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Monday, May 3, 2021

Crafting the Perfect Running Outfit

It's been said before...running is SO very personal.

We all have differing preferences when it comes to a favorite distance, a desired speed, or time of day for logging the miles. Some of us run daily; some less frequent. Many of us participate in races, and some chose to run just for the joy of it.

It's all good. We're lucky such a sport exists that allows for such individuality.

I'd bet a new pair of shoes that most of us LOVE our running gear, though. How we go about piecing together running/workout outfits, though, is where it gets interesting. What works like a charm for one runner, may not be comfortable for others.  That's all good, too.

Here's my take on crafting the perfect running outfit...

First of all, comfort is paramount for me. I have gone through phases where I loved skirts, but in the past few years I've been preferring shorts. I used to wear a lot of the shirts from races (because most of them were made of tech material), but I got frustrated with the unflattering crew necklines that most of those shirts featured. Also, I like a more fitted silhouette these days, so the boxy shape of most of those shirts gets the thumbs-down now. Give me a tank and shorts and I'll be quite content.

Give me some color! It's no secret I love bright colors. I also like juxtaposing non-traditional (clashing) colors together. Because, why not? Who says the tops and bottoms have to be all matchy-matchy? You might notice I don't own very many pairs of black bottoms, either. A favorite hashtag of mine is #GoBrightOrGoHome, and I'm not afraid to use it.

I'm a strong believer in creative hacks. I also like saving a few (or several) dollars when I can. For example, I have a lot more "summer" headbands than I do "winter" ones...so I've been known to layer a lightweight headband over a fleece one during the winter months. Probably my favorite hack, is to use cut-off knee socks for arm warmers. They're much more affordable (and usually warmer) than ones you'd find in a running store, so there's not much money lost if you choose to discard them in a race. Also, a cut-off sock makes a great layering option during the colder months, under a jacket.

Combating the cold is key for me. I detest being cold, even if it's just for the first couple miles of a long race or training run. My favorite, fool-proof cold weather piece is a puffer vest. I use the term "puffer" rather loosely here...these are not the bulky, marshmallow-man type of vests, but they do have some filler. For myself, a vest gives just enough warmth without being too stuffy. Like I said, being even slightly cold is a no-go for me, so a vest is a great option (but I know this would be too warm for many others).

...and let's not forget the fine art of compromise. I have found that as long as my top half is sufficiently warm, the bottom half can hold its own. That's why you'll sometimes see me in shorts, with a long-sleeved top, during the transitional seasons. Or, if the temps are especially tricky (damp, windy, or cold, with questionable potential to warm up), I'll opt for shorts with compression socks/sleeves for just a little more coverage.

Now, let me remind you I have been doing this running gig for upwards of 16 years. There have been all sorts of trials and errors in that time. These days, I  finally have a good idea of what works for me. Of course, there are days when I'll leave the house in what seems like a perfect outfit only to regret my wardrobe choice(s) long before the run ends. If nothing else, running keeps me humble. But it keeps me coming back for more. 

A few related posts:

So, that's a quick peek into my personal (running) fashion know-how. Hey, it's what works for me.

How about you? Do you have any tried and true strategies for running gear? Any favorite wardrobe combos? Do you prefer to mix & match your pieces or go matchy-matchy?

I'm linking this with Kim and Zenaida for the Tuesday Topics Link-Up

I'm also linking with Debbie, DeborahLisaLaura and Jenn for the Runners' Roundup

By the way...are you following me on social media? 
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  1. I've just been to a 5k fun race where the theme was "neon". It was great to see all the runners dressed up in happy, bright colours!
    I need to try a puffer vest. I guess if you have a warm torso it will also help to keep the arms and hands warm. Thanks for the idea, Kim!

    1. Yes, I bet that neon race was fun & bright! The vests are a perfect fit for me and my distaste of winter (and cold weather in general). They keep me warm enough...but not overheated.

  2. Comfort is always the most important for me, too! And I love color as well. We need to be seen out there, right?

    My biggest pet peeve is that I can tolerate being cold at the start (a little), but I do a cool down walk and I can get so chilled on that! So I'm usually a little warmer, and that's why God created zippers. :)

    1. I think I just have a better tolerance of the summer heat and extremely low tolerance of anything colder LOL

  3. I love vests! You’re right they give you just the right amount of warmth. My work gave us ja jacket or a vest and I chose the vest and it’s perfect at work when the air conditioning is blasting.
    My favorite outfit is a long sleeve top and shorts. I’m surprised you don’t wear Ink N Burn. They have so many wild bright prints.

    1. I love most of the INB stuff...it's just a bit pricy (IMHO) That said, they had an absolutely beautiful dragonfly kit, several years ago, and I really regret not at least getting the shirt. I've never thought of looking for it online, though...maybe ebay?

  4. I agree with you - comfort over everything! There's nothing worse than having to constantly fix a shirt or a pair of shorts during a run.

    1. I seldom buy shorts with pockets (or don't use the pockets if they're already there) because I hate the feeling of something falling down. I ran a half (a couple years ago) and tried carrying my phone in the pocket along the back waistband...and I wound up carrying my phone in my hand because the waistband started sagging once it got sweaty LOL Totally NOT fun!

  5. My wardrobe choices have evolved over the years, especially when it comes to shorts. Since I've been working with Sammy Jo, my thighs have gotten bigger and so my shorts have gotten longer, lol. I can't abide by chafing!

    1. Agreed...chafing is a no-go. As much as I hate being cold, I've been a lot braver wearing shorts in temps I would have previously opted for capris or full tights...so I am evolving...some...

  6. You know I love my colors too! I do like both skirts and shorts but I honestly think the tights are most comfy.

    1. I think I'm just so "done" with tights (after the cold winter), I'm doing all I can to avoid them. My legs are craving some sunlight!

  7. I don't really wear race shirts very often. I've been lucky to get alot of Brooks gear over the past 2 years which I wear all the time! I love running in shorts and a tank top.

    1. Shorts and tanks (with an occasional compression sleeve or arm warmer) is definitely my preferred outfit. I like that a lot of races are going with 1/4 zip jackets in recent years...I much prefer them to a shirt (although I am acquiring quite an extensive collection of those).

  8. Hands down that a tank and shorts is where it's at. I find that I almost never wear short sleeves for running. Out of all of the races that I've run there is only one racing shirt that's a regular part of my running wardrode, but it's a really great shirt.

    1. I sometimes wear short sleeves, but they have to be fitted (and it better be a brightly-colored shirt LOL). But, yes, I much prefer tanks.

  9. It'a funny that Ms. Birchwood Pie said that, because I also never wear short sleeves. I can't explain why, but I don't like running in a t-shirt. Living in Florida it's shorts year-round, sports bra in the summer, tank top in the winter, and for those days where the temps really dip down, I'll wear a long sleeve shirt. I've also done the knee sock- arm warmer hack on occasion!

    1. The knee sock-arm warmer is something I'd seen (many years ago), and I wish I had the patent on it. I actually have a couple pairs of socks that I intended to toss while racing, but wound up keeping them because (1)it never got warm enough and (2)the colors/patterns were too cool to discard ;-)

  10. You do love your bright colors and they always look great on you!

    I tend to wear a lot of technical race finisher shirts, though a lot of them are feeling a bit snug since Baby E's arrival. This time of year I prefer shorts, but usually wear capris on longer runs. My favorite season to dress is in the fall when I can wear shorts and a long-sleeved T-shirt!

    1. I love the shorts and long-sleeved short combo, too! It's the best of both worlds!!

  11. I love to mix and match. I want pants that don't fall down, shorts that don't ride up, shirts that aren't too form fitting, and a bra that holds the girls in place. If I have those, I'm golden.

    1. I have one pair of capris that have the most awesome (funky) pattern, but the waist is just big enough that they always sag on me. They don't fall down, per se, but the waistband sags just enough that they FEEL like they're gonna fall. Alas, I wear them for biking now, and not running/walking.

  12. I am a short sleeve/tank and shorts kind of girl. I would love to run in that year round. Normally I don't run in a vest because I feel like I will still be cold...and I have own a few vests!!

    Thank you for linking up with us!

    1. A Lot of times, I layer the arm sleeves under a long-sleeved short in the winter. It's a perfect combo with the vest without all the under-arm "bulk" you'd have from a jacket.

  13. I love a lot of color too, though sometimes I'll go mostly black with just a flash of color for a change. I usually wear skirts, but lately I've been adding in some short. I miss the pockets of skirts though! I agree, if my top half is warm, I'm good with something lighter on the bottom.

  14. Long sleeve and shorts is my favorite combo for running. I prefer neutral colors, but I love a pop of blue or red.
