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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Just A Jugglin'

It was an interesting week, in  more ways than one.

There were plenty of switcheroos happening, changes of routine, and juggling of workouts. Most everything got done, but there were a few instances of unplanned rest as well. Oh, and there was a new venue to an old favorite event. 

Best of all?  I'm still standing, and I'm smiling as I do so.

Before I share the topsy-turvy details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

 I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 1:00 (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what down this week, in my little corner of the world:

Another #NeverMissAMonday
Up and out the door, not any too bright but plenty early, for a quick 2-miler before work. Temps were brisk (in the upper 40F's). Since I was only planning for a couple miles, I risked leaving the gloves at home. After work, the temps had warmed up some, but the wind had picked up rather dramatically. I took Gustavas out for a ride, but called it at five miles due to the wind. I tried taking Max for a walk, but we only made it a mile. Ugh, I swear, the wind has just been psychotic this Spring...more so than usual!

Kind of a #TypicalTuesday
Holy Near-Freeze Fest, Batman! Look closely, I'm back in a puffer vest and headband LOL At least we had plenty of bright sunshine for our 2-mile walk in the early hours of morning.

It had warmed up (a bit), so I decided to head out for 15 miles of biking after work. Only...the wind was still not playing nice. With the steady wind and the frequent wind gusts, as well as the bright sun, the "feels-like" temps flipped from one extreme to the other depending on which direction I was going. The arm warmers were needed with the headwind, but I was a sweaty mess with a tail wind. I decided to cut this ride short as well, at 10 miles. I did get in another 1-mile walk afterwards, so there's that. 

Instead of my usual #5at5 with Barb, I was in a car with the hubby, en route to the hospital in Iowa City. Just a minor out-patient procedure for him, but I needed to act as his personal chauffeur. We were on the road by 4:50 AM...so it was my "usual" Wednesday morning wake-up LOL. We didn't get back to town until 12:45, and I had to buzz through the COVID drive-through vaccination clinic (it had already been four weeks since my first shot). I got my shot, waited the allotted 20 minutes, and made it back home around 2:00. Remember those weekly 1-mile time trials? I knew the COVID vax would (probably) be hitting me by the next morning, so I suited-up and did my 1-mile warm-up run and then walked onto the track. It was warm and sunny, but those are my ideal conditions. I'd been up for almost 10 hours at that point, so I didn't have any grandiose goals of beating last week's time (7:21). I started the Garmin and proceeded to make my way around the track. The first lap showed 1:53 on the watch, the second showed an elapsed time of 3:55. My brain was tired, so the numbers didn't mean much, other than indicating I was keeping a sub-8 pace. I just tried to keep running strong, but didn't have the energy to "push" for anything harder. I can't remember what the third lap showed, but it felt like I was slowing down. As I was finishing the last lap, I noticed the hubby and Max, outside the track just as my watch beeped. At first glance, the numbers didn't register. Then, I remembered the 7:21 from last week...and realized the 7:13, showing on the watch, was an 8-second faster finish! Well, okay then!

Whoa! #VaxHangover on Thursday!
As predicted, I woke up in a state of semi "brain fog" with some fatigue. My energy felt compromised, but manageable, so I went ahead and met-up with Barb for our postponed #5at5.  We actually ran a decent pace (9:30ish), but it didn't feel like I was pushing myself. A couple hours later, though, the vaccine hangover hit me, and it hit me hard. I crashed on the couch, and was out for about 35 minutes while home for lunch (says the gal who never, ever takes naps). Later, I hit the couch, again, for 15-20 minutes of Zzz's after dinner. Needless to say, I slept quite soundly that night.

Still feeling like I'd been hit by a bus, I surrendered to a walk with the hubby and Max instead of a run or strength workout (as if, LOL). Thankfully, most of the body aches had subsided, but I was still feeling groggy. Oh well...I knew it wouldn't last forever (and it didn't...by mid-afternoon, about 48 hours post-shot, I felt about 90% like myself again). Whew! 

A #SunnySaturdaySurprise
All forecasts (including the news and both of my apps) were showing rain for Saturday morning, but **SuRpRiSe** the rain was a no-show. I had the Fight for Air Climb happening at 10:30 (See below), so there was time for a semi-long run before hitting the road at 9:00 for the drive to Des Moines. My body was feeling pretty much recovered, but I still had some major sinus gunk going on. Barb and I met up at 7:00 and ran our eight miles. The air felt damp, and there was some wind (no surprises there), but I was able to shed the arm warmers after the sun made an appearance. There was time for a quick rinse-off in the shower, and I made it to check-in by 10:20. 

With the overnight rain, the temps were feeling chilly and quite damp. The nasal gunk was still taking up residence, so labored breathing and non-stop nose blowing were still a reality. The idea of running got the thumbs-down, so I went for a 5-mile ride instead. Only, the joke was on me because after my ride, the hubby and Max and I went for a 2-mile walk...and the sun played hide-and-seek with us and the temps shot up. So, if the forecast rain stays away (like it's been doing), there may be an afternoon run happening. Or maybe just a longer walk. Or a nap (it's really anybody's guess LOL).

Like I said, it was an interesting week! The COVID vaccine hit me much harder this time than it did a month ago, and I had been warned that it might. I'm just glad I had the forethought to get the 1-mile time trial and the 5-miler done before things really got nasty.  As for this week's numbers, things are a little skewed due to the vax hangover: 17 miles running, 12 miles walked, 20 miles biked. No strength-training, but some stair-running and lots of garden squats. And so it goes. 

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! Who doesn't love a soft denim shirt? Kind of a wardrobe staple, if you ask me. It's definitely more casual than dressy, but can be glitzed up with a few accessories. Paired with white skinny jeans and strappy sandals, it's a perfect warm weather piece. Just don't forget your lipstick! I've been doing these #FridayFashionFlair posts, on Instagram, for over four years...they not only give me a showcase of inspiration when I'm needing to go shopping in my closet, and they show the world that I don't just wear workout gear LOL.

Here's a quick peek at some of the current in-bloom flowers. The Lilies of the Valley have long been a favorite, the Bleeding Hearts are just about done for the season, and the Irises are all ablaze!

Speaking of flowers and all things gardening...I spent a couple hours Saturday afternoon (post Climb) squatting and pulling A LOT of wayward grass and weeds put of our mailbox plot. This pic does not do the grandiose pile of cast-offs justice.

 And, finally, the Fight for Air Climb. This has been a favorite event since I first participated in 2013. I had to miss the Climb in 2019 (I was in DC for the Cherry Blossom 10-mile), and last year the event had to go virtual (so I climbed 100 flights without leaving my house). This year, they moved the venue to Principal Park, a baseball stadium. All went well, and I'll have a recap for you this next week, so stay tuned. 

So, that's another week down, and we're another week closer to Summer. 

How were things in your world this past week? Any training highlights? Any races? Any crazy juggling of runs, workouts, or (unexpected) nap time?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Glad you made it through your vax hangover! My 15 yo had her first dose yesterday and I'm hoping the side effects won't be too bad. Way to go on the strong time trial and congrats on the climb!

    1. Yeah the hangover was nasty...and with my having (supposedly) had the virus a few months ago, it was to be expected. Glad it was a short-term thing! I hope you daughter does alright and doesn't have much discomfort.

  2. Glad the second vaccine is done! Interesting how yours was a slow build to a kind of intense day or so! Hope your husband's procedure went okay.

    I had some stuffy sinus affects too. Great job on your 1 mile! Smart to get that done early :)

    Thanks for hosting the link-up Kim!

    1. My sinuses are driving me crazy...I don't think it's an allergy thing because it just hit me the day of the vaccine. It may just be a nasty cold that the vaccine made worse (?).

  3. You are killing it with your 1-mile time trials! 🙌🏼 Can't wait to read your stair climbing recap, too.

    I'm glad you're feeling better after your second vaccination. It's amazing how differently everyone feels. Our family was about 50/50 with "hit by a bus" versus practically no reaction.

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great week!

    1. This vaccine is no joke! I'm glad it's available, but it's wreaking a bit of havoc LOL The hubby was practically knocked out from it, as well, on both of his doses (we both had Moderna). But, hopefully, the worst is behind us, onward!!

  4. Glad you made it through your vaccine side effects. Way to crush that 1 minute time trial again! have a great week ahead

    1. Thanks, Deborah! These fast 1-mile times are exciting, but also have me nervous as to what's gonna happen the next week LOL

  5. Omg. You are amazingly fast even after your shot.

    Congrats on your climb too.

    1. Well, this 1-mile run was only an hour after the shot...there's no way that finish time would have happened the next day. But, thanks! It's been fun to see what these legs can do ;-)

  6. Sorry that the vaccine hit you harder. But congrats on your mile PR!

    Great job with the climb.

    It was definitely very chilly the beginning of the week (hence the winter-ish coat) but has warmed up enough that we ate outside yesterday & today.

    1. It's been pretty warm (most days) by noon, but some of those mornings were rather winter-like. We've been lucky to have a lot of sunshine, though.

  7. That vax hangover is real! People who don't get it probably wonder why we whine about it so much... but it can be intense. You had a great week in spite of it though- a new PR on your mile and the Climb! Can't wait to hear the recap!

    1. The vax hangover is affecting most everyone differently, so it's kind of a crap-shoot what's gonna happen until afterwards. I'm just glad it's a relatively short-term "suffering" period.

  8. Yay for being done with the vaccine!! The after effects hit me hard - great job staying active! And I love the denim shirt!

    1. The after effects are so individual...similar to a lot of the virus symptoms, IMHO. Thankfully, mine were pretty short-lived, but I seriously debated about staying home after lunch on Thursday. I think staying (somewhat) active helped with the body aches, but I was very careful to no overdo it.

  9. Congratulations on your second vaccination! The govt is making the gap shorter for the over-50s here, we had ours done at the same time as over-50s while not being over-50 ourselves, so no idea when we will get the call! It's been cold here, not very pleasant, would quite like some proper May weather!

    1. Our weather has been all over the map. We've had some decent (in my opinion) temps in the 60/70's, but it's also reverted to "frost advisory" status as well.

  10. It's been so interesting to see how the vaccine affects everyone differently. I had minimal side effects and my hubs had none. Go figure.

    Looks like a busy week for you again! And the rain has been a no-show here for a while. We sure need it!

    1. We need the rain as well...it's been damp all day here, and started officially raining late this afternoon. Rain in the forecast for a couple days...which is no guarantee it will actually happen LOL

  11. Congrats on being fully vaccinated! Sorry that you had to deal with the vax hangover :( Love that you were still able to stay active and have another kick-ass week!

    1. Thanks #KimTwin ;-) I think staying active aided in the body aches not lasting very long, but the exhaustion and brain fog were crazy!

  12. Glad you're fully vaccinated and made it through your vax hangover. You are crushing your mile time trials! Congrats on your climb!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! It's weird to have the climb done...I've spent so much time training for it. At least I know I can continue with the stair workouts, regardless. The time trials have been eye-opening...this week is going to be scary LOL

  13. Just whoa being 8 seconds faster this week...after your COVID shot! That's amazing!

    1. Well, the Covid shot was only about an hour prior to the 1-mile run. There's absolutely no way that finish time would have happened the next day LOL

  14. I’ve always loved Lillies of the Valley - so lovely! Glad the vaccine didn’t keep you down for too long. I didn’t have much of a reaction to either dose.

    Congrats on the Climb for Air. That sounds so tough!

    1. The Lilies of the Valley always remind me of my maternal grandmother, because she had a huge patch of them at her house ;-)

  15. Congrats on the 1 miler!! Can't wait to see how you do on the next ones. So sorry to hear about the vaccine. That is how i felt too. At least it was short term and you are back to your normal self.

    1. I'm very thankful the vaccine effects are short-term. Originally, I was on target to get both vaccines on a Friday (at work), but an opportunity came open to get the first one a couple days early, so I also got the second dose early as well. Good thing! I had a half marathon, after the first, and the Climb after this one...I would have been a hurting unit trying to do either a day after the shots LOL

  16. Well done with that 7:13 mile, Kim!
    Looking forward to reading about your Fight for Air Climb. Amazing that you did 8 miles before the challenge, too!

    1. Thanks, Catrina!! The Climb is always a fun time, and it was an interesting twist doing it in a stadium as opposed to the indoor stairwells.

  17. I love Bleeding Hearts. We don't have them here :(

    I'm sorry you had such a nasty vax hangover. That's no fun, but I'm glad it passed quickly. I'm also glad your hubby is doing ok!

  18. though you had more effect from the vaccine this time around, it's GREAT that you managed a faster time trial!! especially after the already long day you'd had. hope hubby is ok?

    great work on the climb as well! what a cool setting!
