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Saturday, July 3, 2021

Facing The Heat Head On

The heat is on, and so is the humidity.

It's all part of the summer gig, but Holy Humidity Batman! We always have humid days in Iowa, but there's usually a break now and then. Well, this year? Not so much.

While we have had an intermittent day (or afternoon/evening) with lower humidity...more often than not, the high humidity has been there upon wake-up the next morning LOL. Thankfully, the early morning temps have been comfortable (60F-70F, on average), but my app has indicated the humidity has been in the 90th percentile most of those mornings.

Oh well, since I can not change it, I choose to face it head-on. Such was the case this past week...

Before I share the heated details, welcome to the Weekly Run Down!

I love hosting this link-up with Deborah (from Confessions of a Mother Runner)! If you write a fitness-based blog, you're invited to join the party. The link-up opens at 8:00AM (EST) on Sundays and remains open through noon on Monday. We love reading about everyone's weekly fitness endeavors, training highlights (or low lights) and race recaps. We ask that you link back to both hosts, and we encourage you to read/comment on the other linked blogs as well...please don't link-drop & dash ;-)

Anyways, here's what went down this week in my little world of fitness:

Sunday Sunny Sunday
The morning started out with a short 2-miler with the hubby (FYI, I was dressed first #JustSaying). Then, we loaded up the bikes and headed to a trail for some riding. Total biking miles, for the day, came in at 35. A few highlights were the numerous mulberries (everywhere) along the trail, meeting two of the kiddos for lunch at the turn-around, and then finding some cash in the parking lot after we'd returned to the trailhead. Not bad for a day's fitness. 

Never Miss A Monday
As mentioned, most of this week's fitness endeavors involved muggy weather conditions and Monday's 5K was no exception. But that sunrise amidst the funky clouds was legit. After work, I met Barb and Amy for the weekly hilly bike path endeavor. Even though the humidity wasn't as high (a mere 61%), the mid-80F's temps still felt pretty sticky. Although the hills are much easier with Fritz (the hybrid bike), they are still keeping me pretty humble. After returning back to town, Barb and I pedaled a few extra miles...ending with 20 total miles on wheels.  

Easy-Peasy Tuesday
I was really craving a sunrise ride...but the streets were pretty slick (from the overnight rain), my legs were feeling a little drowsy (from the hilly ride 12 hours prior), and there was no visible sunrise (#whompwhomp). So, a pre-workday walk was a win-win. I may have beat the rain (it showed up right after I returned home), but the humidity was clear and present (again). Two bonus miles walked after work as well.

Double Workout Wednesday
Another #5at5 adventure with Barb under continued balmy conditions. Seriously, my app indicated 100% humidity, but there was ZERO rain falling...that's how thick the air was (at least it wasn't snowing, right?).

Later, after work, it was Gustavas' turn for some riding. We rode (mostly) flat streets for 12 easy miles.

A Little Bit of Everything Thursday
Thursdays are a non-running day, but I try to keep them somewhat action-packed with strength training, HIIT or stair work (or a combination thereof). How does this sound:

*1-mile bike ride to the outdoor stairway (mountain bike)
** FIVE circuits of:
-10 flights of stairs (180 steps)
-10 burpees
-10 push-ups
* 1-mile bike ride back home
Wouldn't you jump, too? 

In addition, there was some walking at work (one mile during my morning break) and 1/2-mile with Max (before dinner). There also was an intense upper-body strength session in the evening (no pics, but I pinky swear it happened). And a great evening of sleep!

Low-key Friday Fitness
More balmy temps, but the hazy air and hide-&-seek clouds do make for quite a show! Just an easy-paced 2-mile run (amidst the stunning sunrise) and a 2-mile walk (after work).

Long Run Saturday...
Not gonna lie or sugar coat it, this 12-miler was a bit of slow-mo production. Both Barb and I were not feeling much mojo when we met up at 6:15, and neither had any grandiose goals as far as pacing or finish time. Things did feel much better after a few miles (energy-wise), but my average pace went from 10:20 (for the first 7.62 miles) to 10:40 (in the final 4.60 miles). I know that because I accidentally "saved" my run on the Garmin (instead of "pausing" it LOL) at our potty stop. I blame the glare of the sun and the compromised view with the sunglasses (and user error). Oh well, no big deal. I know what really happened, and so does Barb, even if it looked like I did two separate runs. Afterwards, we spent an hour recovery walking in the lazy river at the city pool. I'm guessing we walked maybe 2-3 miles (?), and it felt really good on the tired legs. 

What's on tap for Sunday
Our usual 4th of July race is actually happening on Monday. Instead, I'm planning on a short recovery run (upon wake-up), then we're heading to a trail for some biking miles with friends (40-ish miles).

Even though it was a heated (and humid) week, I'm thankful for all the workouts I was able to get done (most were outdoors, after all). Running (Sunday thru Saturday) totaled out at 24 miles. Walking saw 14 miles. Biking dominated with 69 miles. Also, there was one upper-body workout and one stair workout (total stair flights were 100, which also includes the warm-ups before my runs).

In case you missed out, here's what else went down on the blog this week:

In other news:

Friday Fashion Flair! Let's just say I'm patriotic and proud. I love dressing in red, white and blue...and not just on significant American holidays. 

This week's flowers in bloom...purple balloon flowers, the first of the orange daylilies, peach daylilies, and phlox. 

There's more than just flowers in my gardens. Saturday afternoon, I spent almost three hours squatting and yanking out numerous hearty weeds from three of my garden plots. The pics (below) of the overflowing wheel barrows don't quite do justice to how much work was involved...and there's still plenty left to do.

So, there you go. We're over halfway through 2021 (How did that happen???) and the summer season is in full swing. 

How did your week play out? Any great workouts? Tough runs? Ever accidentally saved your run instead of pausing it? Plans for Independence Day?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. It really has been a humid summer! We got a little break from it this weekend- for my run yesterday it was 62 with 80-something % humidity. I've had plenty of watch mishaps on runs. The sun glare can make it tricky! Hope you have a great 4th of July!

    1. The sun glare is blinding! Another reason I'm better off not even glancing at the Garmin while in motion LOL

  2. Have a great fourth Kim! Good job getting in all your activity this week. The humidity is no joke!

    Have a great race tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, Judy! The humidity is REAL...it really keeps us humble.

  3. As much as I complain about the heat, you haven't seen me use the treadmill since February so I'm committed to being outside.

    I haven't (yet) saved a run instead of pausing it but I've failed to start the Garmin a time or two.

  4. Great week of workouts despite the humidity Kim! Hope you have a fun holiday!

  5. Great job this week! We've been all over the place with the humidity lately.

    LOL, I have too many Garmin mishaps to name! I now have both set to auto pause and try not to screw them up by touching them.

    Happy Independence Day and thanks for the linkup!

    1. HA ha!! I've had this Garmin for a few years, but I still have not played with many of the bells and whistles. I just KNOW I'd hit the wrong button on a race course (or just as I'd be lining up) and have a panic attack. I use it for mainly just the basic GPS feature, and I like to refer back to my stats AFTER I've crossed the finish line. And that's good enough for me ;-)

  6. That sounds like a great week! And yes, humidity is a killer. People who live with dry heat say it's worse, but I don't believe it. :)
    I'm sure I've done that with my Garmin, but my biggest Garmin fails are when I pause it to get water or something, and then forget to unpause it. I'll be running along happily and realize my Garmin is still paused- ARG!
    Happy 4th! Have a great day!

    1. I ran a half marathon in the dry heat (R'N R Vegas) and it was tough in that I was constantly thirsty, but that was it. No heavy air to breathe or excessive sweating (because it evaporated almost instantly LOL)

  7. The flowers are beautiful. It's humid here too! A lazy river post long run sounds lovely.

    1. The lazy river was a neat thing to try! I don't go to the pool, like seldom, so I forget to utilize that feature.

  8. It's pouring with rain here and due to all week apparently (just when we have the hedge man due to come) but I don't envy you your heat and humidity. I have done that with my Garmin and also left it on pause, so I keep autopause on now apart from when timing myself for races and in races!

    1. Rain is such a buzzkill, unless it just happens on occasion. I think we have a couple of days with rain in the forecast, though, this week.

  9. Wow, what a beautiful dark blue (or purple?) flower! Good job on your long run. With the heat this past week I'm glad I haven't had to run very far at all! I do have the autopause set for my biking activities, but not running.

    1. I honestly have never used the autopause (I don't think?). I sometimes get a warning that it's going to "save" if I don't do anything, so I just hit a "refresh" button (again, I think?) ...I'm such a tech moron...LOL.

  10. The humidity was off the charts this week! Great job on your long run! Have a great 4th!

    1. Yep...still humid here. I think we're supposed to get some rain (tomorrow and/or Wednesday, so maybe that will drop the temps a bit...maybe...)

  11. way to keep up your mileage during all of this heat and humidity. Great week of workouts for you. Have a fun day today

    1. Thanks, Deborah! The heat and humidity are the reality, but I'd rather be outdoors than inside, so I just deal with it.

  12. Good luck on your race tomorrow. Mine was today. I lucked out because it was the coolest temps of the week and I stayed dry.

    You are amazing to get it all done even in the heat. Kudos on 12 miles!! I've been slacking on my long runs but I don't really need to do them.

    1. If you don't need the long runs, it's totally alright to let them go once in awhile. It was weird, last year, not "needing" any long runs...and I kind of enjoyed it LOL

  13. Seriously, how are we half way through 2021 already? Love that sunrise photo. We had a really hot start to the week, then it got cool, and now it’s warming up again. We seem to be in a pattern of “rolling hills” with our temperature, which is better than a hot plateau. ;-)

    1. AS much as I love summer, it is a little tough to swallow that the year is half over...already! Summer is such a short season in Iowa, at least in my opinion.

  14. A very good mileage despite heat and humidity. Glad you succeed in doing the long runs in this period (I don't).
    I think I have to go to run earlier: like you at 06:15 am instead of 07:00 am.

    1. I don't mind rising and running in the early hours, so it works out well (most of the time).

  15. good week Kim, especially in that humidity!! I'm also kind of shocked that half the year is officially over. CRAZY!

    1. Right? June flew by so fast. July always goes quickly (in our household) because we have two birthdays, and August brings us the "back-to-school routine (even though we don't have any in-house peeps in school, unless you count college).

  16. Funny how a visible sunrise can be such a motivator. Seriously wonder how many two a day runs in normal runners are watch malfunctions vs. actually two separate runs? I'd think a good majority. Loved your twinning with your husband Sunday. Hope today's race went well.

    1. Thanks, Cari! Today's race went pretty well...though it was hot and mucho humid ((again LOL)).

  17. Looks like you had a wonderful holiday weekend planned! I know this is one of your favorites!

    Love all those flowers!

    You had a great variety of workouts this week, and I know you got the most out of every one of them!

  18. We had a rainy and somewhat cool weekend but the heat is back tomorrow (100 degrees). Proud of you for tackling that long run on Saturday!

    Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend.
