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Sunday, March 21, 2021

The Great Equinox Escape

Don't we all need a little escape, from time to time? 

Well, I certainly do. This past week blessed me with such a treat. After all, Winter was coming to a close (according to the calendar at least), and this called for a celebration! 

Before I share the details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

So, here's what went down this past week:

Never miss a Monday.
After an extended taste of Spring, Momma N blessed us with an overnight dumping of wet snow. Nice of her, huh! I didn't want to fight the wet, slushy streets (in the dark), so I rode 15 miles with Sebbe instead. A lot of the snow was gone by afternoon, so I got out for two miles after work. And I crossed my fingers that this would be my last puffer vest run for several months.

Back to my regularly scheduled Tuesday...
My mind and body were ready for a light, easy-peasy Tuesday, just like in the "old days." I had run every day, for the past 10 days, and logged 34 total miles in doing so. Those numbers are peanuts for some peeps, but they are a lot for me (especially as I rebuild my post-stress fracture recovery mileage). So, I reunited with Ellie (my elliptical) for four early-morning miles. There were also a couple of walking miles after work, and that was it.

A whacked-out Wednesday.
The o'dark weather conditions were looking cold, wet, and miserable. The rain forecast had diminished, but the air was still misty and foggy. With little sleep, low energy and a crazy headache, I didn't feel it was in my best interest to attempt the usual #5at5 with Barb. Instead, I cued up Sebbe for a 12-mile interval ride...and my mojo returned by the time I finished. Woot!!! So, I layered up and took a 2-mile walk before heading to work. Later, the hubby and I boarded an airplane and the Great Equinox Escape was underway.

Ahhhh....a very thankful Thursday.
The previous evening's 5:30PM departure didn't happen until 6:45PM, since we had to wait our turn for de-icing before takeoff. Hence, we didn't arrive in Florida until almost 10:00PM. After getting our luggage and securing our car rental, we didn't get to our lodging place (friends in Tampa) until after 11:00. Don't forget I'd been up since 4:30ish, so I awoke Thursday morning feeling significantly jet-lagged (for lack of a better word). But, we'd made it to Florida! The hubs and I decided to walk (3-mile round trip) to a place for breakfast and enjoy the warm air and bright sunshine. And that's all she wrote, except for some ab/core work in the evening.

A Fun Florida Friday!
You know the drill...when in Florida, find a friend to to run with. Or is that just me? As luck would have it, all the stars, moons and planets aligned and it worked out to meet up with Montana  (Pretty Lil Mudder) for an early-morning 7-mile run. One of the great things about a blogger/friend meet-up is that it feels more like a reunion than a first-time get-together. We got to chat, laugh, run and witness a breathtakingly beautiful sunrise over the bay.

Simply Saturday.
Even though I was on vacay, I wanted to squeeze in a short lower-body workout before the morning officially started. Nothing fancy and nothing grand, but every little bit builds a little more strength. So, here's what went down, literally:

*20 basic squats
*10 push-ups
*20 walking lunges (each side)
*20 sumo squats
*10 push-ups
*20 back-step lunges (each side)
*20 jump squats
*10 push-ups
*20 side-step lunges (each side)

Short but sweet, this little workout took all of 12 minutes and had me glistening and glowing. The hubs and I also took a short walk before commencing the day.

Sun-seeking Sunday.
The sun isn't always visible, even in the sunshine state...but I know it's there, behind the clouds. What's a little bit of mist anyways? I got out for a 3-mile recovery run (of sorts). Remember the squats and lunges from the day prior? Yeah, so did my hammies and glutes. Alas, the DOMS indicate muscle work and growth, so all is well.

So, it wasn't an intense week, by any means, but there was enough action to keep me moving. After 10 consecutive days of running (most of which were 3.14-milers with the Week of Pi Challenge), I thought it wise to have a bit of a cut-back week. Running saw 12 miles, walking had 9 miles (more on tap for Sunday afternoon), and biking logged 27 miles. Also, there were a couple of ab/core workouts, one upper-body and one lower-body workout and one elliptical. Yadda Yadda Yadda.
In case you missed out, here's what else went down:

In other news:

Coming up, I have the Chocoholic Frolic 5K  next weekend (Iowa City, IA). It's a live race for me, but there's also a virtual option available. I ran this for the first time in 2019. Last year it had to go virtual, so I'm looking forward to running this in person again! If you're interested in joining me, code CHOCKIM will save you $5 on your registration. There's some sweet swag to be had! 

I realize that center parts are trending right now...but UGH. I gave it a try this week, but it's (still) totally not my gig. Even with an attempted side pony, it still was not a flattering look. Once and done LOL.

And March Madness has been quite maddening. The Ohio State Buckeyes totally blew my bracket, then Purdue and Tennessee followed suit. I won't even touch on the heartbreak from Michigan State. 

...but the Iowa Hawks are still going strong!

So, that's the latest and greatest. We head back to Iowa Monday morning, so I'll be hit and miss on reading/replying to the link-ups...fair warning. I will get back to everyone, but it may not happen as timely as desired. 

How are things in your world? Are you following the March Madness with the NCAA tournament? Center hair parts...yay or no way? Did the spring weather arrive? Exercise on vacay: do you make an effort to get it done, even if it's not as intense?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. How ironic to need your plane de-iced to get to Florida. I’m glad you made it and are enjoying the sunshine! I am ready for a getaway, but still waiting to get vaccinated ....

  2. Props to those who can pull off a center part, but it's never going to be my thing. How fun that you are in FL with Montana! I can't wait to get back to FL.

    1. The center part didn’t work on me years ago, and it still looks dorky. Definitely not gonna be my thing ever again...

  3. My hair won't even GO in a center part. I tried and it said no.

    I'm so glad you had a wonderful time in the sunshine state. I know it might not have been great weather, but I'm sure it was warmer than in Iowa!

    K just put on March Madness right now. I can't get into it.

    1. Even dreary weather in Florida is still snow-less weather. It was just great for a quick getaway!

  4. The center part is not a flattering look on me - I'm going to remain blissfully off-trend LOL!

    So glad you were able to escape for a few days! Hopefully the sunshine and warmth will follow you home :)

    1. I’m blissfully off-trend, too :-) Temps aren’t lovely (back home), but they’re dry. Onward!

  5. Welcome to the Sunshine State! Sorry about all those clouds, ha ha. You definitely won't have to wait while they de-ice the plane for your departure! Hope your last day here is warm and fun.

    1. Temps weren’t “Florida warm,” but we’re “Iowa bearable.” Nice place to escape to!

  6. it always feel good to get away! So fun that you met up with Montana and got to run together! Very fun. Enjoy your sunshine

    1. Awesome to get away! The Montana run was a great bonus :-)

  7. I haven't tried my hair in a center part, but I don't think it would work for me. Hope you're having a fun trip and that you get some more sun while you're there!

    1. My face is too narrow for a center part...and I have several awkward cowlicks as well. Not meant to be...

  8. How cool that you got to meet Montana for a run! I really love that part of our little blogging world.

    No on the center part from me as well; AND I work far too hard to stay fit and trim to wear frumpy mom jeans ever again!

    Enjoy the rest of your vacation!

    1. Ha ha!! Yes on shunning the mom jeans! Those will not be happening in my world either LOL

  9. I have never thought about my hair part until now. And I typically do side or middle part but now I'm super conscious of it - and lately it has been middle part. I'm jealous of your warm weather stint and travel!

    1. I seldom part my hair in the exact same place each time, but it just looks scary on me if I don’t have it off-center. I’m glad we have options:-)

  10. I'm ready for a getaway but probably won't travel anywhere this year. I'm hoping to do some travel next year (fingers crossed)! Glad that you're enjoying your time in Florida and that you were able to meet up with Montana! :)

    1. I was leery of airline travel, but felt safe. I was impressed with everyone’s compliance, though.

  11. Nice job working out on vacation, Kim, although it sounds like you needed that slightly less intense week. I think most people would look at what we do -- even me! -- and just shake their heads, thinking it's a lot of activity. :)

    No thanks on the center part. My hair just won't do it anyway!

    1. I’m just used to being active, so even on vacation I don’t sit around much :-) The center part has always looked dorky on me, even when it was in style. I gave it one last chance...and, no thanks LOL

  12. Lucky you got to get away! The hubs won't get on a plane until he's vaccinated. Have fun!

    1. Always great to get away! We haven’t been on a plane since late 2019; I was impressed with everyone’s compliance with the protocol measures.

  13. No way to a centre part, I just look like a miserable hippie! My part is naturally on the side, anyway. Good work and well done for getting away. No planes for us still for a good while but we're busying ourselves keeping on with the Spanish learning and planning places to visit to think about purchasing a holiday home.

    1. It seems like more are shunning the center part than embracing it LOL

  14. Yay for a Florida getaway! My bracket was mostly busted with the Ohio loss too... but there's still hope for Michigan, right? :) A middle part would feel super weird in my hair. Not to mention all of the dark hair and grey it would reveal. yikes!

    1. My entire bracket has been destroyed...I had OSU winning the championship LOL Oh well, the games are still fun to watch regardless of who wins.

  15. SO glad we got the chance to meet up and run! It was such a great run and those sunrises never disappoint. Plus we got some nice weather! I'm taking advantage of that while I still can haha!

    Glad you've enjoyed your time in Florida! My bracket got busted with Ohio and Purdue too. Ugh.

    1. I just witnessed Iowa nite the dust, so I’m totally out LOL There are a few upsets that may help my cause, if they happen. Yes, it was great getting to run together!

  16. Sounds like a fun getaway and how great to meet up with another blogger for a run! Glad you had a good time :)

    1. Florida is always a fun place to visit! We usually get there every spring...that didn’t happen last year.

  17. Glad you were able to get away to FL. How cool that you met Montana! I do like the center part. I do like it on you. Now I must try it.

    1. Florida was a great little getaway...we didn’t get there last year, so it was nice to return :-)

  18. So happy to hear that you got to Florida - it's wonderful to get away...and run in shorts. I agree about blogger meet-ups - Blogger friends are the best.

    I feel the same about the center part. Doesn't matter too much since I have bangs - they're probably not in style, right?

    1. Ha ha ha, it’s great I have so much agreement on the center part thing! It definitely felt great to run in shorts :-)

  19. I used to be a center part person when they weren't in, now that they're "in", my hair is growing out and it doesn't work for me. If it doesn't work for me, I don't care if it's cool
    Totally re agree re: reunions vs. meetings. Glad you're having a good getaway.

    1. I desperately tried to make the center part work (many years ago). It looked horrible (on me) then and it still does now...

  20. still think it's so great you got to run with Montana!!

    middle part - did it for years and years when I had the Betty Page bangs, but now that those have grown out I let my own natural part be.

    march madness - never really had a clue about that stuff and still don't!

    definitely always have an active vacation. I just prefer it that way!

    1. Yay!! Active vacationers, unite!! It’s like brushing our teeth LOL

  21. My bad I didn't even realize you were in FL until yesterday! SHeesh! Sorry it's been on the chilly side there. My hair just sort of went to a side part by itself the other day. I didn't care for it either. Ha! You are wise to take a cutback week!

    1. The cutback week fit in perfectly with our travel plans, so it was a no-brainer. Even though it was chilly (by Florida standards), it was warmer than what we’d left behind. All good!
