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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Right Outta the Gate

With the new year here, there's no time like the present to get things rolling...right outta the gate.

So, that's just what I did.

While nothing has really changed much, just flipping the calendar page feels so refreshing and invigorating. For myself, it brings much hope.

Before I give you a peek at my first week of 2021, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down in my little corner of the fitness universe this week:

Never Miss a Monday.
As per my usual, Monday started on the bike, with 10 miles. After work, it was another Chasing Daylight Expedition, but I managed a 5K before sunset. It had been awhile (like, since early August) since I'd run more than a simple 2-miler for my Monday run...and these 3.1 miles felt pretty incredible.

Another Typical Tuesday.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love my elliptical in the winter time? Even though I'd rather be outside, when it's cold and foggy and damp, an inside sweat fest is quite alright. I've been doing four elliptical miles (on Tuesdays) for awhile, but I'm now upping the "distance" to five miles. Heck, it's only an extra 7-8 minutes. I also got outside for a couple walks with Max, at lunch and after work.

What a Wednesday.
Barb and I have not resumed our #5at5 runs (yet), but I'm getting the itch. I set my alarm for an early wake-up, but woke up a good 15 minutes early (I guess it was meant to be LOL). I'd been doing 2-mile runs on Wednesdays (through my run streak), so I bumped the distance up to three miles this week. It was foggy, and I just wasn't "feeling the streets," so I drove over to the college and ran three loops around the central campus. Clear sidewalks, plenty of street lamps and minimal wind all made for a great run.

Thankful Thursday.
With all that went down on Wednesday, I awoke Thursday morning in a state of unease and with a heavy heart. I was ever thankful for an early morning walk (to somewhat clear my head), strength to lift my spirits (figuratively and quite literally) and a pretty mani/pedi to brighten my day. I'll just leave it at that.

Feeling Fine Friday.
How about some more elliptical fun? You know the routine...this is my "coffee," sweaty hair, don't care. It had been awhile, but I "back-pedaled" the last two miles (of the 5-mile workout). Let's just say it felt like a new set of leg muscles were christened. Definitely not a bad thing.

Feeling not-so-fine Saturday.
Friday's lunch date with the hubby had us getting the Shingles vaccine (sorry, no captivating pics). We'd been warned there may be a world of discomfort following. By Saturday morning, things were feeling compromised (fatigue, headache, body aches, extreme pain at the injection site #YaddaYaddaYadda). I met up with Barb, with 5-6 miles on the agenda. We ran our #5at5 route (ahhhh, nostalgia LOL). I felt fine as were running, but knew I needed to call it at five miles and not press on to six. No sense forcing my body to do something it didn't feel 100% up to doing. After we parted, I spotted a lone ornament on a tree in the park near my house. It brought an instant smile to my face. I have noticed several random trees that have just a single ornament on them this holiday season. Nothing like a little bit of holiday cheer, especially on a sub-freezing morning, to brighten one's day!

Simply Sensational Sunday!
I awoke Sunday morning before my alarm (there seems to be a pattern here), and headed down to the basement to hang with Sebbe (my bike) for 10 (hilly) miles. I roused the hubby, and he joined me for two (also hilly) miles through the 'hood. Then, back to the bike for a 6-mile cool-down (you know, just for fun). Not sure if I should call it a brick workout, a virtual duathlon, or simply just a great start to my day. As I've said, many times, fitness truly is my "coffee." And, most of the lingering #ShinglesVax side effects were at the minimum, so things were feeling good allover.

All told, it was a decent week with all sorts of sweat equity deposited. My main goal for January is to maintain my 5-mile "long run" distance, but increase the distance of my other runs-->mission accomplished with 11 total miles this week. Walking continues to be a consistent endeavor with 12 miles logged this week (probably a few more happening Sunday afternoon). The elliptical had 10 miles, and biking saw 36 miles. I'll be bringing back some weekly stair work in the next few weeks (for pre-running warm-up as well as good old cardio fun LOL). There also were a couple upper-body strength workouts on Thursday.

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on  the blog this week:

In other news:

After a 2-week sabbatical from workday Fridays, it was back to life and back to reality. Alas, Friday Fashion Flair returned. We had a lot of grey skies and morning fog, so a jolt of color was much needed. Do you find yourself craving some brightness on a dreary day, too? Trust me, bright colors will lift your spirits! PS, don't forget the lipstick...a little bit of shimmer never hurt anyone. As always, you're welcome to join me on Fridays...post a pic on Instagram, grab the hashtag (#FridayFashionFlair) and be sure to tag me (@runningonthefly).

I'm not sure how I've missed this all these years (ahem, we've been in this house for 18-1/2 years), but I don't think I've ever noticed our tree's reflection in all four panels of the bay window, all at once. Pay no attention to the messed up slipcover or Max's disarrayed blanket.

We had really cold, foggy mornings almost every day this week. A side effect of such conditions is the beauty of a thick hoar frost on the trees. Isn't it pretty?

Finally, let me give a quick mention to the lack of politics you'll see here. Trust me, I am not indifferent nor complacent to all that's happening. I just don't wish to muddy this space with political discourse. My blog; my rules. Thank you for understanding <3

So, that's the first full week of 2021! 

How have your workouts been going? Has it been possible to get outside for some fitness fun? Do you have any January goals or objectives?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. And thanks for no politics...there's enough on FB.

    Yes I go outside every day. It's either to run or walk or both on some days. Only snow & ice will stop me and now I have a bike so I'm good.

    You inspired me.

    1. Facebook has been a major train wreck of hate, hostility and hypocrisy. I scroll through and barely read most of the post these days. But, good for you to get5 outside most days! I'm curious to hear how George is working?

    2. George is great. Only need him when I can't run outside. He's a great addition to my fitnes routine.

  2. Nice job this week! I've been able to get outside most days. The days I do treadmill runs are just to save time after I lift in the basement. But now that we have a stroller again I hope to be getting outside even more!

    1. Our daughter moved a bunch of her stuff back recently (before she heads of on her new college adventure soon), so my treadmill is currently loaded with a lot of non-running "essentials." NO big loss LOL

  3. I talked to my Dr this week about getting a shingles vaccination and I guess it's not my year yet. Which surprises me because I know a couple of people close to my age who have had shingles and I don't want to be one of them! Good job on the workouts this week!

    1. I have hyperactive & sensitive skin (I'd be a major mess if I had a shingles outbreak), so my doc has been bringing up the vaccine for a few years. For a long time, there was a waiting list for it here, then when Covid hit the fan last year, I just kept procrastinating. I'm relieved to have the first dose (we go back in a couple months for the second one).

  4. I cannot believe how good our weather has been lately! So good that I seem to be running 6 days a week now which I totally didn't plan on. With that said, when it's really yucky outside, I love the triumph of putting on a tank top and shorts and working up a good sweat in the basement. I think that a good workout plus a mani-pedi is the best way to deal with the current political situation.

    1. You have really been rocking the outdoor scene! I love a good tank top/shorts sweat session, as well...but much prefer the elliptical over the 'mill LOL

  5. Great job on your workouts this week. Glad to see you are building back up your running mileage and feeling good. Hope your vaccine symptoms are on the way out and that you feel better today. Have a great week ahead

    1. It feels so good to be building the mileage back (I know you can relate).

  6. I try to keep politics out of my blog for the most part, too.

    Love the tree reflection & the nail color, Kim! You are a warrior running after the Shingles vaccine. Although I did run after my tetanus booster (where I had a week long reaction to it).

    Our mornings this week have been cold, pushing the dog walks into the afternoon, but not foggy. So no pretty hoarfrost.

    1. I had an odd reaction from the flu shot, a few months, as well. That's never happened before. After my run yesterday, Max and I crashed on the couch for a couple hours.

  7. Ugh to the shingles vaccine! That is the vaccine that sent my RA into a tailspin in 2019. My rheumatologist said I had a vigorous response to the first vaccine and there was no need to get #2. I'm good with that.

    1. Well, we'd been thoroughly forewarned about the possible side-effects, so we weren't caught off guard. But, ouch! My arm still hurts!

  8. Running and any fitness really was a saving grace this week. The snow make every run challenging, but fortunately not slippery. I have to refrain as much as possible from politics as I could get into a trouble with my employer. I get it. Thanks for hosting the link-up. Happy New Year!

    1. Fitness serves us well during tough times ;-) I have found, for me at least, politics are best discussed face-to-face...too much risk of misunderstandings just seeing it all in print.

  9. I still haven’t gotten the shingles vaccine. My daughter actually got shingles the summer before college — it was pretty bad. Now with your bike (indoor and out), treadmill and elliptical you’re going to have a hard time choosing what to do!

    1. Yes, I have more indoor options than I know what to do with LOL So far, the bike and elliptical are going head-to-head (the treadmill isn't much of a contender).

  10. Nice job on all of your workouts this week! I was super thankful for my workouts this week to escape from the craziness for a little bit.

    Sorry you felt some side effects from the shingles vaccine, but glad that you seem to be feeling better today.

    1. It definitely was a crazy week. Nothing like a little bit (or a lot) of sweat to shift the focus for a bit...

  11. Great workouts! I love the way the snow looks on your trees - glad it's on yours not mine :) We had so much snow over Christmas that it's finally melting.

    1. This is the first major snow we've had that has stuck around. Yes, it's pretty, but I"m ready for my summer to return...

  12. Sorry about the shingles vaccine causing a few issues, at least you were warned in advance. And love that thick frost - we had some of that this week too and it was so pretty!

    1. The frost is really pretty! I was really hoping to get my run selfie (Monday afternoon) among the stuff...but the temps warmed up just enough that all the frost was gone when I'd gotten off work.

  13. Looks like a good week for you!

    You've reminded me that I still need to get the shingles vaccine. Sorry about the side effects but I'm glad they didn't linger too long.

    1. I've been procrastinating the vaccine for awhile. It had only been available via a 2-3 month wait list for "older" folks, so I was surprised that it's now readily available here as a walk-in.

  14. Great job on your workouts this week, Kim! I love your variety of exercises

    When I got the original shingles shot I got a big red lump on the back of my arm (not at the site of the shot) that stayed for several weeks - it was a typical reaction to that shot. As soon as the two-dose vaccination came out I got it because it protects much better than the original did. Like you, I got all of the possible reactions to the first of the two, but did just fine with the second one.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. The side effects weren't fun, but were manageable. Early on, the vaccine had been only available via a 2-3 month waitlist here (I don't know when that changed), so I was really surprised when I asked the pharmacist about it and he said it's now a walk-in thing. Glad we "walked in" over Friday lunch, so we didn't start feeling the effects until bedtime LOL

  15. Ouch! The shingles vaccine sounds like no joke.

    So I know that snow is totally over as far as you are concerned, but it's just so pretty! We have pretty much been freezing our butts off down here, with no snow and it just doesn't feel right.

    Love that you are able to just pop over to other running routes. We don't really have too many other places to go that aren't 20-30 minutes out. There's a benefit to being able to roll out of bed and hit the ground running, but it can also get boring.

    1. I truly have mixed feelings on snow....yes, I am over it LOL, but it is pretty. Also, if it's going to be so buttocks-freezing cold, we might as well have something to show for it. That said, I want my summer back!!!!! ;-)

  16. I think refusing to spread political anything at this point is wise. I'm beyond over all of it. Glad the shingles vaccine wasn't too bad. My mom had shingles and that is no joke!

    1. I am so beyond it as well, Marcia. Too much hate, hostility and hypocrisy...definitely not my gig. Anyways, the vaccine was bearable though quite uncomfortable for a good 30+ hours afterwards. My skin is so hyper sensitive, shingles would be an utter nightmare for me...

  17. It is your blog so politics or no politics, it is YOUR decision and I will respect it.

    Ouch on the shingles vaccine. I see the ads and it freaks me out.

    Great job this week! Good to see you running more.

    1. It's been almost three full days and my arm still hurts LOL Oh well, I'm a big girl.

  18. I didn't realise you were having a shingles vaccine shot! do you have to do that regularly? I remember my last vaccines before I went to Rwanda - also a sore arm and a few days not feeling that great.

    I made it outside 5 of the 7 days so I'm happy with that!

    1. This vaccine is a 2-dose treatment, recommended for adults (over 50) who have had chicken pox as kids, to prevent getting shingles. Almost everyone I know, who has had the vaccine, has had a lot of discomfort afterwards. Great job getting outside!! I'm trying to get a minimum of 21 "outdoor" minutes of activity everyday in 2021....I predict January and February will be the two toughest months for that with our extreme weather. Fingers crossed!

  19. Everything is so crazy lately, I totally understand the heaviness and moods. Running definitely helps or working out. I find a good workout clears my head especially when I feel I can't change what's happening in the outside world. :-)
