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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Grab Your Cup, Let's Huddle!

The recent Iowa weather has been windy. And the temps have been cold. 

After a beautiful taste of early summer, the (current) frigid outdoors have left much to be desired. Nothing that a warm beverage can't fix, right?

How about we huddle together (virtually, still) and share some conversation around a (virtual) table. Care to join me?  

Let me go first...

If we were huddled, over coffee, I'd want to talk biking.
With the brief warm-up a couple weeks ago, I brought dear Gustavas out of storage. We took a very short ride, and the sunshine felt incredible. It was so nice to be back on the street, pedaling to our hearts' content. Ironically, a bunch of cycling-inspired ads have been popping up all over the place (cycling jerseys, come to Momma!). Just yesterday morning, I learned of the 2021 Bicycle Brew BBQ Ride, happening Memorial Day weekend. The hubs and I, along with several friends, did this ride last year (recap HERE), only it happened in late August (right after my stress fracture). To say I'm ready to reunite with my friends, on wheels, would be a drastic understatement.

If we were huddled, over coffee, I'd curse the wind (loudly, and without reservation).
Honestly, the wind was been so mean! Even with a decently warm day (just one decently warm day, BTW), the 30mph winds were crazy tough. The cross winds made it difficult to to run in a straight line, the tailwind made me feel like I was about to face plant. And the headwind? The headwind nearly blew me back across the street I'd just crossed after turning the corner.

If we were huddled, over coffee, I'd gush over how much I'm loving the stairway.
A couple months ago, I started doing 10 flights of stairs as part of my warm-up for all of my runs. I also do a few dynamic stretches, but the stairs are really making a difference in my running. It's been said that hills are speedwork in disguise. Well, I have said that I think stairs are like hills on steroids. I haven't done any speedwork, since way before my stress fracture (mid-August), but I've been faithfully climbing stairs...and the two races I have done both rewarded me with faster-than-expected finish times. I don't think that's a coincidence.

By the way, I'm also training for the Fight for Air Climb (May 15th, in Des Moines). This will be my 8th year climbing, on behalf of the American Lung Association. Due to Covid, this year we're climbing outside, at Principal Park (the baseball stadium for the Iowa Cubs). If you're interested in supporting the cause, my fundraising page is HERE.

If we were huddled, over coffee, I'd share a spontaneous workout "hack."
We spent a few days in Florida, recently. I knew we would be busy while there, but I hadn't had time to get in an upper-body workout prior to leaving. My solution? I brought some dumbbells along, for the 50-minute car ride to the airport. I did several sets of hammers, biceps, modified rows, and static holds (in various positions) while the hubby drove the car. Problem solved!

If we were huddled, over coffee, I'd tell you how March played out for me.
I've been gradually increasing my long runs, as well as keeping consistent with 3-4 runs/week. BTW, those 83 miles of running, for March, are the highest I've seen since July. Even with the recent cold spell, March blessed me with some decent walking miles. I've been on the indoor bike 2-3 times/week, but I look for those indoor miles to be tapering off as the weather warms up. And, obviously, the stairs are back in rotation as I prepare for the Fight for Air Climb.

So, please excuse my while I refill my cup (we've been entertaining sub-freezing temps in Iowa the past few days). Thankfully, the snow has stayed away.

Anything you'd like to share, as we huddle? What would you be drinking? How did your March play out, in terms of fitness? Did you experience a nasty cold spell this week also?

 Since it's the first weekend of the month, I'm linking this with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
Let's connect : Facebook Instagram  Pinterest Twitter


  1. We too are at near-record lows and the temps in the teens last night were most unwelcome. That bike ride sounds fun. It's fun to think ahead to Memorial Day actually. My fingers just about froze off on a run last week. Did not think to wear gloves. My bad.

    1. Our temps made it up to 50 this afternoon, but the wind is still pretty brutal. We do have a nice sunny weekend on tap, though. Hopefully, Momma N won't change her mind.

  2. Enjoy that bike ride this year!

    Plenty of wind here, my trellis (which isn't very heavy) got knocked over twice and the outdoor run on my Yoga platform blew off a few times until I put rocks on it. Plus we have snow on the ground today, so that should answer the other question. :)

    Great job on your comeback, Kim!

    1. Thankfully, no snow here. The wind has been absolutely insane this week, 20-30 mph steady wind and 50mph gusts at times.

  3. You know I am a fan of the dumbbells on vacation!! Did you hubs also think you were nuts? Gotta get it done. You have done a great job on getting your running mileage back up!

    1. Ha, yes, he rolled his eyes. The dumbbells stayed in the car, though, at the airport. I just wanted to get in a little bit of strength work before leaving on the plane.

  4. Enjoy your bike. Mine is still in the basement...too cold and now we have snow on the ground ugh.

    Yes March was windy... I did all my runs outside but many were not pleasant.

    1. I'd love to enjoy my bike, but the wind has been nutzo! I'd hoped to ride Monday afternoon (temps were in the 70F's), but the 30mph ended that idea.

  5. The wind seemed to be a constant this month and we're back to sub-freezing temps. Whatever game Mother N is playing I wish she'd keep it to herself! LOL

    That BBQ Ride sounds like so much fun - a perfect way to kickoff summer!

    You had an awesome March!

    1. Mother N has really been a piece of work! The BBQ ride was a lot of fun last year (and I was nursing my stress fracture at the time), so I'm really looking forward to a more carefree ride this time around.

  6. I know what you mean about the wind. I stopped fighting it and just walked. Knowing you I am NOT surprised about the dumbbells and working out in the car. :-)

    1. The car workout was such a spontaneous idea LOL Heck, it was 50 minutes of sitting still...why not capitalize on it?

  7. It got cold again here too. Where did the spring weather go? I am trying to picture how you were able to lift dumbbells in the car!

    1. Well, the dumbbell workout was very modified. The curls were easy peasy. The static holds were a no-brainer. There weren't any shoulder presses, though LOL

  8. I know I've been talking about starting up biking (and get re-inspired to every time I see your posts) for ages but guess who FINALLYYYYY started this week! I've gone twice so far and it's been a lot of fun now that the weather's nice again! (Sorry to hear about the wind on your end though! :[ )

    I like that workout hack idea! :] Glad you've been able to stay consistent with your runs too!

    1. Yay!!!! Glad to hear about the bike ;-) Yeah, the wind is a buzzkill on wheels!

  9. I didn't technically join the coffee date, but I'm drinking my favorite Starbucks tea right now- Earl Grey. Don't ask me why, but their Earl Grey is better than any other one.
    We're having a weird cooldown here as well! For Florida, that means it was in the 50s and windy for my run this morning. Unusual for the beginning of April, but I'll take it!
    Nice job on the March stats- you had a great month despite the weather.
    And... I wish I had stairs in my house! I think you're right- it totally helped your speed for those races.

    1. I've been doing stair workouts for several years, but I have upped my game (no pun intended LOL) in recent years...doing more sets at a time, varying the step length (double/triple steps), and incorporating HIIT workouts with them (with burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, jump rope, etc.). The possibilities are endless!

  10. The weather here has been windy and cold too. I took my grandson to the park today. He found other kids to play with and we stayed for 3 hours!!! I was freezing!!! Sorry for the little ramble there.

    The Bicycle Brew BBQ ride sounds awesome! So glad it is happening this year. Great workout stats for March. Good luck with the stair climb.

    1. Yikes, where is all this wind coming from? It seems like we're all getting smacked with it.

  11. It’s great that you were able to get your bike out even if it was briefly. As you know I’ve been on my bike and loving it.
    The wind is my least favorite weather condition.
    I don’t have stairs in my house but i do them at work sometimes.

    1. Your biking pics are making me green with envy ;-) It won't be much longer before I'll be able to get outside on mine, though. Maybe even later this afternoon...?

  12. Bravo to the Fight for Air Climb for moving things outside this year! And what a good idea to use stairs as a warm up. If we were having coffee, you'd see me taking notes.

    1. Using the stairs for a warm-up was an idea that just came to me a few months ago. For me, it's a perfect warm-up because it utilizes almost every muscle below my belt. Not to mention the cardio that gets kick-started!

  13. I have not gotten the bike out yet...too cold and windy!

    1. The wind has been insane here...hoping for an outdoor ride this afternoon, though. I'll need to flush out my legs after my run ;-)

  14. O yes, the wind is here in all its spring glory! And although the sun is shining bright, it's a chilly wind!

    So how do you do these stair workouts? Do you run up and down? Do you do a certain amount of ups and downs? Or do you set a time and see how many ups and downs you can do in that amount of time? I need to utilize my stairs more...lol

    1. Yes, I just run up and down. Actually, I take the steps "two at a time," so it's more like a fast "inclined hike" as opposed to a run, and I usually walk back down. I usually do them in sets of 10 (if I'm filtering them into a HIIT workout), or else I'll just pick a number (like 50 flights) and just go up & down until I reach that number. The possibilities are endless!

  15. Girl I am so ready to get my bike out. I thought it was going to happen last week.

    I'll have a double espresso and tell you that I had a good March as far as fitness was concerned. I feel like it's becoming more like I "want" to than I "have" to. I would like to ramp up my running kilometers but to be honest I'm still taping my knee because it sometimes feels unstable, so I better just wait. Sigh.

    Fun hack in the car! Very clever!

    1. You have really kept active and busy! It's wise to take things easy with your knee...no need to rush things, but all the walking you do is phenomenal ;-)

  16. Oh, my gosh! When are you going to release your Training In Odd Places plan???? You could make millions on car workouts, stair workouts, and front porch workouts! I love it!

  17. Oh my goodness, I can just picture you using those dumbbells while Pat drives to the airport. Now I feel badly that I didn't have any in my Jeep when I picked you up at Reagan National! LOL

    Shhh, don't tell anyone, but I think cycling clothes are a lot cuter than running clothes. I'm anxiously awaiting two new kits to arrive in the mail in the next week or so!

  18. I don't think I could handle Iowa wind, lol! Thankfully our weather has warmed back up but we still have been having random cold snaps!

    That's awesome that stair climbing has been so beneficial for your running! And glad to hear your Stair Climb is on - I'm still waiting to hear what they're going to do in Philly as an outdoor venue, though I probably won't be able to participate this year.
