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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Up Close and Personal

Can we get up close and personal, for a minute?

Another week has come to a close, and we're all still soldiering on. That's something to be thankful for, right? This has been a tough time for everyone, much more difficult for some than others, but it has affected all of us.

Just as we all train differently, I can't help but notice we all are coping differently. I think that's the way it should be. We all have different life experiences, and different triggers. The best any of us can do is to keep moving forward. Whether you're anxious, calm, scared, pessimistic or hopeful...be rest assured, we are all in this together.

Anyways, it was another interesting week on the fitness front!

Before I lay it all out, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down in my little world of fitness this week:

Monday - a new personal #nevermissaMonday challenge 
The morning started simple enough (20 minutes on the elliptical), but then things got interesting after work. I'd had a light bulb moment over the weekend, and decided to capitalize on the virtual race situation. I'm taking part in the UN-Canceled Project series, which involves four weeks of themed virtual races (of varying distances). I'm also a big advocate for the #nevermissaMonday gig...so how about combining the two? But wait...it gets better...I'm going to also add a speedwork twist to the mix and run the same 5K route each Monday and try to PR it. Why not?

Anyways, this was week "number two" of said routine (though it had been a different 5K virtual last week). I dressed in the lime green attire (in accordance with the theme for the week, Hope) and ran the 1/2-mile to the "race" site for a warm-up. I set the Garmin and had at it. Only...my legs felt like lead. I was able to keep an alright pace...but didn't come close to beating the previous week's finish time (26:38). But, oh well. As we know, a PR does not quantify a good workout, so all is well. I took a minute to catch my breath, ran the 1/2-mile back home (for a cool-down) and called it good enough. Onward!
The second installment of #nevermissaMonday 5K's
Tuesday - a personal reunion with the early-morning walk
Knowing my body was due for an easy day, and the temps were still nice, I headed out for a 2-mile walk in the early hours. Social distancing is a no-brainer when everyone else is still sleeping, am I right? Oh, how I have missed these outdoor rise & shine walks!

Then, after work, the hubs and I saddled up the bikes and rode for 10 miles. Wow. I had forgotten how great the bike could make my tired legs feel. The temps were just shy of 80F, so I thoroughly enjoyed that as well.

Wednesday - a personal #5at5 victory on tired legs
I met up with Barb for our weekly o'dark thirty hour run. Apparently, 10 hours isn't sufficient recovery time from the season's first long bike ride. Again, my legs were feeling kind of stiff and out-of-sorts. I didn't have my Garmin, so I didn't know our exact pace, but I could tell we were clipping along. I was back to the house, selfies done, and my phone said not even 50 minutes had elapsed from the start of all the action. Yikes.
Yes! Running in shorts!
Thursday - a new personal comfort zone violation
I had seen Deborah's Jump Rope Workout For Runners and decided to give it a try. Honestly, jump-roping is not an exercise I think to do, so it had been awhile since the last time I'd done so. I did 20 flights of stairs for the warm-up, and then got to work. Holy Oh-My-Quads, Batman! It took me about 27 minutes (with a few water breaks between circuits) to do three sets. Let's just say my entire lower half was on fire. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...and I will be doing this workout again!


Friday - a very personal DOMS-enhanced recovery day
I expected to have some DOMS waiting for me upon wake-up, and I was not disappointed (in a twisted kind of way LOL). Only, instead of my quads and calves (which seemed to have done the brunt of the work while jump-roping), it was my glutes that were most rebellious. I guess I squatted and lunged with gusto the day prior (who would have thought?). I went for a 2-mile walk (before work) and things felt much better. Over lunch I did a brief 1-mile power walk (virtually with Kim), and things felt even better.
Temps? 29F with a 21F feels-like...yes, I could see my breath
Saturday - a personal 10K to 10-mile upgrade
Our temps and our weather have been all over the place this week, and Saturday morning greeted us with somewhat chilly temps (37F, with a feels-like of 30F), but with sunny skies and barely any wind. At Kim's suggestion, I'd registered for the No Kid Hungry Run (virtual 10K), but was planning on running a full eight miles. I had Barb along for the ride (again, socially distanced as we ran). My watch beeped at the 10K mark, and we kept going (as planned). As we were approaching our split-off, my Garmin showed I'd gone nearly 8.5 miles. I was feeling good, and so was Barb, so we decided to continue on to 10 miles. The thing is, we were able to run the second five miles with a negative split, and maintained a very steady pace throughout the morning (splits were within 5-10 seconds of each other)! I love it when all the stars, moons and planets align like that!

All the flowers and blossoms are starting to come to life!
Sunday - a personal nontraditional Easter Sunday
With rain in the forecast for the entire day, I was pleasantly surprised to awaken to thick fog and NO rain (at the moment). I made a command decision to lace up and head out for a short recovery run...in my Easter tie-dyed patterned tights. The hubby and I took Max for a 2-mile walk afterwards and got back home in time to catch our church's live stream service. Later I dropped off Easter dinner at my parents' house and we ZOOM'd with the kids. Nope, not my typical Easter, but it was manageable.

So, another week of #covidcrazy, but another week of day-by-day forging onward. My legs really took a beating this week, but that's all well and good. I pinky promise this next week will be better balanced. Anyways, running saw 21 miles, with speedwork for Monday's 5K. Substantial HIIT with the jump rope workout, which also added some significant lower-body strength work. It was nice getting out on the bike, and the early morning walks felt incredible! Also, some elliptical and stair-climbing helped keep my legs loose. 

In case you missed out, here's what went down on the blog this week:
A Great Big Week of HMMM...
Virtually Quite Content
8 Mini Workday Fitness Fixes

In other news:
Friday Fashion Flair! Our weather reverted, briefly, back to winter late Thursday and Friday. We're talking crazy wind and snow! So, this may be the last time you see the charcoal grey sweater for awhile, but the mulit-colored scarf will be on repeat as we head into warmer weather. I say bring it! I want my summer back! As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

I have been fielding a lot of questions about my job, and how I'm still working on-site. So, here's my story...I work for a signage company, which is deemed "essential" due to its manufacturing role. In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis, the bulk of our office personnel have been able to work from home, leaving a skeleton crew remaining on-site. Most of the production staff, though, are still needed in the factory. Recently, in addition to producing our usual signage, we took on the task of making face shields and have been donating them to local/nearby medical and direct care facilities, as well as our area hospital. Several of our medical clients (mainly hospitals) are now requesting to order them from us, as well as desk/counter shields. None the less, we're keeping busy! I'm proud that we're able to assist fellow essential workers during this time of great need. It, indeed, makes me hopeful that this will be over sooner than later.
One day at a time...
We decided to extend the 19 Minutes for 19 Days Challenge! Same hashtag, same game...19 days (starting on Monday (April 13th) will take us to May 1st. Maybe things will be in the early stages of heading back towards what we all knew as "normal." None the less, it's been great having so many fitness-minded friends supporting and encouraging one another.

Lastly, for all who celebrated... I hope everyone had a great Passover, and a Happy Easter as well. This will certainly be a spring like no other when we look back on it.

How was your week? Are you able to still get outside? Doing more at-home workouts? Are you going to join us (or continue on!) for the extended #19for19Challenge?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enter


  1. Great work, well done. I'm still not blogging on running as I'm too sad not being able to share our pictures. But I have been running - 16.1 miles this week, including breaking my pre-breakfast distance record and managing 6.4 miles which I was really pleased with. Lots of love from over here xx

    1. Congrats on that pre-breakfast feat! Thinking of you, Liz...hope you're doing well. Glad you're able to get the miles in...chin up!!

  2. Nice work this week! Way to get in all those runs and workouts this week. That jump rope workout is no joke! Will plan to do it again this week myself

    1. The jump rope workout was MUCH tougher than it looked like on paper LOL It didn't seem that tough while doing it (though I was a sweaty mess)...but the next morning's DOMS did not lie. I will definitely be doing it again ;-)

  3. CovidCrazy indeed. I might have to borrow that one.
    Love that little insight into your work world. I don't think any of us knew how truly wide the "essential" scope was until this all hit.
    Nicely done on your Wednesday, and Monday looked mightly amazing. I might have to do a crazy pattern when I get dressed. Not that I haven't been in some crazies all week, but nothing that bright. Hmm.

    1. Well, another favorite hashtag is #GoBrightOrGoHome ;-) I'm all about bright and funky patterns.

  4. Exactly, we all have our own ways of coping, and I have to say that I've learned so much from following along, just like I learn from following along with everyone's training. You know I'm in for more #19for19challenge.

    1. Glad you're sticking around for another 19!! It's been so nice seeing all the inspiring workouts others have shared with the Challenge. We definitely are many, but are also ONE ;-)

  5. That's so interesting how your company has adapted what it does -- that's great! It's definitely been a time of good ole American ingenuity!

    I'm tired reading about all you did, but then, what else is new? My last couple of miles today were a struggle. I was very happy to finally call it quits at 8 miles.

    1. My company has really had to shift a few things. We're still manufacturing the usual signs, but are limited on what we our installers are able to have access to for now (most hospitals/universities are not allowing any outside people in). The face shields/desk shields have been a great alternative because they are much needed and require ZERO installation.

  6. Your work situation sounds like mine. At the bank (my employer) I joke that they moved all the important people off site because I'm still stuck at the office and 2/3 of the staff is working at home :) The bank has been been crazy busy with all of the local companies applying for the Payroll Protection Program loans. Super crazy busy! Great job on the workouts this week, and the 10 miler!

    1. Yes, my work scenario is very similar...we're down to 5-6 of us on the "office" side of the building (usually, there's 20-25 more on-site). Our son, who works in mortgage lending/refinancing, has been totally swamped, too. He's one of very few not WFH, as well, and is keeping super busy.

  7. Nice mix of workouts this week. Jumprope is a killer and great way to exit the comfort zone. I've got a weighted rope I LOVE! That's so awesome your company is able to step up and help out.

    1. The rope I used is older than my kids, I think...I definitely need an upgrade. I'd like to find a weighted one, too! The biggest challenge was finding a room with a high enough ceiling (and floor space) since I couldn't get outside that morning.

  8. Sounds like a lovely week Kim! The weather in Minneapolis was all over the place too, from 70 to snow. Thanks for hosting the link up!

    1. I think we had nearly identical weather. Thankfully, our snow was just a few flurries, and nothing accumulated.

  9. I agree with you that everyone is coping with this so differently. I have some friends that are so calm about everything and other friends that are obsessed with watching the news 24/7. I fall somewhere in the middle, lol

    Thanks for joining me virtually this weekend for the #NoKidHungryRun! :) Also, I love that the #19for19challenge has been extended!

    Happy Easter to you and your family!

    1. I'm definitely more on the calm side of the spectrum, but things have not gotten too crazy in my area thus far. I don't think we've had any new confirmed cases in the past week or so. Thanks for sticking around for the extended #19for19challenge....glad to have your support and inspiration!

  10. We're all different so we'll are coping different as well. I do my best to stay positive and focus on one day at a time but there are days where everything just crumbles and I am sad and angry. Sigh. That workouts looks intense. I've been meaning to get my jump rope out and use it. What I should do is see what other equipment I have at home and start using it. :-) I've been able to get outside when I can and want to. Taking it day by day.

    1. I'm able to stay pretty calm during stressful times like these (that's how I got through that scary time with my knee/thing a few years ago). You're in a much more affected area, though...and your job! It's totally understandable for you to have some sad/angry moments. Hang in there, and know you're doing as much as you can.

  11. We can get personal, but not close! ;-) Another solid week for you. Cool that your company is able to make different products that are such great need. My friend's husband is in commercial construction and they have been installing those plexiglass shields at grocery stores. I think modifications like that will help us reopen the economy.

    1. ha ha ha! True on not getting too close LOL I agree...the economy has taken such a hit, anything that can keep the cash flow moving is gonna help get things back on track.

  12. I love this jump rope workout@! I should totally find my jump rope and try it out. Something fun to switch it up!

    1. The jump rope workout was a fun change of routine for me. I look forward to doing it again, and working in some rope jumps into my other HIIT workouts.

  13. That's awesome that your company has been able to help out. I love that so many are jumping onboard with it. We're all in this together, right? I like your new Monday routine. That's a great way to use your time well.

    1. Thank you ;-) I'm glad my company is able to play a part in the big picture. We'll see how the Monday routine plays out. It'll be a fun thing for now since there's no immediate races (or training plans) on the agenda.

  14. As usual, you had a great week of workouts and I'm secretly coveting your Easter tights. They are so pretty and springlike!

    How wonderful that your company is making face shields and protective shields for desks/counters during this time. I can certainly see why that's essential work.

    Have a great week and stay safe!

    1. Full disclosure...those Easter tights were a steal from the children's department (size XL, I think) at Target LOL

  15. Your solid weeks keep rolling along!

    It's great that your company has been able to pivot to create face shields.

    Happy to see the #19for19challenge continuing :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle ;-) I'm glad that you're sticking with us for 19 more days!!

  16. I had a lot of DOMS this week after getting back to work with the heavy strength. So much so that yesterday's run was really difficult! BTW, I recognize that Swirlgear top--I used to have the same one!

    1. I was rearranging my workout "closet" and transferring a bunch of it to our son's old bedroom closet, and the Swirlgear top had been hiding underneath a bunch of other stuff. Score! It's a top that I always loved the colors and fit...wish I'd bought a few other ones.

  17. Wait! NO STAIRS!? This can't be a normal week, haha!
    I like that you did Deborah's jump rope work out, I thought it would be hard. If I had a jump rope I'd be doing them, too.
    All the best with your 5k this morning. Maybe this time you'll get a PR, who knows?

    1. Ha ha ha...I actually did some stairs, just no stair-focused workouts LOL My 5K happened after work (with sunshine),and it was t.o.u.g.h in all the crazy wind...not even close to a PR, but all is well. Had it been an actual race day, I'd have had to run it anyways, right?

  18. Looks like a great week! I like the idea of doing a 5k every week to see your progress. I had sore glutes this week too. That jumprope workout looked like it was a tough one!

    1. The weekly 5K's have been a fun challenge...but I keep getting screwed on "race day" circumstances LOL Last week, I had some weird DOMS going on, and today I have crazy wind. Oh well ;-) It's still good training, PR or not.

  19. Great job! Glad to hear the PR challenge is keeping you on your toes on Mondays! And the jump rope workout - now if you thought it was tough, I know it would kill me! I just need a jumprope!

    It has definitely been a challenge these past few weeks, and sometimes the ways we cope change from week to week or day to day, it's crazy! It's inspiring though to see you and others making the most of things and keeping active and positive!

    1. Thank you so much , Janelle!! This is such a crazy time for all of us, regardless how "affected" our immediate area has been from COVID-19. Staying active keeps me positive, and vice-versa ;-)

  20. I may have said this before but I'm always impressed with runners who can PR (or even come close) in a virtual race! I think I need the crowd, or maybe the competitions to spur me on. Not that I'm going to run any PRs these days. Great week of workouts!

    1. Well, the three Monday 5K's I've done (#3 was after work today) have not been PR's LOL...though I've been running them strong (I think?). I had major wind to fight today. But, I figure it's still good training. If it was an actual race day, I'd have to run in those conditions anyways.

  21. Whew! You were rocking and rolling this week! I love all the variety AND all the bright colors you wore to do the different activities. I'll do some more 19 For 19! That was a great challenge and didn't make me feel too discouraged because I can do 19 MInutes! Happy Easter!

  22. I have actually been doing fewer workouts at home than I was in the gym - I just don't enjoy them as much. Barbells have a much different feeling than dumbbells! On the bright side, doing most of my running around the neighborhood has been better than expected.

    1. From the looks of your blog post (today), you've been doing well!

  23. Great week of workouts! I haven’t even thought about jump rope since I was a kid, that’s a great idea for a workout!
