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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Some SUN*RUN*FUN 'fessions

There's a lot to be said about the fun (under the sun) that a runner gets to enjoy.

As per usual, there's been a lot happening in my little world of fitness this summer. While I have had a few brief moments questioning my life's choices (I say that in humor), I've been able to forge on and keep going. Perseverance is a good thing, am I right?

That said, I do have a few 'fessions to disclose as we bid the dear month of July a fond farewell...

First off, most know about my very recent, very long bike ride last weekend. Yes, I was initiated into  RAGBRAI, last Sunday, by riding Day-1 of the week-long 2021 event (you can read all about it HERE). Admittedly, I felt dead to the world Sunday evening, and my tush (and vicinity) wanted to disown its owner after those 88+ miles. Come Monday morning, though, everything felt (almost) 100% recovered. I gotta bikefess, I was really surprised how great I felt ...but I do need to invest in a better pair of padded shorts. 

Okay, what is up with these Bird scooters? Anyone else have them invading their town, city, or neighborhood? While I see the benefit to less vehicular traffic, and less polluted air, these things are getting left everywhere (in random yards, sidewalks, on campus, and alongside buildings). My town (population ~10,000) is "big" by Iowa standards, but pretty small in the grand scheme of cities. In other words, most things of interest are well within walking distance. Our downtown has an ordinance forbidding "wheeled modes of transportation" on sidewalks, so the scooters are restricted to the streets. That said, I have yet to see one person wearing a helmet while scooting...or is that not a concern or safety issue? I'll scooterfess it here, I'm not a fan.

My Air Force Marathon training is going well, I think. Well, I guess technically, I'd be a bit behind on my long runs if I were following a "perfect" training plan (I should be at, or around, the 16-17 mile distance now...but I'm hoping to knock out 15 this weekend). I'm not "perfect," nor is my modified training with all the biking I've added into the mix. So far, it seems to be working for me and that's all that matters. Can I runfess that I'd rather be doing longer bike rides, though, than the requisite long runs? I love running ((duh)), I just don't particularly like having to run XX miles. Alas, I'm just grateful my recovery time has been pretty mild, from both the long runs and long rides. The glass is definitely half full.

With the crazy weekend I just had, I've spent the greater part of this week playing catch-up. Like a schmuck, I have been missing out on a lot of the Olympics coverage because I simply have not had any time to plant myself in front of the television. I'm not a die-hard Olympic fan, but I do love the gymnastics, track/field, and swimming/diving. I'm absolutely heartsick over Simone Biles' withdrawal, but I totally love the example she's set before the world. She's following her gut and stepping back, despite all the time, commitment, blood, sweat and tears it cost her to get to Tokyo. Huge respect for her, and mad props to the entire team! I will selfishly Simonefess, thoughthat I hope she's able to give us one more Olympian performance...but if and only if it's on her own terms. 


Finally... a year ago, our little Max was recovering from ACL surgery. It was a major challenge caring for him, and trying to keep him as immobile as possible (for a few weeks) after he came home. Fast forward to now, and it's like nothing ever happened. He's every bit as energetic and crazy as ever.  I Maxfess that I honestly cannot imagine life without him.

Whew! Does it feel good to clear the air, my conscience, and my (running) soles! 

Enough about me, what's happening in your world? Training for any Fall races? Are the Bird scooters invading your town/city? Are you an Olympics fan? 

 I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?
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  1. How nice that your RAGBRAI recovery was short and sweet - clearly all of your time on a bike has paid off! I'm betting all of your biking will serve you well on the marathon front.

    Little Max is so cute! I'm glad his "rallyback" went to well :)

    1. Honestly, I'm really sad I didn't discover this biking gig years ago, when I was just getting in to distance running. It has really served me well ;-)

  2. A good padded (whatever) is a must for biking. It's just one reason I'm not a fan. I think your biking will actually serve you well in your marathon training!

    I also see kids on the motorized scooter & think in what world is this a good idea, when most kids are really sedentary anyway?

    I tape the Olympics. There's a lot I haven't seen, too, due to time (can't watch it on the road!), but I've managed to see a good portion of it even so. I really do enjoy it!

    1. I have seen a lot of bits and pieces, but was able to watch some of it on prime time the past couple evenings. I almost didn't know how to act LOL My bike seat is comfortable, so for my shorter rides (anything under 30ish miles these days), I really don't need any extra padding. But, those 88 miles were a bit extreme...I probably would have had some achiness regardless of how much padding I'd had ;_)

  3. I can't believe it's been already a year since Max's ACL surgery. I'm glad he's happy and healthy! Glad to hear marathon training is going well. All of the athletes I coach are nervous about their fall marathons. One deferred and entered a different one because Detroit changed it's racecourse to not go into Canada. Sigh.

    1. I'm just hoping I don't have to defer this marathon a second time (I deferred it last year, after Covid forced the event into going virtual...and then there was that untimely stress fracture LOL).

  4. we had a surge of scooters around about 2 years ago. We don't have too many in the suburbs here but lots in Arlington near the metro stations. Glad to see Max is doing well again! Definitely grab more padded bike shorts and some chamois creme :)

    1. This is the first I've seen such an influx of scooters here. Some people already had their own, but those didn't get left, abandoned, all over the place.

  5. The scooters are all over D.C. I think they are a great option for sightseeing, but don’t understand how they are left randomly in the middle of a sidewalk — when I see them on Memorial Bridge I always wonder what happened ...

    1. I agree...it's kind creepy seeing them just out in the middle of nowhere.

  6. When my sister and I were in Nashville, those scooters were everywhere, and there were a lot of drunken tourists riding them. We watched one guy hit a curb and go flying over the handlebars. He did get up--maybe he didn't feel the pain? Anyhoo, as a former ER nurse, not a fan, at all. But who am I to judge? I'm the one who fell from a climbing rope...

    1. I totally fail to see the significance of them in my town. It's not like we're a huge metro area with hoards of traffic and long distances to go on foot. And, why are people not wearing helmets???

  7. Wow, I am impressed you recovered from such a long bike ride so quickly!
    I have not seen those scooters yet. I will fess though that I saw someone riding a motorcycle without a helmet, yet they had a mask on...lol

    1. I saw several people, last Fall (when I was biking for most of my fitness), wearing masks and PPE face shields sans helmets on their bikes. Yeah, strange set of priorities!

  8. That picture of Max with the cast on his little leg is too cute!
    I haven't seen scooters around here yet, but when we were in Austin people were riding them all over the place.
    I have been watching the Olympics WAY TOO MUCH. My family is begging me to get in bed earlier, but I just can't turn it off until it's over for the night! I feel bad for Simone, but I'm enjoying seeing all the other women gymnasts compete- with her gone, it's kind of leveled the playing field for the rest of them.

    1. Oh, I totally agree...her absence has definitely leveled the playing field. I fell asleep on the couch, Tuesday night (?), having missed the team competition...and woke up around 2AM...so I then stayed up for an hour watching what I'd missed earlier. #oops

  9. I am usually glued to the TV for the Olympics but for some reason I am out every night for different running groups and then too tired to watch. I've caught bits and pieces.

    Sad for Simone but happy for Suni Lee.

    I'm not one to follow a plan exactly and I didn't for nYC marathon. I got through it and still enjoyed my life during the training.

    1. Knock wood, my unorthodox plan is going alright. The fact that my recoveries have been pretty uneventful (thus far) leads me to believe my body is happy.

  10. That is great you recovered so quickly from your bike ride! But I am not surprised because you are very active and your body is used to everything you do. I have not been watching too many of the Olympics because of the time change. I did see a few of the swimming last night (??) and will do again today. I am more excited about track and field
