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Monday, October 19, 2020

If I could live (and run) anywhere...

If I could live and run anywhere...

Gosh, the possibilities are endless. I won't name any specific cities (that could potentially elicit some drama...and we don't need any of that these days). But I definitely could give you some ideal settings and backdrops. 

Care to hear a few?

First of all, it's not a secret that I'm an art geek. Believe me, I say that with honor and pride. I'd love a nearby urban setting that would have lots of funky street art and whimsical sculptures. Of course, I do have some of this on the local level, but I simply wish for more...

Next, along the lines of my art geekiness, I love admiring and appreciating a variety of architecture. Again, there is plenty of that in my quaint little college town, just not any tall, sky-scraper-like buildings. 

I'm not much a swimmer, but I love the peace and serenity of a path alongside a mass of water. It could be a river, a lake, or even a bay area. I don't mind if it's along a busy road (so long as it's on its own path). 

It's also nice to  run in historic areas and snag a quick history lesson. While on vacation, I've seen remnants from battles, landmark street benches, and points of interest on the sidewalks. It would be nice to have more of these things close by, to entertain me while running.

Since I'm an avid early-morning runner (most days), I need streets that are well-lit. Even though I pretty much have the city to myself at those early hours, it's nice to know I don't have to worry about being seen, as well as being able to see where I'm going. Not everyone is comfortable being out and about in the wee hours, but I really enjoy the calmness. So, an ample supply of streetlights would be greatly appreciated, thank you very much.

Finally, as much as I'm drawn to the city life, there's nothing quite like a quiet paved trail through a park or near a lake. What can I say...I'm a sucker for the great outdoors, and crossing paths with an occasional squirrel or chipmunk always makes me smile. Snakes, not so much.

Like I said, I do have a touch of all of the above in my own town, but it would be heavenly to have a bigger selection. You know, the grass usually does appear greener elsewhere.

Anyways, those are just some random wishes on my ideal places to run.

Your turn...if you could pick anywhere to run, where would you venture to? Do any of the ones mentioned above appeal to you?

 I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup

By the way...are you following me on social media? You can find me at these various platforms:
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  1. My all time favorite place to run is the beach during sunrise. Just a few miles, and then straight into the ocean to cool down. My two bucket list races are the Shamrock Shuffle in Chicago and the Detroit Half just for bragging rights of crossing the border. But apart from that, where I live now is pretty great for running. There are plenty of low traffic neighborhoods and sidewalks, so I have a ton of routes to chose from. One of my favorite things is to run with other people and let them chose the route, basically it's like I get to see my city through someone else's eyes.

    1. Detroit is on my bucket list as well. We used to live in the East Lansing area (about an hour or so west), but I wasn't a runner then. It's usually the same weekend as the IMT Des Moines Marathon, though....

  2. I know you didn't want to mention city names but this place sounds a lot like Philly! Lots of history, 2 rivers, murals everywhere, and even some gorgeous trails! I love running through cities when I travel because it feels like my own private tour. I still have San Francisco on my bucket list!

    1. Oh, I thought of mentioning Philly! I didn't get to see much of it when I was there in 2018 for the R'nR, but it looked pretty incredible. I did get to run up the museum steps, though LOL I have been to San Fran and I'd LOVE to go back!

  3. We are very similar. I love water, bridges, artwork.

    Right now, I just want to race.

    There are way too many places to list. I feel like I've been been anywhere.

    1. I didn't mention any specific city for that reason. Too many beautiful places I've seen, and so many yet to be visited.

  4. Aside from your VERY early morning runs, we would make good running partners! I love everything about city running from the artwork to all the historical buildings or landmarks. I'm not a water person at all but nothing beats a run where there's some water (so long as I don't have to cross it on foot! LOL).

    1. I'm not especially fond of water crossing, either. City running is such a neat endeavor...just wish I a bit closer. Des Moines is about 50 miles away, so that's not too far, but just far enough LOL

  5. There's nothing like city life - there's always something to do and so much to see!

    1. I agree! I love seeing all the busy activity and all the sights.

  6. I love running in big cities too, for all the reasons you mention, Kim!

    Running near water is awesome, too. Just yesterday I did my hill repeats in the Alps around a little lake. It was early morning and the sun was beginning to rise over the mountains. It was stunning but FREEZING COLD! Can't have everything, I guess.

    1. I hear ya on the FREEZING COLD...we're currently experiencing that in Iowa. UGH. I want my summer back! That said, I had a pretty breath-taking sunrise this morning, in the sub-freezing temps ;-)

  7. I would like to live by the water too! I grew up about 20 minutes from the beach but definitely took it for granted. Running routes are definitely something to consider when choosing a place to live.

    1. Ain't that the truth! I didn't become a runner until after we'd been in our house a few years. Let's just say this hill we live on has been a great training "vice," but also gets cursed almost every time I depart my driveway (whether on my bike or on foot).

  8. Well this isn't too vague...I spied Chicago in your photos, but like you said, you're not going to be specific...

    1. Yep, Chicago has a lot to offer...as do the other cities pictured (also not named) ;-)

  9. I also like to run by the water it's so peaceful. I also like to run and explore new cities by foot.

    1. I LOVE exploring on foot, too! When we were in San Fran a few years ago, I had the best time running through some of the downtown streets (after daylight broke LOL).

  10. If the weather ever gets decent, I plan to go up to Jacksonville to check out all the new street art. Several artists really used the lockdowns to channel their creativity, and there are some great installations, or so I've heard.

    Sometimes, the coolest things are so close to home.

  11. I absolutely love running by water, whether it's lakes, rivers, or the ocean. I especially love the ocean, but I don't want to have to deal with hurricanes.

    Some day we do plan to move to a different state. The problem is deciding on which one!

  12. You've got some great ideas here! I love running by the water and always loved running by the lake when visiting our son and daughter-in-law in Chicago. I wish running on the sand didn't bother me so I could run along the Atlantic again at the beach. Perhaps next year I'll be completely healed and able to!

  13. I love to run somewhere near water, usually along the coast. It calms me and makes me happy. Of course I love running on my local trails so I guess I live in the perfect place, since the coast is just a couple of hours away.

  14. Public art, architecture, an island where you're never more than a couple of miles from the water and ~60% is riverfront paths. Nope, don't know anywhere like that, LOL.
    I'm not much of a swimmer either, but I love the idea of finishing one in a pool. I wish I had more trails, but I do love my city. I'm not sure I could do as suburban as you are and still feel safe in the mornings. Not for things like Mollie, but things that go bump in the night.
