About Me

Monday, June 28, 2021

A Lot Can Happen in Four Years

Believe it or not, Voldy has a birthday today.

Remember him? He's the keepsake from that freaky (misdiagnosed) staph infection that landed me on the operating table for emergency surgery. 

While he was pretty ugly to look at, for a very long time, now he's kind of grown on me. Well, at the very least, I've gotten used to seeing all six inches of him on a daily basis. After all, things could have played out much worse had I not bypassed my local doc (and seen the specialist instead) on that fateful day, June 29th in 2017. 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Going to Extremes

It was a week of extremes.

I'm not one to sit still, but I may have pushed the fitness a bit this week. Oh well, I'm still feeling good and not too weary for the ride.

The weather did it's own dance of heat, cold, humidity and wind...many of which were all on the same day. That was all fine and dandy as well. It is what it is, and there's no sense fighting it.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

'Fessing for June and All That Jazz

June has kinda had me dancing...

There have been some new things happening, a return of some "established" routines, and plenty of other things to be excited about.

With so many good things going on, there's a need for full disclosure...and what better way than to runfess it? You know, just lay it all out there and keep it real.

I'm game, are you?

Monday, June 21, 2021

I DID IT! Reflections on my 1-mile time trials

I did it! 

Yes, me. The gal who is not especially fond of the track, spent four weeks running 16 circles around it.

Whodda thunk, right?

For those who have not heard, I'm telling you now...I did four weeks of 1-mile time trials in May. Amazingly, they weren't so bad. Granted, they were not easy...but I walked away from them, literally, with no regrets and quite grateful for the experience.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Show Me Some Summer

...and just like that, it was full-on Summer!

We're talking daily sunshine, heat, humidity. The whole nine yards (and then some).

Thankfully, I was able to take most of my workouts outdoors, and that's always a good thing. There was plenty of action on foot and on the bikes, and even some sweat equity on the outdoor stairway. For myself, this is what the summer season is all about...getting outside as much as possible and soaking up all the sunshine (safely).

Thursday, June 17, 2021

It's a boy! Say hello to Fritz!

As many have seen by now, Gustavas (my mountain bike) became a big brother recently.

We welcomed Fritz, a hybrid bike, into the family on June 8th. Let me just say, it's been a smooth ride thus far (pun intended).

Care to hear a little more about this new addition to the family?

Monday, June 14, 2021

Let's take it Outside

Summer is (practically) here, and I have a tough time staying inside.

Several years ago, I got the idea to take my workouts outside, and it stuck. Obviously, not every workout can withstand an outdoor setting (those requiring heavy equipment or electricity, for example). That said, many workouts can be modified and adapted to the great outdoors. 

After all, why not? You're going to get hot and sweaty anyways, why not do it with a view?

Sunday, June 13, 2021

A Humid Heat Kind of Week

It was one of those "it's not the heat, it's the humidity" kind of weeks.

Believe me, I am no stranger to these, especially once the temps start climbing. Do I love the heat? Yes! The humidity...not so much. But, it's my reality and I'll take it any day over the frigid temps of winter.

And, I'll gladly run in it without too many complaints. After all, at least it's not snowing. Glass half full, and all that jazz.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Running "Things" that ain't my gig

How about a Keeping-It-Real tell-all on a few things that are #NotMyGig?

Yes, I'm a runner (I have been for 16+ years). I love lacing up and hitting the streets. I know the importance of fueling, hydrating, and re-hydrating after a long run or an especially hot/humid day.

But, there are several things most runners embrace that I have to turn my back on and take a pass. Trust me, there's no FOMO (or not much LOL). After all, running is a pretty individual thing.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Feel the Heat; Run with Caution

Summer's here, even if the calendar doesn't yet say so.

Personally, it's my favorite season for running. Yes, it's hot. It's also, more often than not, quite humid. Although it's not always comfortable, I don't have to guess how to dress for it (#GlassHalfFull).

Summer running has its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to health and safety. Most have worked hard to get to a certain level of fitness, and most aren't willing to give all that up for the sake of staying (safely) inside. 

It IS possible to continue running outdoors, even in the heat of summer...here are a few suggestions to consider:

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Gimme Gimme Some Sunshine!

Can you say SUNSHINE?

I say that because there was ample sunshine, and summer-like temps, for most of the week! Even the humidity played nice, for the most part. And the wind? Well, it definitely had its moments, but it didn't  give me too much attitude.

Overall, it was a pretty busy week, but that's just the way I like it.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Coffee Chat...this & that

Well, here we are again...a new month (already?), a new season (Yay! My favorite!), and lots to chat about (I'm game).

I've got my mug in hand. Keeping it real, I have not made much progress on becoming a "real coffee connoisseur." Honestly, I'm not losing any sleep over it (pun intended LOL), but I'm still double-fisting the chai latte's most days. And I'm okay with that.

That said, I'm ready for our monthly gathering (of sorts) over coffee, and I look forward to our usual lively conversation.