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Thursday, May 27, 2021

5 Mayfessions for Friday

While the mayham was at the minimum, the month's fly-by-fast momentum was at the max.

Crazy how the (almost) 31 days of May seemed to have gone much faster than the 30 of April. But who am I to complain? May ushered us away from all the cold crap of Winter, and now we are approaching the official start of Summer. 

Before I cue the warm weather bliss, allow me to share a few Mayfessions...

First of all, you know I'm a warm weather gal. I will gladly persevere through the heat and humidity of Summer, usually with a genuine smile, before settling for the freezing cold of Winter. Recently, we had a 10-day streak of high-humidity (upwards of 99%, on the daily, I kid you not). Granted the temps were moderate (mid-60F's -70F's), and there was daily rain as well. But, the humidity was off the charts for this time of year. I sweatfess, even I appreciate a period of transitional temps. Thankfully, Momma N relented, and pardoned some of that ridiculousness the past couple days...but there may have been temps in the high-40F's range on Friday. #FacePalm

Speaking of those warm and humid "early summer" conditions, a couple of my 1-mile time trials took place in the midst of all that. Yeah. As if those 1-milers weren't already tough LOL. All I can say is "WHEW! I'm glad to have those in the rear view mirror!" There's an upcoming blog post in the works, highlighting some details, insight, thoughts and takeaways, but suffice it to say that I was very impressed with what my legs could do. Hello? New PR of 7:13 (and a 7:14 as well)! Even so, I'm gonna trackfess it here and now...my fondness for the track is still pretty bleak. #JustNotMyGig

Did you catch the full moon Wednesday evening? I put out an invite (on Monday), on our town's local running/fitness page, asking if anyone would be interested in a Full Moon Run. We met at 9:00PM, and ran a 5-mile out-and-back (most of which was on the bike path), and witnessed the moon rising on the way back into town. Why-oh-why have I not thought of doing this before now? I moonfess, I'm already scheming to make this a monthly event. #RunningWithFriends

Coming up, on Sunday, is a group ride for the hubs and I. This is the ride that started it all, just after my stress fracture diagnosis. The event got bumped up to Memorial Day weekend (from the original late-August date), so most of our friends aren't able to join us. But, oh well. I bikefess, I'm still looking forward to saddling-up Gustavas and hitting the trails! PS, the weather is looking perfect! #CoupleTime

Lastly, I sometimes have to scratch my head, in wonder, at what makes a pic so appealing. After last weekend's long run, I wanted to highlight my new Brooks Glycerin 19's. The "best" pic I had didn't look that great (in my opinion)...the sun was behind me, so my face and body were shadowed, and the colors didn't look very dramatic. But, I reasoned, the focus of the pic was the shoe and not the selfie-taker (LOL). Well, this pic garnered a lot more attention than anticipated. The Insta "insights" were crazy high, and the feedback, on a Facebook group page, nearly exploded. I artgeekfess, I'm still not seeing the attraction of it. #TotalConfusion

So, there you go. I've (momentarily) bared my soul (as well as my soles), and I'll be able to sleep much better. Onward!

How about you...do you have anything that needs 'fessing? Did it get hot and humid in your area, too? Speedwork on the track...yay or nay? Ever had a less-than-desirable pic that everyone seemed to like a lot more than you?

 I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. I can't imagine running at 9pm since Im in bed a that time! I did get to see the full moon on Thursday morning at 5 though. Instagram is so strange with how it shows certain pics to more people. I'll never understand the algorithm!

    1. I have done a couple of full moon runs, but they've been on my own (and often times, in the wee hours of morning). This was a fun adventure...glad there were others who were just as crazy as me ;-)

  2. I'm with Lisa on the full moon run. Not only am I in bed at that time, too, I'd be wired after that & have a very difficult time falling asleep (and I was restless the last few nights already). Other than that, it does sound awesome, LOL!

    We got hot, although really not that humid. I know Darlene disagrees with me, but she's never lived in TX. Gives a whole new meaning to humidity. The problem is it keeps going back and forth between hot & cold!

    1. It was in the mid/upper 60F's for our run, and the wind was barely blowing. Total perfection...then yesterday arrived. The wind returned with a vengeance, the rain came back, and the temps took a major nosedive. UGH.

  3. I love the idea of a full-moon run. Reminds me of the one Ragnar I ran a million years ago. Great job at the track. You may know the oval office is my favorite and it's where running began for me. The hot/humid weather we had is looking pretty dang good right now as I sit here with the heat on and it's 40 degrees out and pouring. Ugh.

    1. I know you love the track ;-) I guess I never developed an affection for it because I didn't run track in my younger days. And, the track usually signified something BAD was about to happen in gym class LOL

  4. Our weather was all over the place this week, including big storms on Wednesday so no big moon sightings here. I used to enjoy speedwork at the track but haven’t done it since we got Scooby. ;-)

    1. This track is really close by (not even a 1/4-mile if I go "cross-country" on the golf course. I just prefer hill sprints and Fartleks on the street for speedwork. This track series, though, was great for getting me out of my comfort zone.

  5. Great job on the 1 mile time trials. I don’t know why you don’t like them. I feel like I can do anything for 7 or 8 minutes. :-)
    I didn’t realize your moon run was at 9:00. That’s kind of late for me. I was struggling with my 6:30pm run but once it was over and I was showered I felt so relaxed and slept well that night.

    1. I don't mind running 1-mile runs, I'm just not a fan of the track. All those circles are boring for me, even with the challenge of bettering my speed LOL I slept well after my moon run; better than I thought. I think my legs were fatigued from the 1-mile thing (in the early hours), so the extra miles under the moon had more of a calming effect than an endorphin buzz.

  6. I would have been totally on board with a full moon run.

    Yes, I think the track is perfect for speed work. I plan to go t here more often to do some.

    Our weather has been crazy - hot and now cold and rainy. You know which one I prefer.

    Since Judy did not run that 5k race in 90% humidity, she shouldn't compare it to TX. Crazy, huh?

    1. Well, you know I prefer the hot weather, too. Maybe we should organize a virtual full-moon run amongst us bloggers sometime? After all, we all share the same moon ;-)

  7. I did not know that you had other running friends other than Barb. That's fun that you had a nice group for your moon run.

    1. Oh yes, there are many running friends here...we just can never coordinate our schedules. It turns out that two of the gals, who ran with us Wednesday, run together at 4:30 AM once a week (one is a teacher, the other the principal, at one of the schools). So, there's talk of maybe meeting up once in awhile in the early hours...stay tuned!!

  8. I'm not an art expert, but I agree there's something cool about that picture. Maybe because it looks so dramatic, your pose and the sky behind.
    I'm looking forward to the blog post on your miles! I miss the track- I don't have one that's convenient for me right now, but in the old days I did all my speedwork on the track.

    1. I've never been a fan of the track. For me, it's just kind of monotonous. That said, I do see the value in utilizing it for speedwork because of that monotonous aspect. (but I much prefer a good stairway or a hill LOL)

  9. Your full moon run sounds like fun - wish I lived closer :)

    For someone who's not fond of the track I say you did a great job with your mile trails! I love the track - still my favorite place for speedwork.

    I don't know what to make of the weather anymore. After the crazy hot streak we just had, the temps have dropped and we're in for rain all weekend ;( Enjoy your group ride on Sunday!

    1. Yeah, I know I'm kind of the exception to the track love. That was part of the reason for doing the 1-mile trials on the track...to get me out of my comfort zone. I wish you lived closer, too!!!!!

  10. Our weather keeps going back and forth here, I'm just trying to embrace whatever comes my way, though I can't stand the heat and humidity! That's a really cool pic, it's funny how the pics we're intentional about don't get the results that the unintentional photos do! I think it looks really cool! And congrats on your 7:13, I'm not a fan of the track either lol!

    1. Right? I'll post some pics that I've carefully used a funky camera angle and had just the right amount of color and "filerting"...and they get average feedback LOL I'm still not a fan of the track either, but that's the reason I need to just make myself suck it up and play there on occasion.

  11. Wow!!! A 7:13 mile? Girl, you are speedy. That is awesome. Way to go. Love your Full Moon Run idea. A group of friends used to do that each month. We would run, then go back to someone's house for food, drinks, and conversation. It was fun. Maybe I should try to get that going again. Have fun at your group ride this weekend!

    1. Thank you, Laurie, but don't be too impressed...it was just one mile LOL There's no way I could have held that pace for much longer (and I'm alright with that reality). Oh, the Full Moon Run was so much fun! One of my local friends (who wasn't able to join us) has been doing these runs for the past (almost) three years, year-round!

  12. I've stopped trying to figure out why some photos are a hit and others, not so much. I think some of my most "popular" posts have been with subpar photos (in my opinion). Although I will say that I really liked that the photo you posted!

    1. Yeah, the photo thing really is a mystery. I'm such an art geek, I often times notice the unique camera angles or play of light (or even filter enhancement) on pics from others...and I'm still stumped on this pic of mine LOL

  13. Yeah, you won't catch me running at 9 pm--that is past my bedtime!

  14. I love that you reached out for a moonrise run. that is so cool!! I would love to do something like that! I used to run in the evenings with SocialMile and some nights were just magical with the full moon.

    I love running on the track - I feel the least fraudulent as a runner there. I know I'm a runner by the way but you know how imposter syndrome works...

    1. Ha ha...I know that imposter syndrome (cough cough #speedwork LOL).

  15. It's been years since I've run on the track. One day I did 12x400 and it was exhausting. I'd rather not do that again on the track. I did see you post about the run and maybe if I lived closer I would have joined you. A big maybe since at 9pm I am getting ready for bed.

    1. I have a stretch of sidewalk I prefer to the track because it's a straight run. Running in circles (numerous times) just doesn't inspire me...

  16. That’s a really
    Cool photo lol!

    My husband sent me a photo of the moon on Wednesday and i was so out of it from meds that I had no idea it was a super moon or whatever was happening. Apparently, it was really gorgeous.

    I have never done a track workout. Tracks aren’t public here.

    1. The moon looked so cool! I always forget how HUGE it looks as it's just rising above the horizon (because I usually don't see it until it's much higher in the sky).
