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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Winter Running - 5 Things (currently) to Love

No question, I'm a summer runner gal.

But, thus far, there have been some good things happening. Maybe it's just that #GlassHalfFull thing I have going on, but I've actually been loving this winter running gig.

Even though it's only January, and there's plenty of cold weather still on the horizon, I'm choosing to celebrate the current situation. After all, I gotta take what I can get as I work my way back towards Summer.

Here's five things I'm currently loving... 

The conditions have been playing nice!
Let's suffice it to say the temps have been mild and the wind hasn't been too evil. Sure, there's been a few frigid runs, and there has been some definite windchill at times. We've also had some snow, and there have been a few slick spots on the streets. But, given that we're approaching the final week of January, I'll gladly take this over the polar vortexes of years past.

Acclimation for the win!
Even with the somewhat mild temps, I think my summer heat-loving body has acclimated to the winter setting. Case in point, my 4-miler (on Wednesday morning) served me my coldest run of the season (8F temps, with a -5F feels-like), and I didn't feel that cold in the o'dark thirty hour. Thursday, the lunchtime temps were in the low-40's, and I had to lose the headband and unzip my jacket. I kid you not...and that was for walking, not running.

New gear...what's not to love?
Who doesn't feel like a beast in new running gear? We're talking colorful hats, funky sunglasses (several pairs), new shoes, and biking-friendly stuff. It's all quite good, and has already been well-utilized. 

Sunshine on my face.
I think we've had more sun-kissed days than gloomy cloud-covered ones. Or, maybe that's just what I'm choosing to remember. None the less, the new sunglasses have seen a lot of action. Not to mention, the days are markedly longer and brighter, after work, so I'm able to get outside before sunset for walks and/or runs on occasion.

Playing the versatility card.
I've settled into a routine that involves some after-work runs (Mondays) as well as early-morning runs (Wednesdays). The cross-training has been going well (elliptical and biking, usually at opposite times of my runs/walks), allowing me to stay active without over-taxing the same muscles all the time. Also, I've been reworking my running routes, so a lot of my runs feel new and different (ever try a figure-8 variation of a familiar route?).

So, yeah, you heard it (or read it LOL) here first. This summer gal is actually enjoying the winter experience. Usually, I just simply tolerate the winter season, but this year (thus far!), I'm actually kind of loving it. Stay tuned...I hope I didn't just jinx myself. 

How has Winter been for you so far? Loving it? Hating it? Tolerating it?

I'm linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media? 
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  1. Winter has been pretty mild here so not too shabby trying to deal with it all. I must admit though that "new gear" somehow always comes into play in the winter :). who doesn't love a new pullover??

  2. Tolerating it! Now that we're on the back end of January things are a lot easier. We had a long stretch of decent weather which also helped. This is the first week that I've had to take the fitness inside, and my body has finally adapted to the tready.

    1. Glad your body is feeling better about the tready ;-) I walked a bit on mine (a few nights ago), and I can't recall the last time I'd been on there...sometime before Christmas (??).

  3. Wait, did I read that right that a negative 40 felt comfortable for walking? Wow! I also love new gear. I just bought some new wool tops and am excited to use them on my runs.

    1. The temps were like 42F, and I was downright HOT when I finished LOL

  4. We've been very lucky with a mild winter so far. That said, we've only gotten about 20% of our usual sun. The gloom wears on me from a Vitamin D standpoint. Other than that, I'm good!

    1. I really need the sunshine to counteract the cold temps (and usual crazy wind). While February isn't a tropical paradise, it's usually not as bad as January...hoping that trend continues ;-)

  5. Well you know I love winter running and this year has been pretty mild so far. We have also had some nice sunny runs on cold days so far so good

    1. If all of my Iowa winters were like this one (currently, that is), I wouldn't detest them so much LOL

  6. We've been relatively lucky with Winter weather, but alas, I haven't felt good enough to take advantage of!

    And we have had a lot of gray -- that doesn't help either. Like Marcia, I have low vit D & my husband & I were just talking about places to retire to. Even though there are lots of lovely places in New England, i've lived there & I told him I really don't think I could live there the rest of my life.

    But I'm still moving, like you, Kim, I have a variety of ways to move. And like you, I'm out there getting some fresh air most days.

    1. Way to keep moving, Judy ;-) I think movement is medicinal, so a little bit of daily action is a priority for me. I hope you're feeling better!

  7. I agree totally. I am always running outside. Varying my routes to keep me sane. I wish we could have some sun!!

    1. This figure-8 switch-up I did was a significant game-changer. I really need to do that more often.

  8. We have been so lucky with weather temps wise - I just wish we were seeing the sun a bit more. Love your new gear - that's always fun, right?!

    Thanks for linking up :)

    1. New gear definitely makes it more fun ;-) I really hope these mild weather conditions can last for the next six weeks or so...

  9. Acclimation is real! Plus great gear makes all the difference!

  10. Winter is different here. It's the longest, coldest winter I remember, and I appreciate not sweating my butt off every time I go outside. However, I'm running out of clothes and don't want to buy more because I won't get as much use out of them LOL!
