-)

  13. I don't think your hair looks bad at all. I'd love to Zoom with you sometime over coffee ( or planks...lol).

    1. Let me know when, and I can be available for chatting ;-)

  14. The wind has truly been something this spring! Hopefully May will settle down a bit.

    I like your May challenge - always good to mix things up a bit!

    1. Yes, the wind has taken on a life of its own this Spring! I think it's windier now than it was over the winter.

  15. It basically feels like summer over here right now. I need to find my jump rope so I can start that up again--it'd be a good way to get some cardio in! Early morning walks sound fun!

    I am low-maintenance to a fault and cut my hair 1-1.5 years--the last time was back in October, so I'm still okay for now. Good luck to you with yours! :[ My friend decided to take matters into her own hands and ordered stuff from esalon.com for the time being!

    1. I have been loving the jump roping! It's a fast fix for cardio!

  16. I was getting close to haircut time when this all went down. In fact, I would have had it cut in early March, but decided to push it back to after our trip to the beach (which didn't happen) so I could easily ponytail it while at the beach. Now it's way too long and takes forever to flatiron; however, one of the benefits of being stuck inside is that most of the time I just pull my hair back into a wet ponytail and call it a day.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. Yeah, I'm just dealing with my hair LOL It probably looks the worst to me, but things could be so much worse than mismanaged hair ;-)

  17. Hi Kim, it's great that you can stick to routines and are doing so much for your strength and fitness. I'm finding it hard to focus. I'm sharing posts about running during lockdown by the women on my blog list, so I've just shared yours on Facebook and Twitter. Katie http://runyoung50.co.uk/blog-lists/

    1. Thank you so much!!!! I'm going to checkout your blog...always great to find other fitness-minded peeps ;-)

  18. The conversation about the roots was so funny on our first zoom. I'm definitely grey and with deep brunette current/natural color, there is no forgiveness. I don't actually care and keep threatening to grow it out anyway, but it's just funny how seeing people's "true colors" has a new meaning. I loved someone's comment in runfessions - maybe Deb? - about roots measuring quarantine time like tree rings.

    So good to see you yesterday. All around a zoom is kind of like a coffee shop. I love this new tradition.
