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Monday, March 29, 2021

Chocoholic Frolic 5K Race Recap

A lot of us are eager to get back on a race course.

A lot of us will do anything for chocolate.

How about a race that features chocolate? Sounds pretty sweet, am I right?

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Sun Will Come Out...Tomorrow

Got sunshine? 

It didn't happen in Iowa this past week. Not to worry, I know the sun is always shining even if it's hidden by a few (or several) clouds. There may have been some rain, and the temps were on the chilly side of Spring, but all went well. This next week is looking like a 180, though.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

5 'Fessions for (Fake) Spring

So, here we are.

Another new season, and a new set of 'fessions are front and center. While the 'fessions are nothing short of genuine and authentic, the current season (Spring) is feeling like a phony. 

Little did I know, Fake Spring is actually a thing...

Monday, March 22, 2021

Favorite Vacation Runs & Races

Hello, my name is Kim and I'm a runner who runs while on vacation.

I know I'm not alone in this addiction. After all, runners love to run, and exploring a new place (in one's running shoes) is a special kind of fix.

Not to be confused with a racecation, running-while-on-vacation is different. The first involves planning a trip around a race; the other involves running (and, often times, racing) while already on holiday. It's a fine line, I'll admit, but there are distinct differences.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Great Equinox Escape

Don't we all need a little escape, from time to time? 

Well, I certainly do. This past week blessed me with such a treat. After all, Winter was coming to a close (according to the calendar at least), and this called for a celebration! 

Before I share the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

Monday, March 15, 2021

Week of Pi Challenge 2021

Oops, I did it again (and I don't regret it).

Since last year's inaugural Week of Pi was so successful, it was a given that it would happen again. After all, not everyone is blessed with a birthday that falls on the National Pi Day. That right there is a recipe for celebrating!

The thing is, I'm not only a runner, but also a bit of a numbers nerd. Most of us have probably played the game of runners' math (calculating how far one has run vs. how much further remains). I have also  done many tribute runs, where I base my mileage off of a significant date or number. Call me weird, but I like to mix things up and not do the same-old-same-old repeatedly.

For many years, I have done such a tribute run on my birthday. A 3.14-mile run is short enough that it can fit into most any day (or night). It's also long enough that it feels like a substantial workout, regardless of how fast, or slow, it's run.

In 2020, March 14th landed on a Saturday, giving me an entire calendar week to have some fun. Thus, the Week of Pi was born. And, just last week, it happened again. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Meltdown

Ahhh, let the spring commence...

Well, technically, we still have another week to go (according to the calendar). Also, there is some more winter-like "precip" in the forecast (thanks, Momma N). But we've "sprung-ahead," and all of the residual winter snow has melted away...so onward!

This week saw daily action with the Week of Pi taking place. For the most part, there was ample sunshine and pleasant spring-like temps. No complaints, no regrets.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Leprechaun Chase 2021

It was a jolly good time, indeed (and we're not just talking about that sub-9 pace LOL).

There was plenty of green to be had. Oodles of sunshine kept our hearts warm and our smiles bright. Let's not forget the numerous twisty hills to navigate. And, a new location for all the lads and lasses.

Sound familiar? Those were just some of the makings of the 2021 Leprechaun Chase!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Seeing Green

There was a whole lotta green going on this week!

We're talking emerging grass (courtesy of the melting snow). The MSU Spartans had a big victory Tuesday evening. And, there was a St. Patrick's themed (in-person!!!) race on the roster.  

After so much cold, in previous weeks, it was great to usher in an entire week of pleasant weather. March is a tricky and temperamental month, weather-wise, so this past week was a nice treat.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Coffee Talk? Anyone?

Anyone up for some coffee chatter? 

You don't have to drink coffee, and we don't even have to all sit at the same table (Covid is still a reality, don't forget). But we can gather (virtually) and have some conversation.

Are you game? 

Grab a mug (or a pint, or a stein, or a simple glass), and let's begin. What would you share, if we were chatting as we sipped our beverages of choice?

Monday, March 1, 2021

Things That Made Me Go Hmmm

What do you think about when you're out and about, in your running shoes?

Honestly, my mind wanders. A lot. If there's an ADD that exists for runners, then I'm a victim (not that I think it's necessarily a bad thing).

Suffice it to say that many a blog post has been "written" while running. And, many of those blog posts started out as one topic, then morphed into another before the run ended.