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Thursday, November 25, 2021

'Fession Time, Feelin' Fine

Here we 'fess again...time to bare (our running soles) and share (a few things).

Funny how each month I wonder if there will be anything that needs 'fessing, and somehow I never have any trouble finding it. Or, maybe these 'fess-worthy things find me?

None the less, here's what's going down at the Runfessional this month... 

Here's what I'm baring and sharing...

Since we just cruised through another Thanksgiving, I have to give a shout-out to all the brave peeps who showed up on what is probably our coldest Turkey Trot on record. Ugh, Momma N definitely was in a mood! I gotta #TrotFess, I was taken aback (in a good way!) by the HUGE turnout, given the insanely frigid temps we had on such a busy day. It was cold, and fighting that headwind was brutal...but (could it be???) I may be acclimated because the only thing cold on me was my face. Huh. 

Yes, it was 18F with a feels-like of ZERO

Speaking of turkey trots, my Talk To Me Tuesday reel (on Instagram) was a major undertaking this past week. There was crazy cold weather (and lots of wind) in the forecast, so I thought it best to shoot the video last weekend (when the temps were still comfortable and sunny). Well, I lost count (because I had to keep deleting, LOL), but I'm guessing it took 30ish attempts to get the wording down. Did I mention that the neighborhood was also abuzz with dogs barking, lawnmowers and leaf blowers as well? I #ReelFess, this felt like such a fail...but the finished reel has actually made it to the top 9 of the reels (and videos) in this series over the past 25 weeks. Whodda thunk?

I've been doing a lot  of cycling this year (I know, #shocker). In recent weeks, I've had to move the cycling indoors, due to the cold temps and excessive wind. The past few Sundays have had me doing early-morning 25-milers, on the stationary bike. I'd thought something was up with my bike's monitor "resetting" after the 20-mile mark, but had the #LightBulbMoment revelation that's it's the 100-minute mark that's resetting (do to the number of available digits to display). So, not only am I #DuhFessing (because, #duh, LOL), I'm also #WowFessing because that means I've been cranking out these 25-milers about 20 minutes faster than I was aware of. Go me!

That would be 25 miles in 111 minutes (and change)  

In a related topic of discussion, my 2021 cycling miles are much higher than the 1690 miles cycled last year. I passed the 2021-mile mark a few weeks ago, so now I'm trying to come up with a plan to finish the year strong... 2500 miles? 2750 miles? Or, I could just ride to my heart's content and not chase any specific mileage goal. After all, that's what I do with my running mileage. Ugh, let me #BikeFess, the options are overwhelming, LOL.

Finally, with Thanksgiving over and done, that means the Runners World Winter Run Streak is back! Gosh, I think this is my ninth year doing this. Also, it was a year ago, when I started last winter's Streak, that my "daily outdoor streak" began. Basically, that means I've made it a priority to get outside, every day, for some form of fitness and fresh air. I'll #RunFess it here and now...while it's been a fun endeavor, it's also had its challenges. Stalking the weather, and dancing around the precipitation, can get a little stressful on a daily basis. Just saying.

So, that's enough 'fessing for now. It does feel good to "bare and share" a few things with friends, wouldn't you agree?  

Anything on your mind that needs 'fessing? Any end-of-year goals you're working on? Video-shooting stress? Turkey trotting this year?

  I'm  linking this with Marcia for the monthly Runfessions link-up.

I'm also linking this with MichelleReneeDarleneJenn and Zenaida for the Fit Five Friday Link-up.

By the way...are you following me on social media?

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  1. Fessing up to NO RUNNING for 2 weeks today. This Awful Cold (it's been on the news in the UK) has really kicked my bottom. I will be back, though. There's only so much a girl can read, I have discovered. I know!

    1. Oh, I hope you're feeling better and back in the running shoes soon!

  2. I suspected you were riding much faster than what you said previously. Yeah that's a chilly TT. I think the coldest one I've run it was a whole 6 degrees. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend!

    1. Honestly, I really should study the bike's owners manual better. It probably mentions all the bells & whistles & features in print, right? It was 11F feels-like this morning for my run...WOOT! We're on the upswing!

  3. I do get outside most days -- but not every day. There are definitely days that are just too nasty. That's me though! Kudos to you, Kim.

    30 times? Wow. I am not a perfectionist. Of course, my videos are considerably longer.

    Yesterday was definitely very cold in the morning, but more mild by the afternoon. No Turkey Trot here, as we were already on the road at that time. Brownie (edible) points to you, Kim! :)

    1. This video was just such a challenge! Since it was only 30ish seconds long, it wasn't that big of a deal to keep re-shooting...but all the noisy neighbors weren't cutting me any slack.

  4. These Turkey Trots look so fun (and your TT hat is ADORABLE). Canadian Thanksgiving happens in October, and I don't think there is a single turkey trot where I live! Maybe next year I should try to drum up some interest and start my own TT?!

    I've been aiming to run 3x/week, and it has felt great. I think that's the cadence I need. September I ran every single day and it was just too much. Not fun anymore. Life feels a bit too busy to be working on exercise streaks, but the 3x/week feels like the perfect amount of flexibility + accountability of getting it done. I've also just been sucking it up and doing it on the treadmill which has been...surprisingly fine. I turn off the lights and plug in the Christmas tree. Also, it's when I let myself indulge in my favourite podcasts, which makes the whole running experience even more enjoyable.

    We generally walk the kids to school 5 days a week and the weather has been awful - rain (and snow). I think we've driven more in the last three weeks than we did the ENTIRE school year last year. Ugh.

    1. Finding the perfect balance, in terms of running frequency/pace/effort is KEY! It takes some trial and effort to figure out what that magical formula is for you and your lifestyle. I'm glad the 3X/week is working well!!!

    2. I forgot to mention, this turkey trot was the brain child of a friend and myself. This was our 10th year, and each year it has grown bigger. We don't have any registrations or fees, but ask for participants to donate food or money to our local food bank. It's a great way of giving back and celebrating our blessings. I hope you take the initiative and start one of your own! I bet you'll have great support ;-)

  5. Oh, you would have liked our turkey trot weather! I think it was 64 degrees. If I were trying to run fast I would have liked it in the 50s, but for just hanging out and having fun, the weather was perfect. Congratulations to everyone who showed up and ran yours! Brr.
    Good luck on your streak! Is it every day from Thanksgiving to Christmas?

    1. The Streak actually goes from Thanksgiving through New Years Day, but I technically started a day early (a regular Wednesday run with Barb). I was very impressed with the huge showing we had for our Trot! We even had some bikers who started with us, then veered off and did their own (longer) route ;-)

  6. Yes on the turkey trot but it was not as cold here.

    No on the bike indoor and outdoor. I had high expectations and aspirations but when I have time I'd rather run walk or hike.

    1. I've said it before, but I was really surprised how much I like indoor cycling. I much prefer to be outside, but the indoor gig has really been a great fit for me (MUCH better than the treadmill!).

  7. I runfess that I can relate to your dilemma of setting your biking mileage goal. There's no wrong answer and it's fun to work through all of the possibilities.

    I also runfess that I am joining you for the Runner's World Winter Run Streak! I can't wait to earn the right to call myself a streaker. I also runfess that I am very much looking forward to the days when I will be running just one mile.

    1. YAY!!!!! I'm excited to hear how your Streak goes! It's been a fun little end-of-year routine for me because it's very different than what I'd "normally" do, and it gets me through a busy time of year. Also, it ushers in the start of longer days since we pass the Winter Solstice near the end ;_ Good luck!!!

  8. Good for you for keeping up with the videos. I am trying to do more reels but they are time consuming.Yes I can relate to you taking 20 takes bc that happens to me sometimes. Gotta give em what they want right?! That is cold for a Turkey trot! We had your cold for a few days and now we are back to regular cold ha. Happy Thanksgiving

    1. Well, I've kept my reels very basic (not much fancy editing or music), but I anticipate I may have to up my game eventually. Our cold is still here, but not as bad as yesterday. At least we have sunshine today ;-)

  9. I started the year with a running mileage goal, but my achilles put an end to that. I’ve never set a big cycling goal, but on my Schwinn I try to get 10 miles in a 30 min workout (obv our bikes are calibrated differently!).

    One reason I stopped posting on IG is because it takes so much time to do it right. I do not have the patience for video!

    1. I usually have my resistance set in the medium range, but wonder if I should have that lower? I'd probably be able to go faster (and, therefore, farther), but I don't like fast pedaling, LOL. I'm starting to appreciate the "stand-up" segments and intervals, though.

  10. I’m not sure I could’ve ran in that freezing cold weather. Who knows though because like we’ve said before, we can do hard things. Lol. Obviously you can!!

    1. Oh, I know you can do hard things, too!! Yesterday's weather was ridiculous! Thankfully, we don't have those extremes everyday, but they're still challenging. They really make us appreciate the better weather conditions ;-)

  11. Holy smokes that's one cold turkey trot! It's great that you had such a good turnout.

    I'm glad you figured out the bike re-set issue - definitely makes sense to me that you are riding faster than you originally thought.

    I should have runfessed that I thought about joining you on the RW streak for half a sec, but that quickly came to an end with this morning's freezing rain. Happy streaking :)

    1. Oh but Michelle, you can streak inside if need be ;-) Don't let the outside elements deter you from a streaking good time ;-)

  12. No streaking for me! This year I have a good excuse as I am returning to running from my injury. Don't want to get an overuse injury...and that foot isn't healing properly. No need to tempt fate.

  13. Cycling indoor is a very good option. I have never ridden outdoor anymore because of the many incidents on the roads.
    Fessing up to no running because I have a strong flu despite I got the flu shot.

  14. I will see, those run streaks are quite impressive - especially for those of you/us with harsh winters!

  15. I know it's colder for you than it is here, but it's been a cold fall and winter for us. I'm not hating it. It makes long runs so much more bearable.

    No cycling here, but I am getting back to hiking.
