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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Running "Things" that ain't my gig

How about a Keeping-It-Real tell-all on a few things that are #NotMyGig?

Yes, I'm a runner (I have been for 16+ years). I love lacing up and hitting the streets. I know the importance of fueling, hydrating, and re-hydrating after a long run or an especially hot/humid day.

But, there are several things most runners embrace that I have to turn my back on and take a pass. Trust me, there's no FOMO (or not much LOL). After all, running is a pretty individual thing.

Care to hear a few? 

Okay, don't anybody smack me down for this, but I don't drink beer. I don't even like the stuff. Cheap beer, expensive beer, craft beer...they all taste the same to me. And they all make my tummy feel like crap (no pun intended). But, in recent years, the hard ciders have come into vogue, and those are a much better fit (at least for my palate). Actually, in all honesty, I much prefer a cold Pepsi or Coca Cola after a hot run (or bike ride). 

Look closely, I'm drinking a soda while the others are enjoying a post-long ride brew

Another popular delicacy that most runners LOVE, is a pre (or post) run banana. I've never liked bananas, but I did eat them, on occasion, with cereal (but not until my adult years). With my second pregnancy, though, I developed a huge aversion to them, and have not eaten any since (BTW, my son will be 24 years old next month, so the aversion still holds). The good news? I do like banana bread (or muffins). But if anyone tries to sneak bananas into a fruit salad or dessert of any kind, they run the risk of seeing me projectile vomit. That is not an exaggeration.

banana bread (with blueberries) for the win!

Probably the biggest #NotMyGig running nuance is my distaste for coffee. Right? And I call myself a runner. As I have said in many a blog post, I love the aroma of coffee. When I step into a coffee shop, the smell of all the blends and brews of the various beans is nothing short of paradise. I've tried (in vain) plain coffee, flavored coffee, gourmet coffee (all with, and without, a repertoire of sweeteners and cream), and I'm still not a fan. But you know what? I'm alright with my ill-fated destiny as a coffee connoisseur. As long as I can find other hot beverages (no matter the season), I'll be just fine. End of story.

Give me a hot chai latte' and no one gets hurt
Pickle juice.
A less obvious, but equally appalling, #NotMyGig thing would be pickle juice. Ugh. Gasp, gag, choke (and spit). Pickle juice has been touted as a great recovery vice for cramping or aching muscles, and I have seen it many races, both on-course and at the finish line. At the Cannonball Marathon (recap), I came upon an aid station near the 22-mile mark. There were numerous mini cups with (what I thought was) blue and yellow Gatorade. As I was gulping down my second cup of the blue stuff, the volunteer told me the pickle juice (the actual yellow stuff!) had not been a very big hit. Whoa! That was a near miss! 
**Side note - I love the fragrance and flavor of fresh dill, but once you start adding vinegar and cukes to it, it's all over.

My Garmin.
...and finally my Garmin. Most runners own some kind of running watch, and many wear said watch for every run. The wealth of information, available on one's wrist, is pretty sweet, convenient and valuable. I cannot deny that. For myself, though, all those stats are a bit overwhelming, especially if I'm just doing a routine run on a familiar route. Of course, I do wear the Garmin for all of my races (except for a select few when it's been accidentally left at home). I also wear it for most of my long runs, but more for the GPS feature than to monitor my on-going pace. Recently, I "had" to wear it for those 1-mile time trials. But do I bother with it for the short, routine runs? Nope. 

Well, this kind of turned into a bit of a runfessional disclosure. There have been times when I've felt a bit of a poser-in-running-shoes as I watched (what seemed like) everyone else indulging in a banana and/or post-race beer. Most of them have also (probably) had a cup (or two) of coffee prior to the start line. It's a good thing we get to do this running thing on our own terms or I'd be in trouble.

So, talk to me...are any of the "things" mentioned above part of your running ritual or routine?  

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

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  1. I didn't realize pickle juice was a thing for runners. I hate pickles so I'm sure I wouldn't like pickle juice either! But I do enjoy the other things. I didn't like bananas until I was in my 20s. And some days they don't sound at all appealing to me.

    1. Yeah, I'm not a pickle gals either. Even taking them off of a burger, I can still smell/taste them and it ruins the experience LOL

  2. I am not a beer person either especially after a run. I do love to eat pickles but would not drink the juice for hydration. Coffee? yes all the time.
    Bananas I do really like but only eat them occasionally.To each his own~! I do like to wear my watch all the time to keep track of monthly and yearly miles not so much pace these days

    1. Bananas are so tricky...when I was eating them (for a short period of my life), they had to be ripe and sweet (but not too mushy).

  3. Totally with you on both beer & coffee.

    That's too bad about the bananas! I hated them as a kid because my parents like underripe bananas, and I am happy when they're just starting to get spots.

    Pickle juice doesn't bothered me, and I tried it for a while for cramping. If you cramp bad enough often enough, you'll try pretty much anything!

    But you know I love my Garmin. I love the data. And it literally just takes a minute in the morning to glance at the stuff that's important to me.

    1. I can't even tolerate the smell of bananas! My aversion is over-the-top LOL. I like looking at my stats, from the Garmin, afterwards...but it's too distracting (and not motivating) for me while I'm in motion ;-)

  4. I love this post! Don't worry, if anyone tries to give you a beer I will drink it for you. Lately I have been having a banana before I run but that's because I get a good energy boost from it, I don't particularly like them. I'll drink the coffee so that you don't have to, I haven't tried pickle juice yet but I am intrigued. And yes I had a pretty advanced Garmin that's on my wrist 24/7 but I have heard of this crazy thing where folks just run and I hear that "undocumented" running counts just as much as "documented" running.

    1. Whew! I'm glad you got my back on this ;-) I think I ran for so long without anything more than a simple stopwatch, that I never had the opportunity to "depend" on having a Garmin (and all the bells/whistles that come with it).

  5. I runfess I've had maybe two sips of beer in my lifetime. Not a fan and not gonna force it. A banana I can take or leave. Mostly leave. We don't keep them in the house except in the freezer for the occasional banana bread. I've not tried pickle juice. Seems like something that should be tested before race day.

    1. My mom always buys bananas but never eats them all before they're too ripe...so she's my supplier. I don't even like them in smoothies because the flavor is so strong.

  6. I can skip the beer but I must have my coffee.

    No desire for pickle juice. When I worked I brought a banana to work to eat before a run not since I am at home since there are other things to eat.

    No on protein powder, smoothies or any supplements.

    No on stretching and foam rolling.

    No on the watch (except sometimes in a race) - Who needs stats if you run for fun.

    Am I a runner? lol

    1. Oh gosh...I totally didn't even think of protein powder or smoothies. Not a fan of those, either (but I do take supplements & vitamins). We are in our own unique running club LOL

  7. I'm with you on the coffee! I just never developed a taste for it. I do like caffeine- I like black tea in the morning and caffeinated gels during a long run or race.
    I love beer, but not right after (or even worse, during) a race.
    Had to laugh at your pickle juice story- I think it was very irresponsible of them to put pickle juice out right next to the Gatorade!!!! Blech!

    1. I have no problems with caffeine, but it has to come from a source other than coffee. Gosh, if I would have grabbed one of those pickle juice cups, it would have been BAD.

  8. Out of curiosity... how does your 24 year old feel about bananas?! I ask because when my mum was pregnant with me she developed an aversion to guavas. Just the smell would make her sick. And I have the same reaction, LOL! So we've always wondered whether there is any scientific link between her aversion during pregnancy and my aversion now!

    As for the Garmin -- I have to ask my friend ...do you record your run mileage manually so you have a total of how much you've run every year? Just the thought of running without a watch is giving me heart palpitations, LOL, see what you've done!

    1. He eats bananas, but I don't think he's especially find of them. He's a bachelor...probably living on pasta, pizza and frozen waffles LOL As for the Garmin, I do record all of my stats "old school" in a planner. It's what I know and what works best for me ;-)

    2. I was telling Darlene that she would get on with my husband as would you. He loves watchless running and always has. A new challenge is brewing in my head - running without mine for a week!

  9. I actually love this post. It's nice to actually say it out loud that hey I don't really like x, y or z but I'm still a runner!

    so for me - I do love an ice cold beer on a hot day especially after a race. I can take it or leave it otherwise. But If I drink beer it has to be good. Sorry, no watered-down massively produced stuff for me. Bananas - I never really liked them growing up and nowadays they have to be a certain type of banana for me to eat it. No brown spots for me. Coffee - no doubt about it, it runs through my veins, but I honestly am not bothered if people drink it or not. Pickle Juice - that's hilarious! Yes I've heard of this but I'd rather have a SiS tablet ha! And my Garmin, admittedly I like to have it on me always. But that's because I feel like the last forever has felt like constant rehab in progress and I want to see if I'm improving.

    Know what is not my gig? Mentioning my tempo for every single run, walk or bike ride I do. I know people that do this and it's really fine for them that it's their gig, but when I'm NOT feeling good about myself and I forget to not compare myself it's slightly annoying. (my problem, not theirs, just to clarify)

    1. HA ha...yes, I have come clean on all the #NotMyGig things that make others question my commitment to the sport of running LOL I usually share my "stats" for races or long runs (usually because I consider those somewhat important, at least for accountability), but I don't even track the other stuff LOL

  10. I can't do beer any more. I used to love a cold beer on a hot day, but some where along the line (hello 50!) it no longer agrees with me.

    I've heard about the pickle juice thing but have never understood the appeal.

    You know I love my coffee...but never before a run!

    A half a banana before an early morning run has been my saving grace on many occasions.

    This was a fun post! Thanks for linking up :)

    1. I discovered, a few years ago, that Mejool dates were a great source of potassium, so I often substitute them for the bananas. They taste SO MUCH better ;-) Yeah, I have never understood the appeal of beer after a run or a race. Apparently, I'm in the minority on that one ;-) And pickle juice just seems so wrong...on so many levels...

  11. This is fun!

    So I don't love beer, but a cold Bud Light after a hot run is yummy. I love pickle juice, iced coffee, my Garmin and I like bananas. I would prefer watermelon though.

    I don't like chocolate milk unless it's after running. And I don't like ice baths, massages or chiropracters.

  12. Great post! I might use the topic for a post. I do not like pickle juice either. Yuck! I am not a big fan of bananas either but have had it in a shake or in cake as a filling. I do like banana bread. Coffee and beer..yum. No way will I run without my Garmin.
